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İdiopatik unilateral ani işitme kaybında hiperbarik oksijen tedavisi etkinliği

Year 2021, Volume: 46 Issue: 4, 1687 - 1693, 30.12.2021


Amaç: Çalışmamızda medikal tedavi alan ani idiopatik işitme kayıplı hastalarda (AISNIK) hiperbarik oksijen tedavisinin (HBOT) etkinliği ve tedavi sonuçlarını etkileyebilecek değişkenlerin etkileri araştırılmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamızda 2013-2019 yılları arasında HBOT Merkezi’ne başvuran, son 30 gün içinde unilateral AISNIK tanısı odyolojik testle tespit edilmiş, HBOT ve medikal tedavi almış olan 18 yaş üstü hastaların dosyaları retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Yaş, cinsiyet, işitme kaybının derecesi ve semptomların başlangıç zamanından tedavinin başlangıcına kadar geçen süre değerlendirilmiştir. Tedavi öncesi ve tedavi sonrası saf ses ortalamaları bu değişkenlere göre karşılaştırılmıştır.
Bulgular: 135 hastanın 70 (%51,86)’i kadın, 65 (%48,14)’i erkekti. İşitme kazancı, erkek hastalarda tüm yaş gruplarında, kadın hastalarda ise 18-39 ve 40-59 yaş gruplarında yüksek bulunmuştur. Erkek hasta grubunda tedavi öncesi şiddetli ve tam işitme kayıp gruplarındaki HBOT sonrası iyileşme kazançları yüksek bulunmuştur. Kadınlarda ise başlangıç işitme kaybı gruplarının tamamında tedavi sonrası gerçekleşen iyileşme kazançları yüksek saptanmıştır. Erkeklerde 14 güne kadar olan başvurularda işitme seviyelerinde saptanan kazanç istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunurken kadınlarda 30 güne kadar olan başvuruların tamamında işitme seviyelerinde saptanan kazanç anlamlı bulunmuştur.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada işitme kaybı yaşayan hastalarda HBOT etkinliği üzerine cinsiyetin etkisinin olmadığı, hasta yaşı ilerledikçe tedaviden elde edilen kazancın azaldığı, tedaviye erken başlamanın daha olumlu sonuçlandığı ve başlangıçta ileri düzey işitme kaybı olanların işitme kazançlarının daha fazla olduğu gösterilmiştir.

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  • Van der Wal AW, Van Ooij PJAM, de Ru JA. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for sudden sensorineural hearing loss in divers. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2015; 130(11), 1039–1047.
  • Rauch SD. Clinical practice: idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. N Engl J Med 2008; 359(8):833-840.
  • Edizer DT, Çelebi Ö, Hamit B, Baki A, & Yigit O. Recovery of ıdiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. The Journal of International Advanced Otology 2015; 11(2), 122–126.
  • Chandrasekhar S, Tsai Do B, Schwartz S, Bontempo L, Faucett E, Finestone S, et al. Clinical practice guideline: sudden hearing loss (Update). Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg 2019; Vol. 161(1S) S1–S4.
  • Aslan I, Oysu C, Veyseller B, Baserer N. Does the addition of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to the conventional treatment modalities infuence the outcome of sudden deafness? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 126(2):121–126
  • Korpinar S, Alkan Z, Yigit O, Gör A, Toklu A, Cakir B, et al. Factors influencing the outcome of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2011; 268(1):41-47
  • Topuz E, Yigit O, Cinar U, Seven H. Should hyperbaric oxygen be added to treatment in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2004; 261:393–396
  • Bayoumy AB, de Ru JA. The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in acute hearing loss: a narrative review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019; 276(7):1859-1880.
  • Almosnino G, Holm JR, Schwartz SR, Zeitler DM. The role of hyperbaric oxygen as salvage therapy for sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2018; 127(10):672–676.
  • Gulustan F, Yazici ZM, Alakhras WME, Erdur O, Acipayam H, Kufeciler L, et al. Intratympanic steroid injection and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of refractory sudden hearing loss. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2018; 84:1808–8694
  • Tasdoven GE, Derin AT, Yaprak N, Ozcaglar HU. The place of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and ozone therapy in sudden hearing loss. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2017; 83(4):457–463
  • Satar B, Hidir Y, Yetiser S. Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in idiopathic sudden hearing loss. J Laryngol Otol 2006; 120: 665-9.
  • Cekin E, Cincik H, Ulubil SA, Gungor A. Efectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in management of sudden hearing loss. J Laryngol Otol 2009; 123(6):609–612
  • Capuano L, Cavaliere M, Parente G, Damiano A, Pezzuti G, Lopardo D. Hyperbaric oxygen for idiopathic sudden hearing loss: is the routine application helpful? Acta Otolaryngol 2015; 135(7):692–697
  • Dundar K, Gumus T, Ay H, Yetiser S, Ertugrul E. Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen on sudden sensorineural hearing loss: prospective clinical research. J Otolaryngol 2007; 36:32–7
  • Bayoumy AB, Van der Veen EL, Alexander de Ru J. Assessment of spontaneous recovery rates in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. JAMA otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2018; 144(8):655–656
  • Fattori B, Berrettini S, Casani A, Nacci A, De Vito A, De Iaco G. Sudden hypoacusis treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a controlled study. Ear Nose Throat J 2001; 80(9):655–660
  • Hosokawa S, Sugiyama K, Takahashi G, Takebayashi S, Mineta H. Prognostic factors for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and intravenous steroids. J Laryngol Otol 2017; 131(1):77–82
  • Hosokawa S, Hosokawa K, Takahashi G, Sugiyama K, Nakanishi H, Takebayashi S, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as concurrent treatment with systemic steroids for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a comparison of three diferent steroid treatments. Audiol Neuro-otol 2018; 23(3):145–151
  • Yildirim E, Murat Ozcan K, Palali M, Cetin MA, Ensari S, Dere H. Prognostic efect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy starting time for sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Eur Arch Oto-RhinoLaryngol 2015; 272(1):23–28

Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in sudden unilateral idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss

Year 2021, Volume: 46 Issue: 4, 1687 - 1693, 30.12.2021


Purpose: We investigated the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in patients receiving medical treatment with the diagnosis of sudden unilateral idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL).
Materials and Methods: The records of the patients referred to our hyperbaric oxygen therapy clinic between 2013 and 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. All patients’ age was over 18 years old, and ISSNHL was diagnosed in the last 30 days with pure tone audiometry. averages of pure tone results of the patients were compared before and after HBOT according to variables of age, gender, hearing loss level before the treatment, and elapsed time to the treatment.
Results: A total of 135 patients were included, with 70 (51.86%) females and 65 (48.14%) males. The hearing gains were statistically significant in all age groups among males and statistically significant in 18-39 and 40-59 years old age groups among females. When cases were grouped according to elapsed time to HBOT, mean hearing gains of the 14-days group in males and both 14- and 30-days groups in females were statistically significant. Statistically significant hearing gains were detected in mild, moderate, moderate to severe, severe, and complete hearing loss groups in females, while only in moderate, severe, and complete hearing loss groups in males.
Conclusion: Consequently, we think that earlier received HBOT with medical treatment applied to the younger adults with more severe disease gained more improvement in the hearing levels. Consequently, our findings showed that early administration of HBOT with MT resulted in better clinical improvements in the younger adults with severe ISSNHL.

Project Number



  • Van der Wal AW, Van Ooij PJAM, de Ru JA. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for sudden sensorineural hearing loss in divers. Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2015; 130(11), 1039–1047.
  • Rauch SD. Clinical practice: idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. N Engl J Med 2008; 359(8):833-840.
  • Edizer DT, Çelebi Ö, Hamit B, Baki A, & Yigit O. Recovery of ıdiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. The Journal of International Advanced Otology 2015; 11(2), 122–126.
  • Chandrasekhar S, Tsai Do B, Schwartz S, Bontempo L, Faucett E, Finestone S, et al. Clinical practice guideline: sudden hearing loss (Update). Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg 2019; Vol. 161(1S) S1–S4.
  • Aslan I, Oysu C, Veyseller B, Baserer N. Does the addition of hyperbaric oxygen therapy to the conventional treatment modalities infuence the outcome of sudden deafness? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002; 126(2):121–126
  • Korpinar S, Alkan Z, Yigit O, Gör A, Toklu A, Cakir B, et al. Factors influencing the outcome of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2011; 268(1):41-47
  • Topuz E, Yigit O, Cinar U, Seven H. Should hyperbaric oxygen be added to treatment in idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2004; 261:393–396
  • Bayoumy AB, de Ru JA. The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in acute hearing loss: a narrative review. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2019; 276(7):1859-1880.
  • Almosnino G, Holm JR, Schwartz SR, Zeitler DM. The role of hyperbaric oxygen as salvage therapy for sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2018; 127(10):672–676.
  • Gulustan F, Yazici ZM, Alakhras WME, Erdur O, Acipayam H, Kufeciler L, et al. Intratympanic steroid injection and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of refractory sudden hearing loss. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2018; 84:1808–8694
  • Tasdoven GE, Derin AT, Yaprak N, Ozcaglar HU. The place of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and ozone therapy in sudden hearing loss. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol 2017; 83(4):457–463
  • Satar B, Hidir Y, Yetiser S. Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in idiopathic sudden hearing loss. J Laryngol Otol 2006; 120: 665-9.
  • Cekin E, Cincik H, Ulubil SA, Gungor A. Efectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in management of sudden hearing loss. J Laryngol Otol 2009; 123(6):609–612
  • Capuano L, Cavaliere M, Parente G, Damiano A, Pezzuti G, Lopardo D. Hyperbaric oxygen for idiopathic sudden hearing loss: is the routine application helpful? Acta Otolaryngol 2015; 135(7):692–697
  • Dundar K, Gumus T, Ay H, Yetiser S, Ertugrul E. Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen on sudden sensorineural hearing loss: prospective clinical research. J Otolaryngol 2007; 36:32–7
  • Bayoumy AB, Van der Veen EL, Alexander de Ru J. Assessment of spontaneous recovery rates in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. JAMA otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2018; 144(8):655–656
  • Fattori B, Berrettini S, Casani A, Nacci A, De Vito A, De Iaco G. Sudden hypoacusis treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a controlled study. Ear Nose Throat J 2001; 80(9):655–660
  • Hosokawa S, Sugiyama K, Takahashi G, Takebayashi S, Mineta H. Prognostic factors for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and intravenous steroids. J Laryngol Otol 2017; 131(1):77–82
  • Hosokawa S, Hosokawa K, Takahashi G, Sugiyama K, Nakanishi H, Takebayashi S, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as concurrent treatment with systemic steroids for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a comparison of three diferent steroid treatments. Audiol Neuro-otol 2018; 23(3):145–151
  • Yildirim E, Murat Ozcan K, Palali M, Cetin MA, Ensari S, Dere H. Prognostic efect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy starting time for sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Eur Arch Oto-RhinoLaryngol 2015; 272(1):23–28
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research

Erdinç Ercan 0000-0002-4478-7031

Zeynep Kablan This is me 0000-0003-4019-8093

Serkan Ergözen This is me 0000-0003-1171-3703

Bülent Erdoğan 0000-0002-9848-2700

Project Number Bulunmamaktadır.
Publication Date December 30, 2021
Acceptance Date October 24, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 46 Issue: 4


MLA Ercan, Erdinç et al. “Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Sudden Unilateral Idiopathic Sensorineural Hearing Loss”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 46, no. 4, 2021, pp. 1687-93.