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Effect of Age 40 on Body Composition, Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Testosterone Levels in First Response Teams

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 132 - 145, 31.12.2024


Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the 40-year-old period on body composition, cardiometabolic risk factors and testosterone levels in first response teams. 55 volunteers between the ages of 24-54 who work in first response teams participated in the study. The volunteers participating in the study were divided into two groups in terms of chronological age, those under 40 (G1) and those over (G2).
Method: The age of the participants was determined based on their identity information. Height and body weight were measured to calculate body mass index. Waist and hip circumferences were measured with a cuffed tape measure to determine waist-hip ratio. Body fat ratio (%) was determined by bioelectrical impedance analysis. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and resting heart rate of the participants were measured. For biochemical analyses, blood samples were taken in the fasting state and analyzed by expert personnel in the laboratory. Fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels were analyzed to determine testosterone levels and cardiometabolic risk factors.
Results: When the findings were evaluated, it was numerically observed that there was a decrease in testosterone levels, body weight, body mass index, body fat percentage, waist-hip circumference, waist-hip ratio, fasting blood sugar level, total cholesterol, triglyceride, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and a decrease in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in participants over the age of 40.
Conclusion: As a result, it was determined that there was a negative numerical significant relationship between the decrease in testosterone levels and cardiometabolic risk factors.


  • American College of Sports Medicine (Ed.). (2013). “ACSM's health-related physical fitness assessment manual” Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Akgün N. (1998). Yaşlılık ve egzersiz, Spor Hekimliği Dergisi, 33 (4) :155-162.
  • Akın Ş, Özerkliğ B,Türkel İ, Demirei H.A, (2019). İskelet Kas Kütlesini Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar, Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 54 (2):133-142.
  • Aslan, C.S, Koç H, Köklü Y. (2011). The Effects of 18-30 Years of Age Period on Strength, Anaerobic Power and Flexibility in the Sportsmen and Sedentary, Journal of Health Sciences, 20 (1) 48-53).
  • Baur, Dorothee M., Costas A. Christophi, and Stefanos N. Kales. (2012). ‘Metabolic Syndrome Is Inversely Related to Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Male Career Firefighters’. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 26(9):2331–37. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0B013E31823E9B19.
  • Bhasin, Shalender, Juan P. Brito, Glenn R. Cunningham, Frances J. Hayes, Howard N. Hodis, Alvin M. Matsumoto, Peter J. Snyder, Ronald S. Swerdloff, Frederick C. Wu, and Maria A. Yialamas. (2018). ‘Testosterone Therapy in Men With Hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline’. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 103(5):1715–44.
  • Bode, Emilie D., Kevin C. Mathias, Donald F. Stewart, Steven M. Moffatt, Kepra Jack, and Denise L. Smith. (2021). ‘Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors by BMI and Age in United States Firefighters’. Obesity 29(7):1186–94.
  • Byczek, Lance, Surrey M. Walton, Karen M. Conrad, Paul A. Reichelt, and Daniel G. Samo. (2004). ‘Cardiovascular Risks in Firefighters’. Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/216507990405200205 52(2):66–76.
  • Choi, Bong Kyoo, Dale Steiss, Javier Garcia-Rivas, Stacey Kojaku, Peter Schnall, Marnie Dobson, and Dean Baker. (2016). ‘Comparison of Body Mass Index with Waist Circumference and Skinfold-Based Percent Body Fat in Firefighters: Adiposity Classification and Associations with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors’. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 89(3):435–48.
  • Corona, Giovanni, Giulia Rastrelli, Giuseppe Di Pasquale, Alessandra Sforza, Edoardo Mannucci, and Mario Maggi. (2018). ‘Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Cardiovascular Risk: Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies’. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 15(9):1260–71.
  • DeFina, Laura F., Nina B. Radford, David Leonard, Rick K. Wilson, Tyler C. Cooper, S. Michael Clark, Benjamin L. Willis, Gloria L. Vega, Carolyn E. Barlow, Stephen W. Farrell, Larry W. Gibbons, Bulent O. Yildiz, and Ugis Gruntmanis. (2018). The Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Mass Index, and Age with Testosterone Levels at Screening of Healthy Men Undergoing Preventive Medical Examinations: The Cooper Center Longitudinal Study’. Maturitas 118:1–6.
  • Deng, Chunhua, Zhichao Zhang, Hongjun Li, Peng Bai, Xian Cao, and Adrian Sandra Dobs. (2019). ‘Analysis of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Associated with Serum Testosterone Levels According to the US 2011–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey’. Aging Male 22(2):121–28.
  • Dzikowicz, Dillon J., and Mary G. Carey. (2023). Correlates of Autonomic Function, Hemodynamics, and Physical Activity Performance During Exercise Stress Testing Among Firefighters. Biological Research for Nursing 25(3).
  • Fahy, Rita F., Paul R. Leblanc, and Joseph L. Molis. (2017). Firefighter Fatalities in the United States.
  • Gledhill, N., and Jamnik. V.K. (1992). ‘Characterization of the Physical Demands of Firefighting.’ Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences = Journal Canadien Des Sciences Du Sport 17(3):207–13.
  • Haskell, William L., I. Min Lee, Russell R. Pate, Kenneth E. Powell, Steven N. Blair, Barry A. Franklin, Caroline A. MacEra, Gregory W. Heath, Paul D. Thompson, and Adrian Bauman. (2007). ‘Physical Activity and Public Health: Updated Recommendation for Adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association’. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 39(8):1423–34.
  • Hosick, Peter A., Evan L. Matthews, and Steven Leigh. (2018). Cardiorespiratory Fitness and the Relationship between Body Fat and Resting Testosterone in Men.126(1):61–66.
  • Kales, Stefanos N., Elpidoforos S. Soteriades, Costas D. A. Christophi, David C. Christiani, M. P. H. A. Bs, and T. R. Ac. (2007). Emergency Duties and Deaths from Heart Disease among Firefighters in the United States.
  • Kales, Stefanos N., Antonios J. Tsismenakis, Chunbai Zhang, and Elpidoforos S. Soteriades. (2009). Blood Pressure in Firefighters, Police Officers, and Other Emergency Responders. American Journal of Hypertension 22(1):11-20.
  • Kirby, Michael, Geoffrey Hackett, and Sudarshan Ramachandran. (2019). Testosterone and the Heart. European Cardiology 14 (2):103–10. doi: 10.15420/ECR.2019.13.1.
  • Kurt, C. Endokrin Sistemi ve Egzersiz (Edt: Koç, H). (2022). Egzersiz Fizyolojisi, Egzersize Fizyolojik Adaptasyon ve Sportif Performans, Efeakademi Yayınları İst. sy.341.
  • Kraemer, William J., Keijo Häkkinen, Robert U. Newton, Matthew McCormick, Bradley C. Nindl, Jeff S. Volek, Lincoln A. Gotshalk, Steven J. Fleck, Wayne W. Campbell, Scott E. Gordon, Peter A. Farrell, and William J. Evans. (1998). Acute Hormonal Responses to Heavy Resistance Exercise in Younger and Older Men. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology 77 (3):206–11.
  • Li, Chaoyang, Earl S. Ford, Benyi Li, Wayne H. Giles, and Simin Liu. (2010). Association of Testosterone and Sex Hormone–Binding Globulin With Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance in Men’. Diabetes Care 33 (7):1618–24.
  • Lockie, Robert G., Robin M. Orr, Fernando Montes, and J. Jay Dawes. (2023). Change-of-Direction Speed in Firefighter Trainees: Fitness Relationships and Implications for Occupational Performance. Journal of Human Kinetics 87:225. d
  • Lombardi, David A., Anna Wirtz, Joanna L. Willetts, and Simon Folkard. (2012). Independent Effects of Sleep Duration and Body Mass Index on the Risk of a Work-Related Injury: Evidence From the US National Health Interview Survey (2004–2010)’. Chronobiology International 29(5):556–64.
  • McAllister, Matthew J., Drew E. Gonzalez, Megan Leonard, M. Hunter Martaindale, Richard J. Bloomer, Jacquelyn Pence, and Steven E. Martin. (2022). Firefighters with Higher Cardiorespiratory Fitness Demonstrate Lower Markers of Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 64(12):1036–40.
  • Perry, Ben D., Marissa K. Caldow, Tara C. Brennan-Speranza, Melissa Sbaraglia, George Jerums, Andrew Garnham, Chiew Wong, Pazit Levinger, Muhammad Asrar Ul Haq, David L. Hare, S. Russ Price, and Itamar Levinger. (2016). Muscle Atrophy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Roles of Inflammatory Pathways, Physical Activity and Exercise. Exercise Immunology Review 22:94.
  • Pedersen BK. (2010). Skeletal Muscle as an Endocrine Organ: The Role of Myokines in Muscle-Fat Cross-Talk. Inflamm Res. 59:S275-S6.
  • Pluntke, U., S. Gerke, A. Sridhar, J. Weiss, and B. Michel. (2019). ‘Evaluation and Classification of Physical and Psychological Stress in Firefighters Using Heart Rate Variability’. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2207–12.
  • Poplin, Gerald S., Robin B. Harris, Keshia M. Pollack, Wayne F. Peate, and Jefferey L. Burgess. (2012). Beyond the Fireground: Injuries in the Fire Service’. Injury Prevention 18(4):228–33.
  • Poplin, Gerald S., Denise J. Roe, Wayne Peate, Robin B. Harris, and Jefferey L. Burgess. (2014). The Association of Aerobic Fitness With Injuries in the Fire Service’. American Journal of Epidemiology 179(2):149–55.
  • Ranadive, Sushant M., Adriana Lofrano-Porto, Edgard M. K. V. K. Soares, Lauren Eagan, Luiz Guilherme, Grossi Porto, and Denise L. Smith. (2021). Low Testosterone and Cardiometabolic Risks in a Real-World Study of US Male Firefighters. Scientific Reports | 9;11 (1):14189.
  • Rodrigues, Susana, Joana S. Paiva, Duarte Dias, and João Paulo S. Cunha. (2018). Stress among On-Duty Firefighters: An Ambulatory Assessment Study’. PeerJ 2018(12):e5967.
  • Sheaff, Andrew K., Angela Bennett, Erik D. Hanson, You Sin Kim, Jeffrey Hsu, Jae K. Shim, Steven T. Edwards, and Ben F. Hurley. (2010). Physiological Determinants of the Candidate Physical Ability Test in Firefighters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24(11):3112–22.
  • Smith, Denise L. (2011). ‘Firefighter Fitness: Improving Performance and Preventing Injuries and Fatalities’. Current Sports Medicine Reports 10(3):167–72.
  • Smith, Denise L., David A. Barr, and Stefanos N. Kales. (2013). Extreme Sacrifice: Sudden Cardiac Death in the US Fire Service’. Extreme Physiology and Medicine 2(1):1–9.
  • Smith, Denise L., Jacob P. DeBlois, Stefanos N. Kales, and Gavin P. Horn. (2016). Cardiovascular Strain of Firefighting and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Events. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 44(3):90–97.
  • Soteriades, Elpidoforos S., Denise L. Smith, Antonios J. Tsismenakis, Dorothee M. Baur, and Stefanos N. Kales. (2011). Cardiovascular Disease in US Firefighters: A Systematic Review’. Cardiology in Review 19(4):202–15.
  • Tirabassi, Giacomo, Angelo Gioia, Lara Giovannini, Marco Boscaro, Giovanni Corona, Angelo Carpi, Mario Maggi, and Giancarlo Balercia. (2013). Testosterone and Cardiovascular Risk. Internal and Emergency Medicine 8(SUPPL. 1):65–69.
  • Vingren, Jakob L., William J. Kraemer, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Jeffrey M. Anderson, Jeff S. Volek, and Carl M. Maresh. (2010). ‘Testosterone Physiology in Resistance Exercise and Training: The up-Stream Regulatory Elements’. Sports Medicine 40(12):1037–53.
  • Yang, Justin, Dennis Teehan, Andrea Farioli, Dorothee M. Baur, Denise Smith, and Stefanos N. Kales. (2013). ‘Sudden Cardiac Death Among Firefighters ≤45 Years of Age in the United States’. The American Journal of Cardiology 112(12):1962–67.
  • Zarotsky, V., M. Y. Huang, W. Carman, A. Morgentaler, P. K. Singhal, D. Coffin, and T. H. Jones. (2014). ‘Systematic Literature Review of the Risk Factors, Comorbidities, and Consequences of Hypogonadism in Men’. Andrology 2(6):819–34.
  • Zorba E. (2001) Fiziksel Uygunluk, Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara.

İlk Müdahale Ekiplerinde 40 Yaş Periyodunun Vücut Kompozisyonu Kardiyometabolik Risk Faktörleri Ve Testosteron Düzeyine Etkisi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 132 - 145, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı ilk müdahale ekiplerinde 40 yaş periyodunun vücut kompozisyonu, kardiyometabolik risk faktörleri ve testosteron düzeyine etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmaya 24-54 yaş aralığında olan, ilk müdahale ekiplerinde çalışan 55 gönüllü katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan gönüllüler kronolojik yaş olarak, 40 yaş altıda (G1) ve üstünde (G2) olanlar iki gruba ayrılmıştır.
Yöntem: Katılımcıların yaşı kimlik bilgisi esas alınarak belirlenmiştir. Boy uzunluğu ve vücut ağırlığı ölçülerek beden kütle indeksi hesaplanmıştır. Bel ve kalça çevresi kelepçeli mezura ile ölçülerek bel – kalça oranı belirlenmiştir. Vücut yağ oranı (%), biyoelektrik empedans analizi ile belirlenmiştir. Katılımcıların sistolik ve diyastolik kan basıncı ile istirahat kalp atım sayısı ölçülmüştür. Biyokimyasal analizler için, açlık durumunda kan örnekleri alınarak laboratuvarda uzman personel tarafından analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Testosteron düzeyi ile kardiyometabolik risk faktörlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla açlık kan şekeri, total kolesterol, düşük dansiteli lipoprotein kolesterol, yüksek dansiteli lipoprotein kolesterol ve trigliserit seviyeleri analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Bulgular değerlendirildiğinde, 40 yaş üstü katılımcılarda testosteron düzeyindeki azalma, vücut ağırlığı, beden kütle indeksi, vücut yağ yüzdesi, bel - kalça çevresi, bel - kalça oranı, açlık kan şekeri düzeyi, total kolesterol, trigliserit, düşük dansiteli lipoprotein kolesterol düzeyinde artış ve yüksek dansiteli lipoprotein kolesterol düzeyinde ise azalmanın olduğu numerik olarak görülmektedir.
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak testosteron düzeyindeki azalma ile kardiyometabolik risk faktörleri arasında negatif yönlü sayısal değer olarak anlamlı bir ilişkinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir.


  • American College of Sports Medicine (Ed.). (2013). “ACSM's health-related physical fitness assessment manual” Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Akgün N. (1998). Yaşlılık ve egzersiz, Spor Hekimliği Dergisi, 33 (4) :155-162.
  • Akın Ş, Özerkliğ B,Türkel İ, Demirei H.A, (2019). İskelet Kas Kütlesini Düzenleyen Moleküler Mekanizmalar, Turkish Journal of Sports Medicine, 54 (2):133-142.
  • Aslan, C.S, Koç H, Köklü Y. (2011). The Effects of 18-30 Years of Age Period on Strength, Anaerobic Power and Flexibility in the Sportsmen and Sedentary, Journal of Health Sciences, 20 (1) 48-53).
  • Baur, Dorothee M., Costas A. Christophi, and Stefanos N. Kales. (2012). ‘Metabolic Syndrome Is Inversely Related to Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Male Career Firefighters’. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 26(9):2331–37. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0B013E31823E9B19.
  • Bhasin, Shalender, Juan P. Brito, Glenn R. Cunningham, Frances J. Hayes, Howard N. Hodis, Alvin M. Matsumoto, Peter J. Snyder, Ronald S. Swerdloff, Frederick C. Wu, and Maria A. Yialamas. (2018). ‘Testosterone Therapy in Men With Hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline’. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 103(5):1715–44.
  • Bode, Emilie D., Kevin C. Mathias, Donald F. Stewart, Steven M. Moffatt, Kepra Jack, and Denise L. Smith. (2021). ‘Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors by BMI and Age in United States Firefighters’. Obesity 29(7):1186–94.
  • Byczek, Lance, Surrey M. Walton, Karen M. Conrad, Paul A. Reichelt, and Daniel G. Samo. (2004). ‘Cardiovascular Risks in Firefighters’. Https://Doi.Org/10.1177/216507990405200205 52(2):66–76.
  • Choi, Bong Kyoo, Dale Steiss, Javier Garcia-Rivas, Stacey Kojaku, Peter Schnall, Marnie Dobson, and Dean Baker. (2016). ‘Comparison of Body Mass Index with Waist Circumference and Skinfold-Based Percent Body Fat in Firefighters: Adiposity Classification and Associations with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors’. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 89(3):435–48.
  • Corona, Giovanni, Giulia Rastrelli, Giuseppe Di Pasquale, Alessandra Sforza, Edoardo Mannucci, and Mario Maggi. (2018). ‘Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Cardiovascular Risk: Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies’. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 15(9):1260–71.
  • DeFina, Laura F., Nina B. Radford, David Leonard, Rick K. Wilson, Tyler C. Cooper, S. Michael Clark, Benjamin L. Willis, Gloria L. Vega, Carolyn E. Barlow, Stephen W. Farrell, Larry W. Gibbons, Bulent O. Yildiz, and Ugis Gruntmanis. (2018). The Association of Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Body Mass Index, and Age with Testosterone Levels at Screening of Healthy Men Undergoing Preventive Medical Examinations: The Cooper Center Longitudinal Study’. Maturitas 118:1–6.
  • Deng, Chunhua, Zhichao Zhang, Hongjun Li, Peng Bai, Xian Cao, and Adrian Sandra Dobs. (2019). ‘Analysis of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Associated with Serum Testosterone Levels According to the US 2011–2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey’. Aging Male 22(2):121–28.
  • Dzikowicz, Dillon J., and Mary G. Carey. (2023). Correlates of Autonomic Function, Hemodynamics, and Physical Activity Performance During Exercise Stress Testing Among Firefighters. Biological Research for Nursing 25(3).
  • Fahy, Rita F., Paul R. Leblanc, and Joseph L. Molis. (2017). Firefighter Fatalities in the United States.
  • Gledhill, N., and Jamnik. V.K. (1992). ‘Characterization of the Physical Demands of Firefighting.’ Canadian Journal of Sport Sciences = Journal Canadien Des Sciences Du Sport 17(3):207–13.
  • Haskell, William L., I. Min Lee, Russell R. Pate, Kenneth E. Powell, Steven N. Blair, Barry A. Franklin, Caroline A. MacEra, Gregory W. Heath, Paul D. Thompson, and Adrian Bauman. (2007). ‘Physical Activity and Public Health: Updated Recommendation for Adults from the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association’. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 39(8):1423–34.
  • Hosick, Peter A., Evan L. Matthews, and Steven Leigh. (2018). Cardiorespiratory Fitness and the Relationship between Body Fat and Resting Testosterone in Men.126(1):61–66.
  • Kales, Stefanos N., Elpidoforos S. Soteriades, Costas D. A. Christophi, David C. Christiani, M. P. H. A. Bs, and T. R. Ac. (2007). Emergency Duties and Deaths from Heart Disease among Firefighters in the United States.
  • Kales, Stefanos N., Antonios J. Tsismenakis, Chunbai Zhang, and Elpidoforos S. Soteriades. (2009). Blood Pressure in Firefighters, Police Officers, and Other Emergency Responders. American Journal of Hypertension 22(1):11-20.
  • Kirby, Michael, Geoffrey Hackett, and Sudarshan Ramachandran. (2019). Testosterone and the Heart. European Cardiology 14 (2):103–10. doi: 10.15420/ECR.2019.13.1.
  • Kurt, C. Endokrin Sistemi ve Egzersiz (Edt: Koç, H). (2022). Egzersiz Fizyolojisi, Egzersize Fizyolojik Adaptasyon ve Sportif Performans, Efeakademi Yayınları İst. sy.341.
  • Kraemer, William J., Keijo Häkkinen, Robert U. Newton, Matthew McCormick, Bradley C. Nindl, Jeff S. Volek, Lincoln A. Gotshalk, Steven J. Fleck, Wayne W. Campbell, Scott E. Gordon, Peter A. Farrell, and William J. Evans. (1998). Acute Hormonal Responses to Heavy Resistance Exercise in Younger and Older Men. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology 77 (3):206–11.
  • Li, Chaoyang, Earl S. Ford, Benyi Li, Wayne H. Giles, and Simin Liu. (2010). Association of Testosterone and Sex Hormone–Binding Globulin With Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance in Men’. Diabetes Care 33 (7):1618–24.
  • Lockie, Robert G., Robin M. Orr, Fernando Montes, and J. Jay Dawes. (2023). Change-of-Direction Speed in Firefighter Trainees: Fitness Relationships and Implications for Occupational Performance. Journal of Human Kinetics 87:225. d
  • Lombardi, David A., Anna Wirtz, Joanna L. Willetts, and Simon Folkard. (2012). Independent Effects of Sleep Duration and Body Mass Index on the Risk of a Work-Related Injury: Evidence From the US National Health Interview Survey (2004–2010)’. Chronobiology International 29(5):556–64.
  • McAllister, Matthew J., Drew E. Gonzalez, Megan Leonard, M. Hunter Martaindale, Richard J. Bloomer, Jacquelyn Pence, and Steven E. Martin. (2022). Firefighters with Higher Cardiorespiratory Fitness Demonstrate Lower Markers of Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 64(12):1036–40.
  • Perry, Ben D., Marissa K. Caldow, Tara C. Brennan-Speranza, Melissa Sbaraglia, George Jerums, Andrew Garnham, Chiew Wong, Pazit Levinger, Muhammad Asrar Ul Haq, David L. Hare, S. Russ Price, and Itamar Levinger. (2016). Muscle Atrophy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Roles of Inflammatory Pathways, Physical Activity and Exercise. Exercise Immunology Review 22:94.
  • Pedersen BK. (2010). Skeletal Muscle as an Endocrine Organ: The Role of Myokines in Muscle-Fat Cross-Talk. Inflamm Res. 59:S275-S6.
  • Pluntke, U., S. Gerke, A. Sridhar, J. Weiss, and B. Michel. (2019). ‘Evaluation and Classification of Physical and Psychological Stress in Firefighters Using Heart Rate Variability’. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS 2207–12.
  • Poplin, Gerald S., Robin B. Harris, Keshia M. Pollack, Wayne F. Peate, and Jefferey L. Burgess. (2012). Beyond the Fireground: Injuries in the Fire Service’. Injury Prevention 18(4):228–33.
  • Poplin, Gerald S., Denise J. Roe, Wayne Peate, Robin B. Harris, and Jefferey L. Burgess. (2014). The Association of Aerobic Fitness With Injuries in the Fire Service’. American Journal of Epidemiology 179(2):149–55.
  • Ranadive, Sushant M., Adriana Lofrano-Porto, Edgard M. K. V. K. Soares, Lauren Eagan, Luiz Guilherme, Grossi Porto, and Denise L. Smith. (2021). Low Testosterone and Cardiometabolic Risks in a Real-World Study of US Male Firefighters. Scientific Reports | 9;11 (1):14189.
  • Rodrigues, Susana, Joana S. Paiva, Duarte Dias, and João Paulo S. Cunha. (2018). Stress among On-Duty Firefighters: An Ambulatory Assessment Study’. PeerJ 2018(12):e5967.
  • Sheaff, Andrew K., Angela Bennett, Erik D. Hanson, You Sin Kim, Jeffrey Hsu, Jae K. Shim, Steven T. Edwards, and Ben F. Hurley. (2010). Physiological Determinants of the Candidate Physical Ability Test in Firefighters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 24(11):3112–22.
  • Smith, Denise L. (2011). ‘Firefighter Fitness: Improving Performance and Preventing Injuries and Fatalities’. Current Sports Medicine Reports 10(3):167–72.
  • Smith, Denise L., David A. Barr, and Stefanos N. Kales. (2013). Extreme Sacrifice: Sudden Cardiac Death in the US Fire Service’. Extreme Physiology and Medicine 2(1):1–9.
  • Smith, Denise L., Jacob P. DeBlois, Stefanos N. Kales, and Gavin P. Horn. (2016). Cardiovascular Strain of Firefighting and the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Events. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews 44(3):90–97.
  • Soteriades, Elpidoforos S., Denise L. Smith, Antonios J. Tsismenakis, Dorothee M. Baur, and Stefanos N. Kales. (2011). Cardiovascular Disease in US Firefighters: A Systematic Review’. Cardiology in Review 19(4):202–15.
  • Tirabassi, Giacomo, Angelo Gioia, Lara Giovannini, Marco Boscaro, Giovanni Corona, Angelo Carpi, Mario Maggi, and Giancarlo Balercia. (2013). Testosterone and Cardiovascular Risk. Internal and Emergency Medicine 8(SUPPL. 1):65–69.
  • Vingren, Jakob L., William J. Kraemer, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Jeffrey M. Anderson, Jeff S. Volek, and Carl M. Maresh. (2010). ‘Testosterone Physiology in Resistance Exercise and Training: The up-Stream Regulatory Elements’. Sports Medicine 40(12):1037–53.
  • Yang, Justin, Dennis Teehan, Andrea Farioli, Dorothee M. Baur, Denise Smith, and Stefanos N. Kales. (2013). ‘Sudden Cardiac Death Among Firefighters ≤45 Years of Age in the United States’. The American Journal of Cardiology 112(12):1962–67.
  • Zarotsky, V., M. Y. Huang, W. Carman, A. Morgentaler, P. K. Singhal, D. Coffin, and T. H. Jones. (2014). ‘Systematic Literature Review of the Risk Factors, Comorbidities, and Consequences of Hypogonadism in Men’. Andrology 2(6):819–34.
  • Zorba E. (2001) Fiziksel Uygunluk, Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Egzersiz Fizyolojisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Nuray Demiralp 0000-0002-3002-7752

Büşra Umay 0000-0002-7822-7198

Hürmüz Koç 0000-0003-1588-7583

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 23 Kasım 2024
Kabul Tarihi 27 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Demiralp, N., Umay, B., & Koç, H. (2024). İlk Müdahale Ekiplerinde 40 Yaş Periyodunun Vücut Kompozisyonu Kardiyometabolik Risk Faktörleri Ve Testosteron Düzeyine Etkisi. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(4), 132-145.

Sayın Araştırmacılar,

Spor Bilimleri alanındaki çalışmaları içeren uluslararası nitelikte ve hakemli dergi olarak yayımlanan ÇOMÜ Spor Bilimleri Dergisi'nin EYLÜL 2024'te çıkacak olan sayısı için dergimizin kapsamı dahilinde olan konularla ilgili özgün araştırma ve derleme türünde makaleler kabul edilecektir. Bu anlamda ilgili sayı için makaleler 2024 yılının AĞUSTOS ayı sonuna kadar gönderilebilir. Bilgilerinize sunulur.

Editör Prof. Dr. Hürmüz KOÇ