Research Article
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Year 2023, , 335 - 345, 15.09.2023



  • 1. Mouajou V, Adams K, DeLisle G, el al. Hand hygiene compliance in the prevention of hospital-acquiredinfections: a systematic review. J Hosp Infect. 2022;119:33-48.
  • 2.McLaws ML, Farahangiz S, Palenik CJ, et al. Iranian healthcare workers' perspective on hand hygiene: aqualitative study. J Infect Public Health.2015;8(1):72-9.
  • 3.Yuceer S, Demir SG. Prevention of nosocomialinfections in intensive care unit and nursingpractices. Dicle Med J. 2009;36(3):226-32.
  • 4. Tufek A, Tekin R, Dal T, et al. Evaluation of hospital infections developing in intensive care unit during adecade and review of literature. Dicle Med J. 2012;39 (4): 492-8.
  • 5.Farhoudi F, Sanaei Dashti A, Hoshangi Davani M,et al. Impact of WHO Hand Hygiene ImprovementProgram Implementation: A Quasi-ExperimentalTrial. Biomed Res Int. 2016:7026169.
  • 6.Srigley JA, Corace K, Hargadon DP, et al. Applyingpsychological frameworks of behaviour change toimprove healthcare worker hand hygiene: asystematic review. J Hosp Infect. 2015;91(3):202-10.
  • 7.uísaMoura MC, Fenley JM, Baraldi M, et al.Translational Research in Hand HygieneCompliance. Curr Treat Options Infect Dis. 2015;7:14–27.
  • 8.Ng WK, Shaban RZ, van de Mortel T. Hand hygienebeliefs and behaviours about alcohol-based handrub use: Questionnaire development, piloting andvalidation. Infect Dis Health. 2020;25(1):43-9.
  • 9.Bulbulmaraş G. Using the precede model inimproving the healthcare workers. 2007;[accessed 29 July 2022] (Turkish)
  • 10.Erten S. (2002). Planlanmış davranış teorisi ileuygulamalı öğretim metodu, (Turkish). HUJFL.2002;19(2),217-33.
  • 11.Kocagöz E, Dursun Y. How Can PerceivedBehavioral Control be Positioned in the Ajzen'sTheory: Alternative Model Analyses. (Turkish)KMUSEKAD 2010(2), 139-52.
  • 12.Alcan AO, Dolgun E. Student nurses' handhygiene beliefs and practices. TJFMPC.2019;13(3),279-86.
  • 13.van de Mortel T. Development of a questionnaireto assess health care students' hand hygieneknowledge, beliefs, and practices. Aust.J. Adv.Nurs.2009;26(3),9-16.
  • 14.van De Mortel TF, Kermode S, Progano T, et al. Acomparison of the hand hygiene knowledge, beliefsand practices of Italian nursing and medicalstudents. J AdvNurs.2012;68(3):569-79.
  • 15.Birgili F, Baybuga M, Ozkoc H, et al. Validation ofa Turkish translation of The Hand HygieneQuestionnaire. East Mediterr Health J.2019;24;25(5):299-305.
  • 16.van de Mortel TF, Apostolopoulou E, Petrikkos G.A comparison of the hand hygiene knowledge,beliefs, and practices of Greek nursing and medicalstudents. Am J Infect Control. 2010;38(1):75-7.
  • 17.Karadag M, Yıldırım N, Işeri, OP. The validity andreliability study of Hand Hygiene Belief Scale andHand Hygiene Practices Inventory. Cukurova Med J.2016;41(2),271-84.
  • 18. WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care IsSafer Care. Geneva: World Health Organization;2009. PMID: 23805438 [accessed 09 August 2022].
  • 19.Ng WK, Shaban RZ, van de Mortel T. Healthcareprofessionals' hand hygiene knowledge and beliefsin the United Arab Emirates. J Infect Prev.2017;18(3):134-42.
  • 20.O'Boyle CA, Henly SJ, Larson E. Understandingadherence to hand hygiene recommendations: thetheory of planned behavior. Am J Infect Control.2001;29(6):352-60.
  • 21.Piras SE, Minnick A, Lauderdale J, et al. TheEffects of Social Influence on Nurses' Hand HygieneBehaviors. J Nurs Adm. 2018;48(4):216-21.
  • 22.Karahan E, Dogan S, Celik S. Evaluation of HandHygiene Belief and Applications in Medical Staff.(Turkish) HAK. 2020;5(2),91-103.
  • 23.Artuvan Z, Çetin H. Hand Hygiene Beliefs andPractices Conditions of Nurses in the Intensive CareUnit: Descriptive Study. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nurs Sci.2022;14(2), 407-14.
  • 24.Oner C, Kozik DC, Şimşek EE, et al. Evaluation ofhand hygiene beliefs and compliance of primary care health care workers in Tuzla, Istanbul. (Turkish)TJTFP. (The Journal of Turkish Family Physician).2022;13(3), 96-103.
  • 25.Turkish Ministry of Health. Turkey HandWashing Survey. General Directorate of HealthPromotion. Ankara, 2012, [accessed 10August 2022]
  • 26.Ceylan B, Gunes U, Baran L, et al. Examining thehand hygiene beliefs and practices of nursingstudents and the effectiveness of their handwashingbehaviour. J Clin Nurs. 2020;29(21-22):4057-65.
  • 27.Labrague LJ, McEnroe-Petitte DM, van de MortelT, et al. A systematic review on hand hygieneknowledge and compliance in student nurses. IntNursRev.2018;Sep;65(3):336-48.
  • 28.Artan Y, Türeyen A. The Investigation of HealthWorkers Beliefs and Practices for Hand Hygiene.FLORA. 2022;27(1):113-24.
  • 29.Al-Hussami M, Darawad M, Almhairat II.Predictors of compliance handwashing practice among healthcare professionals. Healthcare Infection. 2011;16(2),79-84.
  • 30.Ibrahim MAB, Chow C, Poh BF, et al. Differencesin psychosocial determinants of hand hygienebetween health care professional groups: Insightsfrom a mixed-methods analysis. Am J Infect Control.2018;46(3):253-60.
  • 31.McLaws ML, Farahangiz S, Palenik CJ, et al.Iranian healthcare workers' perspective on handhygiene: a qualitative study. J Infect Public Health.2015 Jan-Feb;8(1):72-9.
  • 32.Hugonnet S, Pittet D. Hand hygiene-beliefs orscience? Clin Microbiol Infect. 2000;6(7), 348-54.

Analysis of hand hygiene belief and practices of health care providers using the hand hygiene belief scale and the hand hygiene practices inventory

Year 2023, , 335 - 345, 15.09.2023


Objectives: Hand hygiene is vital importance to health-care-associated infections; however, hand hygiene compliance has not been still at acceptable levels. Behavior and psychological frameworks-based interventions is required to enhance compliance. In this context, the current study aimed to evaluate self-reported hand hygiene belief and practices of health care providers (HCPs) rather than observational data to increase hand hygiene compliance.
Methods: This study included 468 HCPs working at a university hospital and responded the Hand Hygiene Belief Scale (HBS) and the Hand Hygiene Practices Inventory (HHPI). The responses were scored and given the variables affecting the hand hygiene belief and practices of HCPs, the data were processed by SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) IBM 22.0 computer program.
Results: Three hundred sixty-five women, 45 physicians and 271 nurses; (median age 37 years; IQR; 28.0-44.0) were included the study. The median HBS and HHPI scores were 87.00 (IQR 80.0-95.0) and 69.00 (IQR 66.0-70.0), respectively. A significant positive low correlation between the scores was detected (r = 0.369, P < 0.001). The physicians had significantly higher HBS scores, and those working in the ICUs had higher HBS scores.
Conclusion: In this study, although scored self-reported hand hygiene belief and practices of health-care providers were acceptable limits; there was a low correlation between the scores, which suggests that there are inconsistencies between behaviours and targeted attitudes. Adaptation to hand hygiene is a challenging and complicated process; to increase compliance further evaluation of individual factors should be meticulously considered.


  • 1. Mouajou V, Adams K, DeLisle G, el al. Hand hygiene compliance in the prevention of hospital-acquiredinfections: a systematic review. J Hosp Infect. 2022;119:33-48.
  • 2.McLaws ML, Farahangiz S, Palenik CJ, et al. Iranian healthcare workers' perspective on hand hygiene: aqualitative study. J Infect Public Health.2015;8(1):72-9.
  • 3.Yuceer S, Demir SG. Prevention of nosocomialinfections in intensive care unit and nursingpractices. Dicle Med J. 2009;36(3):226-32.
  • 4. Tufek A, Tekin R, Dal T, et al. Evaluation of hospital infections developing in intensive care unit during adecade and review of literature. Dicle Med J. 2012;39 (4): 492-8.
  • 5.Farhoudi F, Sanaei Dashti A, Hoshangi Davani M,et al. Impact of WHO Hand Hygiene ImprovementProgram Implementation: A Quasi-ExperimentalTrial. Biomed Res Int. 2016:7026169.
  • 6.Srigley JA, Corace K, Hargadon DP, et al. Applyingpsychological frameworks of behaviour change toimprove healthcare worker hand hygiene: asystematic review. J Hosp Infect. 2015;91(3):202-10.
  • 7.uísaMoura MC, Fenley JM, Baraldi M, et al.Translational Research in Hand HygieneCompliance. Curr Treat Options Infect Dis. 2015;7:14–27.
  • 8.Ng WK, Shaban RZ, van de Mortel T. Hand hygienebeliefs and behaviours about alcohol-based handrub use: Questionnaire development, piloting andvalidation. Infect Dis Health. 2020;25(1):43-9.
  • 9.Bulbulmaraş G. Using the precede model inimproving the healthcare workers. 2007;[accessed 29 July 2022] (Turkish)
  • 10.Erten S. (2002). Planlanmış davranış teorisi ileuygulamalı öğretim metodu, (Turkish). HUJFL.2002;19(2),217-33.
  • 11.Kocagöz E, Dursun Y. How Can PerceivedBehavioral Control be Positioned in the Ajzen'sTheory: Alternative Model Analyses. (Turkish)KMUSEKAD 2010(2), 139-52.
  • 12.Alcan AO, Dolgun E. Student nurses' handhygiene beliefs and practices. TJFMPC.2019;13(3),279-86.
  • 13.van de Mortel T. Development of a questionnaireto assess health care students' hand hygieneknowledge, beliefs, and practices. Aust.J. Adv.Nurs.2009;26(3),9-16.
  • 14.van De Mortel TF, Kermode S, Progano T, et al. Acomparison of the hand hygiene knowledge, beliefsand practices of Italian nursing and medicalstudents. J AdvNurs.2012;68(3):569-79.
  • 15.Birgili F, Baybuga M, Ozkoc H, et al. Validation ofa Turkish translation of The Hand HygieneQuestionnaire. East Mediterr Health J.2019;24;25(5):299-305.
  • 16.van de Mortel TF, Apostolopoulou E, Petrikkos G.A comparison of the hand hygiene knowledge,beliefs, and practices of Greek nursing and medicalstudents. Am J Infect Control. 2010;38(1):75-7.
  • 17.Karadag M, Yıldırım N, Işeri, OP. The validity andreliability study of Hand Hygiene Belief Scale andHand Hygiene Practices Inventory. Cukurova Med J.2016;41(2),271-84.
  • 18. WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge Clean Care IsSafer Care. Geneva: World Health Organization;2009. PMID: 23805438 [accessed 09 August 2022].
  • 19.Ng WK, Shaban RZ, van de Mortel T. Healthcareprofessionals' hand hygiene knowledge and beliefsin the United Arab Emirates. J Infect Prev.2017;18(3):134-42.
  • 20.O'Boyle CA, Henly SJ, Larson E. Understandingadherence to hand hygiene recommendations: thetheory of planned behavior. Am J Infect Control.2001;29(6):352-60.
  • 21.Piras SE, Minnick A, Lauderdale J, et al. TheEffects of Social Influence on Nurses' Hand HygieneBehaviors. J Nurs Adm. 2018;48(4):216-21.
  • 22.Karahan E, Dogan S, Celik S. Evaluation of HandHygiene Belief and Applications in Medical Staff.(Turkish) HAK. 2020;5(2),91-103.
  • 23.Artuvan Z, Çetin H. Hand Hygiene Beliefs andPractices Conditions of Nurses in the Intensive CareUnit: Descriptive Study. Turkiye Klinikleri J Nurs Sci.2022;14(2), 407-14.
  • 24.Oner C, Kozik DC, Şimşek EE, et al. Evaluation ofhand hygiene beliefs and compliance of primary care health care workers in Tuzla, Istanbul. (Turkish)TJTFP. (The Journal of Turkish Family Physician).2022;13(3), 96-103.
  • 25.Turkish Ministry of Health. Turkey HandWashing Survey. General Directorate of HealthPromotion. Ankara, 2012, [accessed 10August 2022]
  • 26.Ceylan B, Gunes U, Baran L, et al. Examining thehand hygiene beliefs and practices of nursingstudents and the effectiveness of their handwashingbehaviour. J Clin Nurs. 2020;29(21-22):4057-65.
  • 27.Labrague LJ, McEnroe-Petitte DM, van de MortelT, et al. A systematic review on hand hygieneknowledge and compliance in student nurses. IntNursRev.2018;Sep;65(3):336-48.
  • 28.Artan Y, Türeyen A. The Investigation of HealthWorkers Beliefs and Practices for Hand Hygiene.FLORA. 2022;27(1):113-24.
  • 29.Al-Hussami M, Darawad M, Almhairat II.Predictors of compliance handwashing practice among healthcare professionals. Healthcare Infection. 2011;16(2),79-84.
  • 30.Ibrahim MAB, Chow C, Poh BF, et al. Differencesin psychosocial determinants of hand hygienebetween health care professional groups: Insightsfrom a mixed-methods analysis. Am J Infect Control.2018;46(3):253-60.
  • 31.McLaws ML, Farahangiz S, Palenik CJ, et al.Iranian healthcare workers' perspective on handhygiene: a qualitative study. J Infect Public Health.2015 Jan-Feb;8(1):72-9.
  • 32.Hugonnet S, Pittet D. Hand hygiene-beliefs orscience? Clin Microbiol Infect. 2000;6(7), 348-54.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Medical Education
Journal Section Original Articles

Secil Deniz

Publication Date September 15, 2023
Submission Date June 16, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Deniz, S. (2023). Analysis of hand hygiene belief and practices of health care providers using the hand hygiene belief scale and the hand hygiene practices inventory. Dicle Medical Journal335-345.
AMA Deniz S. Analysis of hand hygiene belief and practices of health care providers using the hand hygiene belief scale and the hand hygiene practices inventory. diclemedj. Published online September 1, 2023:335-345. doi:10.5798/dicletip.1360663
Chicago Deniz, Secil. “Analysis of Hand Hygiene Belief and Practices of Health Care Providers Using the Hand Hygiene Belief Scale and the Hand Hygiene Practices Inventory”. Dicle Medical Journal, September (September 2023), 335-45.
EndNote Deniz S (September 1, 2023) Analysis of hand hygiene belief and practices of health care providers using the hand hygiene belief scale and the hand hygiene practices inventory. Dicle Medical Journal 335–345.
IEEE S. Deniz, “Analysis of hand hygiene belief and practices of health care providers using the hand hygiene belief scale and the hand hygiene practices inventory”, diclemedj, pp. 335–345, September 2023, doi: 10.5798/dicletip.1360663.
ISNAD Deniz, Secil. “Analysis of Hand Hygiene Belief and Practices of Health Care Providers Using the Hand Hygiene Belief Scale and the Hand Hygiene Practices Inventory”. Dicle Medical Journal. September 2023. 335-345.
JAMA Deniz S. Analysis of hand hygiene belief and practices of health care providers using the hand hygiene belief scale and the hand hygiene practices inventory. diclemedj. 2023;:335–345.
MLA Deniz, Secil. “Analysis of Hand Hygiene Belief and Practices of Health Care Providers Using the Hand Hygiene Belief Scale and the Hand Hygiene Practices Inventory”. Dicle Medical Journal, 2023, pp. 335-4, doi:10.5798/dicletip.1360663.
Vancouver Deniz S. Analysis of hand hygiene belief and practices of health care providers using the hand hygiene belief scale and the hand hygiene practices inventory. diclemedj. 2023:335-4.