Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 29 Issue: 4, 389 - 405, 30.12.2020


Çalışmanın amacı, dönüşümsel liderlik (DL) ve alt boyutlarının örgütsel güven (ÖG) ve örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı (ÖVD) üzerindeki etkisini ve DL ve alt boyutları ile ÖVD arasındaki ilişkide ÖG’nin aracı (mediator) rolünü incelemektir. Dönüşümsel liderlik, yapılan keşifsel faktör analizinde iki boyutta ortaya konmuş, analizlerde DL ve “karizmatik motivasyon” ile “geliştiren ilgi” adı verilmiş olan iki alt boyut bağımsız değişken olarak alınmıştır. Sonuçta, DL ve saptanan alt boyutları ile örgütsel güven ve ÖVD arasında pozitif ve anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Yapılan analizler, örgütsel güvenin dönüşümsel liderlik ve onun alt boyutlarının ÖVD’ye olan etkisinde kısmi olarak aracılık ettiğini (partial mediation) göstermektedir.


  • Alpkan, L., Dilek, H., & Bozlağan, R. (2005). Liderlik tarzlarının güven ve adalet algısı yoluyla örgütsel bağlılık, iş tatmini ve örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerine etkileri. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 44-69.
  • Alimo‐Metcalfe, B., & Alban‐Metcalfe, R. J. (2001). The development of a new transformational leadership questionnaire. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 74(1), 1-27.
  • Asencio, H., & Mujkic, E. (2016). Leadership behaviors and trust in leaders: Evidence from the US federal government. Public Administration Quarterly, 156-179.
  • Avolio, B. J., & Bass, B. M. (1995). Individual consideration viewed at multiple levels of analysis: A multi-level framework for examining the diffusion of transformational leadership. The leadership quarterly, 6(2), 199-218.
  • Avolio, B. J., Bass, B. M., & Jung, D. I. (1995). MLQ Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire: technical report. Redwood City, CA: Mindgarden.
  • Aydın, Y. (2015). Liderlik tarzları ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı arasındaki ilişkide örgüt kültürünün rolü: bursa serbest bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren firmalar üzerine bir araştırma. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Bass, B. M. (1997). Does the transactional–transformational leadership paradigm transcend organizational and national boundaries?. American psychologist, 52(2), 130.
  • Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (Eds.). (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Sage Publications.
  • Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1990). The implications of transactional and transformational leadership for individual, team, and organizational development. Research in organizational change and development, 4(1), 231-272.
  • Bommer, W. H., Rich, G. A., & Rubin, R. S. (2005). Changing attitudes about change: Longitudinal effects of transformational leader behavior on employee cynicism about organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 26(7), 733-753.
  • Braun, S., Peus, C., Weisweiler, S., & Frey, D. (2013). Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and team performance: A multilevel mediation model of trust. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 270-283.
  • Brief, A. P., & Motowidlo, S. J. (1986). Prosocial Organizational Behaviors. Academy of management Review, 11(4), 710-725.
  • Browning, P. (2014). Why trust the head? Key practices for transformational school leaders to build a purposeful relationship of trust. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 17(4), 388-409.
  • Burns, J.M. (1978). Leadership. New York. Harper & Row.
  • Coleman, Jr, H. J. (1999). What enables self-organizing behavior in businesses. Emergence, 1(1), 33-48.
  • Cropanzano, R., & Mitchell, M. S. (2005). Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review. Journal of management, 31(6), 874-900.
  • Çetin, Ş., Korkmaz, M., & Çakmakçı, C. (2012). Dönüşümsel ve etkileşimsel liderlik ile lider-üye etkileşiminin öğretmenlerin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerindeki etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi Dergisi, 18(1), 7-36.
  • Dabke, D. (2016). Impact of leader’s emotional intelligence and transformational behavior on perceived leadership effectiveness: A multiple source view. Business Perspectives and Research, 4(1), 27-40.
  • Rua, M. M. D. L. & Araújo, J. M. C., (2016). Linking transformational leadership and organizational trust: has organizational commitment a mediating effect on it?. Cuadernos de Gestión 16(1) : 43-62.
  • Demir, H. ve Okan, T. (2008). Etkileşimsel Ve Dönüşümsel Liderlik: Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Denemesi. Yönetim, (19-61):72-90.
  • Erturgut, R. (2007). Toplam kalite yönetimi uygulamaları ile dönüştürücü liderlik arasındaki ilişki: Ulusal kalite ödülü almış olan kamu örgütlerinde bir araştırma. Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi. Kocaeli: Kocaeli Üniversitesi SBE.
  • Fard, H. D., Rajabzadeh, A., & Hasiri, A. (2010). Organizational trust in public sector: Explaining the role of managers’ managerial competency. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 25, 29-43.
  • Farh, J. L., Podsakoff, P. M., & Organ, D. W. (1990). Accounting for organizational citizenship behavior: Leader fairness and task scope versus satisfaction. Journal of management, 16(4), 705-721.
  • Goodwin, V. L., Whittington, J. L., Murray, B., & Nichols, T. (2011). Moderator or mediator? Examining the role of trust in the transformational leadership paradigm. Journal of Managerial Issues, 409-425.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2013). An Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach. New York, NY: Guilford Yayınları.
  • Hoxha, A. (2015). Empowerment and trust as mediators of the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational effectiveness. European Journal of Economic & Political Studies, 8(1), 43-60.
  • Indrayanto, A., Burgess, J., & Dayaram, K. (2014). A case study of transformational leadership and para-police performance in Indonesia. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.
  • Judge, T. A., & Piccolo, R. F. (2004). Transformational and transactional leadership: a meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Journal of applied psychology, 89(5), 755.
  • Katou, A. A. (2015). Transformational leadership and organisational performance Three serially mediating mechanisms. Employee Relations. (37-3):329-353.
  • Kelloway, E. K., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Loughlin, C. (2012). Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: The mediating role of employee trust in leadership. Work & Stress, 26(1), 39-55.
  • Köse, S., Kartal, B. & Kayalı, N. (2003). Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı ve Tutuma İlişkin Faktörlerle İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (20)1-19.
  • Liu, J., Siu, O. L., & Shi, K. (2010). Transformational leadership and employee well‐being: The mediating role of trust in the leader and self‐efficacy. Applied Psychology, 59(3), 454-479.
  • MacCallum, R. C., Widaman, K. F., Preacher, K. J., & Hong, S. (2001). Sample size in factor analysis: The role of model error. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 36(4), 611-637.
  • Nasra, M. A., & Heilbrunn, S. (2016). Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in the Arab educational system in Israel: The impact of trust and job satisfaction. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44(3), 380-396.
  • Nguni, S., Sleegers, P., & Denessen, E. (2006). Transformational and transactional leadership effects on teachers' job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior in primary schools: The Tanzanian case. School effectiveness and school improvement, 17(2), 145-177.
  • Nübold, A., Dörr, S. L., & Maier, G. W. (2015). Considering the orphan: Personal identification and its relations with transformational leadership, trust, and performance in a three-path mediation model. Leadership, 11(2), 230-254.
  • Nyhan, R. C., & Marlowe Jr, H. A. (1997). Development and psychometric properties of the organizational trust inventory. Evaluation Review, 21(5), 614-635.
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexington Books/DC Heath and Com.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Moorman, R. H., & Fetter, R. (1990). Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. The leadership quarterly, 1(2), 107-142.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., & Bachrach, D. G. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of management, 26(3), 513-563.
  • Polychroniou, P. V. (2009). Relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership of supervisors. Team Performance Management: An International Journal.
  • Riggio, R. E., & Harvey, M. (Eds.). (2011). Leadership studies: The dialogue of disciplines. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Tavşancıl, E. (2006). Tutumların ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile veri analizi [Measurement of attitudes and data analysis with SPSS]. Ankara, Turkey: Nobel.
  • Van Dyne, L.; Graham, J.G. ve Dienesch, R.M. (1994). “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Construct Redefinition, Measurement and Validation”. Academy of Management Journal. (37-4):765-802.
  • Wang, Y. S., & Huang, T. C. (2009). The relationship of transformational leadership with group cohesiveness and emotional intelligence. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 37(3), 379-392.
  • Yang, Y. F. (2014). Studies of transformational leadership: Evaluating two alternative models of trust and satisfaction. Psychological reports, 114(3), 740-757.
  • Yolaç, S. (2011). Yöneticinin algılanan liderlik tarzı ile yöneticiye duyulan güven arasındaki ilişkide lider üye etkileşiminin rolü. Öneri, 9(36), 63-72.
  • Yücel, C. ve Samancı, G. (2009). “Örgütsel Güven ve Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı”. Fırat Üni. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. (19-1):113-132.
  • Zaleznik, A. (1977). “Managers and leaders: Are they different?”. Harvard Business Review. (70-2):126-135.
Year 2020, Volume: 29 Issue: 4, 389 - 405, 30.12.2020



  • Alpkan, L., Dilek, H., & Bozlağan, R. (2005). Liderlik tarzlarının güven ve adalet algısı yoluyla örgütsel bağlılık, iş tatmini ve örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerine etkileri. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(1), 44-69.
  • Alimo‐Metcalfe, B., & Alban‐Metcalfe, R. J. (2001). The development of a new transformational leadership questionnaire. Journal of occupational and organizational psychology, 74(1), 1-27.
  • Asencio, H., & Mujkic, E. (2016). Leadership behaviors and trust in leaders: Evidence from the US federal government. Public Administration Quarterly, 156-179.
  • Avolio, B. J., & Bass, B. M. (1995). Individual consideration viewed at multiple levels of analysis: A multi-level framework for examining the diffusion of transformational leadership. The leadership quarterly, 6(2), 199-218.
  • Avolio, B. J., Bass, B. M., & Jung, D. I. (1995). MLQ Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire: technical report. Redwood City, CA: Mindgarden.
  • Aydın, Y. (2015). Liderlik tarzları ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı arasındaki ilişkide örgüt kültürünün rolü: bursa serbest bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren firmalar üzerine bir araştırma. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Bass, B. M. (1997). Does the transactional–transformational leadership paradigm transcend organizational and national boundaries?. American psychologist, 52(2), 130.
  • Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (Eds.). (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Sage Publications.
  • Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1990). The implications of transactional and transformational leadership for individual, team, and organizational development. Research in organizational change and development, 4(1), 231-272.
  • Bommer, W. H., Rich, G. A., & Rubin, R. S. (2005). Changing attitudes about change: Longitudinal effects of transformational leader behavior on employee cynicism about organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 26(7), 733-753.
  • Braun, S., Peus, C., Weisweiler, S., & Frey, D. (2013). Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and team performance: A multilevel mediation model of trust. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 270-283.
  • Brief, A. P., & Motowidlo, S. J. (1986). Prosocial Organizational Behaviors. Academy of management Review, 11(4), 710-725.
  • Browning, P. (2014). Why trust the head? Key practices for transformational school leaders to build a purposeful relationship of trust. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 17(4), 388-409.
  • Burns, J.M. (1978). Leadership. New York. Harper & Row.
  • Coleman, Jr, H. J. (1999). What enables self-organizing behavior in businesses. Emergence, 1(1), 33-48.
  • Cropanzano, R., & Mitchell, M. S. (2005). Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review. Journal of management, 31(6), 874-900.
  • Çetin, Ş., Korkmaz, M., & Çakmakçı, C. (2012). Dönüşümsel ve etkileşimsel liderlik ile lider-üye etkileşiminin öğretmenlerin örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerindeki etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi Dergisi, 18(1), 7-36.
  • Dabke, D. (2016). Impact of leader’s emotional intelligence and transformational behavior on perceived leadership effectiveness: A multiple source view. Business Perspectives and Research, 4(1), 27-40.
  • Rua, M. M. D. L. & Araújo, J. M. C., (2016). Linking transformational leadership and organizational trust: has organizational commitment a mediating effect on it?. Cuadernos de Gestión 16(1) : 43-62.
  • Demir, H. ve Okan, T. (2008). Etkileşimsel Ve Dönüşümsel Liderlik: Bir Ölçek Geliştirme Denemesi. Yönetim, (19-61):72-90.
  • Erturgut, R. (2007). Toplam kalite yönetimi uygulamaları ile dönüştürücü liderlik arasındaki ilişki: Ulusal kalite ödülü almış olan kamu örgütlerinde bir araştırma. Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi. Kocaeli: Kocaeli Üniversitesi SBE.
  • Fard, H. D., Rajabzadeh, A., & Hasiri, A. (2010). Organizational trust in public sector: Explaining the role of managers’ managerial competency. European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences, 25, 29-43.
  • Farh, J. L., Podsakoff, P. M., & Organ, D. W. (1990). Accounting for organizational citizenship behavior: Leader fairness and task scope versus satisfaction. Journal of management, 16(4), 705-721.
  • Goodwin, V. L., Whittington, J. L., Murray, B., & Nichols, T. (2011). Moderator or mediator? Examining the role of trust in the transformational leadership paradigm. Journal of Managerial Issues, 409-425.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2013). An Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach. New York, NY: Guilford Yayınları.
  • Hoxha, A. (2015). Empowerment and trust as mediators of the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational effectiveness. European Journal of Economic & Political Studies, 8(1), 43-60.
  • Indrayanto, A., Burgess, J., & Dayaram, K. (2014). A case study of transformational leadership and para-police performance in Indonesia. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management.
  • Judge, T. A., & Piccolo, R. F. (2004). Transformational and transactional leadership: a meta-analytic test of their relative validity. Journal of applied psychology, 89(5), 755.
  • Katou, A. A. (2015). Transformational leadership and organisational performance Three serially mediating mechanisms. Employee Relations. (37-3):329-353.
  • Kelloway, E. K., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Loughlin, C. (2012). Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: The mediating role of employee trust in leadership. Work & Stress, 26(1), 39-55.
  • Köse, S., Kartal, B. & Kayalı, N. (2003). Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı ve Tutuma İlişkin Faktörlerle İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, (20)1-19.
  • Liu, J., Siu, O. L., & Shi, K. (2010). Transformational leadership and employee well‐being: The mediating role of trust in the leader and self‐efficacy. Applied Psychology, 59(3), 454-479.
  • MacCallum, R. C., Widaman, K. F., Preacher, K. J., & Hong, S. (2001). Sample size in factor analysis: The role of model error. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 36(4), 611-637.
  • Nasra, M. A., & Heilbrunn, S. (2016). Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior in the Arab educational system in Israel: The impact of trust and job satisfaction. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44(3), 380-396.
  • Nguni, S., Sleegers, P., & Denessen, E. (2006). Transformational and transactional leadership effects on teachers' job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior in primary schools: The Tanzanian case. School effectiveness and school improvement, 17(2), 145-177.
  • Nübold, A., Dörr, S. L., & Maier, G. W. (2015). Considering the orphan: Personal identification and its relations with transformational leadership, trust, and performance in a three-path mediation model. Leadership, 11(2), 230-254.
  • Nyhan, R. C., & Marlowe Jr, H. A. (1997). Development and psychometric properties of the organizational trust inventory. Evaluation Review, 21(5), 614-635.
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexington Books/DC Heath and Com.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Moorman, R. H., & Fetter, R. (1990). Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. The leadership quarterly, 1(2), 107-142.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Paine, J. B., & Bachrach, D. G. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of management, 26(3), 513-563.
  • Polychroniou, P. V. (2009). Relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership of supervisors. Team Performance Management: An International Journal.
  • Riggio, R. E., & Harvey, M. (Eds.). (2011). Leadership studies: The dialogue of disciplines. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Tavşancıl, E. (2006). Tutumların ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile veri analizi [Measurement of attitudes and data analysis with SPSS]. Ankara, Turkey: Nobel.
  • Van Dyne, L.; Graham, J.G. ve Dienesch, R.M. (1994). “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Construct Redefinition, Measurement and Validation”. Academy of Management Journal. (37-4):765-802.
  • Wang, Y. S., & Huang, T. C. (2009). The relationship of transformational leadership with group cohesiveness and emotional intelligence. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 37(3), 379-392.
  • Yang, Y. F. (2014). Studies of transformational leadership: Evaluating two alternative models of trust and satisfaction. Psychological reports, 114(3), 740-757.
  • Yolaç, S. (2011). Yöneticinin algılanan liderlik tarzı ile yöneticiye duyulan güven arasındaki ilişkide lider üye etkileşiminin rolü. Öneri, 9(36), 63-72.
  • Yücel, C. ve Samancı, G. (2009). “Örgütsel Güven ve Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı”. Fırat Üni. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. (19-1):113-132.
  • Zaleznik, A. (1977). “Managers and leaders: Are they different?”. Harvard Business Review. (70-2):126-135.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Sencer Özgür 0000-0001-9511-3080

Mehmet Turan 0000-0003-1297-0461

Publication Date December 30, 2020
Submission Date June 20, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 29 Issue: 4


APA Özgür, S., & Turan, M. (2020). DÖNÜŞÜMSEL LİDERLİĞİN ÖRGÜTSEL VATANDAŞLIK DAVRANIŞINA ETKİSİNDE ÖRGÜTSEL GÜVENİN ARACILIK ROLÜ. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 29(4), 389-405.