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Year 2018, , 253 - 262, 01.12.2018


In this study, spore morphology of Bartramia pomiformis Hedw., B. halleriana Hedw., Philonotis calcarea (Bruch & Schimp.) Schimp. and Plagiopus oederianus (Sw.) H.A.Crum & L.E.Anderson were examined by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All spores are small, the length of the polar axis (P) is between 12.36 µm and 19.14 µm, equatorial diameter (E) is between 19.59 µm and 26.23 µm. The smallest spores of them are Philonotis calcarea and the biggest spores of them are Plagiopus oederianus. The shapes of the spores are determined as suboblate for Bartramia pomiformis, B. halleriana, and oblate for Philonotis calcarea, Plagiopus oederianus. Verrucategranulate, gemmate-microecinate, perforate, gemmate-pilate and verrucate ornamentation types were observed on the distal pole. In addition to spore morphology, capsule structures were also examined and were photographed with SEM. As a result, the spore size, shapes, ornamentation types and the capsule structures show some differences among these species and these differences can be used as distinctive characters in the identifications of them


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  • [4] V. Virtanen, Taxonomic Studies of the Bartramiaceae, Bryopsida. Helsingin yliopiston kasvitieteen julkaisuja Publications in Botany from the University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 31, (2000).
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  • [6] F. Savaroglu, I. Potoglu Erkara, C. Baycu and M. Alkan, Spore morphology of some Bryaceae Schwägr. species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 1 (2), (2007) 49-54.
  • [7] F. Savaroglu and I. Potoglu Erkara, Observations of spore morphology of some Pottiaceae Schimp. species (Bryophyta) in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 271, (2008) 93-99.
  • [8] N. Medina, B. Estebanez, F. Lara and V. Mazimpaka, On the presence of dimorphic spores in Orthotrichum affine (Bryopsida, Orthotrichaceae). Journal of Bryology, 31, (2009) 127-129.
  • [9] B. Ascı, T. Ceter , N. Pınar, H. Colgeçen and B. Cetin, Spore morphology of some Turkish Tortula and Syntrichia species (Pottiaceae Schimp., Bryophyta. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany, 17 (2), (2010) 165-180.
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  • [12] T. Ceter and K. Canlı, Türkiyede yayılış gösteren bazı Grimmia (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta) turlerin spor morfolojisinin incelenmesi. III. Aerobiyoloji, Palinoloji ve Alerjik Hastalıklarda Son Yenilikler Sempozyumu (APAS 2016), 5-7 Kasım 2016, Kastamonu/Türkiye, (2016).
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  • [14] A. Van der Pluym and M. Hideux, Application d’une mèthodologie quantitative á la palynologie d’Eryngium maritimum (Umbelliferae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 127, (1977) 55-85.
  • [15] G. Erdtman, Pollen and spore morphology/plant taxonomy; Gymnospermae, Pteridophyta, Bryophyta. Almquist and Wiksell, (1957) Stockholm.
  • [16] A. Boros and M. Járai-Komlódi, An atlas of recent European bryophyte spore. Akademiai Kiado, (1975) Budapest.
  • [17] S. Blackmore and S. Barnes, Pollen and Spores. Patterns of Diversification. The Systematics Association. Special Vol. No. 44. Clarendon Press, (1991) Oxford.
  • [18] W. Punt, S. Blackmore, S. Nilsson and A. Le Thomas, Glossary of pollen and spore terminology, contributions series No: 1. LPP foundation, (1994) Netherlands.
  • [19] R. Kapp, O. Davis and J. King, Pollen and spores, the American association of stratigraphic palynologists foundation. Texas A&M University, (2000) USA.
  • [20] A. Boros, M. Járai-Komlódi, Z. Töth and S. Nilson, An atlas of recent European Bryophyte spores. Akademiai Kiado, (1993) Budapest.
Year 2018, , 253 - 262, 01.12.2018



  • [1] V. Virtanen, Phylogeny of the Bartramiaceae (Bryopsida) Based on Morphology and on rbcL, rps4, and trnL-trnF Sequence Data. The Bryologist, 106 (2), (2003) 280-296.
  • [2] K. Dierβen, Distribution, ecological amplitude and phytosociological characterization of European bryophytes. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca, Band 56, (2001) Stuttgart.
  • [3] A. Erdag and H. Kurscher, Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Karayosunları). Ali Nihat Gokyigit Vakfı, Flora Araştırmaları Dernegi, (2017), İstanbul.
  • [4] V. Virtanen, Taxonomic Studies of the Bartramiaceae, Bryopsida. Helsingin yliopiston kasvitieteen julkaisuja Publications in Botany from the University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 31, (2000).
  • [5] I. Potoglu Erkara and F. Savaroglu, Spore morphology of some Brachytheciaceae Schimp. species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. Nordic Journal of Botany, 25, (2007) 194-198.
  • [6] F. Savaroglu, I. Potoglu Erkara, C. Baycu and M. Alkan, Spore morphology of some Bryaceae Schwägr. species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences 1 (2), (2007) 49-54.
  • [7] F. Savaroglu and I. Potoglu Erkara, Observations of spore morphology of some Pottiaceae Schimp. species (Bryophyta) in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 271, (2008) 93-99.
  • [8] N. Medina, B. Estebanez, F. Lara and V. Mazimpaka, On the presence of dimorphic spores in Orthotrichum affine (Bryopsida, Orthotrichaceae). Journal of Bryology, 31, (2009) 127-129.
  • [9] B. Ascı, T. Ceter , N. Pınar, H. Colgeçen and B. Cetin, Spore morphology of some Turkish Tortula and Syntrichia species (Pottiaceae Schimp., Bryophyta. The Herb Journal of Systematic Botany, 17 (2), (2010) 165-180.
  • [10] I. Caldeira, A. Luizi-Ponzo and V. Esteves, Palynology of selected species of Fissidens (Hedw.). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 299, (2013) 187-195.
  • [11] F. Savaroglu, Spore morphology of some Orthotrichaceae Arn. species (Bryophyta) from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 44 (4), (2015) 499-506.
  • [12] T. Ceter and K. Canlı, Türkiyede yayılış gösteren bazı Grimmia (Grimmiaceae, Bryophyta) turlerin spor morfolojisinin incelenmesi. III. Aerobiyoloji, Palinoloji ve Alerjik Hastalıklarda Son Yenilikler Sempozyumu (APAS 2016), 5-7 Kasım 2016, Kastamonu/Türkiye, (2016).
  • [13] R. Wodehouse, Pollen grains. Mc. Grew Hill, (1935) New York.
  • [14] A. Van der Pluym and M. Hideux, Application d’une mèthodologie quantitative á la palynologie d’Eryngium maritimum (Umbelliferae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 127, (1977) 55-85.
  • [15] G. Erdtman, Pollen and spore morphology/plant taxonomy; Gymnospermae, Pteridophyta, Bryophyta. Almquist and Wiksell, (1957) Stockholm.
  • [16] A. Boros and M. Járai-Komlódi, An atlas of recent European bryophyte spore. Akademiai Kiado, (1975) Budapest.
  • [17] S. Blackmore and S. Barnes, Pollen and Spores. Patterns of Diversification. The Systematics Association. Special Vol. No. 44. Clarendon Press, (1991) Oxford.
  • [18] W. Punt, S. Blackmore, S. Nilsson and A. Le Thomas, Glossary of pollen and spore terminology, contributions series No: 1. LPP foundation, (1994) Netherlands.
  • [19] R. Kapp, O. Davis and J. King, Pollen and spores, the American association of stratigraphic palynologists foundation. Texas A&M University, (2000) USA.
  • [20] A. Boros, M. Járai-Komlódi, Z. Töth and S. Nilson, An atlas of recent European Bryophyte spores. Akademiai Kiado, (1993) Budapest.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Talip Ceter This is me

Merve Can Gözcü This is me

Güray Uyar This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C-Biology.

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