Research Article
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Evaluation of Initial Yield Perfomances of Perennial Wheat Genotypes and Their F1 Hybrids

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 253 - 262, 27.12.2024


The rising demand for sustainable food production due to climate challenges has increased tthe interest in perennial crops as potential solutions. Perennial wheat, a hybrid derived from crossbreeding traditional wheat (Triticum spp.) and perennial species generally Thinopyrum spp., offers promising ecological benefits, including enhanced soil health, reduced erosion, and carbon sequestration. This study evaluates the first-year yield performances of 20 perennial wheat genotypes and 23 F1 hybrids obtained from intraspecific crosses among these lines, compared to two commercial bread wheat cultivars. The field experiments were conducted over two consecutive growing seasons (2021-2022 and 2022-2023) at experimental fields of Ege University Field Crops Department, the seeds were sown in a randomized complete block design for the perennial lines and a randomized incomplete block design for F1 hybrids.
Key agronomic traits measured were plant height (PH), grain number per spike (GNS), thousand kernel weight (TKW), and plot yield (PY). The ANOVA indicated significant genotypic effects on all traits (p<0.01), and year effects were significant for PH (p<0.05) and TKW (p<0.01). Heritability estimates were high for all four triats, particularly for PH (H2=0.93), TKW (H2=0.82), and GNS (H2=0.77), demonstrating substantial genetic influence on these traits.
PH showed considerable variation, with genotypes derived from Thinopyrum ponticum exhibiting the tallest growth, while commercial checks displayed relatively shorter stature. The commercial cultivars excelled in yield-related traits, consistently ranking in the highest statistical groups for TKW, GNS, and PY. Promising genotypes included G18 ( sourced from Th. intermedium) and G19 (sourced from Th. ponticum), which close to commercial standards in TKW and PY across both years showed that these lines are promising for future breeding studies aiming to improve the yield.
These results highlight that certain perennial wheat genotypes can be used in breeding programs for high yield, while indicating that the yield performance of the lines is affected by their genetic sources.


  • Abbasi, J., Dehghani, H., Dvořák, J., McGuire, P., 2020. Perennial growth and salinity tolerance in wheat × wheatgrass amphiploids varying in the ratio of wheat to wheatgrass genomes. Plant Breeding. 139(6): 1281-1289.
  • Akbarpour, O., Dehghani, H., Rousta, M., 2015. Evaluation of salt stress of Iranian wheat germplasm under field conditions. Crop and Pasture Science. 66(8): 770-781.
  • Bell, L., Wade, L., Ewing, M., 2010. Perennial wheat: A review of environmental and agronomic prospects for development in Australia. Crop and Pasture Science. 61(9): 679-690.
  • Cassman, K., Connor, D., 2022. Progress towards perennial grains for prairies and plains. Outlook on Agriculture. 51(1): 32-38.
  • Coleman, S. W., Rao, S. C., Volesky, J. D., Phillips, W. A., 2010. Growth and nutritive value of perennial C3 grasses in the southern Great Plains. Crop Science. 50(3): 1070-1078.
  • DeHaan, L., Christians, M., Crain, J., Poland, J., 2018. Development and evolution of an intermediate wheatgrass domestication program. Sustainability. 10(5): 1499.
  • Erenstein, O., Poole, N., Donovan, J., 2022. Role of staple cereals in human nutrition: Separating the wheat from the chaff in the infodemics age. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 119: 508-513.
  • Gashaw, A., Mohammed, H., Singh, H., 2011. Genotypic variability, heritability, genetic advance and associations among characters in Ethiopian durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) accessions. East African Journal of Sciences. 4(1): 27-33.
  • Glover, J. D., Reganold, J. P., Bell, L. W., Borevitz, J., Brummer, E. C., Buckler, E. S., Cox, C.M., Crews T.E., Culman, S.W., Dehaan, L.R., Eriksson, D., Gill, B. S., Holland, J., Hu, F., Hulke, B. S., Ibrahim, A.M. H., Jakson, W., Jones, S. S., Murray, S. C., Paterson A.H., Ploschuk, E., Sacks, E. J., Snapp, S., Tao, D., Van Tassel, D. L., Wade, L. J., Wyse, D. L., Xu, Y., 2010. Increased food and ecosystem security via perennial grains. Science. 328(5986): 1638-1639.
  • Hayes, R. C., Wang, S., Newell, M. T., Turner, K., Larsen, J., Gazza, L., Anderson, J. A., Bell, L. W., Cattani, D. J., Frels, K., Galassi, E., Morgounov, A. I., Revell, C. K., Thapa, D. B., Sacks, E. J., Sameri, M., Wade, L. J., Westerbergh, A., Shamanin, V., Amanov, A., Li, G., 2018. The performance of early-generation perennial winter cereals at 21 sites across four continents. Sustainability. 10(4): 1124.
  • Jaikumar, N., Snapp, S., Murphy, K., Jones, S., 2012. Agronomic assessment of perennial wheat and perennial rye as cereal crops. Agronomy Journal. 104(6): 1716-1726.
  • Kane, D., Rogé, P., Snapp, S., 2016. A systematic review of perennial staple crops literature using topic modeling and bibliometric analysis. Plos One. 11(5): e0155788.
  • Khan, M., 2022. Devising selection strategy for increase in sesame yield based on variability heritability and genetic advance studies. Pure and Applied Biology. 11(1).
  • Khazratkulova, S., Sharma, R. C., Amanov, A., Ziyadullaev, Z., Amanov, O., Alikulov, S., Ziyaev, Z., Muzafarova, D., 2015. Genotype × environment interaction and stability of grain yield and selected quality traits in winter wheat in Central Asia. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 39: 920-929.
  • Kurmanbayeva, M., 2024. Anatomical and morphological features, and productivity of six perennial wheat varieties in the agroecological conditions of the Almaty region, Kazakhstan. Bio Web of Conferences. 100: 04048.
  • Liu Y., Song W., Song A., Wu C., Ding J., Yu X., Song J., Liu M., Yang X., Jiang C., Zhao H., Li X., Cui L., Li H., Zhang Y., 2023. Hybridization domestication and molecular cytogenetic characterization of new germplasm of Thinopyrum intermedium with SMGISH at Northeastern China. Research Square.
  • Morgan, R., Danilova, T., Newell, M., Cai, X., Jones, S., 2023. Agronomic evaluation and molecular cytogenetic characterization of Triticum aestivum × Thinopyrum spp. derivative breeding lines presenting perennial growth habits. Plants. 12(18): 3217.
  • Murphy, K. M., Hoagland, L., Reeves, P. G., Baik, B., Jones, S. S., 2009. Nutritional and quality characteristics expressed in 31 perennial wheat breeding lines. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 24(4): 285-292.
  • Newell, M., Hayes, R., 2017. An initial investigation of forage production and feed quality of perennial wheat derivatives. Crop and Pasture Science. 68(12): 1141.
  • Pogna N, Galassi E, Ciccoritti R, De Stefanis E, Sgrulletta D, Cacciatori P, Gazza L, Bozzini A. 2014. Evaluation of nine perennial wheat derivatives grown in Italy. In: C Batello, L Wade, S Cox, N Pogna, A Bozzini, J Choptiany, eds. Perennial crops for food security – Proceedings of the FAO expert workshop. Rome, Italy: FAO, 54–71.
  • Ryan, M., Crews, T., Culman, S., DeHaan, L., Hayes, R., Jungers, J., Bakker, M. G., 2018. Managing for multifunctionality in perennial grain crops. Bioscience. 68(4): 294-304.
  • Singh, M., Albertsen, M., Cigan, A., 2021. Male fertility genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and their utilization for hybrid seed production. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(15): 8157.
  • Turner, M., DeHaan, L., Jin, Y., Anderson, J., 2013. Wheatgrass–wheat partial amphiploids as a novel source of stem rust and fusarium head blight resistance. Crop Science. 53(5): 1994-2005.
  • Tyl, C., Ismail, B., 2018. Compositional evaluation of perennial wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) breeding populations. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 54(3): 660-669.
  • Wickham, H., ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York, 2016.
  • Wu, X., Liang, S., Byrne, D., 2019. Heritability of plant architecture in diploid roses (Rosa spp.). HortScience. 54(2): 236-239.

Çok Yıllık Buğday Genotiplerinin ve F1 Hibritlerinin Ön Verim Performanslarının Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 253 - 262, 27.12.2024


İklim değişikliği nedeniyle sürdürülebilir gıda üretimine olan talebin artması, çok yıllık bitkilere olan ilgiyi arattırmaktadır. Geleneksel ekmeklik buğday (Triticum spp.) ve çok yıllık Thinopyrum türleri arasında yapılan melezlemeden elde edilen çok yıllık buğday, toprak sağlığının iyileştirilmesi, erozyonun azaltılması ve karbon tutulması gibi umut verici ekolojik faydalar sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, 20 farklı çok yıllık buğday genotipinin ve bu genotipler arasında yapılan tür içi melezlemelerden elde edilen 23 F1 melezinin, iki ticari ekmeklik buğday çeşidi ile birlikte, verim performansları değerlendirilmiştir. Arazi denemeleri, Ege Üniversitesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme alanlarında, 2021-2022 ve 2022-2023 buğday yetiştirme sezonlarında yürütülmüş ve çok yıllık hatlar için tesadüf blokları deneme deseni, F1 melezleri için ise eksik bloklar deneme deseni kullanılarak ekimler yapılmıştır.
Araştırmada bitki boyu (PH), başakta tane sayısı (GNS), bin tane ağırlığı (TKW) ve parsel verimi (PY) özellikleri incelenmiştir. Varyan analiz sonujçları, tüm özellikler için genotipik etkilierin önemli olduğunu (p<0.01) göstermiş ve yıl etkilerinin PH (p<0.05) ve TKW (p<0.01) için anlamlı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Tüm dört özellik için yüksek geniş anlamda kalıtım dereceleri gözlenmiştir. Özellikle PH (H2=0.93), TKW (H2=0.82) ve GNS (H2=0.77) karakterleri için genetik etkinin önemli olduğu yüksek kalıtım derecelerinden anlaşılmaktadır.
Bitki boyu Thinopyrum ponticum kaynaklı genotiplerde yüksek olarak bulunmuş, ticari kontroller ise nispeten daha kısa boya sahip . Ticari çeşitler, verimle ilgili özelliklerde üstünlük göstermiş ve TKW, GNS ve PY için en yüksek istatistiksel gruplarda yer almışlardır. G18 (Th. Intermedium kaynaklı) ve G19 (Th. Ponticum kaynaklı) her iki yılda da ticari çeşitlere yakın verim performasları ile umut verici genotipler arasında yer almışlardır.
Bu sonuçlar, belirli çok yıllık buğday genotiplerinin yüksek verim için ıslah programlarında kullanılabileceğini vurgularken, hatların verim performanslarının genetik kaynaklarından etkilendiğini göstermektedir.


  • Abbasi, J., Dehghani, H., Dvořák, J., McGuire, P., 2020. Perennial growth and salinity tolerance in wheat × wheatgrass amphiploids varying in the ratio of wheat to wheatgrass genomes. Plant Breeding. 139(6): 1281-1289.
  • Akbarpour, O., Dehghani, H., Rousta, M., 2015. Evaluation of salt stress of Iranian wheat germplasm under field conditions. Crop and Pasture Science. 66(8): 770-781.
  • Bell, L., Wade, L., Ewing, M., 2010. Perennial wheat: A review of environmental and agronomic prospects for development in Australia. Crop and Pasture Science. 61(9): 679-690.
  • Cassman, K., Connor, D., 2022. Progress towards perennial grains for prairies and plains. Outlook on Agriculture. 51(1): 32-38.
  • Coleman, S. W., Rao, S. C., Volesky, J. D., Phillips, W. A., 2010. Growth and nutritive value of perennial C3 grasses in the southern Great Plains. Crop Science. 50(3): 1070-1078.
  • DeHaan, L., Christians, M., Crain, J., Poland, J., 2018. Development and evolution of an intermediate wheatgrass domestication program. Sustainability. 10(5): 1499.
  • Erenstein, O., Poole, N., Donovan, J., 2022. Role of staple cereals in human nutrition: Separating the wheat from the chaff in the infodemics age. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 119: 508-513.
  • Gashaw, A., Mohammed, H., Singh, H., 2011. Genotypic variability, heritability, genetic advance and associations among characters in Ethiopian durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) accessions. East African Journal of Sciences. 4(1): 27-33.
  • Glover, J. D., Reganold, J. P., Bell, L. W., Borevitz, J., Brummer, E. C., Buckler, E. S., Cox, C.M., Crews T.E., Culman, S.W., Dehaan, L.R., Eriksson, D., Gill, B. S., Holland, J., Hu, F., Hulke, B. S., Ibrahim, A.M. H., Jakson, W., Jones, S. S., Murray, S. C., Paterson A.H., Ploschuk, E., Sacks, E. J., Snapp, S., Tao, D., Van Tassel, D. L., Wade, L. J., Wyse, D. L., Xu, Y., 2010. Increased food and ecosystem security via perennial grains. Science. 328(5986): 1638-1639.
  • Hayes, R. C., Wang, S., Newell, M. T., Turner, K., Larsen, J., Gazza, L., Anderson, J. A., Bell, L. W., Cattani, D. J., Frels, K., Galassi, E., Morgounov, A. I., Revell, C. K., Thapa, D. B., Sacks, E. J., Sameri, M., Wade, L. J., Westerbergh, A., Shamanin, V., Amanov, A., Li, G., 2018. The performance of early-generation perennial winter cereals at 21 sites across four continents. Sustainability. 10(4): 1124.
  • Jaikumar, N., Snapp, S., Murphy, K., Jones, S., 2012. Agronomic assessment of perennial wheat and perennial rye as cereal crops. Agronomy Journal. 104(6): 1716-1726.
  • Kane, D., Rogé, P., Snapp, S., 2016. A systematic review of perennial staple crops literature using topic modeling and bibliometric analysis. Plos One. 11(5): e0155788.
  • Khan, M., 2022. Devising selection strategy for increase in sesame yield based on variability heritability and genetic advance studies. Pure and Applied Biology. 11(1).
  • Khazratkulova, S., Sharma, R. C., Amanov, A., Ziyadullaev, Z., Amanov, O., Alikulov, S., Ziyaev, Z., Muzafarova, D., 2015. Genotype × environment interaction and stability of grain yield and selected quality traits in winter wheat in Central Asia. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 39: 920-929.
  • Kurmanbayeva, M., 2024. Anatomical and morphological features, and productivity of six perennial wheat varieties in the agroecological conditions of the Almaty region, Kazakhstan. Bio Web of Conferences. 100: 04048.
  • Liu Y., Song W., Song A., Wu C., Ding J., Yu X., Song J., Liu M., Yang X., Jiang C., Zhao H., Li X., Cui L., Li H., Zhang Y., 2023. Hybridization domestication and molecular cytogenetic characterization of new germplasm of Thinopyrum intermedium with SMGISH at Northeastern China. Research Square.
  • Morgan, R., Danilova, T., Newell, M., Cai, X., Jones, S., 2023. Agronomic evaluation and molecular cytogenetic characterization of Triticum aestivum × Thinopyrum spp. derivative breeding lines presenting perennial growth habits. Plants. 12(18): 3217.
  • Murphy, K. M., Hoagland, L., Reeves, P. G., Baik, B., Jones, S. S., 2009. Nutritional and quality characteristics expressed in 31 perennial wheat breeding lines. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 24(4): 285-292.
  • Newell, M., Hayes, R., 2017. An initial investigation of forage production and feed quality of perennial wheat derivatives. Crop and Pasture Science. 68(12): 1141.
  • Pogna N, Galassi E, Ciccoritti R, De Stefanis E, Sgrulletta D, Cacciatori P, Gazza L, Bozzini A. 2014. Evaluation of nine perennial wheat derivatives grown in Italy. In: C Batello, L Wade, S Cox, N Pogna, A Bozzini, J Choptiany, eds. Perennial crops for food security – Proceedings of the FAO expert workshop. Rome, Italy: FAO, 54–71.
  • Ryan, M., Crews, T., Culman, S., DeHaan, L., Hayes, R., Jungers, J., Bakker, M. G., 2018. Managing for multifunctionality in perennial grain crops. Bioscience. 68(4): 294-304.
  • Singh, M., Albertsen, M., Cigan, A., 2021. Male fertility genes in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and their utilization for hybrid seed production. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22(15): 8157.
  • Turner, M., DeHaan, L., Jin, Y., Anderson, J., 2013. Wheatgrass–wheat partial amphiploids as a novel source of stem rust and fusarium head blight resistance. Crop Science. 53(5): 1994-2005.
  • Tyl, C., Ismail, B., 2018. Compositional evaluation of perennial wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) breeding populations. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 54(3): 660-669.
  • Wickham, H., ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York, 2016.
  • Wu, X., Liang, S., Byrne, D., 2019. Heritability of plant architecture in diploid roses (Rosa spp.). HortScience. 54(2): 236-239.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Burcu Gökbulut 0000-0001-8172-3005

Deniz Istipliler 0000-0002-0887-1121

Publication Date December 27, 2024
Submission Date November 9, 2024
Acceptance Date November 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Gökbulut, B., & Istipliler, D. (2024). Evaluation of Initial Yield Perfomances of Perennial Wheat Genotypes and Their F1 Hybrids. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 12(2), 253-262.