Case Report
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Year 2022, , 128 - 131, 15.02.2022


Tooth missing in children and young adults can be congenital or caused by tooth decay, periodontal disease and trauma. This situation can be rehabilitated with implant supported prosthetic treatments, crown bridge prostheses or removable partial dentures. However, the mentioned treatments are postponed to later periods, considering the growth and development period in children and young adults. When implant-supported prosthetic treatments are applied during the growth and development period, implant-supported prostheses may remain in infra-occlusion. Therefore, the dominant opinion in the literature is that implant surgery is contraindicated in children and young adults.For this reason autotransplantation surgery has been used frequently in recent years as an alternative treatment option. In this case report, a 2-year follow-up of bilaterally transplanted mandibular 3rd molar teeth is presented. A 17-year-old female patient, who had no systemic disease, was admitted to our clinic with pain in the right lower jaw. In the clinical examination of the patient, a fistula was observed in the right lower first molar tooth area. As a result of the radiological examination, periapical lesions were observed in both lower molar teeth. Orthodontic and prosthetic treatment options and autotransplantation surgery as an alternative treatment option were explained to the patient. Bilateral autotransplantation was performed 2 weeks apart. During the 2-year follow-up, it was observed that the teeth were vital and no periapical pathology developed. Autotransplantation is an alternative treatment option that should be considered in single tooth missing, especially in young adults. In addition to its low cost, the improvement of the proprioceptive sensation and the ability to be applied in one session are among the important advantages of the procedure.
Keywords: Autotransplantation, young adult, molar tooth

Çocuklar ve genç erişkinlerde görülen diş eksiklikleri implant destekli protetik tedaviler, kron-köprü protezler veya hareketli bölümlü protezlerle rehabilite edilebilmektedir. Ancak belirtilen tedaviler çocuklar ve genç erişkinlerde büyüme gelişim dikkate alındığında daha sonraki dönemlere ertelenmektedir. Özellikle implant cerrahisinin, büyüme gelişim döneminde implantın infraoklüzyonda kalması nedeniyle diş eksikliklerinin tedavisinde kontrendike olduğu görüşü literatürde hakimdir. Bu nedenle alternatif tedavi seçeneği olarak ototransplantasyon cerrahisi son yıllarda sıklıkla uygulanmaktadır. Bu vaka sunumunda çift taraflı olarak transplante edilmiş mandibular 3.molar dişlerin 2 yıllık takibi sunulmuştur. Sistemik olarak herhangi bir rahatsızlığı bulunmayana 17 yaşında kadın hasta kliniğimize sağ alt çenede ağrı şikayetiyle başvurdu. Hastanın yapılan klinik muayenesinde sağ alt 1. molar diş bölgesinde fistül olduğu gözlendi. Yapılan radyolojik muayene sonucunda her iki alt molar dişte de periapikal lezyon olduğu görüldü. Hastaya ortodontik ve protetik tedavi seçenekleri ile birlikte alternatif tedavi seçeneği olarak ototransplantasyon cerrahisi anlatıldı. 2 hafta arayla çift taraflı ototransplantasyon yapıldı. 2 yıllık takipte dişlerin vital olduğu, herhangi bir periapikal patolojinin gelişmediği gözlendi. Ototransplantasyon özellikle genç erişkinlerde görülen tek diş eksikliklerinde düşünülmesi gereken alternatif tedavi seçeneğidir. Maliyetinin uygun olmasının yanı sıra, proprioseptif duyunun yeniden kazanılması ve tek seansta uygulanabilmesi prosedürün önemli avantajlarındandır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ototransplantasyon, genç erişkin, molar diş


  • 1. Machado L, Do Nascimento R, Ferreira D, Mattos C, Vilella O. Long-term prognosis of tooth autotransplantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016;45(5):610-617.
  • 2. Yavuz MS, Ömezli MM. İmmatür mandibüler 3. moların ototransplantasyonu: iki yıllık olgu takibi. Türk Klinik J Dental Sci. 2010;16(1):74-78.
  • 3. Schmidt SK, Cleverly DG. Tooth autotransplantation: an overview and case study. Northwest Dent. 2012;91(4):29-34.
  • 4. Güven Y, Kasımoğlu Y, Aksakal SD, Aktören O, Gençay K. Farklı konumlanmış dişlerde Oıotransplantasyon ile tedavi. Türk Klinik J Dental Sci. 2019;5(1):28-34.
  • 5. Ravi PK, Jyothi M, Sirisha K, Racca K, Uma C. Autotransplantation of mandibular third molar: a case report. Case Rep. Dent. 2012;2012:629180.
  • 6. Saruhan N, Ertaş Ü, Tepecik T. Ototransplantasyon: vaka serisi. Curr Res Dent Sci. 2015;25:45-50.
  • 7. Armstrong L, O’Reilly C, Ahmed B. Autotransplantation of third molars: a literature review and preliminary protocols. Br Dent J. 2020;228(4):247-251.
  • 8. Asif JA, Noorani TY, Alam MK. Tooth auto-transplantation: an alternative treatment. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2017;58(1):41-48.
  • 9. Czochrowska EM, Stenvik A, Bjercke B, Zachrisson BU. Outcome of tooth transplantation: survival and success rates 17-41 years posttreatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2002;121(2):110-119.
  • 10. Chung WC, Tu YK, Lin YH, Lu HK. Outcomes of autotransplanted teeth with complete root formation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol. 2014;41(4):412-423.
  • 11. Bello SA, Adeoye J, Ighile N. Short-term survival of molar to molar transplantation in adolescents. Ann Af Surg. 2020;17(1): DOI: 10.4314/aas.v17i1.4.
  • 12. Ong DV, Dance G. Posterior tooth autotransplantation: a case series. Aust Dent J. 2020.
  • 13. Yu H, Jia P, Lv Z, Qiu L. Autotransplantation of third molars with completely formed roots into surgically created sockets and fresh extraction sockets: a 10-year comparative study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017;46(4):531-538.
  • 14. Bae J-H, Choi Y-H, Cho B-H, Kim Y-K, Kim S-G. Autotransplantation of teeth with complete root formation: a case series. J Endod. 2010;36(8):1422-1426.
  • 15. Mendes RA, Rocha G. Mandibular third molar autotransplantation—literature review with clinical cases. J Can Dent Assoc. 2004;70(11):761-766.
  • 16. Plotino G, Abella Sans F, Duggal M, Grande N, Krastl G, Nagendrababu V, et al. Clinical procedures and outcome of surgical extrusion, intentional replantation and tooth autotransplantation–a narrative review. Int Endod J. 2020;53:1636-1652.
  • 17. Azevedo PC, Moura CCG, Zanetta-Barbosa D, Bernadineli N. Time of endodontic treatment in autogenic transplants of mature teeth: histological study in dogs. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2007;104(2):287-293.
  • 18. Tsukiboshi M. Autotransplantation of teeth: requirements for predictable success. Dent Traumatol. 2002;18(4):157-180.
  • 19. Mena-Álvarez J, Riad-Deglow E, Quispe-López N, Rico-Romano C, Zubizarreta-Macho A. Technology at the service of surgery in a new technique of autotransplantation by guided surgery: a case report. BMC Oral Health. 2020;20(1):1-8.
  • 20. Ashurko I, Vlasova I, Yaremchuk P, Bystrova O. Autotransplantation of teeth as an alternative to dental implantation. BMJ Case Rep. 2020;13(6):e234889.
Year 2022, , 128 - 131, 15.02.2022



  • 1. Machado L, Do Nascimento R, Ferreira D, Mattos C, Vilella O. Long-term prognosis of tooth autotransplantation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016;45(5):610-617.
  • 2. Yavuz MS, Ömezli MM. İmmatür mandibüler 3. moların ototransplantasyonu: iki yıllık olgu takibi. Türk Klinik J Dental Sci. 2010;16(1):74-78.
  • 3. Schmidt SK, Cleverly DG. Tooth autotransplantation: an overview and case study. Northwest Dent. 2012;91(4):29-34.
  • 4. Güven Y, Kasımoğlu Y, Aksakal SD, Aktören O, Gençay K. Farklı konumlanmış dişlerde Oıotransplantasyon ile tedavi. Türk Klinik J Dental Sci. 2019;5(1):28-34.
  • 5. Ravi PK, Jyothi M, Sirisha K, Racca K, Uma C. Autotransplantation of mandibular third molar: a case report. Case Rep. Dent. 2012;2012:629180.
  • 6. Saruhan N, Ertaş Ü, Tepecik T. Ototransplantasyon: vaka serisi. Curr Res Dent Sci. 2015;25:45-50.
  • 7. Armstrong L, O’Reilly C, Ahmed B. Autotransplantation of third molars: a literature review and preliminary protocols. Br Dent J. 2020;228(4):247-251.
  • 8. Asif JA, Noorani TY, Alam MK. Tooth auto-transplantation: an alternative treatment. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2017;58(1):41-48.
  • 9. Czochrowska EM, Stenvik A, Bjercke B, Zachrisson BU. Outcome of tooth transplantation: survival and success rates 17-41 years posttreatment. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2002;121(2):110-119.
  • 10. Chung WC, Tu YK, Lin YH, Lu HK. Outcomes of autotransplanted teeth with complete root formation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol. 2014;41(4):412-423.
  • 11. Bello SA, Adeoye J, Ighile N. Short-term survival of molar to molar transplantation in adolescents. Ann Af Surg. 2020;17(1): DOI: 10.4314/aas.v17i1.4.
  • 12. Ong DV, Dance G. Posterior tooth autotransplantation: a case series. Aust Dent J. 2020.
  • 13. Yu H, Jia P, Lv Z, Qiu L. Autotransplantation of third molars with completely formed roots into surgically created sockets and fresh extraction sockets: a 10-year comparative study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017;46(4):531-538.
  • 14. Bae J-H, Choi Y-H, Cho B-H, Kim Y-K, Kim S-G. Autotransplantation of teeth with complete root formation: a case series. J Endod. 2010;36(8):1422-1426.
  • 15. Mendes RA, Rocha G. Mandibular third molar autotransplantation—literature review with clinical cases. J Can Dent Assoc. 2004;70(11):761-766.
  • 16. Plotino G, Abella Sans F, Duggal M, Grande N, Krastl G, Nagendrababu V, et al. Clinical procedures and outcome of surgical extrusion, intentional replantation and tooth autotransplantation–a narrative review. Int Endod J. 2020;53:1636-1652.
  • 17. Azevedo PC, Moura CCG, Zanetta-Barbosa D, Bernadineli N. Time of endodontic treatment in autogenic transplants of mature teeth: histological study in dogs. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2007;104(2):287-293.
  • 18. Tsukiboshi M. Autotransplantation of teeth: requirements for predictable success. Dent Traumatol. 2002;18(4):157-180.
  • 19. Mena-Álvarez J, Riad-Deglow E, Quispe-López N, Rico-Romano C, Zubizarreta-Macho A. Technology at the service of surgery in a new technique of autotransplantation by guided surgery: a case report. BMC Oral Health. 2020;20(1):1-8.
  • 20. Ashurko I, Vlasova I, Yaremchuk P, Bystrova O. Autotransplantation of teeth as an alternative to dental implantation. BMJ Case Rep. 2020;13(6):e234889.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Case Reports

Ferhat Ayrancı This is me

Hasan Akpınar

Publication Date February 15, 2022
Submission Date October 27, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022


AMA Ayrancı F, Akpınar H. 2-YEAR FOLLOW-UP OF BILATERAL IMMEDIATE AUTOTRANSPLANTATION. Curr Res Dent Sci. February 2022;32(1):128-131. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.899285

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