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Tarihi Bir Kent Parkının Yenilenmesi ve Ziyaretçiler Tarafından Değerlendirilmesi: Gençlik Parkı Örneği, Ankara

Year 2024, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 209 - 240, 05.11.2024


"Ekonomik, ekolojik ve sosyal sürdürülebilirlik" bağlamında planlanması ve yönetilmesi gereken kent parkları, bu üç bileşen açısından vatandaşların sağlığına faydalar sunmaktadır. Bu çalışma parkların sosyal sürdürülebilirliğini “Gençlik Parkı” örneğinde değerlendirmektedir. Çalışma, başkent kimliğine önemli katkı sağlayan büyük bir kent parkının işlevini ve anlamını yitirerek çöküntü alanı haline gelmesi sonrasında gerçekleştirilen yenileme çalışmalarına ilişkin kullanıcı görüşlerinin irdelenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler SPSS 23 programıyla analiz edilmiş, değişkenler T testi ve ANOVA ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Parkta gerçekleştirilen yenileme çalışmaları “erişilebilirlik, konfor, görüntü ve estetik, parktaki aktivitelerin yeterliliği ve uygunluğu, güvenlik” konularında yürütülmüş ve kullanıcılara bu başlıklar altında sorular sorulmuştur.


  • Akansel, C. (2009). Revealing the values of a republican park: Gençlik Parkı deciphered in memory and as mon-ument. [Unpublished Master’s dissertation]. Middle East Technical University.
  • Akkar Ercan, M. (2017). Evolving or lost identity of a historic public space? The tale of Gençlik Park in Ankara. Journal of Urban Design, 22(4), 520–543.
  • Anonymus (2009, December 2). Geçmişten günümüze gençlik parkı. Mimdaporg.
  • Anonymus (2019). Google Earth. Retrieved January 22, 2019 from
  • Anonymus (2021). Google Earth. Retrieved February 16, 2021 from
  • Ataöv, A., & Osmay, S. (2007). Türkiye’de kentsel dönüşüme yöntemsel bir yaklaşım. METU JFA, 24(2), 57-82.
  • Bayraktar, A. N. (2016). Başkent Ankara’da cumhuriyet sonrası yaşanan büyük değişim: modern yaşam kurgusu ve modern mekânlar. Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 67-80.
  • Biernacka, M., Kronenberg, J., Łaszkiewicz, E., Czembrowski, P., Parsa, V. A., & Sikorska, D. (2023). Beyond urban parks: mapping informal green spaces in an urban–peri-urban gradient. Land Use Policy, 131(2), 1-10.
  • Boyacı, E. (2010). Ülkemizde kent parkı işlevlerini belirleyen etmenler [Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. An-kara Üniversitesi.
  • Burat, S. (2011). “Yeşilyollarda hareketle istirahat”: Jansen planlarında başkentin kentsel yeşil alan tasarımları ve bunların uygulanma ve değiştirilme süreci (1932-1960). İDEALKENT, 2(4), 100-127.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Anket geliştirme. The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 3(2), 133-151.
  • Clingerman, F., Drenthen, M., Treanor, B., & Utsler, D. (2013). Interpreting nature: The emerging field of environ-mental hermeneutics. Fordham University Press.
  • Conway, H. (1991). People’s parks: The design and development of victorian parks in Britain. Cambridge Univer-sity Press.
  • Cooper, D. S., Katz, N. D., Rogers, M. L., & Osborn, F. M. (2023). Assessing and improving the ecological function of linear parks along the lower Los Angeles River Channel, Los Angeles County, California, US. Cities and the Environment,16(1), 1-40.
  • Daşkıran, F., & Ak, D. (2015). 6306 sayılı kanun kapsamında kentsel dönüşüm. Journal of Management and Eco-nomics Research, 13(3), 264-288.
  • Ekinci, Z., & Sağlam, Z. (2015). Meanings and social roles of the republic period urban parks in Ankara. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 216, 610-621.
  • Feyisa, G. L., Dons, K., & Meilby, H. (2014). Efficiency of parks in mitigating urban heat island effect: An example from Addis Ababa. Landscape and Urban Planning, 123, 87-95.
  • Gai S., Fu, J., Rong, X., & Dai, L., (2023). Importance–performance analysis and improvement of an urban park’s cultural ecosystem services based on users’ perspectives: A Beijing case study. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 22 (2). 726–739. ISSN 1347-2852
  • Gobster, P. H. (2001). Visions of nature: conflict and compatibility in urban park restoration. Landscape and Ur-ban Planning, 56(1-2), 35-51.
  • Gong, Y., Mamat Z., Shi, L., & Liu, F. (2023). Restorative effects of park visiting on physiology, psychology and so-ciety and the factors influencing park visiting. Sustainibility, 15(1),841-860.
  • Gore, T., Ozdemiroglu, E., Eadson, W., Gianferrara, E., & Phang, Z. (2013). Green infrastructure’s contribution to economic growth: a review. Final report for Defra and Natural England.
  • Hajzeri, A. (2021). The management of urban parks and its contribution to social interactions. Arboricultural Journal, 43(3), 187-195.
  • Harnik, P. (2003). The excellent city park system: What makes it great and how to get there. In R. H. Platt (Ed.), The Human Metropolis: People and Nature in the 21st-Century City (pp. 47-60), University of Massachusetts Press.
  • Harnik, P., & Welle, B. (2009). Park value in action: promoting human health in Sacramento. Trust for Public Land Press.
  • Jansen, H. (1937). Ankara imar planı. Alaeddin Kral Press.
  • Kim, H. S., Lee, G. E., Lee, J. S., & Choi, Y. (2019). Understanding the local impact of urban park plans and park typology on housing price: A case study of the Busan metropolitan region, Korea. Landscape and Urban Plan-ning, 184. 1-11.
  • Konijnendijk, C. C., Annerstedt, M., Nielsen, A. B., & Maruthaveeran, S. (2013). Benefits of urban parks. A sys-tematic review. A Report for IFPRA, Copenhagen & Alnarp Press.
  • Larson, L. R., Jennings, V., & Cloutier, S. A. (2016). Public parks and wellbeing in urban areas of the United States. PLoS one, 11(4), 1-19
  • Le Lay, Y. F., Piégay, H., & Rivière-Honegger, A. (2013). Perception of braided river landscapes: Implications for public participation and sustainable management. Journal of Environmental Management, 119, 1-12.
  • Lin, C. W., Wang, J. C., Zhong, B. Y., Jiang, J. A., Wu, Y. F., Leu, S. W., & Nee, T. E. (2021). Lie symmetry analysis of the effects of urban infrastructures on residential property values. Plos one, 16(8), 1-15
  • Liu, H., Li, F., Li, J., & Zhang, Y. (2017). The relationships between urban parks, residents’ physical activity, and mental health benefits: A case study from Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 1(190), 223-230.
  • Memlük, N. O. (2012). Inclusivity of public space: changing’ing clusivity’of an urban park, Gençlik Parkı, Anka-ra [Unpublished Master’s Dissertation]. Middle East Technical University.
  • Mexia, T., Vieira, J., Príncipe, A., Anjos, A., Silva, P., Lopes, N., ... & Pinho, P. (2018). Ecosystem services: Urban parks under a magnifying glass. Environmental research, 160, 469-478.
  • Morris, A. G. (2011). Conservation easements and urban parks: from private to public use. Natural Resources Journal, 51(2), 357-384.
  • Orsan, E. Ş., & Karadeniz, N. (2019). Ankara kenti mekânsal planlama sürecinde doğal bir alanın dönüşümü: İmrahor Vadisi örneği. Peyzaj Araştırmaları ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 1(2), 1-9.
  • Ostermann, F., & Schrenk, M. (2009, April 22-25). Indicators for socially sustainable park use: results from a case study [Conference session]. Real CORP-Competence Centre for Urban and Regional Development, Catalo-nia, Spain.
  • Önge, S. T. (2007). Power and Culture: Identity, Ideology and Representation. In Jonathan Osmand and Ausma Cimdina (Ed.). Spatial Representation of Power: Making the Urban Space of Ankara in the Early Republican Peri-od (pp. 72-94). Plus-Psa University Press.
  • Özer, M. N. (2005). Bir kültürel miras olarak gençlik parkı. TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası, 4, 16-24.
  • Özgüner, H. (2011). Cultural differences in attitudes towards urban parks and green spaces. Landscape Re-search, 36(5), 599-620.
  • Özkır, A. (2007). Developing a management model for urban parks [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation]. Ankara University.
  • Öztürk Kurtaslan, B. (2017). Başarılı kent parkı planlama ve yönetimi yaklaşımının Teardrop park (New York) örneğinde araştırılması. OPUS – Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(13), 742-760
  • Park, J., & Kim, J. (2019). Economic impacts of a linear urban park on local businesses: The case of Gyeongui Line Forest Park in Seoul. Landscape and Urban Planning, 181, 139-147.
  • Poppe, L., Van Dyck, D., De Keyser, E., Van Puyvelde, A., Veitch, J., & Deforche, B. (2023). The impact of renewal of an urban park in Belgium on park use, park-based physical activity, and social interaction: A natural experi-ment. Cities, 140, 1-11.
  • Selman, P. (2008). What do we mean by sustainable landscape? Sustainability: Science, Practice & Policy, 4(2). 23-28.
  • Sezen, İ., & Aytatlı, B. (2019). Kentsel peyzaj planlamasında yeşil alanların suçun önlenmesindeki rolü: Erzurum örneği. Kent Akademisi, 12(4), 823-834.
  • Shao, H., & Kim, G. (2022). A Comprehensive review of different types of green ınfrastructure to mitigate urban heat islands: progress, functions, and benefits. Land, 11(10), 1-22.
  • Speak, A. F., Mizgajski, A., & Borysiak, J. (2015). Allotment gardens and parks: Provision of ecosystem services with an emphasis on biodiversity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(4), 772-781.
  • Stepanchuk, A., Salyakhova M., & Salyakhova, V. (2021, June 18). Preserving identity while reorganizing urban spaces [Conference session]. Sciences- Web of Conferences, France.
  • Sitte, C. (1965). City planning according to the artistic principles. Phaidon Press.
  • Tokcan, Ö. (2009). Gençlik Park revision project report.
  • Uludağ, Z. (1998). The social construction of meaning in landscape architecture: a case study of Gençlik Parkı in Ankara (Publication No. 76071) [Master’s dissertation, Middle East Technial University]. YÖK Ulusal Tez Merke-zi.
  • Ural, A., & Kılıç, İ. (2011). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve spss ile veri analizi. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Üstün, G. (2008). Kentsel dönüşüm (Tez No. 226780) [Doktora tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi]. YÖK Ulusal Tez Merke-zi.
  • Wajchman-Świtalska, S., Zajadacz, A., & Lubarska, A. (2021). Recreation and therapy in urban forests-The po-tential use of sensory garden solutions. Forests, 12(10), 1-15.
  • Xie, Q., Yue, Y., Sun, Q., Chen, S., Lee, S. B., & Kim, S. W. (2019). Assessment of ecosystem service values of ur-ban parks in improving air quality: A case study of Wuhan, China. Sustainability, 11(22), 1-14.
  • Yan, Y., Shuai, L., & Yi, L. (2020, August 21-23). Applied research on training children’s all-round abilities in na-ture education [Conference session]. International Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology and Food Engineering, Changchun, China.
  • Yenice, M. S. (2014). Türkiye’nin kentsel dönüşüm deneyiminin tarihsel analizi. Bartın Üniv. Fen Bil. Enst. Dergisi, 16(1). 76-88.
  • Yu, S., Zhu, X., & He, Q. (2020). An assessment of urban park access using house-level data in urban China: Through the lens of social equity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 1-19.
  • Yücel, G. F., & Yıldızcı, A. C. (2006). Kent parkları ile ilgili kalite kriterlerinin oluşturulması. İTÜ Dergisi/a. Mimarlık, Planlama, Tasarım, 2(2), 220-230.
  • Zhu, X., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, W. (2020). Differences in environmental information acquisition from urban green-a case study of qunli national wetland park in Harbin, China. Sustainability, 12(19), 1-13.

Regeneration of A Historical Urban Park and Its Evaluation by the Visitors: Gençlik Park Case, Ankara

Year 2024, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 209 - 240, 05.11.2024


Urban parks, which should be planned and managed with "economic, ecological, and social sustainability" in mind, benefit citizens' health in terms of these three components. This study assesses the social sustainability of parks using the example of "Gençlik Park". The study was conducted to investigate user perceptions of renovation work carried out after a large urban park, which contributed significantly to the capital city's identity, lost function and meaning and became a deteriorated area. The data were analysed with the SPSS 23 program, and variables were associated using the T-test and ANOVA. The users were questioned under the headings of "accessibility, comfort, appearance and aesthetics, adequacy and appropriateness of the activities in the park, safety" during the renovation work done in the park.


  • Akansel, C. (2009). Revealing the values of a republican park: Gençlik Parkı deciphered in memory and as mon-ument. [Unpublished Master’s dissertation]. Middle East Technical University.
  • Akkar Ercan, M. (2017). Evolving or lost identity of a historic public space? The tale of Gençlik Park in Ankara. Journal of Urban Design, 22(4), 520–543.
  • Anonymus (2009, December 2). Geçmişten günümüze gençlik parkı. Mimdaporg.
  • Anonymus (2019). Google Earth. Retrieved January 22, 2019 from
  • Anonymus (2021). Google Earth. Retrieved February 16, 2021 from
  • Ataöv, A., & Osmay, S. (2007). Türkiye’de kentsel dönüşüme yöntemsel bir yaklaşım. METU JFA, 24(2), 57-82.
  • Bayraktar, A. N. (2016). Başkent Ankara’da cumhuriyet sonrası yaşanan büyük değişim: modern yaşam kurgusu ve modern mekânlar. Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 67-80.
  • Biernacka, M., Kronenberg, J., Łaszkiewicz, E., Czembrowski, P., Parsa, V. A., & Sikorska, D. (2023). Beyond urban parks: mapping informal green spaces in an urban–peri-urban gradient. Land Use Policy, 131(2), 1-10.
  • Boyacı, E. (2010). Ülkemizde kent parkı işlevlerini belirleyen etmenler [Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. An-kara Üniversitesi.
  • Burat, S. (2011). “Yeşilyollarda hareketle istirahat”: Jansen planlarında başkentin kentsel yeşil alan tasarımları ve bunların uygulanma ve değiştirilme süreci (1932-1960). İDEALKENT, 2(4), 100-127.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2005). Anket geliştirme. The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences, 3(2), 133-151.
  • Clingerman, F., Drenthen, M., Treanor, B., & Utsler, D. (2013). Interpreting nature: The emerging field of environ-mental hermeneutics. Fordham University Press.
  • Conway, H. (1991). People’s parks: The design and development of victorian parks in Britain. Cambridge Univer-sity Press.
  • Cooper, D. S., Katz, N. D., Rogers, M. L., & Osborn, F. M. (2023). Assessing and improving the ecological function of linear parks along the lower Los Angeles River Channel, Los Angeles County, California, US. Cities and the Environment,16(1), 1-40.
  • Daşkıran, F., & Ak, D. (2015). 6306 sayılı kanun kapsamında kentsel dönüşüm. Journal of Management and Eco-nomics Research, 13(3), 264-288.
  • Ekinci, Z., & Sağlam, Z. (2015). Meanings and social roles of the republic period urban parks in Ankara. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 216, 610-621.
  • Feyisa, G. L., Dons, K., & Meilby, H. (2014). Efficiency of parks in mitigating urban heat island effect: An example from Addis Ababa. Landscape and Urban Planning, 123, 87-95.
  • Gai S., Fu, J., Rong, X., & Dai, L., (2023). Importance–performance analysis and improvement of an urban park’s cultural ecosystem services based on users’ perspectives: A Beijing case study. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 22 (2). 726–739. ISSN 1347-2852
  • Gobster, P. H. (2001). Visions of nature: conflict and compatibility in urban park restoration. Landscape and Ur-ban Planning, 56(1-2), 35-51.
  • Gong, Y., Mamat Z., Shi, L., & Liu, F. (2023). Restorative effects of park visiting on physiology, psychology and so-ciety and the factors influencing park visiting. Sustainibility, 15(1),841-860.
  • Gore, T., Ozdemiroglu, E., Eadson, W., Gianferrara, E., & Phang, Z. (2013). Green infrastructure’s contribution to economic growth: a review. Final report for Defra and Natural England.
  • Hajzeri, A. (2021). The management of urban parks and its contribution to social interactions. Arboricultural Journal, 43(3), 187-195.
  • Harnik, P. (2003). The excellent city park system: What makes it great and how to get there. In R. H. Platt (Ed.), The Human Metropolis: People and Nature in the 21st-Century City (pp. 47-60), University of Massachusetts Press.
  • Harnik, P., & Welle, B. (2009). Park value in action: promoting human health in Sacramento. Trust for Public Land Press.
  • Jansen, H. (1937). Ankara imar planı. Alaeddin Kral Press.
  • Kim, H. S., Lee, G. E., Lee, J. S., & Choi, Y. (2019). Understanding the local impact of urban park plans and park typology on housing price: A case study of the Busan metropolitan region, Korea. Landscape and Urban Plan-ning, 184. 1-11.
  • Konijnendijk, C. C., Annerstedt, M., Nielsen, A. B., & Maruthaveeran, S. (2013). Benefits of urban parks. A sys-tematic review. A Report for IFPRA, Copenhagen & Alnarp Press.
  • Larson, L. R., Jennings, V., & Cloutier, S. A. (2016). Public parks and wellbeing in urban areas of the United States. PLoS one, 11(4), 1-19
  • Le Lay, Y. F., Piégay, H., & Rivière-Honegger, A. (2013). Perception of braided river landscapes: Implications for public participation and sustainable management. Journal of Environmental Management, 119, 1-12.
  • Lin, C. W., Wang, J. C., Zhong, B. Y., Jiang, J. A., Wu, Y. F., Leu, S. W., & Nee, T. E. (2021). Lie symmetry analysis of the effects of urban infrastructures on residential property values. Plos one, 16(8), 1-15
  • Liu, H., Li, F., Li, J., & Zhang, Y. (2017). The relationships between urban parks, residents’ physical activity, and mental health benefits: A case study from Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 1(190), 223-230.
  • Memlük, N. O. (2012). Inclusivity of public space: changing’ing clusivity’of an urban park, Gençlik Parkı, Anka-ra [Unpublished Master’s Dissertation]. Middle East Technical University.
  • Mexia, T., Vieira, J., Príncipe, A., Anjos, A., Silva, P., Lopes, N., ... & Pinho, P. (2018). Ecosystem services: Urban parks under a magnifying glass. Environmental research, 160, 469-478.
  • Morris, A. G. (2011). Conservation easements and urban parks: from private to public use. Natural Resources Journal, 51(2), 357-384.
  • Orsan, E. Ş., & Karadeniz, N. (2019). Ankara kenti mekânsal planlama sürecinde doğal bir alanın dönüşümü: İmrahor Vadisi örneği. Peyzaj Araştırmaları ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 1(2), 1-9.
  • Ostermann, F., & Schrenk, M. (2009, April 22-25). Indicators for socially sustainable park use: results from a case study [Conference session]. Real CORP-Competence Centre for Urban and Regional Development, Catalo-nia, Spain.
  • Önge, S. T. (2007). Power and Culture: Identity, Ideology and Representation. In Jonathan Osmand and Ausma Cimdina (Ed.). Spatial Representation of Power: Making the Urban Space of Ankara in the Early Republican Peri-od (pp. 72-94). Plus-Psa University Press.
  • Özer, M. N. (2005). Bir kültürel miras olarak gençlik parkı. TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası, 4, 16-24.
  • Özgüner, H. (2011). Cultural differences in attitudes towards urban parks and green spaces. Landscape Re-search, 36(5), 599-620.
  • Özkır, A. (2007). Developing a management model for urban parks [Unpublished Doctoral dissertation]. Ankara University.
  • Öztürk Kurtaslan, B. (2017). Başarılı kent parkı planlama ve yönetimi yaklaşımının Teardrop park (New York) örneğinde araştırılması. OPUS – Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(13), 742-760
  • Park, J., & Kim, J. (2019). Economic impacts of a linear urban park on local businesses: The case of Gyeongui Line Forest Park in Seoul. Landscape and Urban Planning, 181, 139-147.
  • Poppe, L., Van Dyck, D., De Keyser, E., Van Puyvelde, A., Veitch, J., & Deforche, B. (2023). The impact of renewal of an urban park in Belgium on park use, park-based physical activity, and social interaction: A natural experi-ment. Cities, 140, 1-11.
  • Selman, P. (2008). What do we mean by sustainable landscape? Sustainability: Science, Practice & Policy, 4(2). 23-28.
  • Sezen, İ., & Aytatlı, B. (2019). Kentsel peyzaj planlamasında yeşil alanların suçun önlenmesindeki rolü: Erzurum örneği. Kent Akademisi, 12(4), 823-834.
  • Shao, H., & Kim, G. (2022). A Comprehensive review of different types of green ınfrastructure to mitigate urban heat islands: progress, functions, and benefits. Land, 11(10), 1-22.
  • Speak, A. F., Mizgajski, A., & Borysiak, J. (2015). Allotment gardens and parks: Provision of ecosystem services with an emphasis on biodiversity. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(4), 772-781.
  • Stepanchuk, A., Salyakhova M., & Salyakhova, V. (2021, June 18). Preserving identity while reorganizing urban spaces [Conference session]. Sciences- Web of Conferences, France.
  • Sitte, C. (1965). City planning according to the artistic principles. Phaidon Press.
  • Tokcan, Ö. (2009). Gençlik Park revision project report.
  • Uludağ, Z. (1998). The social construction of meaning in landscape architecture: a case study of Gençlik Parkı in Ankara (Publication No. 76071) [Master’s dissertation, Middle East Technial University]. YÖK Ulusal Tez Merke-zi.
  • Ural, A., & Kılıç, İ. (2011). Bilimsel araştırma süreci ve spss ile veri analizi. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Üstün, G. (2008). Kentsel dönüşüm (Tez No. 226780) [Doktora tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi]. YÖK Ulusal Tez Merke-zi.
  • Wajchman-Świtalska, S., Zajadacz, A., & Lubarska, A. (2021). Recreation and therapy in urban forests-The po-tential use of sensory garden solutions. Forests, 12(10), 1-15.
  • Xie, Q., Yue, Y., Sun, Q., Chen, S., Lee, S. B., & Kim, S. W. (2019). Assessment of ecosystem service values of ur-ban parks in improving air quality: A case study of Wuhan, China. Sustainability, 11(22), 1-14.
  • Yan, Y., Shuai, L., & Yi, L. (2020, August 21-23). Applied research on training children’s all-round abilities in na-ture education [Conference session]. International Conference on Agricultural Science and Technology and Food Engineering, Changchun, China.
  • Yenice, M. S. (2014). Türkiye’nin kentsel dönüşüm deneyiminin tarihsel analizi. Bartın Üniv. Fen Bil. Enst. Dergisi, 16(1). 76-88.
  • Yu, S., Zhu, X., & He, Q. (2020). An assessment of urban park access using house-level data in urban China: Through the lens of social equity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 1-19.
  • Yücel, G. F., & Yıldızcı, A. C. (2006). Kent parkları ile ilgili kalite kriterlerinin oluşturulması. İTÜ Dergisi/a. Mimarlık, Planlama, Tasarım, 2(2), 220-230.
  • Zhu, X., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, W. (2020). Differences in environmental information acquisition from urban green-a case study of qunli national wetland park in Harbin, China. Sustainability, 12(19), 1-13.
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Landscape Design, Landscape Architecture (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Banu Öztürk Kurtaslan 0000-0002-4562-0735

Esra Peker Daştan 0009-0008-8274-8157

Early Pub Date November 5, 2024
Publication Date November 5, 2024
Submission Date April 24, 2024
Acceptance Date August 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Öztürk Kurtaslan, B., & Peker Daştan, E. (2024). Regeneration of A Historical Urban Park and Its Evaluation by the Visitors: Gençlik Park Case, Ankara. DEPARCH Journal of Design Planning and Aesthetics Research, 3(2), 209-240.


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