Research Article
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Year 2023, , 40 - 58, 21.10.2023


Parlamenter diplomasi nispeten yeni bir kavram olmasına rağmen son yıllarda önem kazanmıştır. Bu alanda Türkiye’de yapılmış olan çalışmaların sınırlı olması böyle bir çalışmanın yapılmasını teşvik etmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada ilk olarak parlamenter diplomasi kavramı, ortaya çıkış süreci ve tanımlanması noktasında analiz edilmiştir. Daha sonra Avrupa Parlamentosu ile Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi arasında diyalog ve işbirliği için bir forum olarak 1965 yılında kurulan Türkiye-AB Karma Parlamento Komisyonu incelenmiştir. Çalışmada parlamenter diplomasinin uluslararası ilişkilerde demokratik gözetim ve temsili teşvik etmedeki önemi vurgulanmıştır. Sonuç olarak Türkiye-AB Karma Parlamento Komisyonu, parlamenter diplomasinin küresel sorunları barışçıl ve sürdürülebilir bir şekilde ele almak için nasıl kullanılabileceğinin bir örneği olarak analiz edilmiştir.


  • Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu ve Türkiye (1963, 12 Eylül). (12.02.2023)
  • Berridge, G., & James, A. (2003). A dictionary of diplomacy. (2. baskı). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Casier, M. (2011). The politics of solidarity: the kurdish question in the european parliament. İçinde J. J. Marlies Casier (Ed.), Nationalisms and politics in Turkey: political islam, kemalism and the kurdish issue. (ss. 197-217). Routledge.
  • Cutler, R. M. (2006). The OSCE's parliamentary diplomacy in central Asia and the south caucasus in comparative perspective. Studia Diplomatica, LIX(2), 79-93.
  • Dalacoura, K. (2003). Engagement or coercion? weighing western human rights policies towards Turkey, Iran and Egypt. The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
  • De Boer, G., & Weisglas, F. (2007). Parliamentary diplomacy. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 2(1), 93-99.
  • Dembinski, L. (1988). The modern law of diplomacy: external missions of states and international organizations. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Erhan, Ç., & Arat, T. (2009). 1960-1980: Göreli özerklik-3. İçinde B. Oran (Ed.), Türk dış politikası: kurtuluş savaşından bugüne olgular, belgeler, yorumlar, (Cilt 1: 1919-1980). (15. baskı., ss. 653-854). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Erkuş, S. (2013, 6 Aralık). Cyprus talk dominates heated EU-Turkey meet. Hürriyet Daily News. (18.02.2023)
  • Fiott, D. (2011). On the value of parliamentary diplomacy. Madariaga Paper, 4(7), 1-6. Firat, B. (2016). Political documents and bureaucratic entrepreneurs: lobbying the european parliament during Turkey's EU integration. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 39(2), 190-205.
  • Frendo, M. (2012). Parliamentary diplomacy and cultural constraints Paper presented at the 15th CEI Dubrovnik Forum “Diplomacy and Intercultural Dialogue” 24-26 May Friedheim, R. L. (1976). Parliamentary diplomacy. (Professional Paper No 162). Center for Naval Analyses. (07.02.2023)
  • Géraud, A. (1945). Diplomacy, old and new. Foreign Affairs, 23(2), 256-270. Götz, N. (2005). On the origins of ‘parliamentary diplomacy’: scandinavian ‘bloc politics’ and delegation policy in the league of nations. Cooperation and Conflict, 40(3), 263-279.
  • Gün, M. S. (2008). Parlamenter diplomasi., (13.01.2023) Held, D. (1995). Democracy and the new international order. İçinde Daniele Archibugi & D. Held (Eds.), Cosmopolitan Democracy: An agenda for a new world order. (ss. 96-120). Polity Press.
  • Herranz, A. (2005). The Inter-parliamentary delegations of the european parliament: national and european priorities at work. İçinde Esther Barbe & A. Herranz (Eds.), The role of parliaments in European foreign policy. (ss. 77-106). Office of European Parliament.
  • Jančić, D. (2012). Parliamentary diplomacy in the european union. İçinde P. E. d. M. H. Kummeling, R. Nehmelman, R. Ortlep, R.J.G.M. Widdershoven (Ed.), De samengestelde Besselink (Bruggen bouwen tussen nationaal, Europees en internationaal recht ). (ss. 109-120). Wolf Legal Publishers Jaskiernia, J. (2022). Parliamentary diplomacy–a new dimension of contemporary parliamentarism. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 31(5), 85-101. doi:10.17951/sil.2022.31.5.85-101
  • Kaufmann, J. (1996). Conference diplomacy: an introductory analysis. (3. baskı). Macmillian Press Ltd. Kerr, P., & Wiseman, G. (2018). Introduction. İçinde P. Kerr & G. Wiseman (Eds.), Diplomacy in a globalizing world. (ss. 1-18). Oxford University Press
  • Kosachev, K. (2004). Parliamentary diplomacy. International Affairs: A Russian Journal of Foreign Policy, Diplomacy & International Relations, 50(5), 106-114.
  • Mudyanadzo, W., & Nkomo, C. A. (2016). Parliamentary diplomacy as a critical component of Zimbabwe’s foreign policy. International Journal of Politics and Good Governance, VII(7.3 Quarter III), 1-22. Ngara, C. O. (2016). The Nigeria’s national assembly and inter-parliamentary diplomacy: an assessment of the fourth and fifth national assembly. African Politics & Policy, 2(2), 1-14.
  • Nitoiu, C., & Sus, M. (2017). The European parliament's diplomacy–a tool for projecting EU power in times of crisis? The case of the cox–kwasniewski mission. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(1), 71-86. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12440 Noulas, G. (2011, October 22). The role of parliamentary diplomacy in foreign policy. (05.02.2023)
  • Ponsonby, M. A. (2018). Democracy and diplomacy: a plea for popular control of foreign policy. Routledge. Potemkin, V. P. (1947). Zgodovina diplomacije (The history of diplomacy), Volume I. Državna založba Slovenije. Rana, K. S. (2011). 21st-century diplomacy: a practitioner's guide. The Continuum International Publishing Group. Rittberger, V. (1983). Global conference diplomacy and international policy‐making: the case of UN‐sponsored world conferences. European Journal of Political Research, 11(2), 167-182.
  • Roche, D. (2003). The case for a united nations parliamentary sssembly. İçinde Saul Mendlovitz & B. Walker (Eds.), A reader on second assembly & parliamentary proposals. (ss. 30-53). Center for UN Reform Education. Ross, A. (2008). Constitution of the United Nations: analysis of structure and function. The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
  • Rusk, D. (1955). Parliamentary diplomacy—debate vs. negotiation. World Affairs Interpreter, 26(2), 121-138. Šabič, Z., & Huang, D. (2021). Parliamentary diplomacy of Taiwan in comparative perspective: against isolation and under-representation. Bristol University Press.
  • Sayfullaev, D. (2016). Parliamentary diplomacy in making of foreign policy. International Journal of Development Research, 06(07), 8590-8592.
  • Scotti, V. R. (2016). The EU–Turkey joint parliamentary committee and Turkey’s EU accession process. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 11(2-3), 196-214.
  • Stavridis, S., & Jančić, D. (2017). Introduction: the rise of parliamentary diplomacy in international politics. İçinde S. Stavridis & D. Jančić (Eds.), Parliamentary diplomacy in european and global governance. (ss. 1-15). Koninklijke Brill NV.
  • TBMM Başkanlık Divanı (2010, Haziran 25). Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği karma parlamento komisyonu’nun iç tüzüğü. (75). (16.01.2023)
  • Thompson, K. W. (1965). The new diplomacy and the quest for peace. International Organization, 19(3), 394-409.
  • Wiatr, J. J. (1995). Parliamentary diplomacy after cold war. Romanian Journal of International Affairs, 1(5). Wódka, J., & Cianciara, A. (2019). External europeanization through parliamentary cooperation: the EU-Ukraine parliamentary association committee and EU-Turkey joint parliamentary committee in comparative perspective. İçinde Kolja Raube, Meltem Müftüler-Baç, & J. Wouters (Eds.), Parliamentary Cooperation and Diplomacy in EU External Relations. (ss. 236-250). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Year 2023, , 40 - 58, 21.10.2023



  • Avrupa Ekonomik Topluluğu ve Türkiye (1963, 12 Eylül). (12.02.2023)
  • Berridge, G., & James, A. (2003). A dictionary of diplomacy. (2. baskı). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Casier, M. (2011). The politics of solidarity: the kurdish question in the european parliament. İçinde J. J. Marlies Casier (Ed.), Nationalisms and politics in Turkey: political islam, kemalism and the kurdish issue. (ss. 197-217). Routledge.
  • Cutler, R. M. (2006). The OSCE's parliamentary diplomacy in central Asia and the south caucasus in comparative perspective. Studia Diplomatica, LIX(2), 79-93.
  • Dalacoura, K. (2003). Engagement or coercion? weighing western human rights policies towards Turkey, Iran and Egypt. The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
  • De Boer, G., & Weisglas, F. (2007). Parliamentary diplomacy. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 2(1), 93-99.
  • Dembinski, L. (1988). The modern law of diplomacy: external missions of states and international organizations. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Erhan, Ç., & Arat, T. (2009). 1960-1980: Göreli özerklik-3. İçinde B. Oran (Ed.), Türk dış politikası: kurtuluş savaşından bugüne olgular, belgeler, yorumlar, (Cilt 1: 1919-1980). (15. baskı., ss. 653-854). İletişim Yayınları.
  • Erkuş, S. (2013, 6 Aralık). Cyprus talk dominates heated EU-Turkey meet. Hürriyet Daily News. (18.02.2023)
  • Fiott, D. (2011). On the value of parliamentary diplomacy. Madariaga Paper, 4(7), 1-6. Firat, B. (2016). Political documents and bureaucratic entrepreneurs: lobbying the european parliament during Turkey's EU integration. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 39(2), 190-205.
  • Frendo, M. (2012). Parliamentary diplomacy and cultural constraints Paper presented at the 15th CEI Dubrovnik Forum “Diplomacy and Intercultural Dialogue” 24-26 May Friedheim, R. L. (1976). Parliamentary diplomacy. (Professional Paper No 162). Center for Naval Analyses. (07.02.2023)
  • Géraud, A. (1945). Diplomacy, old and new. Foreign Affairs, 23(2), 256-270. Götz, N. (2005). On the origins of ‘parliamentary diplomacy’: scandinavian ‘bloc politics’ and delegation policy in the league of nations. Cooperation and Conflict, 40(3), 263-279.
  • Gün, M. S. (2008). Parlamenter diplomasi., (13.01.2023) Held, D. (1995). Democracy and the new international order. İçinde Daniele Archibugi & D. Held (Eds.), Cosmopolitan Democracy: An agenda for a new world order. (ss. 96-120). Polity Press.
  • Herranz, A. (2005). The Inter-parliamentary delegations of the european parliament: national and european priorities at work. İçinde Esther Barbe & A. Herranz (Eds.), The role of parliaments in European foreign policy. (ss. 77-106). Office of European Parliament.
  • Jančić, D. (2012). Parliamentary diplomacy in the european union. İçinde P. E. d. M. H. Kummeling, R. Nehmelman, R. Ortlep, R.J.G.M. Widdershoven (Ed.), De samengestelde Besselink (Bruggen bouwen tussen nationaal, Europees en internationaal recht ). (ss. 109-120). Wolf Legal Publishers Jaskiernia, J. (2022). Parliamentary diplomacy–a new dimension of contemporary parliamentarism. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 31(5), 85-101. doi:10.17951/sil.2022.31.5.85-101
  • Kaufmann, J. (1996). Conference diplomacy: an introductory analysis. (3. baskı). Macmillian Press Ltd. Kerr, P., & Wiseman, G. (2018). Introduction. İçinde P. Kerr & G. Wiseman (Eds.), Diplomacy in a globalizing world. (ss. 1-18). Oxford University Press
  • Kosachev, K. (2004). Parliamentary diplomacy. International Affairs: A Russian Journal of Foreign Policy, Diplomacy & International Relations, 50(5), 106-114.
  • Mudyanadzo, W., & Nkomo, C. A. (2016). Parliamentary diplomacy as a critical component of Zimbabwe’s foreign policy. International Journal of Politics and Good Governance, VII(7.3 Quarter III), 1-22. Ngara, C. O. (2016). The Nigeria’s national assembly and inter-parliamentary diplomacy: an assessment of the fourth and fifth national assembly. African Politics & Policy, 2(2), 1-14.
  • Nitoiu, C., & Sus, M. (2017). The European parliament's diplomacy–a tool for projecting EU power in times of crisis? The case of the cox–kwasniewski mission. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 55(1), 71-86. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12440 Noulas, G. (2011, October 22). The role of parliamentary diplomacy in foreign policy. (05.02.2023)
  • Ponsonby, M. A. (2018). Democracy and diplomacy: a plea for popular control of foreign policy. Routledge. Potemkin, V. P. (1947). Zgodovina diplomacije (The history of diplomacy), Volume I. Državna založba Slovenije. Rana, K. S. (2011). 21st-century diplomacy: a practitioner's guide. The Continuum International Publishing Group. Rittberger, V. (1983). Global conference diplomacy and international policy‐making: the case of UN‐sponsored world conferences. European Journal of Political Research, 11(2), 167-182.
  • Roche, D. (2003). The case for a united nations parliamentary sssembly. İçinde Saul Mendlovitz & B. Walker (Eds.), A reader on second assembly & parliamentary proposals. (ss. 30-53). Center for UN Reform Education. Ross, A. (2008). Constitution of the United Nations: analysis of structure and function. The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.
  • Rusk, D. (1955). Parliamentary diplomacy—debate vs. negotiation. World Affairs Interpreter, 26(2), 121-138. Šabič, Z., & Huang, D. (2021). Parliamentary diplomacy of Taiwan in comparative perspective: against isolation and under-representation. Bristol University Press.
  • Sayfullaev, D. (2016). Parliamentary diplomacy in making of foreign policy. International Journal of Development Research, 06(07), 8590-8592.
  • Scotti, V. R. (2016). The EU–Turkey joint parliamentary committee and Turkey’s EU accession process. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 11(2-3), 196-214.
  • Stavridis, S., & Jančić, D. (2017). Introduction: the rise of parliamentary diplomacy in international politics. İçinde S. Stavridis & D. Jančić (Eds.), Parliamentary diplomacy in european and global governance. (ss. 1-15). Koninklijke Brill NV.
  • TBMM Başkanlık Divanı (2010, Haziran 25). Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği karma parlamento komisyonu’nun iç tüzüğü. (75). (16.01.2023)
  • Thompson, K. W. (1965). The new diplomacy and the quest for peace. International Organization, 19(3), 394-409.
  • Wiatr, J. J. (1995). Parliamentary diplomacy after cold war. Romanian Journal of International Affairs, 1(5). Wódka, J., & Cianciara, A. (2019). External europeanization through parliamentary cooperation: the EU-Ukraine parliamentary association committee and EU-Turkey joint parliamentary committee in comparative perspective. İçinde Kolja Raube, Meltem Müftüler-Baç, & J. Wouters (Eds.), Parliamentary Cooperation and Diplomacy in EU External Relations. (ss. 236-250). Edward Elgar Publishing.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Politics
Journal Section Research Articles

Hüseyin Sevinç 0000-0003-2037-6665

Early Pub Date October 14, 2023
Publication Date October 21, 2023
Submission Date March 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Sevinç, H. (2023). AB-TÜRKİYE İLİŞKİLERİNDE PARLAMENTER DİPLOMASİ: TÜRKİYE- AB KARMA PARLAMENTO KOMİSYONU. Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(34), 40-58.

Dicle University
Journal of Social Sciences Institute (DUSBED)