Research Article
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Year 2023, , 173 - 180, 12.06.2023



  • 1.General Directorate of Public Health (HSGM),Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health. Legionnaires'Disease Control Program Guide, 2018. (Access date: 2022.08.18).
  • 2.Cunha BA, Burillo A, Bouza E. Legionnaires’disease. Lancet 2016; 387(10016): 376–85.
  • 3. Robert F, Don W, Dan C, et al. Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks and cooling towers, New York City, NewYork, USA, Emerging Infect Dis 2017; 23: 1769.
  • 4.Phin N, Parry-Ford F, Harrison T, et al.Epidemiology and clinical management ofLegionnaires’ disease. Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14:1011-21.
  • 5.European Centre for Disease Prevention andControl (ECDC). The European Legionnaires’Disease Surveillance Network, Surveillance Atlas ofInfectious Diseases, 2018. date: 2022.08.18).
  • 6. Smith P, Moore M, Alexander N, Hicks L, O’loughlin R.Surveillance for travel-associated Legionnairesdisease-United States, 2005
  • 7.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.2018 Annual Tables of Infectious Disease Data,Atlanta, GA, CDC Division of Health Informatics andSurveillance, 2019. (Accessdate: 2022.08.18).
  • 8.Mercante JW, Winchell JM, et al. Current andemerging Legionella diagnostics for laboratory andoutbreak investigations. Clin Microbiol Rev 2015;28: 95–133.
  • 9.Kozak-Muiznieks NA, Lucas CE, Brown E, et al.Prevalence of sequence types among clinical andenvironmental isolates of Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 in the United States from 1982 to 2012.J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52: 201–11.
  • 10.Qin T, Zhou H, Ren H, et al. Distribution ofsequence-based types of Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 strains isolated from cooling towers,hot springs, and potable water systems in China,Appl Environ Microbiol 2014; 80: 2150–7.
  • 11.Prussin II, Aaron J, Schwake DO, Marr LC, LinseyC.Ten questions concerning the aerosolization andtransmission of Legionella in the built environment.Build Environ 2017; 123: 684–95.
  • 12. Mcburnett LR, Holt NT, Alum A, Abbaszadegan M.Legionella- A threat to groundwater: Pathogentransport in recharge basin. Sci Total Environ 2018;621: 1485-90.
  • 13.Erdoğan H. Legionnaires' disease. Mediterr JInfect Microbes Antimicrob 2018; 7: 2.
  • 14.Karlyn DB, Julia WG, Virginia AR, et al.Surveillance for waterborne disease outbreaksassociated with drinking water- United States, 2011-2012. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015; 64: 842-8.
  • 15.General Directorate of Public Health (HSGM),Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health. Identificationof Legionella Species in Water. NationalMicrobiology Standards, 2014. date: 2022.08.18).
  • 16.Aktaş A. Likes of Legionella pneumophila andmacrolide activities in environmental watersamples, Master's thesis, İstanbul, İstanbulUniversity -Cerrahpaşa, 2019.
  • 17.Ayhan U. Investigation of Legionella in watersystems of Trabzon province buildings, Master'sthesis, Giresun and Rize, Giresun University andRecep Tayyip Erdoğan University Health SciencesInstitute, 2020.
  • 18.Yilmaz A, Orhan F. Investigation of the presenceof Legionella pneumophila in water samples fromErzurum and surrounding provinces in Turkey. AnnAgric Environ Med 2021; 28: 255-9.
  • 19.Mouchtouri V, Velonakis E, Tsakalof A, et al. RiskFactors for Contamination of Hotel WaterDistribution Systems by Legionella Species. ApplEnviron Microbiol 2007; 3: 1489-92.
  • 20.Borella P, Montagna M, Stampi S, Stancanelli G,Spira V, Triassi M. Legionella contamination in hotwater of Italion hotels. Appl Environ Microbiol 2005;71: 5805-11.
  • 21.Zietz B, Wiese J, Brengelmann F, Dunkelberg H.Presence of Legionellaceae in warm water suppliesand typing of strains by polymerase chain reaction.Epidemiol Infect 2001; 126: 147-52.
  • 22.Bayraktar ÖS. Isolation of Legionella spp. fromnatural environment waters in Kütahya anddetermination of some properties, Master's thesis,Kütahya, Dumlupınar University, 2017.
  • 23.Mutaf S. Investigation of the presence ofLegionella pneumophila in various cooling systemsand water systems in Gaziantep city center, Master's thesis, Gaziantep, Gaziantep University, 2013.
  • 24.Laganà P, Gambuzza ME. Delia S. Legionella riskassessment in cruise ships and ferries. Ann AgricEnviron Med 2017; 24:276-82.
  • 25.Goutziana G, Mouchtouri VA, Karanika M, et al.Legionella species colonization of water distribution systems, pools and air conditioning systems incruise ships and ferries, BMC public health 2008;8:1-7.

A Study on The Presence of Legionella pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey

Year 2023, , 173 - 180, 12.06.2023


Objective: Legionnaires' disease is a fatal form of pneumonia brought on by an infection mostly caused by the 60 different species of Legionella pneumophila. Legionnaires' illness is caused by Legionella spp.-contaminated water systems. In this work, we sought to analyze Legionella species, serogroups (SG), and contamination in the water sources of hospitals in five regions in eastern Turkey.
Methods: Between January 2017 and December 2018, a total of 1008 samples were examined, including 2 cooling towers, 62 hot water tanks, 104 cold water tanks, and 840 faucet shower heads. Samples were collected by the standard culture method L. pneumophila SG 1, it was analyzed for L. pneumophila SG 2-16 and Legionella spp. The samples were inoculated into BCYE and GVPC medium, and the colonies were assessed using a latex agglutination test, followed by species- and serotype-level identifications.
Results: In our study, a total of 1008 water samples were examined, of which 35.31% (356) belonged to 2017, while 64.68% (652) belonged to 2018. 83.33% of the water samples were taken from faucets and shower heads, 10.32% from the cold water tank, 6.15% from the hot water tank, and 0.2% from the cooling tower, and the highest positivity rate was observed in the hot water tank with 12.60%. 7.04% (71) of the samples were positive, and 16.9% (12) of the positive samples were L. pneumophila SG 1, 77.46% (55) L. pneumophila SG 2-14 was detected, while 5.63% (4) were nonpneumophila (Legionella spp) it has been determined as.
Conclusions: Legionella disease remains a significant public health threat. The water tanks of hospitals and hotels should be investigated more thoroughly, the necessary disinfection procedures should be carried out frequently. All hospitals should have water management policies, and towns and large buildings should establish comprehensive water system management programs that decrease Legionella growth and transmission. To enhance prevention measures and clinical diagnosis, we also need quicker ways of detecting Legionella in water systems and clinical samples.


  • 1.General Directorate of Public Health (HSGM),Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health. Legionnaires'Disease Control Program Guide, 2018. (Access date: 2022.08.18).
  • 2.Cunha BA, Burillo A, Bouza E. Legionnaires’disease. Lancet 2016; 387(10016): 376–85.
  • 3. Robert F, Don W, Dan C, et al. Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks and cooling towers, New York City, NewYork, USA, Emerging Infect Dis 2017; 23: 1769.
  • 4.Phin N, Parry-Ford F, Harrison T, et al.Epidemiology and clinical management ofLegionnaires’ disease. Lancet Infect Dis 2014; 14:1011-21.
  • 5.European Centre for Disease Prevention andControl (ECDC). The European Legionnaires’Disease Surveillance Network, Surveillance Atlas ofInfectious Diseases, 2018. date: 2022.08.18).
  • 6. Smith P, Moore M, Alexander N, Hicks L, O’loughlin R.Surveillance for travel-associated Legionnairesdisease-United States, 2005
  • 7.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System.2018 Annual Tables of Infectious Disease Data,Atlanta, GA, CDC Division of Health Informatics andSurveillance, 2019. (Accessdate: 2022.08.18).
  • 8.Mercante JW, Winchell JM, et al. Current andemerging Legionella diagnostics for laboratory andoutbreak investigations. Clin Microbiol Rev 2015;28: 95–133.
  • 9.Kozak-Muiznieks NA, Lucas CE, Brown E, et al.Prevalence of sequence types among clinical andenvironmental isolates of Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 in the United States from 1982 to 2012.J Clin Microbiol 2014; 52: 201–11.
  • 10.Qin T, Zhou H, Ren H, et al. Distribution ofsequence-based types of Legionella pneumophilaserogroup 1 strains isolated from cooling towers,hot springs, and potable water systems in China,Appl Environ Microbiol 2014; 80: 2150–7.
  • 11.Prussin II, Aaron J, Schwake DO, Marr LC, LinseyC.Ten questions concerning the aerosolization andtransmission of Legionella in the built environment.Build Environ 2017; 123: 684–95.
  • 12. Mcburnett LR, Holt NT, Alum A, Abbaszadegan M.Legionella- A threat to groundwater: Pathogentransport in recharge basin. Sci Total Environ 2018;621: 1485-90.
  • 13.Erdoğan H. Legionnaires' disease. Mediterr JInfect Microbes Antimicrob 2018; 7: 2.
  • 14.Karlyn DB, Julia WG, Virginia AR, et al.Surveillance for waterborne disease outbreaksassociated with drinking water- United States, 2011-2012. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015; 64: 842-8.
  • 15.General Directorate of Public Health (HSGM),Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health. Identificationof Legionella Species in Water. NationalMicrobiology Standards, 2014. date: 2022.08.18).
  • 16.Aktaş A. Likes of Legionella pneumophila andmacrolide activities in environmental watersamples, Master's thesis, İstanbul, İstanbulUniversity -Cerrahpaşa, 2019.
  • 17.Ayhan U. Investigation of Legionella in watersystems of Trabzon province buildings, Master'sthesis, Giresun and Rize, Giresun University andRecep Tayyip Erdoğan University Health SciencesInstitute, 2020.
  • 18.Yilmaz A, Orhan F. Investigation of the presenceof Legionella pneumophila in water samples fromErzurum and surrounding provinces in Turkey. AnnAgric Environ Med 2021; 28: 255-9.
  • 19.Mouchtouri V, Velonakis E, Tsakalof A, et al. RiskFactors for Contamination of Hotel WaterDistribution Systems by Legionella Species. ApplEnviron Microbiol 2007; 3: 1489-92.
  • 20.Borella P, Montagna M, Stampi S, Stancanelli G,Spira V, Triassi M. Legionella contamination in hotwater of Italion hotels. Appl Environ Microbiol 2005;71: 5805-11.
  • 21.Zietz B, Wiese J, Brengelmann F, Dunkelberg H.Presence of Legionellaceae in warm water suppliesand typing of strains by polymerase chain reaction.Epidemiol Infect 2001; 126: 147-52.
  • 22.Bayraktar ÖS. Isolation of Legionella spp. fromnatural environment waters in Kütahya anddetermination of some properties, Master's thesis,Kütahya, Dumlupınar University, 2017.
  • 23.Mutaf S. Investigation of the presence ofLegionella pneumophila in various cooling systemsand water systems in Gaziantep city center, Master's thesis, Gaziantep, Gaziantep University, 2013.
  • 24.Laganà P, Gambuzza ME. Delia S. Legionella riskassessment in cruise ships and ferries. Ann AgricEnviron Med 2017; 24:276-82.
  • 25.Goutziana G, Mouchtouri VA, Karanika M, et al.Legionella species colonization of water distribution systems, pools and air conditioning systems incruise ships and ferries, BMC public health 2008;8:1-7.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Medical Education
Journal Section Original Articles

Elif Aydin This is me

Yalçin Dicle This is me

Duygu Kübra Tuna This is me

Publication Date June 12, 2023
Submission Date December 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Aydin, E., Dicle, Y., & Tuna, D. K. (2023). A Study on The Presence of Legionella pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey. Dicle Medical Journal, 50(2), 173-180.
AMA Aydin E, Dicle Y, Tuna DK. A Study on The Presence of Legionella pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey. diclemedj. June 2023;50(2):173-180. doi:10.5798/dicletip.1313238
Chicago Aydin, Elif, Yalçin Dicle, and Duygu Kübra Tuna. “A Study on The Presence of Legionella Pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey”. Dicle Medical Journal 50, no. 2 (June 2023): 173-80.
EndNote Aydin E, Dicle Y, Tuna DK (June 1, 2023) A Study on The Presence of Legionella pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey. Dicle Medical Journal 50 2 173–180.
IEEE E. Aydin, Y. Dicle, and D. K. Tuna, “A Study on The Presence of Legionella pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey”, diclemedj, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 173–180, 2023, doi: 10.5798/dicletip.1313238.
ISNAD Aydin, Elif et al. “A Study on The Presence of Legionella Pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey”. Dicle Medical Journal 50/2 (June 2023), 173-180.
JAMA Aydin E, Dicle Y, Tuna DK. A Study on The Presence of Legionella pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey. diclemedj. 2023;50:173–180.
MLA Aydin, Elif et al. “A Study on The Presence of Legionella Pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 50, no. 2, 2023, pp. 173-80, doi:10.5798/dicletip.1313238.
Vancouver Aydin E, Dicle Y, Tuna DK. A Study on The Presence of Legionella pneumophila in Hospital Water Samples from Eastern Turkey. diclemedj. 2023;50(2):173-80.