Theosophical Society, is a
modern esoteric and occultist movement, which was founded in 1875 in the United
States. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, doctrinal leader of the Society is a
mysterious character. For a while Blavatsky was one of the members of the spiritualism,
then she abandoned the spiritualist thought and founded the Theosophical Society
with presidency of her fellow H. S. Olcott. A few years the society continued
to work in USA. Theosophical movement which tended towards to Western esoteric
and occult tradition moved to India in 1879. From this date, Indian teachings
has been dominant in the Theosophical literature. In this sense, the society
showed a syncretic nature, literally. Society played an important role in
transfering the concepts of Indian teachings and beliefs, especially
reincarnation and karma to the Western world. Literature of the society was
instrumental in many Westerners recognition of the Eastern teachings. Theosophy lodges was almost the center of the
Eastern teachings. Even Mahatma Gandhi expressed the impact of the Theosophical
Society to his recognition of his own culture. Many
people who tended to Indian beliefs familiarized Hinduism and Buddhism through
the society. Despite receiving some criticisms, the translations of basic
Indian texts which society made managed to directing the attention of many people to
the Eastern teachings. Today, Society has special significance in Tibet's great
importance in Western world as an exotic and mistyc land. Blavatsky's doubtful
Tibet trip and the Tibetian mahatmas which were production of her myth maker
mind was instrumental in Tibet's being as a mysterious center. Society was also a pioneer in the publication
and promotion of secret Tibetian texts in the West. In addition to this, the
society has also received serious criticism that it has degenerated Indian
teachings. This study aims to evaluate the role of the Theosophical Society in
transfering Eastern teachings to the West.
Theosophical Society H. P. Blavatsky Hinduism Buddhism Eastern teachings Western world Gandhi Tibet
Teosofi Cemiyeti, 1875
yılında ABD’de kurulan bir modern ezoterik ve okültist harekettir. Cemiyetin
doktrinel lideri gizemli bir kişilik olan Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’dir.
Temelde Batı ezoterik ve okült geleneklerine yönelen Teosofi hareketi 1879
yılında Hindistan’a taşındı. Bu tarihten itibaren Teosofi literatürüne Hint
öğretileri hâkim oldu. Bu anlamda cemiyet tam anlamıyla senkretik bir yapı
sergiledi. Cemiyet reenkarnasyon ve karma başta olmak üzere Hint düşünce ve
inanç dünyasının kavramlarını Batı’ya taşımada önemli rol oynadı. Ürettiği
literatür birçok Batılının Doğu öğretilerini tanımasına vesile oldu. Mahatma
Gandhi dahi öz kültürünü tanımada Teosofi Cemiyeti’nin etkisini ifade etmiştir.
Bugün Batı dünyasında Tibet’in egzotik ve mistik bir merkez olarak tanınmasında
ise cemiyetin özel bir yeri vardır. Tüm bunların yanında cemiyet Hint
öğretilerini yozlaştırdığı hususunda ciddi eleştiriler de almıştır. Bu çalışma
Teosofi Cemiyeti’nin Doğu öğretilerini Batı’ya taşımadaki rolünü
değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 19, 2016 |
Published in Issue | Year 2016 |