Measurement of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Marine Sediments in Yalova Section of Marmara Sea By LIBS Method And Evaluation of Pollution By Principal Component Analysis
Year 2022,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 101 - 117, 30.03.2022
Zeki Ünal Yümün
Hızır Aslıyüksek
Murat Mücahit Yentür
Melike Önce
The wastes formed as a result of increasing settlements, industrial establishments, agricultural activities and shipping activities on the shores of the Marmara Sea cause the pollution of the Sea of Marmara. Although the pollution in seawater is diluted in a short time by waves and water currents, heavy metals and other pollutants that precipitate chemically and physically create permanent pollution in the sediments. Heavy metal concentrations in Yalova and its surroundings were analyzed by LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) method in order to control the pollution in this region. In the analyzes made, the percent availability of heavy metals in the sediments was evaluated. With Principal Component Analysis (PCA), heavy metal contamination levels caused by domestic and industrial wastes in the sediments were analyzed and the results were interpreted. The high levels of Ca, Na, Mg elements in the region depend on the presence of carbonate rocks in the region. The presence of Fe, Al and some trace elements is due to the prevalence of volcanic and magmatic rocks in the region. The fact that the elements with high economic value such as Al, Ag and Ti are especially high in Core 1-6 is due to the granitic rocks outcropping in the eastern part of the study area where the samples were taken in, and it is an indication of the existence of important mineral mineralizations in the region. This situation shows that heavy metal pollution in the marine environment consists of both anthropogenic and natural sources.
Ethical Statement
Ethics committee approval is not required for the study.
- Barbini, R., Colao, F., Fantoni, R., Palucci, A., & Capitelli, F. (1999.). Application of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy to the analysis of metals in soils. Appl. Phys. A 69,, 175–179.
- Bayrak, K., Yümün, Z., & Kam, E. (2018). Determination of Natural Radiation Levels in İzmit Gulf Altınova Shipyard Area. Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences. 12 (34), 7-11.
- Caneque, V., Perez, C., Velasco, S., Diaz, M., Lauzurica, S., Alvarez, I., . . . De la Fuente, J. (2004). Carcass and Meat Quality of Light Lambs Principal Component Analysis”, Meat Science, 67,, 595‐605.
- Daniel, F., Pereira-Filho, E., & Konieczynski, P. (2017). Comparison of ICP OES and LIBS Analysis of Medicinal Herbs Rich in Flavonoids from Eastern Europe. J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 28, No. 5, 838-847.
- Dökmeci, A. (2021). Concentratıons Of Dıfferent Macro And Trace Elements In Sedıment And Fısh Samples From The Coast of Tekırdag Marmara Sea. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.30, 1902-1915.
- Erendil, M., Göncüoğlu, M., Tekeli, O., Aksay, A., Kuşçu, İ., Ürgün, B., . . . Temran, A. (1991). Geology of Armutlu Peninsula. MTA Report. 9165., 2-20.
- Göncüoğlu, M., Erendil, M., Tekeli, O., Aksay, A., Kuşcu, İ., & Ürgün, B. (1992). İntroduction To The Geology Of Armutlu Peninsula. ISGB-92, Guide Book, Ankara-Turkey,, 26-36.
- Göncüoğlu, M., Erendil, M., Tekeli, O., Ürgün, B., Aksay, A., & Kuşçu, İ. (1986). Geology of the eastern part of the Armutlu Peninsula. MTA Rap.7493., 2-18.
- Guang, Y., Qias, S., Chen, P., Ding, Y., & Tian, D. (2015). Rock and soil classification using PLS-DA and SVM combined with a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy Library. Plasma Science and Technology 17(8), 656-667.
- Günay, Y. (2018). Evaluation of Morphotectonics of Çalıdere Basin (Armutlu Peninsula, Yalova) by Geomorphological Analysis. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 16(2), 259.
- Imam, A., Aziz, M., Chaudhary, K., Rizvi, Z., & Ali, J. (2018). Libs-PCA based discrimination of Malaysian coins. Imam, A.M, Aziz, M.S., Chaudhary, K., Rizvi Z., Ali J., (2018). , International Laser Technology and Optics Symposium (ILATOS 2017)., 1027-012012.
- INT-1. (2015). Communiqué on Sampling and Biological Sampling from Surface Water, Groundwater and Sediment. .
- Kontas, A., Ulutarhan, E., Alyürük, H., Darılmaz, E., Bilgin, M., & Altay, O. (2020). Metal contamination in surficial sediments of Edremit Bay (Aegean Sea): Spatial distribution, source identification and ecological risk assessment. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 101487-101495.
- Kumar, P., & Kumar, S. (2011). Kumar P. A. , Kumar R. , Kumar Singh V. , Agrawal R. , Rai S. , Kumar Rai A. (2011), Assessment of LIBS for Spectrochemical Analysis. A Review, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 14-40.
- Kumar, P., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Agrawal, R., Rais, S., & Kumar, R. (2011). Assessment of LIBS for Spectrochemical Analysis: A Review. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 14-40.
- Önce, M., Balman, İ., & Kam, N. (2021). Determination of Heavy Metal Distribution of Yenikapı (Istanbul) Sea Sediments Using Libs Method. Europen Journal of Science and Technology. 22(60), 125-132.
- Özkan, E., Büyükışık, H., Kontaş, A., & Türkdoğan, M. (2017). A survey of metal concentrations in marine sediment cores in the vicinity of an old mercury-mining area in Karaburun, Aegean Sea. Özkan E.Y., Büyükışık H.B., Kontaş A., Türkdoğan M. (2017), Environ Sci Pollut Res. 24,, 13823-13836.
- Panthija, S., Rai, N., Rai, A., & Thankur, S. (2010). Contaminant Concentration in Enviromental Samples Using LIBS and CF-LIBS. Applied Physics B. 98, 231-241.
- Sağlam, N., & Cihangir, N. (1995). Biosorption Studies of Heavy Metals by Biological Processes. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty,11, 157-161.
- Sankaran, S., Ehsani, R., & Morganc, K. (2015). Sankaran S., Ehsani R. and Morganc K.T. (2015), Detection of Anomalies in Citrus Leaves Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Applied spectroscopy 69(8), 913-919.
- Sarah, C., Jose, J., & Almiral, R. (2021). Characterization and forensic analysis of soil samples using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Anal Bioanal Chem., 400, 3341–3351.
- Turkecan, A., & Yurtsever, A. (2002). 1:500.000 Scale Geological Maps of Turkey (İstanbul Map). General Directorate of Mieral Research and Explanation, No.1., 1.
- Villas-Boas, P., Romano, R., Franco, M., Ferreira, E., Ferreira, E., Crestana, S., & Milori, D. (2016). P R, Romano R.A., Franco M., Ferreira E. C., Ferreia E. J., Crestana S., Milori D. M. B. P., (2016). Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to determine soil texture: A fast analytical technique. Geoderma 263, 195-202.
- Yalçın, F., Kılıç, S., Nyamsari, D., Yalçın, M., & Kılıç, M. (2016). Principal Component Analysis of Integrated Metal Concentrations of Boğaççayı Riverbank Sediments in Turkey. Pol.J. Environmental Stud. 25(2), 471-485.
- Yang, N. (2009). Elemental Analysis of Soil Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy . University of Tennessee. Master Theses., 1-155.
- Yoon, S., Choi, J., Moon, S.-J., & Choi, J. (2021). Yoon S., Choi J., Moon Seung-Jae and Choi J. H. (2021), Determination and Quantification of Heavy Metals in Sediments through Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression. Applied Sciences, 11(15), 7154.
- Yümün, Z., & Kam, E. (2019). Analysis and Correlation of Element Concentrations of Marine Sediments between Silivri (İstanbul) and Çanakkale Strait with ICP-OES and LIBS Methods,. European Journal of Science and Technology, 17, 951-958.
- Yümün, Z., & Kam, E. (2019-2). Yümün Z.Ü. and Kam E. (2019), Ecological analysis of heavy metal and radioactivity potential of Holocene sediments in Iznik Lake. Nükleonika, 103-109.
- Yümün, Z., Kam, E., & Önce, M. (2019). Analysis of Toxic Element with Icp-Oes and Libs Methods in Marine Sediments Around the Sea of Marmara in Kapidağ Peninsula. Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 4(1), 43-50.
- Yümün, Z., Kam, E., & Önce, M. (2019-3). Analysis of Toxic Element with Icp-Oes and Libs Methods in Marine Sediments Around the Sea of Marmara in Kapidağ Peninsula. Yümün Z.Ü., Kam E. and Önce, M. (2019). Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 4(1), 43-50.
Marmara Denizi Yalova Kesiminde Deniz Sedimentlerinin Ağır Metal Konsantrasyonlarının Libs Yöntemi ile Ölçülmesi ve Kirliliğin Temel Bileşen Analizi ile Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2022,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 101 - 117, 30.03.2022
Zeki Ünal Yümün
Hızır Aslıyüksek
Murat Mücahit Yentür
Melike Önce
Marmara Denizi’nin kıyılarında artan yerleşim yerleri, sanayi kuruluşları, tarımsal faaliyetler ve gemicilik faaliyetleri sonucu oluşan atıklar, Marmara Denizi’nin kirlenmesine neden olmaktadır. Deniz suyunda meydana gelen kirlilikler dalga ve su akımlarıyla kısa zaman içinde seyrelse de kimyasal ve fiziksel olarak tabana çökelen ağır metal ve diğer kirleticiler sedimentlerde kalıcı kirlilikler meydana getirirler. Yalova ve çevresinde oluşan kirliliklerin kontrol altına alınabilmesi açısından bu bölgede ağır metal konsantrasyonları LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan analizlerde sedimentlere karışmış ağır metallerin yüzde olarak bulunabilirlikleri değerlendirilmiştir. Temel Bileşen Analizi (PCA) ile de sedimentlerde evsel ve endüstriyel atıkların neden olduğu ağır metal kontaminasyon seviyeleri analiz edilerek sonuçları yorumlanmıştır. Ca, Na, Mg elementlerinin bölgede yüksek oranlarda bulunması, bölgedeki karbonatlı kayaların varlığına bağlıdır. Fe, Al ve diğer eser elementler ise volkanik ve magmatik kayaların bölgede yaygın olmasından ileri gelmektedir. Al, Ag ve Ti gibi ekonomik değeri yüksek elementlerin özellikle Core 1-6’da yüksek olması bölgedeki granitik kayalara bağlı olup, bölgede önemli maden cevherleşmelerinin varlığına bir işarettir. Bu durum denizel ortamda oluşan ağır metal kirliliklerinin hem antropojenik hem de doğal kaynaklardan oluştuğunu göstermektedir.
Ethical Statement
Ethics committee approval is not required for the study.
- Barbini, R., Colao, F., Fantoni, R., Palucci, A., & Capitelli, F. (1999.). Application of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy to the analysis of metals in soils. Appl. Phys. A 69,, 175–179.
- Bayrak, K., Yümün, Z., & Kam, E. (2018). Determination of Natural Radiation Levels in İzmit Gulf Altınova Shipyard Area. Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences. 12 (34), 7-11.
- Caneque, V., Perez, C., Velasco, S., Diaz, M., Lauzurica, S., Alvarez, I., . . . De la Fuente, J. (2004). Carcass and Meat Quality of Light Lambs Principal Component Analysis”, Meat Science, 67,, 595‐605.
- Daniel, F., Pereira-Filho, E., & Konieczynski, P. (2017). Comparison of ICP OES and LIBS Analysis of Medicinal Herbs Rich in Flavonoids from Eastern Europe. J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 28, No. 5, 838-847.
- Dökmeci, A. (2021). Concentratıons Of Dıfferent Macro And Trace Elements In Sedıment And Fısh Samples From The Coast of Tekırdag Marmara Sea. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.30, 1902-1915.
- Erendil, M., Göncüoğlu, M., Tekeli, O., Aksay, A., Kuşçu, İ., Ürgün, B., . . . Temran, A. (1991). Geology of Armutlu Peninsula. MTA Report. 9165., 2-20.
- Göncüoğlu, M., Erendil, M., Tekeli, O., Aksay, A., Kuşcu, İ., & Ürgün, B. (1992). İntroduction To The Geology Of Armutlu Peninsula. ISGB-92, Guide Book, Ankara-Turkey,, 26-36.
- Göncüoğlu, M., Erendil, M., Tekeli, O., Ürgün, B., Aksay, A., & Kuşçu, İ. (1986). Geology of the eastern part of the Armutlu Peninsula. MTA Rap.7493., 2-18.
- Guang, Y., Qias, S., Chen, P., Ding, Y., & Tian, D. (2015). Rock and soil classification using PLS-DA and SVM combined with a laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy Library. Plasma Science and Technology 17(8), 656-667.
- Günay, Y. (2018). Evaluation of Morphotectonics of Çalıdere Basin (Armutlu Peninsula, Yalova) by Geomorphological Analysis. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 16(2), 259.
- Imam, A., Aziz, M., Chaudhary, K., Rizvi, Z., & Ali, J. (2018). Libs-PCA based discrimination of Malaysian coins. Imam, A.M, Aziz, M.S., Chaudhary, K., Rizvi Z., Ali J., (2018). , International Laser Technology and Optics Symposium (ILATOS 2017)., 1027-012012.
- INT-1. (2015). Communiqué on Sampling and Biological Sampling from Surface Water, Groundwater and Sediment. .
- Kontas, A., Ulutarhan, E., Alyürük, H., Darılmaz, E., Bilgin, M., & Altay, O. (2020). Metal contamination in surficial sediments of Edremit Bay (Aegean Sea): Spatial distribution, source identification and ecological risk assessment. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 101487-101495.
- Kumar, P., & Kumar, S. (2011). Kumar P. A. , Kumar R. , Kumar Singh V. , Agrawal R. , Rai S. , Kumar Rai A. (2011), Assessment of LIBS for Spectrochemical Analysis. A Review, Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 14-40.
- Kumar, P., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Agrawal, R., Rais, S., & Kumar, R. (2011). Assessment of LIBS for Spectrochemical Analysis: A Review. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 14-40.
- Önce, M., Balman, İ., & Kam, N. (2021). Determination of Heavy Metal Distribution of Yenikapı (Istanbul) Sea Sediments Using Libs Method. Europen Journal of Science and Technology. 22(60), 125-132.
- Özkan, E., Büyükışık, H., Kontaş, A., & Türkdoğan, M. (2017). A survey of metal concentrations in marine sediment cores in the vicinity of an old mercury-mining area in Karaburun, Aegean Sea. Özkan E.Y., Büyükışık H.B., Kontaş A., Türkdoğan M. (2017), Environ Sci Pollut Res. 24,, 13823-13836.
- Panthija, S., Rai, N., Rai, A., & Thankur, S. (2010). Contaminant Concentration in Enviromental Samples Using LIBS and CF-LIBS. Applied Physics B. 98, 231-241.
- Sağlam, N., & Cihangir, N. (1995). Biosorption Studies of Heavy Metals by Biological Processes. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty,11, 157-161.
- Sankaran, S., Ehsani, R., & Morganc, K. (2015). Sankaran S., Ehsani R. and Morganc K.T. (2015), Detection of Anomalies in Citrus Leaves Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Applied spectroscopy 69(8), 913-919.
- Sarah, C., Jose, J., & Almiral, R. (2021). Characterization and forensic analysis of soil samples using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Anal Bioanal Chem., 400, 3341–3351.
- Turkecan, A., & Yurtsever, A. (2002). 1:500.000 Scale Geological Maps of Turkey (İstanbul Map). General Directorate of Mieral Research and Explanation, No.1., 1.
- Villas-Boas, P., Romano, R., Franco, M., Ferreira, E., Ferreira, E., Crestana, S., & Milori, D. (2016). P R, Romano R.A., Franco M., Ferreira E. C., Ferreia E. J., Crestana S., Milori D. M. B. P., (2016). Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to determine soil texture: A fast analytical technique. Geoderma 263, 195-202.
- Yalçın, F., Kılıç, S., Nyamsari, D., Yalçın, M., & Kılıç, M. (2016). Principal Component Analysis of Integrated Metal Concentrations of Boğaççayı Riverbank Sediments in Turkey. Pol.J. Environmental Stud. 25(2), 471-485.
- Yang, N. (2009). Elemental Analysis of Soil Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy . University of Tennessee. Master Theses., 1-155.
- Yoon, S., Choi, J., Moon, S.-J., & Choi, J. (2021). Yoon S., Choi J., Moon Seung-Jae and Choi J. H. (2021), Determination and Quantification of Heavy Metals in Sediments through Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression. Applied Sciences, 11(15), 7154.
- Yümün, Z., & Kam, E. (2019). Analysis and Correlation of Element Concentrations of Marine Sediments between Silivri (İstanbul) and Çanakkale Strait with ICP-OES and LIBS Methods,. European Journal of Science and Technology, 17, 951-958.
- Yümün, Z., & Kam, E. (2019-2). Yümün Z.Ü. and Kam E. (2019), Ecological analysis of heavy metal and radioactivity potential of Holocene sediments in Iznik Lake. Nükleonika, 103-109.
- Yümün, Z., Kam, E., & Önce, M. (2019). Analysis of Toxic Element with Icp-Oes and Libs Methods in Marine Sediments Around the Sea of Marmara in Kapidağ Peninsula. Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 4(1), 43-50.
- Yümün, Z., Kam, E., & Önce, M. (2019-3). Analysis of Toxic Element with Icp-Oes and Libs Methods in Marine Sediments Around the Sea of Marmara in Kapidağ Peninsula. Yümün Z.Ü., Kam E. and Önce, M. (2019). Journal of Engineering Technology and Applied Sciences. 4(1), 43-50.