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The evaluation of bilateral and unilateral knee strength profile of 11-14 years old tennis players

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 33 - 44, 31.12.2019


Strength is one of the most important performance criteria. Bilateral between extremities and unilateral between agonist and antagonist muscles strength asymetres can increase injuries. Even tough, there are many studies about shoulder joint stregth studies, there are limited studies about knee streght outputs and asymetries in knee joint. The purpose of this study was examine there has been any strength asymetries in knee extension- flexion. 5 girls and 3 boys (12.8± 1.9 years) have joined in the study. After descriptive measures (body mass index, percent of body fat, VO2max, 20 m sprint time), dominant and non dominant knee extension and flexion strength was measeured with isokinetic dinamometer(Cybex Norm) at 240-180-120-600 sec-1. The highest value was accepted as the maximal strength. Hamstrings/ Quadriceps ratio was calculated with ratios of strength of flexor and extensor muscles at every angular velocity. Results were analyzed with independent sample t-test and data were given as ±SD and p<0.05 was accepted as significantly. There was no meaningful difference in H/ Q ratios between dominant and non dominant legs (p>0.05). Also, there was any significant difference between dominant and non-dominant stregth outputs(p>0.05). theese findings suggest that there is not any significant differences of dominant and non dominant stregth output during knee extension flexion movement.


  • Aagaard P, Simonsen E, Magnusson S, Larsson B, Dyhre-Poulsen P, 1998. A new concept for isokinetic hamstring:quadriceps muscle strength ratio. Am J Sports Med, 26, 231-7. Akşit T, Özkol MZ. Elit tenisçilerde anaerobik güç ve kapasite performansının saha ve laboratuar koşullarında incelenmesi. 10. ICHPER-SD Avrupa Kongresi ve Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, 17-20 Kasım, 2004, Bornova, İzmir. Anderson MA, Gieck JH, Perrin D, Weltman A, Rutt R, Denegar C, 1991. The relationships among iso- metric, isotonic and isokinetic concentric and eccentric quadriceps and hamstring force and three components of athletic performance. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 14, 114-120. Asai H, Aoki J, 1996. Force development of dynamic and static contractions in children and adults. Int J Sports Med, 17, 170-74. Ashley CD, Weiss LW, 1994. Vertical jump performance and selected physiological characteristics of women. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 8, 5-11. Atabek HÇ, Sönmez GA, 2009. The relationship between isokinetic strength of knee extensors/flexors, jumping and anaerobic performance, Isokinetics and exercise science, 17, 79-83. Barber-Westin SD, Noyes FR, Galloway M, 2006. Jump-land characteristics and muscle strength development in young athletes: a gender comparison of 1140 athletes 9 to 17 years of age. Am J Sports Med, 34, 375-84. Behm D, 1987. Strength and power conditioning for racquet sports. National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal, 9, 37-41. Brown LE ve Whitehurst M, 2000. Isokinetics in human performance. The United States of America, Human Kinetics. Cohen DB, Mont MA, Campbell KR, Voceutein BN, Loew JW, 1994. Upper extremity physical factors affecring tennis serve velocity. American Jozritaf of Sports Mediczne, 22, 746-50. Coombs R, Garbutt G, 2002. Developments in the use of the hamstring/quadriceps ratio for the assessment of muscle balance. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 1, 56-62. Copley BB, 1980. Morphological and physiological study of tennis players with special reference to the effects of training. South African Journal for Research in Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, 3, 33-44. Croisier J, Ganteaume S, Binet J, Genty M, Ferret J, 2008. Strength imbalances and prevention of hamstring injury in professional soccer players: a prospective study. Am J Sports Med, 36, 1469-75. Daneshjoo A, Rahnama N, Mokhtar AH, Yusof A, 2013. Bilateral and unilateral asymmetries of ısokinetic strength and flexibility in male young professional soccer players. Journal of Human Kinetics, 36, 45-53. De Ste Croix MBA, Armstrong N, Welsman JR, 1999. Concentric isokinetic leg strength in pre-teen, teenage and adult males and females. Biol Sport, 16, 75-86. Dvir Z, 2004. Isokinetics: muscle testing, interpretation and clinical applications. Second ed. Edimburgo, Churchill Livingstone. Ellenbecker TS, Roetert EP, 1995. Concentric isokinetic quadriceps and hamstring strength in elite junior tennis players. Isokin Exercise Sci, 5, 3-6. Ellenbecker TS, Roetert EP, Sueyoshi T, Riewald S, 2007. A descriptive profile of age-specific knee extension flexion strength in elite junior tennis players. Br J Sports Med, 41,728-32. Flanagan EP, Harrison AJ, 2007. Muscle dynamics differences between legs in healthy adults. J Strength Cond Res, 21, 67–72. Gerodimos V, Mandou V, Zafeiridis A, Ioakimidis P, Stavropoulos N, Kellis S, 2003. Isokinetic peak torque and hamstring/quadriceps ratios in young basketball players. Effects of age, velocity, and contraction mode. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 43, 444-52. Girard O, Micallef JP, Millet GP, 2005. Lower-limb activity during the power serve in tennis: Effects of performance level. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 7, 1021-29. Girard O, Millet GP, 2009. Physical determinants of tennis performance in competitive teenage players. J Strength Cond Res, 23, 1867-72. Grace TG, Sweetser ER, Nelson MA, 1984. Isokinetic muscle imbalance and knee-joint injuries. J Bone Joint Surg, 66, 734-9. Groppel JL, 1986. The biomechanics of tennis: an overview. Second ed. Int J Sport Biomech, p. 141. Groppel JL, Conroy B, Hubb E, 1986. The mechanics of the forehand drive, suggestions for training the tennis player. National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal, 8, 5-10. Groppel JL, Roetert P, 1992. Applied physiology of tennis. Sports Medicine, 14, 260-8. Housh TJ, Johnson GO, Housh DJ ve ark, 1996. Isokinetic peak torque in young wrestlers. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 8, 143-55. Jones PA, Bampouras TM, 2010. A comparison of isokinetic and functional methods of assessing bilateral strength imbalance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24, 1553-58. Kellis SG, Gerodimos V, Kellis E, Manou V, 2001. Bilateral isokinetic concentric and eccentric strength profiles of the knee extensors and flexors in young soccer players. Isokinet Exerc Sci, 9, 31-9. Knapik JJ, Bauman CL, Jones BH, Harris JM, Vaughan L, 1991. Preseason strength and flexibility imbalances associated with athletic injuries in female collegiate athletes. Am J Sports Med, 19, 76-81. Kraemer WJ, Piorkowski PA, Bush JA, Gomez AL, Loebel C Volek JS, Newton R, Mazzetti SA, Etzweiler SW, Putukian M, Sebastianelli WJ, 2000. The effects of ncaa division 1 ıntercollegiate competitive tennis match play on recovery of physical performance in women. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 14, 265-72. Magalhaes J, Oliveria J, Ascensao A, Soares J 2004. Concentric quadriceps and hamstrings isokinetic strength in volleyball and soccer players. J Sports Med Phys Fıtness, 44, 119-25. Malina RM, Bouchard CG, 1991. Maturation and physical activity. USA, Human Kinetics, p. 49-63. Muratlı S, 1976. Antrenman ve istasyon çalışmaları. Ankara, Pars Matbaası, s. 97-111. Opar D, Williams M, Shield A, 2012. Hamstring strain injuries. Sports Med, 42, 209-26.Heiser T, Weber J, Sullivan G, Clare P, Jacobs R, 1984. Prophylaxis and management of hamstring muscleinjuries in intercollegiate football players. Am J Sports Med, 12, 368-70. Orchard J, Marsden J, Lord S, Garlick D 1997. Preseason hamstring muscle weakness associated with hamstring muscle injury in Australian footballers. Am J Sports Med, 25, 81-5. Parcell AC, Sawyer RD, Trıcolı VA, Chınevere TD, 2002. Minimum rest period for strength recovery during a common isokinetic testing protocol. Med Sci Sports Ex, 34, 1018-22. Poulis I, Chatzis S, Christopoulou K, Tsolakis C, 2009. Isokinetic strength during knee flexion and extension in elite fencers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 108, 949-61. Read MTF, Bellamy MJ, 1990. Comparison of hamstring/quadriceps isokinietic strength ratios and power in tennis, squash, and track athletes. Br J Sports Med, 24, 178-82. Reid M, Ellıott B, Alderson J, 2008. Lower-limb coordination and shoulder joint mechanics in the tennis serve. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40, 308-315. Sannicandro I, Cofano G, Rosa A, Piccinno A, 2014. Balance Training Exercises Decrease Lower-Limb Strength Asymmetry in Young Tennis Players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 13, 397-402. Skok OG, Fajardo JT, Suarez-Arrones L, Arjol-Serrano JL, 2017. Single-leg power output and between-limbs ımbalances in team-sport players: unilateral versus bilateral combined resistance training. Int. J Sports Phys. And Performance,12, 106-14. Slughter MH, Lohman TG, Boileau RA, Horswill CA, Stillman RJ, Loan MD, Bemben DA, 1988. Skinfold equations for estimation of body fatness in children and youth. Human Biology 60, 709-23. Sunnegardh J, Bratteby LE, Nordesjo LO ve ark, 1988. Isometric and isokinetic muscle strength, anthropometry and physical ac tivity in 8 and 13 year old Swedish children. Eur J Appl Physiol, 58, 291-7. Şahin Y, Aslankeser Z, 2016. Evaluatıon of bılateral asymmetry of concentrıc and ısometrıc knee extensıon- flexıon strength ın male fencers, Niğde University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 10. Unierzyski P, 1995. Influence of physical fitness specific to the game of tennis, morphological and psychological factors on performance level in tennis in different age groups. Science and Racket Sports. E & FN Spon. London. Zelisko JA, Noble HB, Porter M, 1982. A comparison of men’s and women’s professional basketball injuries. Am J Sports Med, 10, 297-9.

11-14 Yaş Grubu Tenisçilerin Bilateral ve Unilateral Diz Kuvvet Profilinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 33 - 44, 31.12.2019


Kuvvet teniste önemli performans kriterlerinden birisidir. Extremiteler arası bilateral ve agonist-antagonist arası unilateral kuvvet asimetrisi yaralanma risklerini artırmaktadır. Literatürde tenis branşında omuz eklemine ait kuvvet araştırmaları olduğu halde diz eklemine ait kuvvet değerlerini ve asimetrisini inceleyen kısıtlı araştırma vardır. Bu araştırmanın amacı tenisçi çocuklarda diz extensiyon fleksiyon kas kuvvetinde asimetri olup olmadığını değerlendirmektir. Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 12,8± 1,9 olan 5 kız ve 3 erkek sporcu katılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı ölçümlerin (vücut kitle indeksi, vücut yağ yüzdesi, VO2max, 20 m sprint performansı) yapılmasının ardından izokinetik dinamometre ile 240-180-120-600 sn-1 hızlarda baskın olan ve olmayan diz ekstensiyon fleksiyon kas kuvveti ölçülmüştür. En yüksek kuvvetin kaydedildiği tekrar değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. H/Q oranlarının hesaplanmasında her açısal hızda en yüksek kuvvetin ölçüldüğü fleksiyon ve ekstensiyon değerleri oranlanmıştır. Sonuçların karşılaştırılması bağımsız gruplarda t testi ile yapılmış ve sonuçlar ortalama± SS olarak verilmiştir. p<0,05 istatiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Dominant ve non-dominant tarafa ait kuvvet değerlerinde ve H/Q oranlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. Sonuçlar 11-14 yaş arası tenisçi çocuklarda diz extensiyon fleksiyon kuvvet asimetrisi olmadığını ve kuvvet değerlerinin simetrik olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Aagaard P, Simonsen E, Magnusson S, Larsson B, Dyhre-Poulsen P, 1998. A new concept for isokinetic hamstring:quadriceps muscle strength ratio. Am J Sports Med, 26, 231-7. Akşit T, Özkol MZ. Elit tenisçilerde anaerobik güç ve kapasite performansının saha ve laboratuar koşullarında incelenmesi. 10. ICHPER-SD Avrupa Kongresi ve Uluslararası Spor Bilimleri Kongresi, 17-20 Kasım, 2004, Bornova, İzmir. Anderson MA, Gieck JH, Perrin D, Weltman A, Rutt R, Denegar C, 1991. The relationships among iso- metric, isotonic and isokinetic concentric and eccentric quadriceps and hamstring force and three components of athletic performance. Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 14, 114-120. Asai H, Aoki J, 1996. Force development of dynamic and static contractions in children and adults. Int J Sports Med, 17, 170-74. Ashley CD, Weiss LW, 1994. Vertical jump performance and selected physiological characteristics of women. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 8, 5-11. Atabek HÇ, Sönmez GA, 2009. The relationship between isokinetic strength of knee extensors/flexors, jumping and anaerobic performance, Isokinetics and exercise science, 17, 79-83. Barber-Westin SD, Noyes FR, Galloway M, 2006. Jump-land characteristics and muscle strength development in young athletes: a gender comparison of 1140 athletes 9 to 17 years of age. Am J Sports Med, 34, 375-84. Behm D, 1987. Strength and power conditioning for racquet sports. National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal, 9, 37-41. Brown LE ve Whitehurst M, 2000. Isokinetics in human performance. The United States of America, Human Kinetics. Cohen DB, Mont MA, Campbell KR, Voceutein BN, Loew JW, 1994. Upper extremity physical factors affecring tennis serve velocity. American Jozritaf of Sports Mediczne, 22, 746-50. Coombs R, Garbutt G, 2002. Developments in the use of the hamstring/quadriceps ratio for the assessment of muscle balance. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 1, 56-62. Copley BB, 1980. Morphological and physiological study of tennis players with special reference to the effects of training. South African Journal for Research in Sports, Physical Education and Recreation, 3, 33-44. Croisier J, Ganteaume S, Binet J, Genty M, Ferret J, 2008. Strength imbalances and prevention of hamstring injury in professional soccer players: a prospective study. Am J Sports Med, 36, 1469-75. Daneshjoo A, Rahnama N, Mokhtar AH, Yusof A, 2013. Bilateral and unilateral asymmetries of ısokinetic strength and flexibility in male young professional soccer players. Journal of Human Kinetics, 36, 45-53. De Ste Croix MBA, Armstrong N, Welsman JR, 1999. Concentric isokinetic leg strength in pre-teen, teenage and adult males and females. Biol Sport, 16, 75-86. Dvir Z, 2004. Isokinetics: muscle testing, interpretation and clinical applications. Second ed. Edimburgo, Churchill Livingstone. Ellenbecker TS, Roetert EP, 1995. Concentric isokinetic quadriceps and hamstring strength in elite junior tennis players. Isokin Exercise Sci, 5, 3-6. Ellenbecker TS, Roetert EP, Sueyoshi T, Riewald S, 2007. A descriptive profile of age-specific knee extension flexion strength in elite junior tennis players. Br J Sports Med, 41,728-32. Flanagan EP, Harrison AJ, 2007. Muscle dynamics differences between legs in healthy adults. J Strength Cond Res, 21, 67–72. Gerodimos V, Mandou V, Zafeiridis A, Ioakimidis P, Stavropoulos N, Kellis S, 2003. Isokinetic peak torque and hamstring/quadriceps ratios in young basketball players. Effects of age, velocity, and contraction mode. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 43, 444-52. Girard O, Micallef JP, Millet GP, 2005. Lower-limb activity during the power serve in tennis: Effects of performance level. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 7, 1021-29. Girard O, Millet GP, 2009. Physical determinants of tennis performance in competitive teenage players. J Strength Cond Res, 23, 1867-72. Grace TG, Sweetser ER, Nelson MA, 1984. Isokinetic muscle imbalance and knee-joint injuries. J Bone Joint Surg, 66, 734-9. Groppel JL, 1986. The biomechanics of tennis: an overview. Second ed. Int J Sport Biomech, p. 141. Groppel JL, Conroy B, Hubb E, 1986. The mechanics of the forehand drive, suggestions for training the tennis player. National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal, 8, 5-10. Groppel JL, Roetert P, 1992. Applied physiology of tennis. Sports Medicine, 14, 260-8. Housh TJ, Johnson GO, Housh DJ ve ark, 1996. Isokinetic peak torque in young wrestlers. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 8, 143-55. Jones PA, Bampouras TM, 2010. A comparison of isokinetic and functional methods of assessing bilateral strength imbalance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24, 1553-58. Kellis SG, Gerodimos V, Kellis E, Manou V, 2001. Bilateral isokinetic concentric and eccentric strength profiles of the knee extensors and flexors in young soccer players. Isokinet Exerc Sci, 9, 31-9. Knapik JJ, Bauman CL, Jones BH, Harris JM, Vaughan L, 1991. Preseason strength and flexibility imbalances associated with athletic injuries in female collegiate athletes. Am J Sports Med, 19, 76-81. Kraemer WJ, Piorkowski PA, Bush JA, Gomez AL, Loebel C Volek JS, Newton R, Mazzetti SA, Etzweiler SW, Putukian M, Sebastianelli WJ, 2000. The effects of ncaa division 1 ıntercollegiate competitive tennis match play on recovery of physical performance in women. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 14, 265-72. Magalhaes J, Oliveria J, Ascensao A, Soares J 2004. Concentric quadriceps and hamstrings isokinetic strength in volleyball and soccer players. J Sports Med Phys Fıtness, 44, 119-25. Malina RM, Bouchard CG, 1991. Maturation and physical activity. USA, Human Kinetics, p. 49-63. Muratlı S, 1976. Antrenman ve istasyon çalışmaları. Ankara, Pars Matbaası, s. 97-111. Opar D, Williams M, Shield A, 2012. Hamstring strain injuries. Sports Med, 42, 209-26.Heiser T, Weber J, Sullivan G, Clare P, Jacobs R, 1984. Prophylaxis and management of hamstring muscleinjuries in intercollegiate football players. Am J Sports Med, 12, 368-70. Orchard J, Marsden J, Lord S, Garlick D 1997. Preseason hamstring muscle weakness associated with hamstring muscle injury in Australian footballers. Am J Sports Med, 25, 81-5. Parcell AC, Sawyer RD, Trıcolı VA, Chınevere TD, 2002. Minimum rest period for strength recovery during a common isokinetic testing protocol. Med Sci Sports Ex, 34, 1018-22. Poulis I, Chatzis S, Christopoulou K, Tsolakis C, 2009. Isokinetic strength during knee flexion and extension in elite fencers. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 108, 949-61. Read MTF, Bellamy MJ, 1990. Comparison of hamstring/quadriceps isokinietic strength ratios and power in tennis, squash, and track athletes. Br J Sports Med, 24, 178-82. Reid M, Ellıott B, Alderson J, 2008. Lower-limb coordination and shoulder joint mechanics in the tennis serve. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 40, 308-315. Sannicandro I, Cofano G, Rosa A, Piccinno A, 2014. Balance Training Exercises Decrease Lower-Limb Strength Asymmetry in Young Tennis Players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 13, 397-402. Skok OG, Fajardo JT, Suarez-Arrones L, Arjol-Serrano JL, 2017. Single-leg power output and between-limbs ımbalances in team-sport players: unilateral versus bilateral combined resistance training. Int. J Sports Phys. And Performance,12, 106-14. Slughter MH, Lohman TG, Boileau RA, Horswill CA, Stillman RJ, Loan MD, Bemben DA, 1988. Skinfold equations for estimation of body fatness in children and youth. Human Biology 60, 709-23. Sunnegardh J, Bratteby LE, Nordesjo LO ve ark, 1988. Isometric and isokinetic muscle strength, anthropometry and physical ac tivity in 8 and 13 year old Swedish children. Eur J Appl Physiol, 58, 291-7. Şahin Y, Aslankeser Z, 2016. Evaluatıon of bılateral asymmetry of concentrıc and ısometrıc knee extensıon- flexıon strength ın male fencers, Niğde University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 10. Unierzyski P, 1995. Influence of physical fitness specific to the game of tennis, morphological and psychological factors on performance level in tennis in different age groups. Science and Racket Sports. E & FN Spon. London. Zelisko JA, Noble HB, Porter M, 1982. A comparison of men’s and women’s professional basketball injuries. Am J Sports Med, 10, 297-9.
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Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Makaleler

Ramazan Demirci

İ.faruk Aşkın

Zübeyde Aslankeser

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Demirci, R., Aşkın, İ., & Aslankeser, Z. (2019). 11-14 Yaş Grubu Tenisçilerin Bilateral ve Unilateral Diz Kuvvet Profilinin Belirlenmesi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 33-44.

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