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Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi

Year 2023, , 245 - 254, 12.06.2023


Amaç: Atriyal fibrilasyon (AF) nın tromboembolik olaylarından korunmak için Oral-antikoagülan (OAK) başlama endikasyonu CHA2DS2VASc puanlama sisteminde iki ve üzeri olan bireylerde OAK kullanımı tavsiye edilmektedir. Non-valvüler AF hastalarının tedavisinde oral antikoagülan kullanım endikasyonu belirlenmesinde CHA2DS2-VASc skorunun kullanılması ile beraber ekokardiyografik (Epikardiyal yağ dokusu(EYD) karotis intima media kalınlığının (KİMK) (aortik propagasyon velositesi) AVP) parametreler non-valvüler AF'nin tedavisi için önemli bir hedef organı olabilir.
Yöntemler: Non-valvüler atriyal fibrilasyon tanısı alan ve 18-90 yaş aralığında başvuran 100 hasta üzerinden gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kontrol grubu için çalışmaya dahil edilen 50 hasta ile birlikte çalışmada toplam 150 birey gözlemlenmiştir. Hastalara ait AVP, EYD, KİMK değerleri ekokardiografi laboratuvarımızdaki VividE9 Ekoakardiyografi cihazı (Advenced Technology Laboratories) kullanılarak 3.0 ve 10-MHz’lik problar ile gerçekleştirildi.
Bulgular: Bizim çalışmamamızın verileri sonucunda Epikardiyal yağ dokusu ve karotis intima media kalınlığı CHA2DS2-VASc skoruyla ilişkisi istatiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu ,Aortik Propagasyon Velositesi ile anlamlı bulunmadı. Çalışmamızda hasta sayımızın azlığı,çok fazla kişisel ve/veya işlemsel farklılık saptanmasınında payı olabileceğinden dolayı bu konuda daha fazla hasta sayısını içeren prospektif çalışmaların yapılmasına ihtiyaç vardır.
Sonuç. Non-valvüler AF hastalarının tedavisinde oral antikoagülan kullanım endikasyonu belirlenmesinde CHA2DS2-VASc skorunun kullanılması ile beraber ekokardiyografik (AVP, EYD, KİMK) parametreler non-valvüler AF'nin tedavisi için önemli bir hedef organı olabilir.


  • 1.Kannel WB, Abbott RD, Savage DD, Mc Namara PM.Epidemiological features of chronic atrial fibrillation:The Framingham Study. N Eng J Med, 1982;306:1018-22.
  • 2.ACC/AHA/ESC Guidelines for the Management ofPatients With Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation2006;49:2118-50.
  • 3.Atrial fibrillation in general practise in France: theALFA study. Circulation 1999; 99:3028-35.
  • 4.Türk Atriyal Fibrilasyon (TAF) çalışması. Z.Yiğit (TAFaraştıracıları adına) Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği arşivi2000; 28:8-1.
  • 5.Albers GW, Dalen JE, Laupacis A, et al. Antith-rombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation. Chest2001;119:194s-206s.
  • 6.Gunes Y., Tuncer M., Guntekin U., et al. The Relationbetween the Color M-Mode Propagation Velocity ofthe Descending Aorta and Coronary and CarotidAtherosclerosis and Flow-Mediated Dilatation.Echocardiography.2010 Mar;27(3):300-5.
  • 7.L E Chambless, G Heiss, A R Folsom, et al. Associationof coronary heart disease incidence with carotidarterial wall thickness and major risk factors: TheAtherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study,1987–1993. Am J Epidemiol 1997;146:483–94.
  • 8.Salonen J, Salonen R. Ultrasonographically assessedcarotid morphology and the risk of coronary heartdisease. Arterioscler Thromb 1991; 11: 1245–9.
  • 9.Salonen JT, Salonen R. Ultrasound B-mode imagingin observational studies of atherosclerotic progression.Circulation 1993; 87(3 suppl): II56–65.
  • 10.M L Bots, A W Hoes, P J Koudstaal, A Hofman, D EGrobbee. Common carotid intima-media thickness andrisk of stroke and myocardial infarction: TheRotterdam Study. Circulation 1997; 96: 1432–7.
  • 11.L E Chambless, G Heiss, A R Folsom, et al.Association ofcoronary heart disease incidence withcarotid arterial wallthickness and major risk factors:the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study,1987-1993. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146: 483-94.
  • 12.O’Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, et al. Carotid-artery intima and media thickness as a risk factor formyocardial infarction and stroke in older adults.Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative ResearchGroup. N Engl J Med 1999; 340: 14-22.
  • 13.Am J Cardiol. 2009; 104(11):1601-2 (ISSN: 1879-1913) Iacobellis G Depart- ment of Medicine,McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
  • 14.Lorenz MW, Markus HS, Bots ML, Rosvall M, SitzerM.Prediction of clinical cardiovascular events withcarotid intima-media thickness: a systematic reviewand metaanalysis. Circulation 2007;115:459-67.
  • 15.Jacoby DS, Mohler IE, Rader DJ. Noninvasiveatherosclerosis imaging for predicting cardiovascularevents and assessing therapeutic interventions. CurrAtheroscler Rep. 2004; 6: 20–6.
  • 16.Iacobellis G, Corradi D, Sharma AM. Epicardialadipose tissue: anatomic, biomolecularand clinicalrelationships with the heart. Nat Clin Pract CardiovascMed 2005; 2(10): 536-43.
  • 17.Iacobellis G, Assael F, Ribaudo MC, et al. Epicardialfat from echocardiography: a new method for visceraladipose tissue prediction. Obesity 2003;45: 304-10.
  • 18.Kitamura A, Iso H, Imano H, et al. Carotid intima-media thickness and plaque characteristics as a riskfactor for stroke in Japanese elderly men. Stroke 2004;35: 2788-94.
  • 19.Iacobellis G, Barbaro G. The double role ofepicardial adipose tissue as proand antiinflammatoryorgan. Horm Metab Res 2008; 40(7): 442-5.
  • 20.Fox CS, Gona P, Hoffmann U, et al. Pericardial fat,intrathoracic fat, and measures of left ventricularstructure and function: the Framingham Heart Study.Circulation. 2009;119:1586–91.
  • 21.Am J Cardiol. 2009; 104(11):1601-2 (ISSN: 1879-1913) Iacobellis G Depart- ment of Medicine,McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
  • 22.Lorenz MW, Markus HS, Bots ML, Rosvall M, SitzerM.Prediction of clinical cardiovascular events withcarotid intima-media thickness: a systematic reviewand metaanalysis. Circulation 2007;115:459-67.
  • 23.M G Veller 1, C M Fisher, A N Nicolaides, et al.Measurement of the ultrasonic intimamedia complexthickness in normal subjects. J Vasc. Surg 1993; 17:719-25.
  • 24.Daniel HO, Joseph FP, Richard AK, et al. Carotid- artery intima-media thickness as a risk factor formyocardial infarction and stroke in older adults. N EnglJ Med. 1999; 340: 12-22.
  • 25.Lynne E Wagenknecht, Carl D Langefeld, J JeffreyCarr, et al. Race–spescific Relationships betweenCoronary and Carotid Artery Calcification and CarotidIntimal Medial Thickness. Stroke. 2004; 35: 97. 53
  • 26.Touboul PJ, Vicaut E, Labreuche J, et al; PARC studyparticipating physicians. Correlation between theFramingham risk score and intima media thickness: theParoi Artérielle et Risque Cardio-vasculaire (PARC)study. Atherosclerosis. 2007; 192(2): 363-9.
  • 27.O’Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, et al. Carotid-artery intima and media thickness as a risk factor formyocardial infarction and stroke in older adults.Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative ResearchGroup. N Engl J Med 1999; 340: 14-22.
  • 28.Salonen JT, Salonen R. Ultrasound B-modeimagingin observational studies of atheroscleroticprogression.Circulation 1993; 87(3 Suppl): II56-65.
  • 29.Kitamura A, Iso H, Imano H, et al. Carotid intima-media thickness and plaque characteristics as a riskfactor for stroke in Japanese elderly men. Stroke 2004;35: 2788-94.
  • 30.Van der Meer IM, Bots ML, Hofman A, et al.Predictive value of noninvasive measures ofatherosclerosis for incident myocardial infarction: theRotterdam Study. Circulation 2004; 109: 1089-94.
  • 31.Chambless LE, Heiss G, Folsom AR, et al. Associationofcoronary heart disease incidence with carotidarterial wallthickness and major risk factors: theatherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study, 1987-1993. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146: 483-94.
  • 32.Baldassarre D, Tremoli E, Franceschini G,Michelagnoli S, Sirtori CR. Plasma lipoprotein(a) is anindependent factor associated with carotid wallthickening in severely but not moderatelyhypercholesterolemic patients. Stroke 1996; 27: 1044-9.
  • 33.Wallenfeldt K, Fagerberg B, Wikstrand J, Hulthe J.Oxidized low-density lipoprotein in plasma is aprognostic marker of subclinical atherosclerosisdevelopment in clinically healthy men. J Intern Med2004; 256: 413-20.
  • 34.Durga J, Verhoef P, Bots ML, Schouten E.Homocysteine and carotid intima-media thickness: acritical appraisal of the e vidence.Atherosclerosis 2004;176:1-19.
  • 35.Wang D, Yang H, Quinones MJ, et al. A genome-widescan for carotid artery intima-media thickness: theMexican-American coronary artery disease familystudy. Stroke 2005; 36: 540-5.
Year 2023, , 245 - 254, 12.06.2023



  • 1.Kannel WB, Abbott RD, Savage DD, Mc Namara PM.Epidemiological features of chronic atrial fibrillation:The Framingham Study. N Eng J Med, 1982;306:1018-22.
  • 2.ACC/AHA/ESC Guidelines for the Management ofPatients With Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation2006;49:2118-50.
  • 3.Atrial fibrillation in general practise in France: theALFA study. Circulation 1999; 99:3028-35.
  • 4.Türk Atriyal Fibrilasyon (TAF) çalışması. Z.Yiğit (TAFaraştıracıları adına) Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği arşivi2000; 28:8-1.
  • 5.Albers GW, Dalen JE, Laupacis A, et al. Antith-rombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation. Chest2001;119:194s-206s.
  • 6.Gunes Y., Tuncer M., Guntekin U., et al. The Relationbetween the Color M-Mode Propagation Velocity ofthe Descending Aorta and Coronary and CarotidAtherosclerosis and Flow-Mediated Dilatation.Echocardiography.2010 Mar;27(3):300-5.
  • 7.L E Chambless, G Heiss, A R Folsom, et al. Associationof coronary heart disease incidence with carotidarterial wall thickness and major risk factors: TheAtherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study,1987–1993. Am J Epidemiol 1997;146:483–94.
  • 8.Salonen J, Salonen R. Ultrasonographically assessedcarotid morphology and the risk of coronary heartdisease. Arterioscler Thromb 1991; 11: 1245–9.
  • 9.Salonen JT, Salonen R. Ultrasound B-mode imagingin observational studies of atherosclerotic progression.Circulation 1993; 87(3 suppl): II56–65.
  • 10.M L Bots, A W Hoes, P J Koudstaal, A Hofman, D EGrobbee. Common carotid intima-media thickness andrisk of stroke and myocardial infarction: TheRotterdam Study. Circulation 1997; 96: 1432–7.
  • 11.L E Chambless, G Heiss, A R Folsom, et al.Association ofcoronary heart disease incidence withcarotid arterial wallthickness and major risk factors:the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study,1987-1993. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146: 483-94.
  • 12.O’Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, et al. Carotid-artery intima and media thickness as a risk factor formyocardial infarction and stroke in older adults.Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative ResearchGroup. N Engl J Med 1999; 340: 14-22.
  • 13.Am J Cardiol. 2009; 104(11):1601-2 (ISSN: 1879-1913) Iacobellis G Depart- ment of Medicine,McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
  • 14.Lorenz MW, Markus HS, Bots ML, Rosvall M, SitzerM.Prediction of clinical cardiovascular events withcarotid intima-media thickness: a systematic reviewand metaanalysis. Circulation 2007;115:459-67.
  • 15.Jacoby DS, Mohler IE, Rader DJ. Noninvasiveatherosclerosis imaging for predicting cardiovascularevents and assessing therapeutic interventions. CurrAtheroscler Rep. 2004; 6: 20–6.
  • 16.Iacobellis G, Corradi D, Sharma AM. Epicardialadipose tissue: anatomic, biomolecularand clinicalrelationships with the heart. Nat Clin Pract CardiovascMed 2005; 2(10): 536-43.
  • 17.Iacobellis G, Assael F, Ribaudo MC, et al. Epicardialfat from echocardiography: a new method for visceraladipose tissue prediction. Obesity 2003;45: 304-10.
  • 18.Kitamura A, Iso H, Imano H, et al. Carotid intima-media thickness and plaque characteristics as a riskfactor for stroke in Japanese elderly men. Stroke 2004;35: 2788-94.
  • 19.Iacobellis G, Barbaro G. The double role ofepicardial adipose tissue as proand antiinflammatoryorgan. Horm Metab Res 2008; 40(7): 442-5.
  • 20.Fox CS, Gona P, Hoffmann U, et al. Pericardial fat,intrathoracic fat, and measures of left ventricularstructure and function: the Framingham Heart Study.Circulation. 2009;119:1586–91.
  • 21.Am J Cardiol. 2009; 104(11):1601-2 (ISSN: 1879-1913) Iacobellis G Depart- ment of Medicine,McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
  • 22.Lorenz MW, Markus HS, Bots ML, Rosvall M, SitzerM.Prediction of clinical cardiovascular events withcarotid intima-media thickness: a systematic reviewand metaanalysis. Circulation 2007;115:459-67.
  • 23.M G Veller 1, C M Fisher, A N Nicolaides, et al.Measurement of the ultrasonic intimamedia complexthickness in normal subjects. J Vasc. Surg 1993; 17:719-25.
  • 24.Daniel HO, Joseph FP, Richard AK, et al. Carotid- artery intima-media thickness as a risk factor formyocardial infarction and stroke in older adults. N EnglJ Med. 1999; 340: 12-22.
  • 25.Lynne E Wagenknecht, Carl D Langefeld, J JeffreyCarr, et al. Race–spescific Relationships betweenCoronary and Carotid Artery Calcification and CarotidIntimal Medial Thickness. Stroke. 2004; 35: 97. 53
  • 26.Touboul PJ, Vicaut E, Labreuche J, et al; PARC studyparticipating physicians. Correlation between theFramingham risk score and intima media thickness: theParoi Artérielle et Risque Cardio-vasculaire (PARC)study. Atherosclerosis. 2007; 192(2): 363-9.
  • 27.O’Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, et al. Carotid-artery intima and media thickness as a risk factor formyocardial infarction and stroke in older adults.Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative ResearchGroup. N Engl J Med 1999; 340: 14-22.
  • 28.Salonen JT, Salonen R. Ultrasound B-modeimagingin observational studies of atheroscleroticprogression.Circulation 1993; 87(3 Suppl): II56-65.
  • 29.Kitamura A, Iso H, Imano H, et al. Carotid intima-media thickness and plaque characteristics as a riskfactor for stroke in Japanese elderly men. Stroke 2004;35: 2788-94.
  • 30.Van der Meer IM, Bots ML, Hofman A, et al.Predictive value of noninvasive measures ofatherosclerosis for incident myocardial infarction: theRotterdam Study. Circulation 2004; 109: 1089-94.
  • 31.Chambless LE, Heiss G, Folsom AR, et al. Associationofcoronary heart disease incidence with carotidarterial wallthickness and major risk factors: theatherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study, 1987-1993. Am J Epidemiol 1997; 146: 483-94.
  • 32.Baldassarre D, Tremoli E, Franceschini G,Michelagnoli S, Sirtori CR. Plasma lipoprotein(a) is anindependent factor associated with carotid wallthickening in severely but not moderatelyhypercholesterolemic patients. Stroke 1996; 27: 1044-9.
  • 33.Wallenfeldt K, Fagerberg B, Wikstrand J, Hulthe J.Oxidized low-density lipoprotein in plasma is aprognostic marker of subclinical atherosclerosisdevelopment in clinically healthy men. J Intern Med2004; 256: 413-20.
  • 34.Durga J, Verhoef P, Bots ML, Schouten E.Homocysteine and carotid intima-media thickness: acritical appraisal of the e vidence.Atherosclerosis 2004;176:1-19.
  • 35.Wang D, Yang H, Quinones MJ, et al. A genome-widescan for carotid artery intima-media thickness: theMexican-American coronary artery disease familystudy. Stroke 2005; 36: 540-5.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Medical Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Ramazan Duz This is me

Aytaç Akyol This is me

Naci Babat This is me

Publication Date June 12, 2023
Submission Date January 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Duz, R., Akyol, A., & Babat, N. (2023). Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi. Dicle Medical Journal, 50(2), 245-254.
AMA Duz R, Akyol A, Babat N. Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi. diclemedj. June 2023;50(2):245-254. doi:10.5798/dicletip.1313402
Chicago Duz, Ramazan, Aytaç Akyol, and Naci Babat. “Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi”. Dicle Medical Journal 50, no. 2 (June 2023): 245-54.
EndNote Duz R, Akyol A, Babat N (June 1, 2023) Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi. Dicle Medical Journal 50 2 245–254.
IEEE R. Duz, A. Akyol, and N. Babat, “Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi”, diclemedj, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 245–254, 2023, doi: 10.5798/dicletip.1313402.
ISNAD Duz, Ramazan et al. “Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi”. Dicle Medical Journal 50/2 (June 2023), 245-254.
JAMA Duz R, Akyol A, Babat N. Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi. diclemedj. 2023;50:245–254.
MLA Duz, Ramazan et al. “Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 50, no. 2, 2023, pp. 245-54, doi:10.5798/dicletip.1313402.
Vancouver Duz R, Akyol A, Babat N. Non-Valvüler Atriyal Fibrilasyon Hastalığı Olan Bireylerde Cha2ds2-Vasc –Skorunun Ekokardiyografik Parametrelerle İlişkisi: Tek Deneyim Merkezi. diclemedj. 2023;50(2):245-54.