Year 2020,
, 1368 - 1376, 31.12.2020
Vıdyaranı Lakshmanadas
Padma Priya
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On frontier and exterior in intuitionistic supra α- closed set
Year 2020,
, 1368 - 1376, 31.12.2020
Vıdyaranı Lakshmanadas
Padma Priya
The main aim of the study of this paper is to work with the properties of frontier and exterior in intuitionistic supra topological spaces. Considering this we have introduced intuitionistic supra α-frontier andintuitionistic α-exterior in intuitionistic supra topological space. We have also deliberated the properties of intuitionistic suppra α-frontier and intuitionistic supra α-exterior in intuitionistic supra topological space. The comparative study has been done with the use of intuitionistic supra α-open set between Intuitionistic supra frontier, Intuitionistic supra exterior and intuitionistic supra α-frontier, intuitionistic α-exterior in intuitionistic supra topological space.
- Coker, D., A note on intutionistic sets and intutionistic points, Turk.J.Math., 20-3 (1996), 343-351.
- Coker, D., An introduction to intutionistic fuzzy topological spaces, Fuzzy sets and systems, (1997), 81-89.
- Coker, D., An introduction to Intutionistic topological spaces, Busefal, 81 (2000), 51-56.
- Levin, N., semi open sets and semi continunity in topological spaces, Amer.Math.,12 (1991), 5-13.
- Devi, R., Sampathkumar, S., Caldas, M., On supra α-open sets ans Sα-continuous functions, General Mathematics, 16(2) (2008),77-84.
- Mashhour, A.S., Allam, A.A., Mahmoud, F.S., Khedr, F.H., On Supra topological spaces, Indian J.Pure and Appl. Math., 14(4) (1983),502-510.
- Zadeh, L.A., Fuzzy sets, Information and control, 8 (1965), 338-353.
- Vidyarani, L., Vigneshwaran, M., On some intutionistic supra closed sets on intutionistic supra topological spaces, Bulletin of Mathematics and Statistics Research, 3(3) (2015), 1-9.
- Ilango, G., Albinaa, T.A., Properties of a α-interior and α-closure in intuitionistic topological spaces, IOSR Journal of Mathematics, 12 (2015), 91-95.
- Andrijevic, D., Some properties of the topology of α-sets, Mat.Vesnik, 36 (1984), 1-10.
- Girija, S., Selvanayaki, S., Ilango, G., Frontier and semi frontier in intuitionistic topological spaces, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web and Information Technologies, 5 (2018), 1-5.
- Njastad, O., On some classes of nearly open sets, Pacfic J.Math., 15 (1965), 961-970.
- Asmaa, Y.J., Raouf, G., On generalization closed set and generalized coninunity on intuitionistic topological spaces, J.of Al-anbar University of Pure Science 3 (2009), 1-11.