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Çanakkale İli Ticari Süt Çiftliklerinde Aydınlatma Koşullarının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2020, , 289 - 299, 29.12.2020


Bu çalışmada süt hayvancılığı yapılan çiftliklerde kullanılan aydınlatma seviyelerinin uygunluğu ve ölçüm değerlerinin uluslararası standartlarla karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma Çanakkale il sınırları içerisinde bulunan bir tanesi serbest duraklı sistemli, sağım hane doğumhane, revir gibi bölümleri bulunan modern bir hayvancılık işletmesinde diğeri ise daha çok geleneksel yöntemlerle faaliyetlerini devam ettiren bağlı duraklı sistem olan daha ilkel bir süt çiftliğinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma esnasında işletmelerin farklı bölümlerinde beş farklı noktadan ölçümler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu ölçümler, aydınlatma düzeyinin incelenmesi açısından günün farklı zaman dilimlerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gündüz yapay aydınlatmanın olmadığı A çiftliğinde saat 10:30 da B çiftliğinde ise saat 13:00 te ölçümler elde edilmiştir. Yapay aydınlatmanın kullanıldığı saatlerde ise A çiftliğinde saat 20:30, B çiftliğinde ise saat 22:00 de ölçümler alınmıştır. Her iki tesis içinde elde edilen veriler aynı gün içerisinde alınmıştır. Yapılan ölçümler sonucunda yapay aydınlatmanın kullanıldığı saatlerde her iki işletmeninde bazı bölümlerinde standarttın üzerinde aydınlatma enerjisi kullanıldığı, bazı bölümlerinde ise yetersiz aydınlatmanın kullanıldığı gözlenmiştir. ASAE standardına göre 500 lüx olması gereken aydınlanma seviyesi, A çiftliğinin sağımhane çukurunda ortala olarak 1151,2 lüx olarak bulunmuştur. Geleneksel yöntemle üretim gerçekleştirilen B çiftliğinde ise bu değer 4.6 lüx olarak bulunmuştur. Oysaki ASAE standardı geleneksel çiftlikler için 200 lüx olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlardan görüldüğü üzere A çiftliğinde aydınlanma seviyesinin standardın çok çok üzerinde olduğu, B çiftliğinde ise standardın çok altında olduğu görülmektedir. Bu nedenle A çiftliğinde aydınlatma armatürlerinin azaltılması, B çiftliğinde ise arttırılması gerektiği ortaya konarak ilgili çiftlik yöneticileri bu konuda bilgilendirilmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi (ÇOMÜ-BAP)

Project Number



Bu araştırma, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi (ÇOMÜ BAP) tarafından FBA-2018-2771 nolu proje ile desteklenmiştir. Araştırıcılar projeye maddi destek sağlayan Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü’ne ve Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi’ne teşekkürlerini sunarlar


  • Auchtung, T.L., Morin, D.E., Mallard, C.C., Dahl, G.E. 2003. Photoperiod manipulation during the dry period: effects on general health and mastitis occurrence. Proceeding of the National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting. Ft Worth TX Jan 26 29th, 2003.
  • Belyaev, V., Gorbunova, . 1973. Effect of lightning in premises on milk yield of cows. Veterinaria, 11: 29 31.
  • Bodurov, N. 1979. Effect of supplementary artificial illumination with visible rays on some biochemical parameters in the blood serum, milk production and fertility in cows during lactation. Veterinarnomedicinski Nauki, 16: 58 65.
  • Dahl, G.E., Elsasser, T.H., Capuco, A.V., Erdman, R.A., Peters, R.R. 1997. Effect of long day photoperiod on milk yield and circulating insulin-like growth factor-1. J. Dairy Sci., 80: 2784 2789.
  • Dahl, G.E., Buchanan, B.A., Tucker, H.A. 2000. Photoperiodic effects on dairy cattle: A review. J. Dairy Sci., 83: 885 893.
  • Dahl, G.E., 2003. Photoperiod management of dairy cattle for performance and health. Adv. Dairy Technol., 15: 347 353.
  • Dahl, G. 2005. Let there be light: Photoperiod management of cows for production and health. Proceedings 42nd Florida Dairy Production Conference, Gainesville, May 3, Pp. 35 41.
  • Dole al, O., erná, D, Kní ek, J. 2002. Komfortní ustájení vysokoproduk ních dojnic (Comfortable environment of high yielding cows). Prague, VÚ V Prague.
  • Hayes, A.W. 2007. Principles and methods of toxicology, 5 th edn. Informa Healthcare, New York, Pp. 1070 1071.
  • Illnerova, H., Sumova, A. 1997. Photic entrainment of the mammalian rhythm in melatonin production. J. Biol. Rhythms, 12: 547 555.
  • Karvetski, K.E., Velasco, J.M., Reid, E.D., Salak-Johnson, J.L., Dahl, G.E. 2006. Behavioral time budget of dry cows: Photoperiod alters distribution of maintenance behaviours. J. Anim.. Sci., 84(Suppl. 1): 410.
  • Mitev, Y. 2012. Contemporary aspects of welfare in dairy cattle farms, Stara Zagora. 280 Pp.
  • Miteva, Ch. 2012. Hygienic aspects of freerange production systems for dairy cows. Monograph, Academic Publishing House of the Trakia University.
  • Peters, R.R., Chapin, L.T., Emery, R.S., Tucker, H.A. 1981. Milk yield, feed intake, prolactin, growth hormone and glucocorticoid response of cows to supplemented light. J. Dairy Sci., 64: 1671 1678.
  • Petkov, ., nev, ., Sivkova, ., Varlyakov, I. 2000. Textbook of animal physiology.
  • Phillips, C.J.C., Schofield, S.A. 1989. The effect of supplementary light on the production and behaviour of dairy cows. Anim. Product., 48: 293 303.
  • Phillips, C.J.C., Lomas, C.A., Arab, T.M. 1998. Differential response of dairy cows to supplementary light during increasing or decreasing daylength. Anim. Sci., 66: 55 63.
  • Rendic, S. 2002. Summary of information on human CYP emzymes: Human P450 metabolism data. Drug Metabolism Reviews. New York, Informa Healthcare, 1 2: 83 448.
  • Rieter, R.J. 1980. The pineal and its hormones in the control of reproduction in mammals. Endocrine Rev., 1: 109 131. Rieter, R.J. 1991. Pineal melatonin, cell biology of its synthesis and of its physiological interactions. Endocrine Rev., 12: 151 180.
  • Rist, M., Berthound, A., Heusser, H. 1974. Über Belischtung und Beleuchtung in Ställen, under besonderer Berücksichtigung der Belichtuhgsverhältnisse in neueren schweizerischen Rindvichställen.
  • Sístková, ., Peterka, A., Peterka, B. 2010. Light and noise conditions of buildings for breeding dairy cows. Res. Agric. Eng., 56(3): 92 98.
  • Stanisiewski, E.P., Mellenberger, R.W., Anderson, C.R., Tucker, H.A. 1985. Effect of photoperiod on milk yield and milk fat in commercial dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci., 68: 1134 1140.
  • Ulimbashev, . 2011. More light more milk (effect of lightning of barns on milk production of cows). Animal Husbandry in Russia, N. 9 - 51.
  • Varlyakov, I. 1991. A study on the eating behaviour of lactating cows by a recording apparatus. Proceedings of the 7th International Congres on Animal Hygiene, Leipzig. Germany. 20 24 August 1991, Vol. III, Pp. 1101 1106.
  • Varlyakov, I., sev, . Sivkova. . 1993. Ethological assessment of free-range cattle production system on deep permanent litter. I. Feeding behaviour, rest, locomotion. Anim. Sci. (Sofia), 7: 10 16.
  • Varlyakov, I. 1999. Cattle Behaviour. In: Animal Behaviour. Book of Ethology. KOTA, Stara Zagora, Pp. 59 90.
  • Varlyakov, I., Dinev, D., Radev, V., Slavov, T. 2007. Ethological evaluation of large measured building for dairy cows reared in individual cubicles. Trakia J. Sci., 5(1): 52 58.
  • Varlyakov, I., Radev, V., Slavov, T., Grigorova, N. 2010a. Ethological evaluation of a building for free housing of dairy cows. I. Behavioral activities in the summer. Trakia J. Sci., 8(Suppl.1): 222 229.
  • Varlyakov, I., Slavov, T., Grigorova, N. 2010b. Ethological evaluation of a building for free housing of dairy cows. II. Behavioural activities in the winter. Agric. Sci. Technol., 2(1): 14 21.
  • Wright, J., Shelford, T. 2013. Light spectrum and its implications on milk production. Dairy business, Pp. 27 28.
Year 2020, , 289 - 299, 29.12.2020


Project Number



  • Auchtung, T.L., Morin, D.E., Mallard, C.C., Dahl, G.E. 2003. Photoperiod manipulation during the dry period: effects on general health and mastitis occurrence. Proceeding of the National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting. Ft Worth TX Jan 26 29th, 2003.
  • Belyaev, V., Gorbunova, . 1973. Effect of lightning in premises on milk yield of cows. Veterinaria, 11: 29 31.
  • Bodurov, N. 1979. Effect of supplementary artificial illumination with visible rays on some biochemical parameters in the blood serum, milk production and fertility in cows during lactation. Veterinarnomedicinski Nauki, 16: 58 65.
  • Dahl, G.E., Elsasser, T.H., Capuco, A.V., Erdman, R.A., Peters, R.R. 1997. Effect of long day photoperiod on milk yield and circulating insulin-like growth factor-1. J. Dairy Sci., 80: 2784 2789.
  • Dahl, G.E., Buchanan, B.A., Tucker, H.A. 2000. Photoperiodic effects on dairy cattle: A review. J. Dairy Sci., 83: 885 893.
  • Dahl, G.E., 2003. Photoperiod management of dairy cattle for performance and health. Adv. Dairy Technol., 15: 347 353.
  • Dahl, G. 2005. Let there be light: Photoperiod management of cows for production and health. Proceedings 42nd Florida Dairy Production Conference, Gainesville, May 3, Pp. 35 41.
  • Dole al, O., erná, D, Kní ek, J. 2002. Komfortní ustájení vysokoproduk ních dojnic (Comfortable environment of high yielding cows). Prague, VÚ V Prague.
  • Hayes, A.W. 2007. Principles and methods of toxicology, 5 th edn. Informa Healthcare, New York, Pp. 1070 1071.
  • Illnerova, H., Sumova, A. 1997. Photic entrainment of the mammalian rhythm in melatonin production. J. Biol. Rhythms, 12: 547 555.
  • Karvetski, K.E., Velasco, J.M., Reid, E.D., Salak-Johnson, J.L., Dahl, G.E. 2006. Behavioral time budget of dry cows: Photoperiod alters distribution of maintenance behaviours. J. Anim.. Sci., 84(Suppl. 1): 410.
  • Mitev, Y. 2012. Contemporary aspects of welfare in dairy cattle farms, Stara Zagora. 280 Pp.
  • Miteva, Ch. 2012. Hygienic aspects of freerange production systems for dairy cows. Monograph, Academic Publishing House of the Trakia University.
  • Peters, R.R., Chapin, L.T., Emery, R.S., Tucker, H.A. 1981. Milk yield, feed intake, prolactin, growth hormone and glucocorticoid response of cows to supplemented light. J. Dairy Sci., 64: 1671 1678.
  • Petkov, ., nev, ., Sivkova, ., Varlyakov, I. 2000. Textbook of animal physiology.
  • Phillips, C.J.C., Schofield, S.A. 1989. The effect of supplementary light on the production and behaviour of dairy cows. Anim. Product., 48: 293 303.
  • Phillips, C.J.C., Lomas, C.A., Arab, T.M. 1998. Differential response of dairy cows to supplementary light during increasing or decreasing daylength. Anim. Sci., 66: 55 63.
  • Rendic, S. 2002. Summary of information on human CYP emzymes: Human P450 metabolism data. Drug Metabolism Reviews. New York, Informa Healthcare, 1 2: 83 448.
  • Rieter, R.J. 1980. The pineal and its hormones in the control of reproduction in mammals. Endocrine Rev., 1: 109 131. Rieter, R.J. 1991. Pineal melatonin, cell biology of its synthesis and of its physiological interactions. Endocrine Rev., 12: 151 180.
  • Rist, M., Berthound, A., Heusser, H. 1974. Über Belischtung und Beleuchtung in Ställen, under besonderer Berücksichtigung der Belichtuhgsverhältnisse in neueren schweizerischen Rindvichställen.
  • Sístková, ., Peterka, A., Peterka, B. 2010. Light and noise conditions of buildings for breeding dairy cows. Res. Agric. Eng., 56(3): 92 98.
  • Stanisiewski, E.P., Mellenberger, R.W., Anderson, C.R., Tucker, H.A. 1985. Effect of photoperiod on milk yield and milk fat in commercial dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci., 68: 1134 1140.
  • Ulimbashev, . 2011. More light more milk (effect of lightning of barns on milk production of cows). Animal Husbandry in Russia, N. 9 - 51.
  • Varlyakov, I. 1991. A study on the eating behaviour of lactating cows by a recording apparatus. Proceedings of the 7th International Congres on Animal Hygiene, Leipzig. Germany. 20 24 August 1991, Vol. III, Pp. 1101 1106.
  • Varlyakov, I., sev, . Sivkova. . 1993. Ethological assessment of free-range cattle production system on deep permanent litter. I. Feeding behaviour, rest, locomotion. Anim. Sci. (Sofia), 7: 10 16.
  • Varlyakov, I. 1999. Cattle Behaviour. In: Animal Behaviour. Book of Ethology. KOTA, Stara Zagora, Pp. 59 90.
  • Varlyakov, I., Dinev, D., Radev, V., Slavov, T. 2007. Ethological evaluation of large measured building for dairy cows reared in individual cubicles. Trakia J. Sci., 5(1): 52 58.
  • Varlyakov, I., Radev, V., Slavov, T., Grigorova, N. 2010a. Ethological evaluation of a building for free housing of dairy cows. I. Behavioral activities in the summer. Trakia J. Sci., 8(Suppl.1): 222 229.
  • Varlyakov, I., Slavov, T., Grigorova, N. 2010b. Ethological evaluation of a building for free housing of dairy cows. II. Behavioural activities in the winter. Agric. Sci. Technol., 2(1): 14 21.
  • Wright, J., Shelford, T. 2013. Light spectrum and its implications on milk production. Dairy business, Pp. 27 28.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Arda Aydın 0000-0001-9670-5061

Anıl Çay 0000-0002-2570-8051

Burak Polat 0000-0001-9171-1024

Aykut Or 0000-0001-5279-0057

Project Number FBA-2018-2771
Publication Date December 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Aydın, A., Çay, A., Polat, B., Or, A. (2020). Çanakkale İli Ticari Süt Çiftliklerinde Aydınlatma Koşullarının Değerlendirilmesi. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 8(2), 289-299.