Research Article
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Investigation Of Muc1 and Muc16 Expressions in Uterus Tissue of Kangal or Kangal Cross-Bred Bitches in Proestrus, Metestrus-Diestrus and Anestrus Periods of Sexual Cycles

Year 2023, , 25 - 37, 10.07.2023


Mucins are glycoprotein molecules found in mucus secretion. They have important functions in the reproductive system such as sperm motility, elimination of bacterial damage and facilitating implantation. In this study, MUC1 and MUC16 expressions in uterine tissues of Kangal or Kangal cross-bred bitchs in proestrus, metoestrus-dioestrus and anoestrus sexual periods were investigated by immunohistochemical method. Uterine tissues of 15 healthy and adopted Kangal or Kangal cross-bred bitches aged 3-6 years were used in the study. The biches were divided into 3 groups according to sexual cycle periods as proestrus (n=5), metaestrus-dioestrus (n=3) and anaestrus (n=7). As a result, MUC1 was found to be expressed in both cornu and corpus uteri epithelial cells, crypt epithelial cells, uterine gland cells, stratum vascularis, myometrium and perimetrium layers in canine uterus. When oestrus cycles were compared, it was found that expression increased more in the metoestrus-dioestrus phase compared to other phases. Expression of MUC16 was observed in the cornu uteri during the metoestrus-dioestrus phase. In this study, MUC1 and MUC16 were determined to be expressed in the uterine tissue of bitches and their release was found to be affected by hormones.

Supporting Institution

Scientific Research Projects of Kafkas University

Project Number



  • Arklie, J., Taylor-Papadimitriou, J., Bodmer, W., Egan, M., Mills, R. (1981). Differentiation antigens expressed by epithelial cells in the lactating breast are also detectable in breast cancers. International Journal of Cancer, 28(1), 23-29.
  • Argueso, P., Spurr-Michaud, S., Russo, C. L., Tisdale, A., Gipson, I. K. (2003). MUC16 mucin is expressed by the human ocular surface epithelia and carries the H185 carbohydrate epitope. Investigate Ophthalmology&Viual Science, 44, 2487-2495.
  • Babic, A., Cramer, D. W., Kelemen, L. E., Kobel, M., Steed, H., Webb, P. M., Johnatty, S.E., Fazio,A., Lambrechts, D., Goodman, M. T., Heitz, F., Matsuo, K., Hosono, S., Karlan, B. Y., Jensen, A., Kjær,S. K., Goode, E. L., Pejovic, T., … Terry, K. L. (2017). Predictors of pretreatment CA125 at ovarian cancer diagnosis: a pooled analysis in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium. Cancer Causes Control. 28:459–468.
  • Bansil, R., Stanley, H. E., LaMont, J. T. (1995). Mucin Biophysics, Annual Review o f Physiology, 57, 635-657.
  • Braga, V. M. M., Gendler, S. J. (1993). Motulation of Muc 1 expression in the Mouse uterus during the estrus cycle early pregnancy and placentation Journal of Cell Science, 105,397-405.
  • Barrau, M. D., Abel, J. H. Jr., Verhage, H. G., Tietz, W. J. Jr. (1975). Development of the endometrium during the estrous cycle in the bitch. American Journal of Anatomy, 142, 47-66.
  • Bowen, J. A., Bazer, F. W, Burghardt, R. C. (1996). Spatial and temporal analyses of integrin and Muc-1 expression in porcine uterine epithelium and trophectoderm in vivo. Biology and Reproduction, 55(5), 1098-106.
  • Crossman, G. A. (1937). Modification of Mallory’s connective tissue stain with a discussion of the principles involved. The Anathomical Record, 6(1), 33-38.
  • De Souza, M. M., Surveyor, G. A., Price, R. E., Julian, J., Kordon, R., Zhou, X., Gendler, S., Hilkens, J., Carson, D. D. (1999). MUC1 Episialin: A critical barrier in the female reproductive tract. Journal of Reproduction İmmunology, 45, 127-158.
  • Dharmaraj, N., Wang, P., Carson, D. D. (2010). Cytokine and progesterone receptor interplay in the regulation of MUC1 gene expression. Molecular Endocrinology, 24(12), 2253-2266.
  • Dekel, N., Gnainsky, Y., Granot, I., Mor, G. (2010). Inflammation and implantation. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 63(1), 17-21.
  • Felder, M., Kapur, A., Gonzalez-Bosquet, J., Horibata, S., Heintz, J., Albrecht, R., Fass L., Kaur, J., Hu, K., Shojaei, H., Whelan, R. J., Patankar, M. S. (2014) MUC16 (CA125): tumor biomarker to cancer therapy, a work in progress. Molecular Cancer, 13: 129.
  • Galabova, G., Egerbacher, M., Aurich, J. E., Leitner, M., Walter, I. (2003). Morphological changes of the endometrium in the bitch during metestrus and anestrus . Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 38, 415-420.
  • Gipson, I. K., Blalock, T., Tisdale, A., Spurr-Michaud, S., Allcorn, S., Stavreus-Evers, A., Gemzell, K. (2008). MUC16 is lost from the uterodome (pinopode) surface of the receptive human endometrium: in vitro evidence that MUC16 is a barrier to trophoblast adherence. Biology of Reproduction, 78:134–142. 10.1016/j.exer.2007.12.008.
  • Goldman, J. M., Murr, A. S., Cooper, R. L. (2007). The rodent estrous cycle: characterization of vaginal cytology and its utility in toxicological studies. Birth Defects Research B Developmental Reproduction Toxicology, 80(2), 84-97.
  • Haridas, D., Ponnusamy, M. P, Chugh, S., Lakshmanan, I., Seshacharyulu, P., Batra, S K. (2014) MUC16: molecular analysis and its functional implications in benign and malignant conditions. The Faseb Journal, 28: 4183-4199.
  • Hattrup, C. L., Gendler, S. J. (2008). Structure and function of the cell surface (tethered) mucins. Annual Review od Physiology, 70, 431-57. 10.1146/annurev.physiol.
  • Hewetson, A., Chilton, B. S. (1997). Molecular cloning and hormone - dependent expression of rabbit Muc1 in the cervix and uterus. Biological Reproduction 57, 468-477.
  • Ilekis, J. V., Connor, J. P., Prins, G. S., Ferrer, K., Niederberger, C., Scoccia, B. (1997). Expression of epidermal growth factor and androgen receptors in ovarian cancer. Gynecolocic Oncol 66, 250 – 254.
  • Jentoft, N., (1990). Why are proteins O-glycosylated? Trends Biochemical Science, 15,291-294.
  • McGuckin, M. A., Quin, R. J., Ward, B. G. (1998). Progesterone stimulates production and secretion of MUC1 epithelial mucin in steroid - responsive breast cancer cell lines. International Journal of Oncology, 12, 939-945.
  • Meseguer, M., Aplin, J. D., Caballero-Campo, P., O’Connor, J,E., Martin, J. C., Remohi, J., Pellicer, A., Simon, C. (2001). Human endometrial mucin MUC1 is up -regulated by progesterone and down- regulated in vitro by the human blastocyst. Biological Reproduction, 64, 590-601.
  • Mullins, D. E., Horst, M., Bazer, F. W., Roberts, R. M. (1980). Isolation and caracterization of a plasma membrane fraction derived from the luminal surface of the pig uterus during the eustrous cycle and early pregnancy. Biological of Reproduction, 22,1181-1192.
  • Nikas, G., Makrigiannakis, A., Hovatta, O., Jones, H. W. Jr. (2000). Surface morphology of the human endometrium. Basic and clinical aspects. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 900, 316-324.
  • Perez. B. H., Gipson. I. K. (2008). Focus on molecules: human mucin MUC16. Experimental Eye Research, 87:400–401. 10.1016/j.exer.2007.12.008.
  • Pimental, R. A., Julian, J., Gendler, S. J., Carson, D. D. (1996). Synthesis and intracellullar trafficcing of Muc-1 and musins by polarized Mouse uterine epithelial cells Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271, 28128-28137.
  • Rachagani, S., Torres, M. P., Moniaux, N., Batra, S. K. (2009). Current status of mucins in the diagnosis and therapy of cancer. BioFactors. 35(6), 509-527.
  • Rehm, S., Stanislaus, D. J., Williams, A. M. (2007). Estrous Cycle-Dependent Histology and Review of Sex Steroid Receptor Expression in Dog Reproductive Tissues and Mammary Gland and Associated Hormone Levels. Birth Defects Research, (Part B) 80(3), 233-45.
  • Surveyor, G. A., Gendler, S. J, Pemberton, L., Das, S. K., Chakraborty, I., Julian, J., Pimental, R. A, Wegner, C. C., Dey, S. K, Carson, D. D., (1995). Expression and steroid hormonal control of Muc- I in the mouse uterus. Endocrinology, 136:3639-3647.
  • Stenner, J., & Crawford, D. E., (1999). Combined Androgen Blockade. In Prostate Cancer. Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment. A. V. Kaisary, G. P. Murphy, L. Denis, K. Griffiths (Eds.), (pp. 303-317). Martin Duntz, London.
  • Van, C. S., Van, B. W., D'haeseleer, M., Simoens, P. (2004). Proliferation patterns in the canine endometrium during the estrous cycle. Theriogenology, 62(3-4), 631-641.
  • Vermeirsch, H. (2001). Immunohistochemical determination of receptors for sex steroid hormones in the genital tract of the female dog. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Wick, R., Kress, A. (2002). Ultrastructural changes in the uterine luminal and glandular epithelium during the oestrous cycle of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica (grey short-tailed opossum). Cells Tissues Organs, 170, 111-131.
  • Yin, B. W., Lloyd, K. O. (2001). Molecular cloning of the CA125 ovarian cancer antigen: Identification as a new mucin (MUC16). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, 27371-27375.

Seksüel Siklus Döngülerinin Proöstrus, Metöstrus-Diöstrus Ve Anöstrus Dönemlerinde Kangal Veya Kangal Melezi Dişi Köpeklerin Uterus Dokusunda Muc1 Ve Muc16 Ekspresyonlarının Araştırılması

Year 2023, , 25 - 37, 10.07.2023


Bu çalışmada, seksüel siklus döngülerinin proöstrus, metoöstrus-diöstrus ve anöstrus dönemlerinde Kangal veya Kangal melezi dişi köpeklerin uterus dokusunda MUC1 ve MUC16 ekspresyonları immünohistokimyasal yöntemle incelendi. Çalışmada 3-6 yaş arası sağlıklı ve sahipli Kangal veya Kangal melezi 15 köpeğin uterus dokuları kullanıldı. Köpekler seksüel siklus dönemlerine göre proöstrus (n=5), metöstrus-diöstrus (n=3) ve anöstrus (n=7) olarak 3 gruba ayrıldı. Sonuç olarak, MUC1'in köpek uterusunda hem kornu hem de korpus uteri epitel hücrelerinde, kript epitel hücrelerinde, uterus bezi epitel hücrelerinde, stratum vaskülaris, miyometriyum ve perimetriyum tabakalarından eksprese edildiği tespit edildi. Östrus siklusları karşılaştırıldığında metöstrus-diöstrus döneminde ekspresyonun diğer dönemlere göre daha fazla arttığı saptandı. MUC16'nın ekspresyonu, metöstrus-diöstrus döneminde kornu uteri'de gözlendi. Bu çalışmada MUC1 ve MUC16'nın köpeklerin uterus dokusundan eksprese edildiği ve salınımlarının hormonlardan etkilendiği tespit edildi.

Project Number



  • Arklie, J., Taylor-Papadimitriou, J., Bodmer, W., Egan, M., Mills, R. (1981). Differentiation antigens expressed by epithelial cells in the lactating breast are also detectable in breast cancers. International Journal of Cancer, 28(1), 23-29.
  • Argueso, P., Spurr-Michaud, S., Russo, C. L., Tisdale, A., Gipson, I. K. (2003). MUC16 mucin is expressed by the human ocular surface epithelia and carries the H185 carbohydrate epitope. Investigate Ophthalmology&Viual Science, 44, 2487-2495.
  • Babic, A., Cramer, D. W., Kelemen, L. E., Kobel, M., Steed, H., Webb, P. M., Johnatty, S.E., Fazio,A., Lambrechts, D., Goodman, M. T., Heitz, F., Matsuo, K., Hosono, S., Karlan, B. Y., Jensen, A., Kjær,S. K., Goode, E. L., Pejovic, T., … Terry, K. L. (2017). Predictors of pretreatment CA125 at ovarian cancer diagnosis: a pooled analysis in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium. Cancer Causes Control. 28:459–468.
  • Bansil, R., Stanley, H. E., LaMont, J. T. (1995). Mucin Biophysics, Annual Review o f Physiology, 57, 635-657.
  • Braga, V. M. M., Gendler, S. J. (1993). Motulation of Muc 1 expression in the Mouse uterus during the estrus cycle early pregnancy and placentation Journal of Cell Science, 105,397-405.
  • Barrau, M. D., Abel, J. H. Jr., Verhage, H. G., Tietz, W. J. Jr. (1975). Development of the endometrium during the estrous cycle in the bitch. American Journal of Anatomy, 142, 47-66.
  • Bowen, J. A., Bazer, F. W, Burghardt, R. C. (1996). Spatial and temporal analyses of integrin and Muc-1 expression in porcine uterine epithelium and trophectoderm in vivo. Biology and Reproduction, 55(5), 1098-106.
  • Crossman, G. A. (1937). Modification of Mallory’s connective tissue stain with a discussion of the principles involved. The Anathomical Record, 6(1), 33-38.
  • De Souza, M. M., Surveyor, G. A., Price, R. E., Julian, J., Kordon, R., Zhou, X., Gendler, S., Hilkens, J., Carson, D. D. (1999). MUC1 Episialin: A critical barrier in the female reproductive tract. Journal of Reproduction İmmunology, 45, 127-158.
  • Dharmaraj, N., Wang, P., Carson, D. D. (2010). Cytokine and progesterone receptor interplay in the regulation of MUC1 gene expression. Molecular Endocrinology, 24(12), 2253-2266.
  • Dekel, N., Gnainsky, Y., Granot, I., Mor, G. (2010). Inflammation and implantation. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 63(1), 17-21.
  • Felder, M., Kapur, A., Gonzalez-Bosquet, J., Horibata, S., Heintz, J., Albrecht, R., Fass L., Kaur, J., Hu, K., Shojaei, H., Whelan, R. J., Patankar, M. S. (2014) MUC16 (CA125): tumor biomarker to cancer therapy, a work in progress. Molecular Cancer, 13: 129.
  • Galabova, G., Egerbacher, M., Aurich, J. E., Leitner, M., Walter, I. (2003). Morphological changes of the endometrium in the bitch during metestrus and anestrus . Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 38, 415-420.
  • Gipson, I. K., Blalock, T., Tisdale, A., Spurr-Michaud, S., Allcorn, S., Stavreus-Evers, A., Gemzell, K. (2008). MUC16 is lost from the uterodome (pinopode) surface of the receptive human endometrium: in vitro evidence that MUC16 is a barrier to trophoblast adherence. Biology of Reproduction, 78:134–142. 10.1016/j.exer.2007.12.008.
  • Goldman, J. M., Murr, A. S., Cooper, R. L. (2007). The rodent estrous cycle: characterization of vaginal cytology and its utility in toxicological studies. Birth Defects Research B Developmental Reproduction Toxicology, 80(2), 84-97.
  • Haridas, D., Ponnusamy, M. P, Chugh, S., Lakshmanan, I., Seshacharyulu, P., Batra, S K. (2014) MUC16: molecular analysis and its functional implications in benign and malignant conditions. The Faseb Journal, 28: 4183-4199.
  • Hattrup, C. L., Gendler, S. J. (2008). Structure and function of the cell surface (tethered) mucins. Annual Review od Physiology, 70, 431-57. 10.1146/annurev.physiol.
  • Hewetson, A., Chilton, B. S. (1997). Molecular cloning and hormone - dependent expression of rabbit Muc1 in the cervix and uterus. Biological Reproduction 57, 468-477.
  • Ilekis, J. V., Connor, J. P., Prins, G. S., Ferrer, K., Niederberger, C., Scoccia, B. (1997). Expression of epidermal growth factor and androgen receptors in ovarian cancer. Gynecolocic Oncol 66, 250 – 254.
  • Jentoft, N., (1990). Why are proteins O-glycosylated? Trends Biochemical Science, 15,291-294.
  • McGuckin, M. A., Quin, R. J., Ward, B. G. (1998). Progesterone stimulates production and secretion of MUC1 epithelial mucin in steroid - responsive breast cancer cell lines. International Journal of Oncology, 12, 939-945.
  • Meseguer, M., Aplin, J. D., Caballero-Campo, P., O’Connor, J,E., Martin, J. C., Remohi, J., Pellicer, A., Simon, C. (2001). Human endometrial mucin MUC1 is up -regulated by progesterone and down- regulated in vitro by the human blastocyst. Biological Reproduction, 64, 590-601.
  • Mullins, D. E., Horst, M., Bazer, F. W., Roberts, R. M. (1980). Isolation and caracterization of a plasma membrane fraction derived from the luminal surface of the pig uterus during the eustrous cycle and early pregnancy. Biological of Reproduction, 22,1181-1192.
  • Nikas, G., Makrigiannakis, A., Hovatta, O., Jones, H. W. Jr. (2000). Surface morphology of the human endometrium. Basic and clinical aspects. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 900, 316-324.
  • Perez. B. H., Gipson. I. K. (2008). Focus on molecules: human mucin MUC16. Experimental Eye Research, 87:400–401. 10.1016/j.exer.2007.12.008.
  • Pimental, R. A., Julian, J., Gendler, S. J., Carson, D. D. (1996). Synthesis and intracellullar trafficcing of Muc-1 and musins by polarized Mouse uterine epithelial cells Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271, 28128-28137.
  • Rachagani, S., Torres, M. P., Moniaux, N., Batra, S. K. (2009). Current status of mucins in the diagnosis and therapy of cancer. BioFactors. 35(6), 509-527.
  • Rehm, S., Stanislaus, D. J., Williams, A. M. (2007). Estrous Cycle-Dependent Histology and Review of Sex Steroid Receptor Expression in Dog Reproductive Tissues and Mammary Gland and Associated Hormone Levels. Birth Defects Research, (Part B) 80(3), 233-45.
  • Surveyor, G. A., Gendler, S. J, Pemberton, L., Das, S. K., Chakraborty, I., Julian, J., Pimental, R. A, Wegner, C. C., Dey, S. K, Carson, D. D., (1995). Expression and steroid hormonal control of Muc- I in the mouse uterus. Endocrinology, 136:3639-3647.
  • Stenner, J., & Crawford, D. E., (1999). Combined Androgen Blockade. In Prostate Cancer. Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment. A. V. Kaisary, G. P. Murphy, L. Denis, K. Griffiths (Eds.), (pp. 303-317). Martin Duntz, London.
  • Van, C. S., Van, B. W., D'haeseleer, M., Simoens, P. (2004). Proliferation patterns in the canine endometrium during the estrous cycle. Theriogenology, 62(3-4), 631-641.
  • Vermeirsch, H. (2001). Immunohistochemical determination of receptors for sex steroid hormones in the genital tract of the female dog. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ghent University, Belgium.
  • Wick, R., Kress, A. (2002). Ultrastructural changes in the uterine luminal and glandular epithelium during the oestrous cycle of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica (grey short-tailed opossum). Cells Tissues Organs, 170, 111-131.
  • Yin, B. W., Lloyd, K. O. (2001). Molecular cloning of the CA125 ovarian cancer antigen: Identification as a new mucin (MUC16). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276, 27371-27375.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Other)
Journal Section Caucasian Journal of Science

Buket Bakır 0000-0003-3637-3688

Hasan Oral 0000-0002-4366-4988

Ebru Karadağ Sarı 0000-0001-7581-6109

Mushap Kuru 0000-0003-4409-251X

Hasan Asker 0000-0002-5703-2164

Project Number 2017-TS-07
Publication Date July 10, 2023
Submission Date May 24, 2023
Acceptance Date July 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Bakır, B., Oral, H., Karadağ Sarı, E., Kuru, M., et al. (2023). Investigation Of Muc1 and Muc16 Expressions in Uterus Tissue of Kangal or Kangal Cross-Bred Bitches in Proestrus, Metestrus-Diestrus and Anestrus Periods of Sexual Cycles. Caucasian Journal of Science, 10(1), 25-37.

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