Year 2024,
, 51 - 62, 31.03.2024
David Mohammed Ezekiel
Ravi Samikannu
Oduetse Matsebe
- Abbas, N. and X. Liu, 2022 A mixed dynamic optimization with μ-
synthesis (dk iterations) via optimal gain for varying dynamics
of decoupled twin-rotor mimo system based on the method of
inequality (moi). Journal of Control Engineering and Applied
Informatics 24: 13–23.
- Abdulwahhab, O.W. and N. H. Abbas, 2017 A new method to tune
a fractional-order pid controller for a twin rotor aerodynamic
system. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 42: 5179–
- Agand, P., M. A. Shoorehdeli, and A. Khaki-Sedigh, 2017 Adaptive
recurrent neural network with lyapunov stability learning rules
for robot dynamic terms identification. Engineering applications
of artificial intelligence 65: 1–11.
- Ahmad, M., A. Ali, and M. A. Choudhry, 2016 Fixed-structure
h∞ controller design for two-rotor aerodynamical system (tras).
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 41: 3619–3630.
- Ahmad, S. M., A. J. Chipperfield, and M. O. Tokhi, 2000a Dynamic
modelling and control of a 2-dof twin rotor multi-input
multi-output system. In 2000 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society. IECON 2000. 2000 IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation.
21st Century Technologies, volume 2, pp. 1451–1456, IEEE.
- Ahmad, S. M., A. J. Chipperfield, and O. Tokhi, 2000b Dynamic
modeling and optimal control of a twin rotor mimo system.
In Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 National Aerospace and Electronics
Conference. NAECON 2000. Engineering Tomorrow (Cat. No.
00CH37093), pp. 391–398, IEEE.
- Alam, M. S., F. M. Aldebrez, and M. O. Tokhi, 2004 Adaptive
command shaping using genetic algorithms for vibration control.
In Proceedings of IEEE SMC UK-RI Third Workshop on Intelligent
Cybernetic Systems, pp. 7–8, IEEE.
- Bensidhoum, T., F. Bouakrif, and M. Zasadzinski, 2023 A high
order p-type iterative learning control scheme for unknown
multi input multi output nonlinear systems with unknown input
saturation. International Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics & Computer Science 3: 27–31.
- Castillo, E., B. Guijarro-Berdinas, O. Fontenla-Romero, A. Alonso-
Betanzos, and Y. Bengio, 2006 A very fast learning method for
neural networks based on sensitivity analysis. Journal of Machine
Learning Research 7.
- Chu, S. R., R. Shoureshi, and M. Tenorio, 1990 Neural networks for
system identification. IEEE Control systems magazine 10: 31–35.
- Coelho, J., R. Neto, D. Afonso, C. Lebres, H. Fachada, et al., 2007a
Helicopter system modelling and control with matlab. CEE’07-
pp. 110–117.
- Coelho, J., R. M. Neto, C. Lebres, H. Fachada, N. M. Ferreira, et al.,
2007b Application of fractional algorithms in the control of a
helicopter system. In Symposium on Applied Fractional Calculus,
pp. 1–12.
- Coelho, J., R. M. Neto, C. Lebres, V. Santos, N. M. Ferreira, et al.,
2008 Application of fractional algorithms in the control of a twin
rotor multiple input-multiple output system. ENOC 08 pp. 1–8.
- Darus, I. Z. M. and Z. A. Lokaman, 2010 Dynamic modelling of
twin rotor multi system in horizontal motion. Jurnal Mekanikal .
Demuth, H. B. and M. H. Beale, 2000 Neural Network Toolbox: For
Use with MATLAB®. MathWorks.
- El-Fakdi, A. and M. Carreras, 2013 Two-step gradient-based reinforcement
learning for underwater robotics behavior learning.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 61: 271–282.
- Ezekiel, D. M., R. Samikannu, and O. Matsebe, 2021 Pitch and yaw
angular motions (rotations) control of the 1-dof and 2-dof trms:
A survey. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
28: 1449–1458.
- Ezekiel, D. M., R. Samikannu, and M. Oduetse, 2020 Modelling
of the twin rotor mimo system (trms) using the first principles
approach. In 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication
and Informatics (ICCCI), pp. 1–7, IEEE.
- Ghasemiyeh, R., R. Moghdani, and S. S. Sana, 2017 A hybrid artificial
neural network with metaheuristic algorithms for predicting
stock price. Cybernetics and systems 48: 365–392.
- Khishe, M., M. R. Mosavi, and A. Moridi, 2018 Chaotic fractal
walk trainer for sonar data set classification using multi-layer
perceptron neural network and its hardware implementation.
Applied Acoustics 137: 121–139.
- Lin, S. and A. A. Goldenberg, 2001 Neural-network control of
mobile manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12:
- Ljung, L. and S. Gunnarsson, 1990 Adaptation and tracking in
system identification—a survey. Automatica 26: 7–21.
- Moness, M. and T. Diaa-Eldeen, 2017 Experimental nonlinear identification
of a lab-scale helicopter system using mlp neural network.
In 2017 13th International Computer Engineering Conference
(ICENCO), pp. 166–171, IEEE.
- Mosbah, H. and M. E. El-Hawary, 2017 Optimization of neural
network parameters by stochastic fractal search for dynamic
state estimation under communication failure. Electric Power
Systems Research 147: 288–301.
- Nasir, A. N. K. and M. O. Tokhi, 2014 A novel hybrid bacteriachemotaxis
spiral-dynamic algorithm with application to modelling
of flexible systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence 33: 31–46.
- Palepogu, K. R. and S. Mahapatra, 2023 Pitch orientation control
of twin-rotor mimo system using sliding mode controller with
state varying gains. Journal of Control and Decision pp. 1–11.
- Patan, K. and M. Patan, 2023 Fault-tolerant design of non-linear
iterative learning control using neural networks. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 124: 106501.
- Rahideh, A., A. H. Bajodah, and M. H. Shaheed, 2012a Real time
adaptive nonlinear model inversion control of a twin rotor mimo
system using neural networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence 25: 1289–1297.
- Rahideh, A., A. H. Bajodah, and M. H. Shaheed, 2012b Real time
adaptive nonlinear model inversion control of a twin rotor mimo
system using neural networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence 25: 1289–1297.
- Rahideh, A., M. H. Shaheed, and H. J. C. Huijberts, 2008 Dynamic
modelling of a trms using analytical and empirical approaches.
Control Engineering Practice 16: 241–259.
- Rere, L. R., M. I. Fanany, and A. M. Arymurthy, 2016 Metaheuristic
algorithms for convolution neural network. Computational
intelligence and neuroscience .
- Salimi, H., 2015 Stochastic fractal search: a powerful metaheuristic
algorithm. Knowledge-based systems 75: 1–18.
- Sivadasan, J. and J. R. J. Shiney, 2023 Modified nondominated
sorting genetic algorithm-based multiobjective optimization of
a cross-coupled nonlinear pid controller for a twin rotor system.
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 70: 133.
- Sjöberg, J., H. Hjalmarsson, and L. Ljung, 1994 Neural networks in
system identification. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 27: 359–382.
- Tavakolpour, A. R., M. Mailah, I. Z. M. Darus, and O. Tokhi, 2010
Self-learning active vibration control of a flexible plate structure
with piezoelectric actuator. Simulation Modelling Practice and
Theory 18: 516–532.
- Tijani, I. B., R. Akmeliawati, A. Legowo, and A. Budiyono, 2014
Nonlinear identification of a small scale unmanned helicopter
using optimized narx network with multiobjective differential
evolution. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 33:
- Toha, S. F. and M. O. Tokhi, 2009 Dynamic nonlinear inverse-model
based control of a twin rotor system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system. In 2009 Third UKSim European Symposium on
Computer Modeling and Simulation, pp. 107–111, IEEE.
- Toha, S. F. and M. O. Tokhi, 2010 Augmented feedforward and
feedback control of a twin rotor system using real-coded moga.
In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 1–7, IEEE.
- TRahman, T. A., A. As’arry, N. A. Jalil, and R. Kamil, 2019 Dynamic
modelling of a flexible beam structure using feedforward neural
networks for active vibration control. International Journal of
Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 16: 6263–6280.
- Wai, R. J., 2003 Tracking control based on neural network strategy
for robot manipulator. Neurocomputing 51: 425–445.
- Widrow, B. and M. E. Hoff, 1960 Adaptive switching circuits. In
IRE WESCON convention record, volume 4, pp. 96–104.
- Wu, H., Y. Zhou, Q. Luo, and M. A. Basset, 2016 Training feedforward
neural networks using symbiotic organisms search algorithm.
Computational intelligence and neuroscience .
- Xia, Y. and J. Wang, 2001 A dual neural network for kinematic
control of redundant robot manipulators. IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 31: 147–
- Yaghini, M., M. M. Khoshraftar, and M. Fallahi, 2013 A hybrid
algorithm for artificial neural network training. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26: 293–301.
- Yoo, S. J., Y. H. Choi, and J. B. Park, 2006 Generalized predictive control based on self-recurrent wavelet neural network for stable
path tracking of mobile robots: adaptive learning rates approach.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 53:
Improved Set-point Tracking Control of an Unmanned Aerodynamic MIMO System Using Hybrid Neural Networks
Year 2024,
, 51 - 62, 31.03.2024
David Mohammed Ezekiel
Ravi Samikannu
Oduetse Matsebe
Artificial neural networks (ANN), an Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique, are both bio-inspired and nature-inspired models that mimic the operations of the human brain and the central nervous system that is capable of learning. This paper is based on a system that optimizes the performance of an uncertain unmanned nonlinear Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) aerodynamic plant called Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS). The pitch and yaw angles which are challenging to control and optimize in practice, are being used as the input to the Nonlinear Auto-Regressive with eXogenous (NARX) model, and eventually trained. The training features use the Matlab Deep Learning Toolbox. The NARX structure has its core in the neural networks’ architecture. Data is collected from the TRMS testbed which is used to train the network. ANN as a Hybrid intelligent control strategy of ANN in combination with Pattern Search and Genetic Algorithm, is then utilized to optimize the parameters of the neural networks. At the end it was validated, tested and the optimized system run in simulation and compared with other intelligent and conventional controllers, with the proposed controller outperforming them, giving a very fast tracking control, stable and optimal performance that satisfactorily met all our design requirements.
Ethical Statement
Subject: Declaration of Conflict of Interest.
We are submitting our paper Improved Set-point Tracking Control of an Unmanned Aerodynamic MIMO System Using Hybrid Neural Networks to publish in your journal.
I acknowledge that this paper is the original research article of the authors.
We have reviewed our paper carefully.
The authors ensure that no contractual relations exist that would affect the publication of information submitted in the manuscript. There is no conflict of interest of any sort.
- Abbas, N. and X. Liu, 2022 A mixed dynamic optimization with μ-
synthesis (dk iterations) via optimal gain for varying dynamics
of decoupled twin-rotor mimo system based on the method of
inequality (moi). Journal of Control Engineering and Applied
Informatics 24: 13–23.
- Abdulwahhab, O.W. and N. H. Abbas, 2017 A new method to tune
a fractional-order pid controller for a twin rotor aerodynamic
system. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 42: 5179–
- Agand, P., M. A. Shoorehdeli, and A. Khaki-Sedigh, 2017 Adaptive
recurrent neural network with lyapunov stability learning rules
for robot dynamic terms identification. Engineering applications
of artificial intelligence 65: 1–11.
- Ahmad, M., A. Ali, and M. A. Choudhry, 2016 Fixed-structure
h∞ controller design for two-rotor aerodynamical system (tras).
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 41: 3619–3630.
- Ahmad, S. M., A. J. Chipperfield, and M. O. Tokhi, 2000a Dynamic
modelling and control of a 2-dof twin rotor multi-input
multi-output system. In 2000 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society. IECON 2000. 2000 IEEE International
Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation.
21st Century Technologies, volume 2, pp. 1451–1456, IEEE.
- Ahmad, S. M., A. J. Chipperfield, and O. Tokhi, 2000b Dynamic
modeling and optimal control of a twin rotor mimo system.
In Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 National Aerospace and Electronics
Conference. NAECON 2000. Engineering Tomorrow (Cat. No.
00CH37093), pp. 391–398, IEEE.
- Alam, M. S., F. M. Aldebrez, and M. O. Tokhi, 2004 Adaptive
command shaping using genetic algorithms for vibration control.
In Proceedings of IEEE SMC UK-RI Third Workshop on Intelligent
Cybernetic Systems, pp. 7–8, IEEE.
- Bensidhoum, T., F. Bouakrif, and M. Zasadzinski, 2023 A high
order p-type iterative learning control scheme for unknown
multi input multi output nonlinear systems with unknown input
saturation. International Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics & Computer Science 3: 27–31.
- Castillo, E., B. Guijarro-Berdinas, O. Fontenla-Romero, A. Alonso-
Betanzos, and Y. Bengio, 2006 A very fast learning method for
neural networks based on sensitivity analysis. Journal of Machine
Learning Research 7.
- Chu, S. R., R. Shoureshi, and M. Tenorio, 1990 Neural networks for
system identification. IEEE Control systems magazine 10: 31–35.
- Coelho, J., R. Neto, D. Afonso, C. Lebres, H. Fachada, et al., 2007a
Helicopter system modelling and control with matlab. CEE’07-
pp. 110–117.
- Coelho, J., R. M. Neto, C. Lebres, H. Fachada, N. M. Ferreira, et al.,
2007b Application of fractional algorithms in the control of a
helicopter system. In Symposium on Applied Fractional Calculus,
pp. 1–12.
- Coelho, J., R. M. Neto, C. Lebres, V. Santos, N. M. Ferreira, et al.,
2008 Application of fractional algorithms in the control of a twin
rotor multiple input-multiple output system. ENOC 08 pp. 1–8.
- Darus, I. Z. M. and Z. A. Lokaman, 2010 Dynamic modelling of
twin rotor multi system in horizontal motion. Jurnal Mekanikal .
Demuth, H. B. and M. H. Beale, 2000 Neural Network Toolbox: For
Use with MATLAB®. MathWorks.
- El-Fakdi, A. and M. Carreras, 2013 Two-step gradient-based reinforcement
learning for underwater robotics behavior learning.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 61: 271–282.
- Ezekiel, D. M., R. Samikannu, and O. Matsebe, 2021 Pitch and yaw
angular motions (rotations) control of the 1-dof and 2-dof trms:
A survey. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
28: 1449–1458.
- Ezekiel, D. M., R. Samikannu, and M. Oduetse, 2020 Modelling
of the twin rotor mimo system (trms) using the first principles
approach. In 2020 International Conference on Computer Communication
and Informatics (ICCCI), pp. 1–7, IEEE.
- Ghasemiyeh, R., R. Moghdani, and S. S. Sana, 2017 A hybrid artificial
neural network with metaheuristic algorithms for predicting
stock price. Cybernetics and systems 48: 365–392.
- Khishe, M., M. R. Mosavi, and A. Moridi, 2018 Chaotic fractal
walk trainer for sonar data set classification using multi-layer
perceptron neural network and its hardware implementation.
Applied Acoustics 137: 121–139.
- Lin, S. and A. A. Goldenberg, 2001 Neural-network control of
mobile manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12:
- Ljung, L. and S. Gunnarsson, 1990 Adaptation and tracking in
system identification—a survey. Automatica 26: 7–21.
- Moness, M. and T. Diaa-Eldeen, 2017 Experimental nonlinear identification
of a lab-scale helicopter system using mlp neural network.
In 2017 13th International Computer Engineering Conference
(ICENCO), pp. 166–171, IEEE.
- Mosbah, H. and M. E. El-Hawary, 2017 Optimization of neural
network parameters by stochastic fractal search for dynamic
state estimation under communication failure. Electric Power
Systems Research 147: 288–301.
- Nasir, A. N. K. and M. O. Tokhi, 2014 A novel hybrid bacteriachemotaxis
spiral-dynamic algorithm with application to modelling
of flexible systems. Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence 33: 31–46.
- Palepogu, K. R. and S. Mahapatra, 2023 Pitch orientation control
of twin-rotor mimo system using sliding mode controller with
state varying gains. Journal of Control and Decision pp. 1–11.
- Patan, K. and M. Patan, 2023 Fault-tolerant design of non-linear
iterative learning control using neural networks. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 124: 106501.
- Rahideh, A., A. H. Bajodah, and M. H. Shaheed, 2012a Real time
adaptive nonlinear model inversion control of a twin rotor mimo
system using neural networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence 25: 1289–1297.
- Rahideh, A., A. H. Bajodah, and M. H. Shaheed, 2012b Real time
adaptive nonlinear model inversion control of a twin rotor mimo
system using neural networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence 25: 1289–1297.
- Rahideh, A., M. H. Shaheed, and H. J. C. Huijberts, 2008 Dynamic
modelling of a trms using analytical and empirical approaches.
Control Engineering Practice 16: 241–259.
- Rere, L. R., M. I. Fanany, and A. M. Arymurthy, 2016 Metaheuristic
algorithms for convolution neural network. Computational
intelligence and neuroscience .
- Salimi, H., 2015 Stochastic fractal search: a powerful metaheuristic
algorithm. Knowledge-based systems 75: 1–18.
- Sivadasan, J. and J. R. J. Shiney, 2023 Modified nondominated
sorting genetic algorithm-based multiobjective optimization of
a cross-coupled nonlinear pid controller for a twin rotor system.
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science 70: 133.
- Sjöberg, J., H. Hjalmarsson, and L. Ljung, 1994 Neural networks in
system identification. IFAC Proceedings Volumes 27: 359–382.
- Tavakolpour, A. R., M. Mailah, I. Z. M. Darus, and O. Tokhi, 2010
Self-learning active vibration control of a flexible plate structure
with piezoelectric actuator. Simulation Modelling Practice and
Theory 18: 516–532.
- Tijani, I. B., R. Akmeliawati, A. Legowo, and A. Budiyono, 2014
Nonlinear identification of a small scale unmanned helicopter
using optimized narx network with multiobjective differential
evolution. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 33:
- Toha, S. F. and M. O. Tokhi, 2009 Dynamic nonlinear inverse-model
based control of a twin rotor system using adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system. In 2009 Third UKSim European Symposium on
Computer Modeling and Simulation, pp. 107–111, IEEE.
- Toha, S. F. and M. O. Tokhi, 2010 Augmented feedforward and
feedback control of a twin rotor system using real-coded moga.
In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 1–7, IEEE.
- TRahman, T. A., A. As’arry, N. A. Jalil, and R. Kamil, 2019 Dynamic
modelling of a flexible beam structure using feedforward neural
networks for active vibration control. International Journal of
Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 16: 6263–6280.
- Wai, R. J., 2003 Tracking control based on neural network strategy
for robot manipulator. Neurocomputing 51: 425–445.
- Widrow, B. and M. E. Hoff, 1960 Adaptive switching circuits. In
IRE WESCON convention record, volume 4, pp. 96–104.
- Wu, H., Y. Zhou, Q. Luo, and M. A. Basset, 2016 Training feedforward
neural networks using symbiotic organisms search algorithm.
Computational intelligence and neuroscience .
- Xia, Y. and J. Wang, 2001 A dual neural network for kinematic
control of redundant robot manipulators. IEEE Transactions on
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 31: 147–
- Yaghini, M., M. M. Khoshraftar, and M. Fallahi, 2013 A hybrid
algorithm for artificial neural network training. Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26: 293–301.
- Yoo, S. J., Y. H. Choi, and J. B. Park, 2006 Generalized predictive control based on self-recurrent wavelet neural network for stable
path tracking of mobile robots: adaptive learning rates approach.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 53: