Research Article
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Year 2022, , 533 - 553, 30.06.2022



  • Xi, B. Y., Qi, F., Some integral inequalities of Hermite–Hadamard type for convex functions with applications to means, J. Funct. Spaces. Appl., Article ID 980438 (2012), 1–14.
  • Özcan, S., İşcan, İ., Some new Hermite Hadamard type integral inequalities for the s–convex functions and theirs applications, J. Inequal. Appl., 201 (2019), 1–14.
  • Butt, S. I., Budak, H., Tariq, M., Nadeem, M., Integral inequalities for n–polynomial s–type preinvex functions with applications, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., (2021).
  • Hudzik, H., Maligranda, L., Some remarks on s-convex functions, Aequationes Math, 48 (1994), 100-111.
  • Hadamard, J., Etude sur les proprietes des fonctions entieres en particulier d’une fonction consideree par Riemann, J. Math. Pures. Appl., 58 (1893), 171–215.
  • Kadakal, M., İşcan, İ., Exponential type convexity and some related inequalities, J. Inequal. Appl., 82 (2020), 1–9.
  • Butt, S. I., Tariq, M., Aslam, A., Ahmad, H., Nofel, T. A., Hermite–Hadamard type inequalities via generalized harmonic exponential convexity, J. Funct. Spaces, (2021), 1–12.
  • Butt, S. I., Kashuri, A., Tariq, M., Nasir, J., Aslam, A., Geo, W., Hermite–Hadamard–type inequalities via n–polynomial exponential–type convexity and their applications, Adv. Differ. Equ., 508 (2020).
  • Butt, S. I., Kashuri, A., Tariq, M., Nasir, J., Aslam, A., Geo, W., n–polynomial exponential–type p–convex function with some related inequalities and their applications, Heliyon, (2020). DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05420
  • Sarikaya, M. Z., Set, E., Yaldiz, H., Basak, N., Hermite Hadamard inequalities for fractional integrals and related fractional inequalities, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57(9-10) (2003), 2403-2407.
  • Set, E., New inequalities of Ostrowski type for mappings whose derivatives are s-convex in the second sense via fractional integrals, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 63(7) (2012), 1147-1154.
  • Ostrowski, A., Uber die Absolutabweichung einer differentiebaren funktion von ihren integralmittelwert, Comment. Math. Helv., 10 (1938), 226–227.
  • Mohsen, B. B., Awan, M. U., Javed, M. Z., Noor, M. A., Noor, K. I., Some new Ostrowski-type inequalities involving σ-fractional integrals, J. Math., (2021).
  • Akhtar, N., Awan, M. U., Javed, M. Z., Rassias, M. T., Mihai, M. V., Noor, M. A., Noor, K. I., Ostrowski type inequalities involving harmonically convex functions and applications, Symmetry, 13(2) (2021).
  • Alomari, M., Darus, M., Dragomir, S. S., Cerone, P., Ostrowski type inequalities for functions whose derivatives are s-convex in the second sense, Applied Mathematics Letters, 23(9) (2010), 1071-1076.
  • Niculescu, C. P., Persson, L. E., Convex Functions and Their Applications, Springer, New York, 2006.
  • Set, E., Özdemir, M. E., Sarikaya, M. Z., New inequalities of Ostrowski’s type for s-convex functions in the second sense with applications, arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.0702, (2010).
  • Dragomir, S. S., Fitzpatrik, S., The Hadamard inequality for s−convex functions in the second sense, Demonstratio Math., 32(4) (1999), 687-696.
  • Khalil, R., Horani, M. A., Yousaf, A., Sababheh, M., A new definition of fractional derivative, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 264 (2014), 65–70.
  • Napoles valdes, J. E., Guzman, P. M., Lugo, L. M., Some new results on non–confromable fractional calculus, Adv. Dyn. Syst. Appl., 13 (2018), 167–175.
  • Gomez–Aguilar, J. F., Novel analytic solutions of the fractional drude model, Optik, 168 (2018), 728–740.
  • Gomez–Aguilar, J. F., Analytic and numerical solutions of a nonlinear alcoholism model via variable–order fractional differential equations, Phys. A Stat. Mech. Appl., 494 (2018), 52–75.
  • Ghanim, F., Al-Janaby, H. F., Bazighifan, O., Some new extensions on fractional differential and integral properties for Mittag-Leffler confluent hypergeometric function, Fractal Fract., 5 (2021), 143.
  • El-Deeb, A. A.-M., Bazighifan, O., Awrejcewicz, J. A., Variety of dynamic Steffensen-type inequalities on a general time scale, Symmetry, 13 (2021), 1738.
  • Elayaraja, R., Ganesan, V., Bazighifan, O., Cesarano, C., Oscillation and asymptotic properties of differential equations of third-order, Axioms, 10 (2021), 192.
  • Tariq, M., Sahoo, S. K., Nasir, J., Awan, S. K., Some Ostrowski type integral inequalities using Hypergeometric Functions, J. Frac. Calc. Nonlinear Sys., 2 (2021), 24–41.
  • Tariq, M., Nasir, J., Sahoo, S. K., Mallah, A. A., A note on some Ostrowski type inequalities via generalized exponentially convex function, J. Math. Anal. Model., 2 (2021), 1–15.
  • Tariq, M., New Hermite–Hadamard type inequalities via p–harmonic exponential type convexity and applications, U. J. Math. Appl., 4 (2021), 59–69.
  • Tariq, M., New Hermite–Hadamard type and some related inequalities via s-type p-convex function, IJSER., 11(12) (2020), 498-508.
  • Valdes, J. E. N., Rodriguez, J. M., Sigarreta, J. M., New Hermite–Hadamard type inequalities involving non-conformable integral operators, Symmetry, 11 (2019), 1–11.
  • Olver, F. W. J., Lozier, D. W., Boisvert, R. F., Clark, F. C., The NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2010.
  • Miller, K., Ross, B., An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1993.
  • Podlubni, I., Fractional Differential Equations, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999.
  • Set, E., Sarikaya, M. Z., Ozdemir, M. E., Yildirim, H., The Hermite–Hadamard inequality for some convex functions via fractional integral and related results, JAMSI., (2011).
  • Noor, A. M., Noor, K. I., Awan, M. U., Fractional Ostrowski inequalities for s-Godunova-Levin functions, I. J. Anal. Appl., 5(2) (2014), 167–173.

A novel analysis of integral inequalities in the frame of fractional calculus

Year 2022, , 533 - 553, 30.06.2022


In this paper, we define and explore the new family of exponentially convex functions which are called exponentially s–convex functions. We attain the amazing examples and algebraic properties of this newly introduced function. In addition, we find a novel version of Hermite-Hadamard type inequality in the support of this newly introduced concept via the frame of classical and fractional calculus (non-conformable and Riemann-Liouville integrals operator). Furthermore, we investigate refinement of Hermite-Hadamard type inequality by using exponentially s–convex functions via fractional integral operator. Finally, we elaborate some Ostrowski type inequalities in the frame of fractional calculus. These new results yield us some generalizations of the prior results.


  • Xi, B. Y., Qi, F., Some integral inequalities of Hermite–Hadamard type for convex functions with applications to means, J. Funct. Spaces. Appl., Article ID 980438 (2012), 1–14.
  • Özcan, S., İşcan, İ., Some new Hermite Hadamard type integral inequalities for the s–convex functions and theirs applications, J. Inequal. Appl., 201 (2019), 1–14.
  • Butt, S. I., Budak, H., Tariq, M., Nadeem, M., Integral inequalities for n–polynomial s–type preinvex functions with applications, Math. Methods Appl. Sci., (2021).
  • Hudzik, H., Maligranda, L., Some remarks on s-convex functions, Aequationes Math, 48 (1994), 100-111.
  • Hadamard, J., Etude sur les proprietes des fonctions entieres en particulier d’une fonction consideree par Riemann, J. Math. Pures. Appl., 58 (1893), 171–215.
  • Kadakal, M., İşcan, İ., Exponential type convexity and some related inequalities, J. Inequal. Appl., 82 (2020), 1–9.
  • Butt, S. I., Tariq, M., Aslam, A., Ahmad, H., Nofel, T. A., Hermite–Hadamard type inequalities via generalized harmonic exponential convexity, J. Funct. Spaces, (2021), 1–12.
  • Butt, S. I., Kashuri, A., Tariq, M., Nasir, J., Aslam, A., Geo, W., Hermite–Hadamard–type inequalities via n–polynomial exponential–type convexity and their applications, Adv. Differ. Equ., 508 (2020).
  • Butt, S. I., Kashuri, A., Tariq, M., Nasir, J., Aslam, A., Geo, W., n–polynomial exponential–type p–convex function with some related inequalities and their applications, Heliyon, (2020). DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05420
  • Sarikaya, M. Z., Set, E., Yaldiz, H., Basak, N., Hermite Hadamard inequalities for fractional integrals and related fractional inequalities, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 57(9-10) (2003), 2403-2407.
  • Set, E., New inequalities of Ostrowski type for mappings whose derivatives are s-convex in the second sense via fractional integrals, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 63(7) (2012), 1147-1154.
  • Ostrowski, A., Uber die Absolutabweichung einer differentiebaren funktion von ihren integralmittelwert, Comment. Math. Helv., 10 (1938), 226–227.
  • Mohsen, B. B., Awan, M. U., Javed, M. Z., Noor, M. A., Noor, K. I., Some new Ostrowski-type inequalities involving σ-fractional integrals, J. Math., (2021).
  • Akhtar, N., Awan, M. U., Javed, M. Z., Rassias, M. T., Mihai, M. V., Noor, M. A., Noor, K. I., Ostrowski type inequalities involving harmonically convex functions and applications, Symmetry, 13(2) (2021).
  • Alomari, M., Darus, M., Dragomir, S. S., Cerone, P., Ostrowski type inequalities for functions whose derivatives are s-convex in the second sense, Applied Mathematics Letters, 23(9) (2010), 1071-1076.
  • Niculescu, C. P., Persson, L. E., Convex Functions and Their Applications, Springer, New York, 2006.
  • Set, E., Özdemir, M. E., Sarikaya, M. Z., New inequalities of Ostrowski’s type for s-convex functions in the second sense with applications, arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.0702, (2010).
  • Dragomir, S. S., Fitzpatrik, S., The Hadamard inequality for s−convex functions in the second sense, Demonstratio Math., 32(4) (1999), 687-696.
  • Khalil, R., Horani, M. A., Yousaf, A., Sababheh, M., A new definition of fractional derivative, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 264 (2014), 65–70.
  • Napoles valdes, J. E., Guzman, P. M., Lugo, L. M., Some new results on non–confromable fractional calculus, Adv. Dyn. Syst. Appl., 13 (2018), 167–175.
  • Gomez–Aguilar, J. F., Novel analytic solutions of the fractional drude model, Optik, 168 (2018), 728–740.
  • Gomez–Aguilar, J. F., Analytic and numerical solutions of a nonlinear alcoholism model via variable–order fractional differential equations, Phys. A Stat. Mech. Appl., 494 (2018), 52–75.
  • Ghanim, F., Al-Janaby, H. F., Bazighifan, O., Some new extensions on fractional differential and integral properties for Mittag-Leffler confluent hypergeometric function, Fractal Fract., 5 (2021), 143.
  • El-Deeb, A. A.-M., Bazighifan, O., Awrejcewicz, J. A., Variety of dynamic Steffensen-type inequalities on a general time scale, Symmetry, 13 (2021), 1738.
  • Elayaraja, R., Ganesan, V., Bazighifan, O., Cesarano, C., Oscillation and asymptotic properties of differential equations of third-order, Axioms, 10 (2021), 192.
  • Tariq, M., Sahoo, S. K., Nasir, J., Awan, S. K., Some Ostrowski type integral inequalities using Hypergeometric Functions, J. Frac. Calc. Nonlinear Sys., 2 (2021), 24–41.
  • Tariq, M., Nasir, J., Sahoo, S. K., Mallah, A. A., A note on some Ostrowski type inequalities via generalized exponentially convex function, J. Math. Anal. Model., 2 (2021), 1–15.
  • Tariq, M., New Hermite–Hadamard type inequalities via p–harmonic exponential type convexity and applications, U. J. Math. Appl., 4 (2021), 59–69.
  • Tariq, M., New Hermite–Hadamard type and some related inequalities via s-type p-convex function, IJSER., 11(12) (2020), 498-508.
  • Valdes, J. E. N., Rodriguez, J. M., Sigarreta, J. M., New Hermite–Hadamard type inequalities involving non-conformable integral operators, Symmetry, 11 (2019), 1–11.
  • Olver, F. W. J., Lozier, D. W., Boisvert, R. F., Clark, F. C., The NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2010.
  • Miller, K., Ross, B., An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1993.
  • Podlubni, I., Fractional Differential Equations, Academic Press, San Diego, 1999.
  • Set, E., Sarikaya, M. Z., Ozdemir, M. E., Yildirim, H., The Hermite–Hadamard inequality for some convex functions via fractional integral and related results, JAMSI., (2011).
  • Noor, A. M., Noor, K. I., Awan, M. U., Fractional Ostrowski inequalities for s-Godunova-Levin functions, I. J. Anal. Appl., 5(2) (2014), 167–173.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Applied Mathematics
Journal Section Research Articles

Bibhakar Kodamasingh This is me 0000-0002-2751-7793

Muhammad Tariq 0000-0001-8372-2532

Jamshed Nasir This is me 0000-0002-7141-4089

Soubhagya Sahoo This is me 0000-0003-4524-1951

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date July 28, 2021
Acceptance Date November 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kodamasingh, B., Tariq, M., Nasir, J., Sahoo, S. (2022). A novel analysis of integral inequalities in the frame of fractional calculus. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, 71(2), 533-553.
AMA Kodamasingh B, Tariq M, Nasir J, Sahoo S. A novel analysis of integral inequalities in the frame of fractional calculus. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. June 2022;71(2):533-553. doi:10.31801/cfsuasmas.975700
Chicago Kodamasingh, Bibhakar, Muhammad Tariq, Jamshed Nasir, and Soubhagya Sahoo. “A Novel Analysis of Integral Inequalities in the Frame of Fractional Calculus”. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics 71, no. 2 (June 2022): 533-53.
EndNote Kodamasingh B, Tariq M, Nasir J, Sahoo S (June 1, 2022) A novel analysis of integral inequalities in the frame of fractional calculus. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics 71 2 533–553.
IEEE B. Kodamasingh, M. Tariq, J. Nasir, and S. Sahoo, “A novel analysis of integral inequalities in the frame of fractional calculus”, Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat., vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 533–553, 2022, doi: 10.31801/cfsuasmas.975700.
ISNAD Kodamasingh, Bibhakar et al. “A Novel Analysis of Integral Inequalities in the Frame of Fractional Calculus”. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics 71/2 (June 2022), 533-553.
JAMA Kodamasingh B, Tariq M, Nasir J, Sahoo S. A novel analysis of integral inequalities in the frame of fractional calculus. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. 2022;71:533–553.
MLA Kodamasingh, Bibhakar et al. “A Novel Analysis of Integral Inequalities in the Frame of Fractional Calculus”. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 71, no. 2, 2022, pp. 533-5, doi:10.31801/cfsuasmas.975700.
Vancouver Kodamasingh B, Tariq M, Nasir J, Sahoo S. A novel analysis of integral inequalities in the frame of fractional calculus. Commun. Fac. Sci. Univ. Ank. Ser. A1 Math. Stat. 2022;71(2):533-5.

Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series A1 Mathematics and Statistics.

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