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Year 2020, , 47 - 64, 21.08.2020


Denizlerin Gemilerden Kirlenmesini Önleme Uluslararası Sözleşmesi (MARPOL), denizlerin gemi kaynaklı atıklardan kirlenmesini önlemek için 1973 yılında imzalanan ve 1978'de değiştirilen uluslararası bir anlaşmadır. Bu inceleme çalışmasında, altı ek içeren bu sözleşmenin Ek IV (Gemi Pis Sularından Oluşan Kirlenmenin Kontrolü İçin Kurallar) ve Ek VI (Gemi Baca Gazlarından Kirlenmenin Önlenmesi İçin Kurallar) içeriği geçmiş çalışmalar ve mevcut çalışmalara odaklanmakta ve incelenmektedir. Ek IV kapsamında gemi bazlı kanalizasyon atıklarının deşarj edilmesinden önceki arıtma prosedürleri, atık su deşarjı için özel bölgeler ve denize boşaltıldıktan sonra denizde atık suyun seyreltilmesi üzerine çalışmalar tartışılmıştır. Ek VI kapsamında, emisyon envanterinin geliştirilmesi, yeni teknolojiler ve alternatif yakıtlar üzerine çalışmalar incelenmiştir. İnceleme sonucunda ilgili çalışmaların ilerlemesi değerlendirilmiş ve çalışmaların olası eğilimine odaklanan geleceğe yönelik tahminler ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. (2004). Assessment of Cruise Ship and Ferry Wastewater Impacts in Alaska.
  • Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. (2009). Assessment of the Stationary Cruise Ship Plume Dilution Study.
  • Alver, F., Saraç, B.A., and Şahin, Ü.A. (2018). Estimating of Shipping Emissions in the Samsun Port from 2010 to 2015. Atmospheric Pollution Research 9(5):822–28.
  • Backer, Hermanni. (2018). Regional Work on Prevention of Pollution from Ships in the Baltic Sea – A Paradox or a Global Forerunner?. Marine Policy 98(October):255–63.
  • Boscarato, I., Hickey, N., Kašpar, J., Prati, M.V., and Mariani, A. (2015). Green Shipping: Marine Engine Pollution Abatement Using a Combined Catalyst/Seawater Scrubber System. 1. Effect of Catalyst. Journal of Catalysis 328:248–57.
  • Burel, F., Taccani, R., and Zuliani, N. (2013). Improving Sustainability of Maritime Transport through Utilization of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for Propulsion. Energy 57(October 1983):412–20.
  • Butt, N. (2007). The Impact of Cruise Ship Generated Waste on Home Ports and Ports of Call: A Study of Southampton. Marine Policy 31(5):591–98.
  • Chu-Van, T., Surawski, N., Ristovski, Z., Yuan, C.S., Stevanovic, S., Ashrafur Rahman, S.M., Hossain F.M., Guo,Y., Rainey, T., and Brown, R.J. (2020). The Effect of Diesel Fuel Sulphur and Vanadium on Engine Performance and Emissions. Fuel 261(September 2019):116437.
  • Corbett, J. and Farrell, A. (2002). Mitigating Air Pollution Impacts of Passenger Ferries. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 7(3):197–211.
  • Deniz, C. and Durmuşoǧlu., Y. (2008). Estimating Shipping Emissions in the Region of the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Science of the Total Environment 390(1):255–61.
  • De Meyer, P., Maes, F. and Volckaert, A. (2008). Emissions from International Shipping in the Belgian Part of the North Sea and the Belgian Seaports. Atmospheric Environment 42(1):196–206.
  • Endresen, Ø., Sørgård, E., Sundet, J.K., Dalsøren, S.B., Isaksen, I.S.A., Berglen, T.F. and Gravir, G. (2003). Emission from International Sea Transportation and Environmental Impact. Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres 108(17).
  • Gabiña, G., Martin, L., Basurko, O.C., Clemente, M., Aldekoa, S. and Uriondo, Z. (2016). Waste Oil-Based Alternative Fuels for Marine Diesel Engines. Fuel Processing Technology 153:28–36.
  • Gabiña, G., Martin, L., Basurko, O.C., Clemente, M., Aldekoa, S. and Uriondo, Z. (2019). Performance of Marine Diesel Engine in Propulsion Mode with a Waste Oil-Based Alternative Fuel. Fuel 235(July 2018):259–68.
  • Garcia-Montoto, V., Verdier, S., Maroun, Z., Egeberg, R., Tiedje, J.L., Sandersen, S., Zeuthen, P. and Bouyssiere, B. (2020). Understanding the Removal of V, Ni and S in Crude Oil Atmospheric Residue Hydrodemetallization and Hydrodesulfurization. Fuel Processing Technology 201(December 2019):106341.
  • Heinen, E., Potts, K., Snow, L., Trulli, W. and Redford, D. (2003). Dilution of Wastewater Discharges from Moving Cruise Ships.
  • HELCOM. (2016). Baltic Sea Clean Shipping Guide 2016 Information for Mariners on Environmental and Safety of Navigation Measures in the Baltic Sea.
  • Huhta, H.K., Rytkönen, J. and Sassi, J. (2007). Estimated Nutrient Load from Waste Waters Originating from Ships in the Baltic Sea Area.
  • Hyvättinen, H. and Hildén, M. (2004). Environmental Policies and Marine Engines - Effects on the Development and Adoption of Innovations. Marine Policy 28(6):491–502.
  • IMO. (2020a). Historic-Background, Accessed in 08.04.2020.
  • IMO. (2020b). Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Regulation-13, Accessed in 08.04.2020.
  • IMO. (2020c). Sulphur Oxides (SOx) Regulation-14, Accessed in 08.04.2020.
  • Jiang, L., Kronbak, J. and Christensen, L.P. (2014). The Costs and Benefits of Sulphur Reduction Measures: Sulphur Scrubbers versus Marine Gas Oil. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 28(2014):19–27.
  • Jiménez Espadafor, F., García, M.T., Villanueva, J.B. and Gutiérrez J.M. (2009). The Viability of Pure Vegetable Oil as an Alternative Fuel for Large Ships. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 14(7):461–69.
  • Koboevic, Ž., Komadina, P. and Kurtela Ž. (2011). Protection of the Seas From Pollution By Vessel's Sewage With Reference To Legal Regulations. Promet – Traffic & Transportation 23(5):377–87.
  • Koboević Ž. and Kurtela Ž. (2011). Comparison Of Marine Sewage Treatment Systems Comparison Of Marine Sewage Treatment Systems. 1–10.
  • Kökkülünk, G., Parlak, A., Ayhan, V., Cesur, I., Gonca, G. and Boru, B. (2014). Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Steam Injected Diesel Engine with EGR. Energy 74(C):331–39.
  • Komar, I., Antoní, R. and Matí, P. (2007). Selective Catalytic Reduction as a Secondary Method to Remove NOx from Diesel Engine Exhaust Gas. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 7(PART 1):305–9.
  • Loehr, L.C., Atkinson, M. and George, K. (2003). Using a Simple Dilution Model to Estimate Wastewater Contaminant Concentrations Behind Moving Passenger Vessels. 390–93 in Oceans 2003. Vol. 1. San Diego,CA,USA.
  • MARPOL Annex IV. Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships., Accessed in 03.02.2020
  • McGee, C.D. and Loehr, L.C. (2003). An Assessment of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Cruise Ship Wastewater Discharge. Oceans Conference Record (IEEE) 2:733–36.
  • Parks, M., Ahmasuk, A., Compagnoni, B., Norris, A. and Rufe, R. (2019). Quantifying and Mitigating Three Major Vessel Waste Streams in the Northern Bering Sea. Marine Policy 106(April):103530.
  • Raptotasios, S.I., Sakellaridis, N.F., Papagiannakis, R.G. and Hountalas, D.T. (2015). Application of a Multi-Zone Combustion Model to Investigate the NOx Reduction Potential of Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engines Using EGR. Applied Energy 157:814–23.
  • Sahin, V. and Vardar N. (2018). A Research on the Sewage Problems of Cruise Ships in the Mediterranean. pp. 853–60 in Maritime Transportation and Harvesting of Sea Resources. Vol. 2.
  • Sahin, V. and Vardar N. (2015a). Sewage Treatment Systems of Cruise Ships and The Parameters Affect on Dilution of Effluent at Sea. Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences 1:25–31.
  • Sahin, V. and Vardar N. (2015b). Yolcu Gemisi Pis Su Arıtım Standartları ve Arıtma Sistemleri. Journal of ETA Maritime Science 3(1):47–52.
  • Saxe, H. and Larsen, T. (2004). Air Pollution from Ships in Three Danish Ports. Atmospheric Environment 38(24):4057–67.
  • Schrooten, L.,Vlieger, I.D., Panis, L.I., Styns, K. and Torfs, R. (2008). Inventory and Forecasting of Maritime Emissions in the Belgian Sea Territory, an Activity-Based Emission Model. Atmospheric Environment 42(4):667–76.
  • Schrooten, L.,Vlieger, I.D., Panis, L.I., Chiffi, C. and Pastori, E. (2009). Emissions of Maritime Transport: A European Reference System. Science of the Total Environment 408(2):318–23.
  • Senary, K.,Tawfik, A., Hegazy, E. and Ali, A. (2016). Development of a Waste Heat Recovery System Onboard LNG Carrier to Meet IMO Regulations. Alexandria Engineering Journal 55(3):1951–60.
  • Shi, Y. (2016). Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping a Type of Marine Pollution?. Marine Pollution Bulletin 113(1–2):187–92.
  • Smith, T. W. P., Jalkanen, J.P., Anderson, B.A., Corbett, J.J., Faber, J., Hanayama, S., O’Keeffe, E., Parker, S., Johansson, L., Aldous, L., Raucci, C., Traut, M., Ettinger, S., Nelissen, D., Lee, D.S., Agrawal, S. Ng, A., Winebrake, J.J. and Hoen, A.M. (2014). Third IMO Greenhouse Gas Study 2014. International Maritime Organization (IMO) 327.
  • Tang, X.J., Li, T., Yu, H. and Zhu Y.M. (2014). Prediction Model for Desulphurization Efficiency of Onboard Magnesium-Base Seawater Scrubber. Ocean Engineering 76(x):98–104.
  • Thomson, H., Corbett, J.J. and Winebrake, J.J. (2015). Natural Gas as a Marine Fuel. Energy Policy 87:153–67.
  • Tichavska, M. and Tovar, B. (2015). Port-City Exhaust Emission Model: An Application to Cruise and Ferry Operations in Las Palmas Port. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 78:347–60.
  • Tzannatos Ernestos, E. (2010). Ship Emissions and Their Externalities for Greece. Atmospheric Environment 44(18):2194–2202.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2008). Cruise Ship Discharge Assessment Report.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2009). Sampling Episode Report Cruise Ship Plume Dilution Study.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2002). Cruise Ship Plume Tracking Survey Report. Vol. 4.
  • Vaneeckhaute, C. and Fazli, A. (2020). Management of Ship-Generated Food Waste and Sewage on the Baltic Sea: A Review. Waste Management 102:12–20.
  • Wei, L., Cheng, R., Mao, H., Geng, P., Zhang, Y. and You, K. (2018). Combustion Process and NOx Emissions of a Marine Auxiliary Diesel Engine Fuelled with Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Blends. Energy 144:73–80.
  • Wilewska-Bien, M. and Anderberg, S. (2018). Reception of Sewage in the Baltic Sea – The Port´s Role in the Sustainable Management of Ship Wastes. Marine Policy 93(December 2017):207–13.
  • Winther, M. (2008). New National Emission Inventory for Navigation in Denmark. Atmospheric Environment 42(19):4632–55.
  • Yang, S., Pan, X., Han, Z., Zhao, D., Liu, B., Zheng, D. and Yan., Z. (2018). Removal of NOx and SO2 from Simulated Ship Emissions Using Wet Scrubbing Based on Seawater Electrolysis Technology. Chemical Engineering Journal 331(x):8–15.
  • Yang, Z. L., Zhang, D., Caglayan, O., Jenkinson, I.D., Bonsall, S., Wang, J., Huang, M. and Yan, X.P. (2012). Selection of Techniques for Reducing Shipping NOx and SOx Emissions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 17(6):478–86.
  • Ytreberg, E., Eriksson, M., Maljutenko, I., Jalkanen, J.P., Johansson, L., Hassellöv, I.M. and Granhag, L. (2020). Environmental Impacts of Grey Water Discharge from Ships in the Baltic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 152(January):110891.
  • Zhu, L. and Zhuo, R. (2017). A Survey of the Legal and Policy Framework for Controlling, Compensating and Criminalizing Ship-Source Pollution in Hong Kong. Marine Policy 76(August 2016):38–47.


Year 2020, , 47 - 64, 21.08.2020


International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is an international agreement, signed in 1973 and amended in 1978, to prevent pollution of seas from ship-based waste. In this review study, the Annex IV (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships) and Annex VI (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) contents of this agreement, which contains six annexes, are examined and changes in the focus of past studies and current studies are examined. Within the scope of Annex IV, the treatment procedures before the discharge of ship-based sewage wastes, special zones for wastewater discharge, and studies on the dilution of wastewater at sea after discharging to the sea were discussed. Within the scope of Annex VI, studies on emission inventory development, new technologies and alternative fuels have been examined. As a result of the review, the progress of the related studies has been evaluated and the future projections, which focused on the possible tendency of the studies, have been propounded.


  • Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. (2004). Assessment of Cruise Ship and Ferry Wastewater Impacts in Alaska.
  • Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. (2009). Assessment of the Stationary Cruise Ship Plume Dilution Study.
  • Alver, F., Saraç, B.A., and Şahin, Ü.A. (2018). Estimating of Shipping Emissions in the Samsun Port from 2010 to 2015. Atmospheric Pollution Research 9(5):822–28.
  • Backer, Hermanni. (2018). Regional Work on Prevention of Pollution from Ships in the Baltic Sea – A Paradox or a Global Forerunner?. Marine Policy 98(October):255–63.
  • Boscarato, I., Hickey, N., Kašpar, J., Prati, M.V., and Mariani, A. (2015). Green Shipping: Marine Engine Pollution Abatement Using a Combined Catalyst/Seawater Scrubber System. 1. Effect of Catalyst. Journal of Catalysis 328:248–57.
  • Burel, F., Taccani, R., and Zuliani, N. (2013). Improving Sustainability of Maritime Transport through Utilization of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for Propulsion. Energy 57(October 1983):412–20.
  • Butt, N. (2007). The Impact of Cruise Ship Generated Waste on Home Ports and Ports of Call: A Study of Southampton. Marine Policy 31(5):591–98.
  • Chu-Van, T., Surawski, N., Ristovski, Z., Yuan, C.S., Stevanovic, S., Ashrafur Rahman, S.M., Hossain F.M., Guo,Y., Rainey, T., and Brown, R.J. (2020). The Effect of Diesel Fuel Sulphur and Vanadium on Engine Performance and Emissions. Fuel 261(September 2019):116437.
  • Corbett, J. and Farrell, A. (2002). Mitigating Air Pollution Impacts of Passenger Ferries. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 7(3):197–211.
  • Deniz, C. and Durmuşoǧlu., Y. (2008). Estimating Shipping Emissions in the Region of the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. Science of the Total Environment 390(1):255–61.
  • De Meyer, P., Maes, F. and Volckaert, A. (2008). Emissions from International Shipping in the Belgian Part of the North Sea and the Belgian Seaports. Atmospheric Environment 42(1):196–206.
  • Endresen, Ø., Sørgård, E., Sundet, J.K., Dalsøren, S.B., Isaksen, I.S.A., Berglen, T.F. and Gravir, G. (2003). Emission from International Sea Transportation and Environmental Impact. Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres 108(17).
  • Gabiña, G., Martin, L., Basurko, O.C., Clemente, M., Aldekoa, S. and Uriondo, Z. (2016). Waste Oil-Based Alternative Fuels for Marine Diesel Engines. Fuel Processing Technology 153:28–36.
  • Gabiña, G., Martin, L., Basurko, O.C., Clemente, M., Aldekoa, S. and Uriondo, Z. (2019). Performance of Marine Diesel Engine in Propulsion Mode with a Waste Oil-Based Alternative Fuel. Fuel 235(July 2018):259–68.
  • Garcia-Montoto, V., Verdier, S., Maroun, Z., Egeberg, R., Tiedje, J.L., Sandersen, S., Zeuthen, P. and Bouyssiere, B. (2020). Understanding the Removal of V, Ni and S in Crude Oil Atmospheric Residue Hydrodemetallization and Hydrodesulfurization. Fuel Processing Technology 201(December 2019):106341.
  • Heinen, E., Potts, K., Snow, L., Trulli, W. and Redford, D. (2003). Dilution of Wastewater Discharges from Moving Cruise Ships.
  • HELCOM. (2016). Baltic Sea Clean Shipping Guide 2016 Information for Mariners on Environmental and Safety of Navigation Measures in the Baltic Sea.
  • Huhta, H.K., Rytkönen, J. and Sassi, J. (2007). Estimated Nutrient Load from Waste Waters Originating from Ships in the Baltic Sea Area.
  • Hyvättinen, H. and Hildén, M. (2004). Environmental Policies and Marine Engines - Effects on the Development and Adoption of Innovations. Marine Policy 28(6):491–502.
  • IMO. (2020a). Historic-Background, Accessed in 08.04.2020.
  • IMO. (2020b). Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Regulation-13, Accessed in 08.04.2020.
  • IMO. (2020c). Sulphur Oxides (SOx) Regulation-14, Accessed in 08.04.2020.
  • Jiang, L., Kronbak, J. and Christensen, L.P. (2014). The Costs and Benefits of Sulphur Reduction Measures: Sulphur Scrubbers versus Marine Gas Oil. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 28(2014):19–27.
  • Jiménez Espadafor, F., García, M.T., Villanueva, J.B. and Gutiérrez J.M. (2009). The Viability of Pure Vegetable Oil as an Alternative Fuel for Large Ships. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 14(7):461–69.
  • Koboevic, Ž., Komadina, P. and Kurtela Ž. (2011). Protection of the Seas From Pollution By Vessel's Sewage With Reference To Legal Regulations. Promet – Traffic & Transportation 23(5):377–87.
  • Koboević Ž. and Kurtela Ž. (2011). Comparison Of Marine Sewage Treatment Systems Comparison Of Marine Sewage Treatment Systems. 1–10.
  • Kökkülünk, G., Parlak, A., Ayhan, V., Cesur, I., Gonca, G. and Boru, B. (2014). Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Steam Injected Diesel Engine with EGR. Energy 74(C):331–39.
  • Komar, I., Antoní, R. and Matí, P. (2007). Selective Catalytic Reduction as a Secondary Method to Remove NOx from Diesel Engine Exhaust Gas. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 7(PART 1):305–9.
  • Loehr, L.C., Atkinson, M. and George, K. (2003). Using a Simple Dilution Model to Estimate Wastewater Contaminant Concentrations Behind Moving Passenger Vessels. 390–93 in Oceans 2003. Vol. 1. San Diego,CA,USA.
  • MARPOL Annex IV. Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships., Accessed in 03.02.2020
  • McGee, C.D. and Loehr, L.C. (2003). An Assessment of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Cruise Ship Wastewater Discharge. Oceans Conference Record (IEEE) 2:733–36.
  • Parks, M., Ahmasuk, A., Compagnoni, B., Norris, A. and Rufe, R. (2019). Quantifying and Mitigating Three Major Vessel Waste Streams in the Northern Bering Sea. Marine Policy 106(April):103530.
  • Raptotasios, S.I., Sakellaridis, N.F., Papagiannakis, R.G. and Hountalas, D.T. (2015). Application of a Multi-Zone Combustion Model to Investigate the NOx Reduction Potential of Two-Stroke Marine Diesel Engines Using EGR. Applied Energy 157:814–23.
  • Sahin, V. and Vardar N. (2018). A Research on the Sewage Problems of Cruise Ships in the Mediterranean. pp. 853–60 in Maritime Transportation and Harvesting of Sea Resources. Vol. 2.
  • Sahin, V. and Vardar N. (2015a). Sewage Treatment Systems of Cruise Ships and The Parameters Affect on Dilution of Effluent at Sea. Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences 1:25–31.
  • Sahin, V. and Vardar N. (2015b). Yolcu Gemisi Pis Su Arıtım Standartları ve Arıtma Sistemleri. Journal of ETA Maritime Science 3(1):47–52.
  • Saxe, H. and Larsen, T. (2004). Air Pollution from Ships in Three Danish Ports. Atmospheric Environment 38(24):4057–67.
  • Schrooten, L.,Vlieger, I.D., Panis, L.I., Styns, K. and Torfs, R. (2008). Inventory and Forecasting of Maritime Emissions in the Belgian Sea Territory, an Activity-Based Emission Model. Atmospheric Environment 42(4):667–76.
  • Schrooten, L.,Vlieger, I.D., Panis, L.I., Chiffi, C. and Pastori, E. (2009). Emissions of Maritime Transport: A European Reference System. Science of the Total Environment 408(2):318–23.
  • Senary, K.,Tawfik, A., Hegazy, E. and Ali, A. (2016). Development of a Waste Heat Recovery System Onboard LNG Carrier to Meet IMO Regulations. Alexandria Engineering Journal 55(3):1951–60.
  • Shi, Y. (2016). Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Shipping a Type of Marine Pollution?. Marine Pollution Bulletin 113(1–2):187–92.
  • Smith, T. W. P., Jalkanen, J.P., Anderson, B.A., Corbett, J.J., Faber, J., Hanayama, S., O’Keeffe, E., Parker, S., Johansson, L., Aldous, L., Raucci, C., Traut, M., Ettinger, S., Nelissen, D., Lee, D.S., Agrawal, S. Ng, A., Winebrake, J.J. and Hoen, A.M. (2014). Third IMO Greenhouse Gas Study 2014. International Maritime Organization (IMO) 327.
  • Tang, X.J., Li, T., Yu, H. and Zhu Y.M. (2014). Prediction Model for Desulphurization Efficiency of Onboard Magnesium-Base Seawater Scrubber. Ocean Engineering 76(x):98–104.
  • Thomson, H., Corbett, J.J. and Winebrake, J.J. (2015). Natural Gas as a Marine Fuel. Energy Policy 87:153–67.
  • Tichavska, M. and Tovar, B. (2015). Port-City Exhaust Emission Model: An Application to Cruise and Ferry Operations in Las Palmas Port. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 78:347–60.
  • Tzannatos Ernestos, E. (2010). Ship Emissions and Their Externalities for Greece. Atmospheric Environment 44(18):2194–2202.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2008). Cruise Ship Discharge Assessment Report.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2009). Sampling Episode Report Cruise Ship Plume Dilution Study.
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2002). Cruise Ship Plume Tracking Survey Report. Vol. 4.
  • Vaneeckhaute, C. and Fazli, A. (2020). Management of Ship-Generated Food Waste and Sewage on the Baltic Sea: A Review. Waste Management 102:12–20.
  • Wei, L., Cheng, R., Mao, H., Geng, P., Zhang, Y. and You, K. (2018). Combustion Process and NOx Emissions of a Marine Auxiliary Diesel Engine Fuelled with Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Blends. Energy 144:73–80.
  • Wilewska-Bien, M. and Anderberg, S. (2018). Reception of Sewage in the Baltic Sea – The Port´s Role in the Sustainable Management of Ship Wastes. Marine Policy 93(December 2017):207–13.
  • Winther, M. (2008). New National Emission Inventory for Navigation in Denmark. Atmospheric Environment 42(19):4632–55.
  • Yang, S., Pan, X., Han, Z., Zhao, D., Liu, B., Zheng, D. and Yan., Z. (2018). Removal of NOx and SO2 from Simulated Ship Emissions Using Wet Scrubbing Based on Seawater Electrolysis Technology. Chemical Engineering Journal 331(x):8–15.
  • Yang, Z. L., Zhang, D., Caglayan, O., Jenkinson, I.D., Bonsall, S., Wang, J., Huang, M. and Yan, X.P. (2012). Selection of Techniques for Reducing Shipping NOx and SOx Emissions. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 17(6):478–86.
  • Ytreberg, E., Eriksson, M., Maljutenko, I., Jalkanen, J.P., Johansson, L., Hassellöv, I.M. and Granhag, L. (2020). Environmental Impacts of Grey Water Discharge from Ships in the Baltic Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 152(January):110891.
  • Zhu, L. and Zhuo, R. (2017). A Survey of the Legal and Policy Framework for Controlling, Compensating and Criminalizing Ship-Source Pollution in Hong Kong. Marine Policy 76(August 2016):38–47.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Volkan Şahin 0000-0001-8914-3515

Levent Bilgili This is me 0000-0001-9431-5289

Nurten Vardar This is me 0000-0002-9042-7029

Publication Date August 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Şahin, V., Bilgili, L., & Vardar, N. (2020). AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1), 47-64.
AMA Şahin V, Bilgili L, Vardar N. AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. August 2020;12(1):47-64. doi:10.18613/deudfd.775129
Chicago Şahin, Volkan, Levent Bilgili, and Nurten Vardar. “AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 12, no. 1 (August 2020): 47-64.
EndNote Şahin V, Bilgili L, Vardar N (August 1, 2020) AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 12 1 47–64.
IEEE V. Şahin, L. Bilgili, and N. Vardar, “AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 47–64, 2020, doi: 10.18613/deudfd.775129.
ISNAD Şahin, Volkan et al. “AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi 12/1 (August 2020), 47-64.
JAMA Şahin V, Bilgili L, Vardar N. AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;12:47–64.
MLA Şahin, Volkan et al. “AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, 2020, pp. 47-64, doi:10.18613/deudfd.775129.
Vancouver Şahin V, Bilgili L, Vardar N. AN EXAMINATION OF FOCUS PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MARPOL ANNEX IV AND ANNEX VI: A REVIEW. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Denizcilik Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;12(1):47-64.

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