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Okulda Bilgelik ve Anlam Temelli Bir Uygulama Önerisi

Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 99 - 130, 30.06.2024


Bilgelik kavramı geçmişten günümüze kadar birçok alanda ön planda yer almış ve kişilerin hayatlarına, olaylara ve diğerlerine empatik yaklaşım, içgörü yeteneği ve yansıtıcı tutum gibi kavramlar üzerinden değer katan bir kavramdır. Yaşamda anlam kavramı da aynı şekilde, bireye kendi hayatı ile ilgili yol gösterebilme gücünü sahip bir diğer önemli kavramdır. Bilgelik kavramı, gelişim ve yaşam deneyimi gibi farklı açılardan modellenmiş, yaşamda anlam kavramı ise, motivasyonel, bilişsel ve duygusal/değerlendirici perspektiflerden ele alınmıştır. Bilgelik ve yaşamda anlam, bireylerin hem bir ömür boyunca elde ederek işe yarar hale getirdikleri hem de diğer bireyler için örnek oluşturabilecekleri beceri ve meziyetleri içeren kavramlardır. Literatürde bilgelik ve yaşamda anlamı desteklemek amacı ile birçok yöntem önerilmiştir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, 6. ve 12. sınıflar arasında yer alan öğrencilere bir bilgelik ve yaşamda anlam temelli okul müdahale programı geliştirilmesidir. Program, deney-kontrol gruplu öntest müdahale sontest deneysel bir çalışmayı ve 5 ayrı oturumu içermektedir. Programda, bilgelik ve yaşamda anlam kavramları hem performans hem de öz-bildirim ölçümleri ile değerlendirilmektedir. Programın (i) bilgelik ve yaşamda anlam farkındalığını geliştirme, (ii) diğerlerinin bakış açısını alabilme becerisini güçlendirme ve (iii) bilgeliğin ve anlamlı yaşamın hayata kattığı değerleri fark etme gibi hedefleri bulunmaktadır.


  • Akkaya, A. (2019). Psikososyal gelişim alanı olarak bilgelik gelişiminin incelenmesi [Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi]. Kocaeli Üniversitesi.
  • Arslan, G. ve Yıldırım, M. (2021). Perceived risk, positive youth–parent relationships, and internalizing problems in adolescents: Initial development of the meaningful school questionnaire. Child Indicators Research, 14(5), 1911-1929.
  • Assmann, A. (2019). Wholesome knowledge: Concepts of wisdom in a historical and cross-cultural perspective. D. L. Featherman ve R. M. Lerner (Ed.), Life-span development and behavior (s. 187-224) içinde. Routledge.
  • Aydın, C., Kaya, M., ve Peker, H. (2015). Hayatın anlam ve amacı ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 38, 39-55.
  • Baltes, P. B. ve Smith, J. (1990). Toward a psychology of wisdom and its ontogenesis. R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Wisdom: Its nature, origins, and development (s. 87-120) içinde. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bazir, A. H. (2016). The role of writing diary in a classroom. JIEB, 4, 41-46.
  • Birren, J., & Svensson, C. (2005). Wisdom in history. R. J. Sternberg ve J. Jordan (Ed.), A handbook of wisdom: Psychological perspectives (s. 84-109) içinde. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bluck, S. ve Glück, J. (2005). From the inside out: People’s implicit theories of wisdom. R. J. Sternberg ve J. Jordan (Ed.), A handbook of wisdom: Psychological perspectives (s. 84-109) içinde. Cambridge University Press. Press.
  • Bower, M. (1990). Wisdom: Its nature, origins, and development. Cambridge University Press.
  • Brienza, J. P., Kung, F. Y. H., Santos, H. C., Bobocel, D. R. ve Grossmann, I. (2018). Wisdom, bias, and balance: Toward a process-sensitive measurement of wisdom-related cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(6), 1093-1126.
  • Brown, S. C. (2004). Learning across the campus: How college facilitates the development of wisdom. Journal of College Student Development, 45(2), 134-148.
  • Cambaz, H. Z. (2023). Bilgeliğin öz-bildirim ve performans ölçümleri ile değerlendirilmesi ve yürütücü işlevlerle ilişkisi [Yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi]. YÖK Tez Merkezi.
  • Chessick, R. (1996). Heidegger’s “authenticity” in the psychotherapy of adolescents. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 50(2), 208-216.
  • Demirbaş-Çelik, N. ve İşmen-Gazioğlu, E. (2015). Yaşamda anlam ölçeği lise formu: Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33, 42-60.
  • Dezutter, J., Waterman, A. S., Schwartz, S. J., Luyckx, K., Beyers, W., Meca, A., Kim, S. Y., Whitbourne, S. K., Zamboanga, B. L., Lee, R. M., Hardy, S. A., Forthun, L. F., Ritchie, R. A., Weisskirch, R. S., Brown, E. J. ve Caraway, S. J. (2014). Meaning in life in emerging adulthood: A person‐oriented approach. Journal of Personality, 82(1), 57-68.
  • Dincel, B. K., ve Savur, H. (2019). Diary keeping in writing education. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 7(1), 48-59.
  • Erdem, Ş. (2019). Üstün yeteneklilerin iyi oluşunda bilgelik, değerler ve benlik kavramının rolü [Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi]. Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi.
  • Ferrari, M. ve Guthrie, C. E. (2014). Positive education and teaching for wisdom. A. C. Parks ve S. M. Schueller (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell handbook of positive psychological interventions (s. 213-231) içinde. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Glück, J. (2018). Measuring wisdom: Existing approaches, continuing challenges, and new developments. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 73(8), 1393-1403.
  • Glück, J. ve Bluck, S. (2013). The MORE life experience model: A theory of the development of personal wisdom. M. Ferrari ve N. Weststrate (Ed.), The scientific study of personal wisdom (s. 75-97) içinde. Springer.
  • Gordis, R. (1981). Religion, wisdom and history in the book of Esther: a new solution to an ancient crux. Journal of Biblical Literature, 100(3), 359-388.
  • Grossmann, I. (2012). Wise reasoning: Technical manual. Waterloo, Ontario: University
  • Grossmann, I., Dorfman, A., Oakes, H., Santos, H. C., Vohs, K. D. ve Scholer, A. A. (2021). Training for wisdom: The distanced-self-reflection diary method. Psychological Science, 32(3), 381-394.
  • Grossmann, I., Na, J., Varnum, M. E., Park, D. C., Kitayama, S. Ve Nisbett, R. E. (2010). Reasoning about social conflicts improves into old age. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(16), 7246-7250.
  • Grossmann, I., Weststrate, N. M., Ardelt, M., Brienza, J. P., Dong, M., Ferrari, M., Fournier, M. A., Hu, C. S., Nusbaum, H. C. ve Vervaeke, J. (2020). The science of wisdom in a polarized world: Knowns and unknowns. Psychological Inquiry, 31(2), 103-133.
  • Krok D. (2018). When is meaning in life most beneficial to young people? Styles of meaning in life and well-being among late adolescents. Journal of Adult Development, 25(2), 96-106.
  • Project Wisdom (2012). Project Wisdom. Erişim adresi:
  • Sá, J. (2002). Diary writing: An interpretative research method of teaching and learning. Educational Research and Evaluation, 8(2), 149-168.
  • Sarıçam, H. (2015). Öz aşkınlık ölçeği Türkçe formunun psikometrik özellikleri. Eurasian Academy of Sciences Social Sciences Journal, 5, 25-34.
  • Shin, J. Y. ve Steger, M. F. (2014). Promoting meaning and purpose in life. A. C. Parks ve S. M. Schueller (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell handbook of positive psychological interventions (s. 90-110) içinde. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Shoshani, A. ve Russo-Netzer, P. (2017). Exploring and assessing meaning in life in elementary school children: development and validation of the meaning in life in children questionnaire (MIL-CQ). Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 460-465.
  • Sloterdijk, P. (2012). The Art of Philosophy: Wisdom as a practice. Columbia University Press. Smith, T. J. (2019). How to conquer social conflicts in preschool. Erişim adresi:
  • Staudinger, U. M., Smith, J. ve Baltes, P. B. (1994). Manual for the assessment of wisdom-related knowledge. Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung.
  • Steger, M. F. (2009). Meaning in life. S. J. Lopez ve C. R. Snyder (Ed.), Oxford handbook of positive psychology (s. 679-687) içinde. Oxford University Press.
  • Steger, M. F. (2012). Experiencing meaning in life: Optimal functioning at the nexus of well-being, psychopathology, and spirituality. P. T. P. Wong (Ed.), The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications (2. baskı) içinde (s. 165-184). Routledge.
  • Steger, M. F. ve Frazier, P. (2005). Meaning in life: One link in the chain from religion to well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 574-582.
  • Steger, M. F., Frazier, P., Oishi, S. ve Kaler, M. (2006). The meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(1), 80-93.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1998). A balance theory of wisdom. Review of General Psychology, 2(4), 347-365.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (2001). Why schools should teach for wisdom: The balance theory of wisdom in educational settings. Educational Psychologist, 36, 227-245.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (2004). What is wisdom and how can we develop it? The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 591(1), 164-174.
  • Sternberg, R. ve Jordan, J. (Ed.). (2005). A handbook of wisdom: Psychological perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
  • Tranell, K. (2016). A role-play activity to teach conflict resolution. Erişim adresi:
  • Turgut, Ö. ve Nazli, S. (2021). Kendine yönelik bilgelik algısı ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 57, 425-448.
  • Ünal, G. (2021). Farklı bilgelik yaklaşımları açısından “Ömür Dediğin” belgeselinin analizi. Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(24), 36-47.
  • Ünal, G., & Cambaz, H. Z. (2021). Okulda bilgelik ve anlamın desteklenmesi. G. Arslan ve M. Yıldırım (Ed.), Okulda pozitif psikoloji: Kuramdan uygulamaya içinde (s. 87-103). Pegem Akademi.
  • Vasodavan, V., DeWitt, D. ve Alias, N. (2021). Framework for developing intellectual skills using collaborative learning tools: The experts’ consensus. Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS), 6(1), 284-308.
  • Wise Skills Resources (2012). WiseSkills. Erişim adresi:
  • Wong, P. T. P. (2010). Meaning therapy: An integrative and positive existential psychotherapy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy: On the Cutting Edge of Modern Developments in Psychotherapy, 40(2), 85-93.
  • Wong, P. T. P. ve Wong, L. C. J. (2012). A meaning-centered approach to building youth resilience. P. T. P. Wong (Ed.), Personality and clinical psychology series. The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications (s. 585-617) içinde. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

A Wisdom and Meaning-Based Practice Proposal at School

Year 2024, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 99 - 130, 30.06.2024


The concept of wisdom has been at the forefront in many fields from the past to the present and it is a concept that adds value to individuals’ lives, events, and others through concepts such as empathic approach, insight ability and reflective attitude. The concept of meaning in life is also another important concept that has the power to guide the individual about his/her own life. The concept of wisdom is modeled from different perspectives such as development and life experience, and the concept of meaning in life is discussed from motivational, cognitive, and emotional/evaluative perspectives. Wisdom and meaning in life are concepts that include skills and virtues that individuals acquire over a lifetime and can set an example for other individuals. Many methods have been proposed in the literature to support wisdom and meaning in life. The purpose of this research is to develop a wisdom and meaning-in-life-based school intervention program for students in grades 6 to 12. The program includes a pretest intervention posttest experimental study with experimental-control group and 5 separate sessions. In the program, the concepts of wisdom and meaning in life are evaluated with both performance and self-report measures. The program has objectives such as (i) developing awareness of wisdom and meaning in life, (ii) strengthening the ability to take the perspective of others, and (iii) recognizing the values that wisdom and meaningful living add to life.


  • Akkaya, A. (2019). Psikososyal gelişim alanı olarak bilgelik gelişiminin incelenmesi [Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi]. Kocaeli Üniversitesi.
  • Arslan, G. ve Yıldırım, M. (2021). Perceived risk, positive youth–parent relationships, and internalizing problems in adolescents: Initial development of the meaningful school questionnaire. Child Indicators Research, 14(5), 1911-1929.
  • Assmann, A. (2019). Wholesome knowledge: Concepts of wisdom in a historical and cross-cultural perspective. D. L. Featherman ve R. M. Lerner (Ed.), Life-span development and behavior (s. 187-224) içinde. Routledge.
  • Aydın, C., Kaya, M., ve Peker, H. (2015). Hayatın anlam ve amacı ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 38, 39-55.
  • Baltes, P. B. ve Smith, J. (1990). Toward a psychology of wisdom and its ontogenesis. R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), Wisdom: Its nature, origins, and development (s. 87-120) içinde. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bazir, A. H. (2016). The role of writing diary in a classroom. JIEB, 4, 41-46.
  • Birren, J., & Svensson, C. (2005). Wisdom in history. R. J. Sternberg ve J. Jordan (Ed.), A handbook of wisdom: Psychological perspectives (s. 84-109) içinde. Cambridge University Press.
  • Bluck, S. ve Glück, J. (2005). From the inside out: People’s implicit theories of wisdom. R. J. Sternberg ve J. Jordan (Ed.), A handbook of wisdom: Psychological perspectives (s. 84-109) içinde. Cambridge University Press. Press.
  • Bower, M. (1990). Wisdom: Its nature, origins, and development. Cambridge University Press.
  • Brienza, J. P., Kung, F. Y. H., Santos, H. C., Bobocel, D. R. ve Grossmann, I. (2018). Wisdom, bias, and balance: Toward a process-sensitive measurement of wisdom-related cognition. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(6), 1093-1126.
  • Brown, S. C. (2004). Learning across the campus: How college facilitates the development of wisdom. Journal of College Student Development, 45(2), 134-148.
  • Cambaz, H. Z. (2023). Bilgeliğin öz-bildirim ve performans ölçümleri ile değerlendirilmesi ve yürütücü işlevlerle ilişkisi [Yüksek lisans tezi, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi]. YÖK Tez Merkezi.
  • Chessick, R. (1996). Heidegger’s “authenticity” in the psychotherapy of adolescents. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 50(2), 208-216.
  • Demirbaş-Çelik, N. ve İşmen-Gazioğlu, E. (2015). Yaşamda anlam ölçeği lise formu: Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirliği. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33, 42-60.
  • Dezutter, J., Waterman, A. S., Schwartz, S. J., Luyckx, K., Beyers, W., Meca, A., Kim, S. Y., Whitbourne, S. K., Zamboanga, B. L., Lee, R. M., Hardy, S. A., Forthun, L. F., Ritchie, R. A., Weisskirch, R. S., Brown, E. J. ve Caraway, S. J. (2014). Meaning in life in emerging adulthood: A person‐oriented approach. Journal of Personality, 82(1), 57-68.
  • Dincel, B. K., ve Savur, H. (2019). Diary keeping in writing education. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 7(1), 48-59.
  • Erdem, Ş. (2019). Üstün yeteneklilerin iyi oluşunda bilgelik, değerler ve benlik kavramının rolü [Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi]. Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi.
  • Ferrari, M. ve Guthrie, C. E. (2014). Positive education and teaching for wisdom. A. C. Parks ve S. M. Schueller (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell handbook of positive psychological interventions (s. 213-231) içinde. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Glück, J. (2018). Measuring wisdom: Existing approaches, continuing challenges, and new developments. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 73(8), 1393-1403.
  • Glück, J. ve Bluck, S. (2013). The MORE life experience model: A theory of the development of personal wisdom. M. Ferrari ve N. Weststrate (Ed.), The scientific study of personal wisdom (s. 75-97) içinde. Springer.
  • Gordis, R. (1981). Religion, wisdom and history in the book of Esther: a new solution to an ancient crux. Journal of Biblical Literature, 100(3), 359-388.
  • Grossmann, I. (2012). Wise reasoning: Technical manual. Waterloo, Ontario: University
  • Grossmann, I., Dorfman, A., Oakes, H., Santos, H. C., Vohs, K. D. ve Scholer, A. A. (2021). Training for wisdom: The distanced-self-reflection diary method. Psychological Science, 32(3), 381-394.
  • Grossmann, I., Na, J., Varnum, M. E., Park, D. C., Kitayama, S. Ve Nisbett, R. E. (2010). Reasoning about social conflicts improves into old age. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(16), 7246-7250.
  • Grossmann, I., Weststrate, N. M., Ardelt, M., Brienza, J. P., Dong, M., Ferrari, M., Fournier, M. A., Hu, C. S., Nusbaum, H. C. ve Vervaeke, J. (2020). The science of wisdom in a polarized world: Knowns and unknowns. Psychological Inquiry, 31(2), 103-133.
  • Krok D. (2018). When is meaning in life most beneficial to young people? Styles of meaning in life and well-being among late adolescents. Journal of Adult Development, 25(2), 96-106.
  • Project Wisdom (2012). Project Wisdom. Erişim adresi:
  • Sá, J. (2002). Diary writing: An interpretative research method of teaching and learning. Educational Research and Evaluation, 8(2), 149-168.
  • Sarıçam, H. (2015). Öz aşkınlık ölçeği Türkçe formunun psikometrik özellikleri. Eurasian Academy of Sciences Social Sciences Journal, 5, 25-34.
  • Shin, J. Y. ve Steger, M. F. (2014). Promoting meaning and purpose in life. A. C. Parks ve S. M. Schueller (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell handbook of positive psychological interventions (s. 90-110) içinde. Wiley Blackwell.
  • Shoshani, A. ve Russo-Netzer, P. (2017). Exploring and assessing meaning in life in elementary school children: development and validation of the meaning in life in children questionnaire (MIL-CQ). Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 460-465.
  • Sloterdijk, P. (2012). The Art of Philosophy: Wisdom as a practice. Columbia University Press. Smith, T. J. (2019). How to conquer social conflicts in preschool. Erişim adresi:
  • Staudinger, U. M., Smith, J. ve Baltes, P. B. (1994). Manual for the assessment of wisdom-related knowledge. Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung.
  • Steger, M. F. (2009). Meaning in life. S. J. Lopez ve C. R. Snyder (Ed.), Oxford handbook of positive psychology (s. 679-687) içinde. Oxford University Press.
  • Steger, M. F. (2012). Experiencing meaning in life: Optimal functioning at the nexus of well-being, psychopathology, and spirituality. P. T. P. Wong (Ed.), The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications (2. baskı) içinde (s. 165-184). Routledge.
  • Steger, M. F. ve Frazier, P. (2005). Meaning in life: One link in the chain from religion to well-being. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 574-582.
  • Steger, M. F., Frazier, P., Oishi, S. ve Kaler, M. (2006). The meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(1), 80-93.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1998). A balance theory of wisdom. Review of General Psychology, 2(4), 347-365.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (2001). Why schools should teach for wisdom: The balance theory of wisdom in educational settings. Educational Psychologist, 36, 227-245.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (2004). What is wisdom and how can we develop it? The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 591(1), 164-174.
  • Sternberg, R. ve Jordan, J. (Ed.). (2005). A handbook of wisdom: Psychological perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
  • Tranell, K. (2016). A role-play activity to teach conflict resolution. Erişim adresi:
  • Turgut, Ö. ve Nazli, S. (2021). Kendine yönelik bilgelik algısı ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 57, 425-448.
  • Ünal, G. (2021). Farklı bilgelik yaklaşımları açısından “Ömür Dediğin” belgeselinin analizi. Karadeniz Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(24), 36-47.
  • Ünal, G., & Cambaz, H. Z. (2021). Okulda bilgelik ve anlamın desteklenmesi. G. Arslan ve M. Yıldırım (Ed.), Okulda pozitif psikoloji: Kuramdan uygulamaya içinde (s. 87-103). Pegem Akademi.
  • Vasodavan, V., DeWitt, D. ve Alias, N. (2021). Framework for developing intellectual skills using collaborative learning tools: The experts’ consensus. Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS), 6(1), 284-308.
  • Wise Skills Resources (2012). WiseSkills. Erişim adresi:
  • Wong, P. T. P. (2010). Meaning therapy: An integrative and positive existential psychotherapy. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy: On the Cutting Edge of Modern Developments in Psychotherapy, 40(2), 85-93.
  • Wong, P. T. P. ve Wong, L. C. J. (2012). A meaning-centered approach to building youth resilience. P. T. P. Wong (Ed.), Personality and clinical psychology series. The human quest for meaning: Theories, research, and applications (s. 585-617) içinde. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Social and Personality Psychology (Other)
Journal Section Reviews

Gülten Ünal 0000-0003-1000-952X

Hüseyin Zahid Cambaz 0000-0003-0583-5309

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date July 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Ünal, G., & Cambaz, H. Z. (2024). Okulda Bilgelik ve Anlam Temelli Bir Uygulama Önerisi. Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry, 4(1), 99-130.

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