Research Article
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Year 2023, , 439 - 446, 29.12.2023



  • 1.Beta J, Khan N, Khalil A, et al. Maternal andneonatal complications of fetal macrosomia:systematic review and meta-analysis. UltrasoundObstet Gynecol 2019;54:308-18.
  • 2.Chauhan SP, Grobman WA, Gherman RA, et al.Suspicion and treatment of the macrosomic fetus: areview. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;193:332-46.
  • 3.Oral E, Cağdaş A, Gezer A,et al. Perinatal andmaternal outcomes of fetal macrosomia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2001;99:167-71.
  • 4.Konje JC, Ladipo OA. Nutrition and obstructedlabor. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:291S-297S.
  • 5.Boulet SL, Alexander GR, Salihu HM, Pass M.Macrosomic births in the united states:determinants, outcomes, and proposed grades ofrisk. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;188:1372-78.
  • 6.Ju H, Chadha Y, Donovan T, O'Rourke P. Fetalmacrosomia and pregnancy outcomes. Aust N Z JObstet Gynaecol 2009;49:504-09.
  • 7.Creasy and Resnik’s maternal-fetal medicine:principles and practice. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA:Saunders-Elsevier; 2014:978–81.
  • 8.Güdücü N, Gönenç G, İşçi H, Yiğiter AB, Dünder İ.Gestasyonel diabetes mellitus riskinin maternal yaşve gebeliğin başlangıcındaki vücut kitle indeksi ileilişkisi. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2013;40:406-9.
  • 9.Kallem VR, Pandita A, Pillai A. Infant of diabeticmother: what one needs to know?. J Matern FetalNeonatal Med 2020;33:482-92.
  • 10.Veille JC, Sivakoff M, Hanson R, Fanaroff AA.Interventricular septal thickness in fetuses ofdiabetic mothers. Obstet Gynecol 1992;79:51-4.
  • 11.Kc K, Shakya S, Zhang H. Gestational diabetesmellitus and macrosomia: a literature review. AnnNutr Metab 2015;66:14-20.
  • 12.Nguyen MT, Ouzounian JG. Evaluation andManagement of Fetal Macrosomia. Obstet GynecolClin North Am 2021;48:387-99.
  • 13.Najafian M, Cheraghi M. Occurrence of fetalmacrosomia rate and its maternal and neonatalcomplications: a 5-year cohort study. ISRN ObstetGynecol 2012;2012:353791.
  • 14.Kleiner I, Ram S, Kovo M, et al. Pregnancyoutcomes in association with placentalhistopathology in pregnancies complicated bymacrosomia in diabetic vs. non-diabetic women. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2020;248:24-29.
  • 15.Gyurkovits Z, Kálló K, Bakki J, et al. Neonataloutcome of macrosomic infants: an analysis of a two-year period. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol2011;159:289-92.
  • 16.Das S, Irigoyen M, Patterson MB, Salvador A,Schutzman DL. Neonatal outcomes of macrosomicbirths in diabetic and non-diabetic women. Arch DisChild Fetal Neonatal Ed 2009;94:419-22.
  • 17.Lloreda-García JM, Sevilla-Denia S, Rodríguez-Sánchez A, Muñoz-Martínez P, Díaz-Ruiz M.Perinatal outcome of macrosomic infants born todiabetic versus non-diabetic mothers. Resultadosperinatales entre macrosomas hijos de madrediabética y macrosomas hijos de madre no diabética. Endocrinol Nutr 2016;63:409-13.
  • 18.Hatfield L, Schwoebel A, Lynyak C. Caring for theinfant of a diabetic mother. MCN Am J Matern ChildNurs 2011;36:10-16.
  • 19.Linder N, Lahat Y, Kogan A, et al. Macrosomicnewborns of non-diabetic mothers: anthropometricmeasurements and neonatal complications. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2014;99:353-58.
  • 20.Hay WW Jr. Care of the infant of the diabeticmother. Curr Diab Rep 2012;12:4-15.
  • 21.Said AS, Manji KP. Risk factors and outcomes offetal macrosomia in a tertiary centre in Tanzania: acase-control study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth2016;16:243.
  • 22.Esakoff TF, Cheng YW, Sparks TN, Caughey AB.The association between birthweight 4000 g orgreater and perinatal outcomes in patients with andwithout gestational diabetes mellitus. Am J ObstetGynecol 2009;200:672.e1-672.e6724.
  • 23.Onal EE, Hirfanoglu IM, Beken S, et al. Are theneonatal outcomes similar in large-for-gestationalage infants delivered by women with or withoutgestational diabetes mellitus?. World J Pediatr2012;8:136-39.
  • 24.Negrato CA, Gomes MB. Historical facts ofscreening and diagnosing diabetes in pregnancy[retracted in: Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2014;6:59].Diabetol Metab Syndr 2013;5:22.
  • 25.Kitzmiller JL, Ferrara A, Peng T, et al. PreexistingDiabetes and Pregnancy. In: Cowie CC, CasagrandeSS, Menke A, et al., eds. Diabetes in America. 3rd ed.Bethesda (MD): National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases (US); August 2018.
  • 26. Saxena P, Tyagi S, Prakash A, Nigam A, Trivedi SS. Pregnancy outcome of women with gestationaldiabetes in a tertiary level hospital of north India. Indian J Community Med 2011;36:120-23.
  • 27.Ferdousi SA, Sarker FR, Jahan N, Fatema N.Pattern of congenital heart disease in infants ofdiabetic mother. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health2014;38:79-85.
  • 28.Vural M, Leke L, Mahomedaly H, et al. Should anechocardiographic scan be done routinely forinfants of diabetic mothers?. Turk J Pediatr1995;37:351-56.
  • 29.El-Ganzoury MM, El-Masry SA, El-Farrash RA,Anwar M, Abd Ellatife RZ. Infants of diabeticmothers: echocardiographic measurements andcord blood IGF-I and IGFBP-1. Pediatr Diabetes2012;13:189-96.
  • 30.Shu LP, Zhang RH, Cai YH, et al. MaternalDiabetes Mellitus and Persistent PulmonaryHypertension of the Newborn: AccumulatedEvidence From Observational Studies. Can JDiabetes 2020;44:327-34.e3.

Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers

Year 2023, , 439 - 446, 29.12.2023


Introduction: Metabolic, congenital disorders, and complications seen in infants of diabetic mothers (IDM) are well defined in the literature. We aimed to compare perinatal problems in macrosomic IDM and infants of mothers without diabetes.
Methods: We included all macrosomic infants admitted to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at two centers between 2017-2020. Birth history, anthropometric measurements, gestational age, metabolic and cardiac problems were compared between macrosomic IDMs and infants of non-DMs. The p-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: 156 (37 IDM, and 119 non-IDM) macrosomic newborns were included in the study. While the incidence of hypoglycemia, need for mechanical ventilation, respiratory distress syndrome, ventricular septal defect (VSD) and persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPH) were statistically similar, the incidence of cesarean section (p=0.002), myocardial hypertrophy (p=0.001), and polycythemia (p=0.019) was higher in the IDM group. While the incidence of respiratory problems and VSD was similar in both groups, myocardial hypertrophy was found in approximately in one fourth (22.2%) of the non-diabetic group.
Conclusion: Macrosomic non-IDMs have a similar risk for perinatal-postnatal complications as macrosomic IDMs and should be evaluated accordingly.


  • 1.Beta J, Khan N, Khalil A, et al. Maternal andneonatal complications of fetal macrosomia:systematic review and meta-analysis. UltrasoundObstet Gynecol 2019;54:308-18.
  • 2.Chauhan SP, Grobman WA, Gherman RA, et al.Suspicion and treatment of the macrosomic fetus: areview. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2005;193:332-46.
  • 3.Oral E, Cağdaş A, Gezer A,et al. Perinatal andmaternal outcomes of fetal macrosomia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2001;99:167-71.
  • 4.Konje JC, Ladipo OA. Nutrition and obstructedlabor. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;72:291S-297S.
  • 5.Boulet SL, Alexander GR, Salihu HM, Pass M.Macrosomic births in the united states:determinants, outcomes, and proposed grades ofrisk. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;188:1372-78.
  • 6.Ju H, Chadha Y, Donovan T, O'Rourke P. Fetalmacrosomia and pregnancy outcomes. Aust N Z JObstet Gynaecol 2009;49:504-09.
  • 7.Creasy and Resnik’s maternal-fetal medicine:principles and practice. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA:Saunders-Elsevier; 2014:978–81.
  • 8.Güdücü N, Gönenç G, İşçi H, Yiğiter AB, Dünder İ.Gestasyonel diabetes mellitus riskinin maternal yaşve gebeliğin başlangıcındaki vücut kitle indeksi ileilişkisi. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2013;40:406-9.
  • 9.Kallem VR, Pandita A, Pillai A. Infant of diabeticmother: what one needs to know?. J Matern FetalNeonatal Med 2020;33:482-92.
  • 10.Veille JC, Sivakoff M, Hanson R, Fanaroff AA.Interventricular septal thickness in fetuses ofdiabetic mothers. Obstet Gynecol 1992;79:51-4.
  • 11.Kc K, Shakya S, Zhang H. Gestational diabetesmellitus and macrosomia: a literature review. AnnNutr Metab 2015;66:14-20.
  • 12.Nguyen MT, Ouzounian JG. Evaluation andManagement of Fetal Macrosomia. Obstet GynecolClin North Am 2021;48:387-99.
  • 13.Najafian M, Cheraghi M. Occurrence of fetalmacrosomia rate and its maternal and neonatalcomplications: a 5-year cohort study. ISRN ObstetGynecol 2012;2012:353791.
  • 14.Kleiner I, Ram S, Kovo M, et al. Pregnancyoutcomes in association with placentalhistopathology in pregnancies complicated bymacrosomia in diabetic vs. non-diabetic women. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2020;248:24-29.
  • 15.Gyurkovits Z, Kálló K, Bakki J, et al. Neonataloutcome of macrosomic infants: an analysis of a two-year period. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol2011;159:289-92.
  • 16.Das S, Irigoyen M, Patterson MB, Salvador A,Schutzman DL. Neonatal outcomes of macrosomicbirths in diabetic and non-diabetic women. Arch DisChild Fetal Neonatal Ed 2009;94:419-22.
  • 17.Lloreda-García JM, Sevilla-Denia S, Rodríguez-Sánchez A, Muñoz-Martínez P, Díaz-Ruiz M.Perinatal outcome of macrosomic infants born todiabetic versus non-diabetic mothers. Resultadosperinatales entre macrosomas hijos de madrediabética y macrosomas hijos de madre no diabética. Endocrinol Nutr 2016;63:409-13.
  • 18.Hatfield L, Schwoebel A, Lynyak C. Caring for theinfant of a diabetic mother. MCN Am J Matern ChildNurs 2011;36:10-16.
  • 19.Linder N, Lahat Y, Kogan A, et al. Macrosomicnewborns of non-diabetic mothers: anthropometricmeasurements and neonatal complications. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2014;99:353-58.
  • 20.Hay WW Jr. Care of the infant of the diabeticmother. Curr Diab Rep 2012;12:4-15.
  • 21.Said AS, Manji KP. Risk factors and outcomes offetal macrosomia in a tertiary centre in Tanzania: acase-control study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth2016;16:243.
  • 22.Esakoff TF, Cheng YW, Sparks TN, Caughey AB.The association between birthweight 4000 g orgreater and perinatal outcomes in patients with andwithout gestational diabetes mellitus. Am J ObstetGynecol 2009;200:672.e1-672.e6724.
  • 23.Onal EE, Hirfanoglu IM, Beken S, et al. Are theneonatal outcomes similar in large-for-gestationalage infants delivered by women with or withoutgestational diabetes mellitus?. World J Pediatr2012;8:136-39.
  • 24.Negrato CA, Gomes MB. Historical facts ofscreening and diagnosing diabetes in pregnancy[retracted in: Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2014;6:59].Diabetol Metab Syndr 2013;5:22.
  • 25.Kitzmiller JL, Ferrara A, Peng T, et al. PreexistingDiabetes and Pregnancy. In: Cowie CC, CasagrandeSS, Menke A, et al., eds. Diabetes in America. 3rd ed.Bethesda (MD): National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases (US); August 2018.
  • 26. Saxena P, Tyagi S, Prakash A, Nigam A, Trivedi SS. Pregnancy outcome of women with gestationaldiabetes in a tertiary level hospital of north India. Indian J Community Med 2011;36:120-23.
  • 27.Ferdousi SA, Sarker FR, Jahan N, Fatema N.Pattern of congenital heart disease in infants ofdiabetic mother. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health2014;38:79-85.
  • 28.Vural M, Leke L, Mahomedaly H, et al. Should anechocardiographic scan be done routinely forinfants of diabetic mothers?. Turk J Pediatr1995;37:351-56.
  • 29.El-Ganzoury MM, El-Masry SA, El-Farrash RA,Anwar M, Abd Ellatife RZ. Infants of diabeticmothers: echocardiographic measurements andcord blood IGF-I and IGFBP-1. Pediatr Diabetes2012;13:189-96.
  • 30.Shu LP, Zhang RH, Cai YH, et al. MaternalDiabetes Mellitus and Persistent PulmonaryHypertension of the Newborn: AccumulatedEvidence From Observational Studies. Can JDiabetes 2020;44:327-34.e3.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Medical Education
Journal Section Original Articles

Akan Yaman

İbrahim Kandemir

Zeynep Alp Ünkar

Sinem Gülcan Kersin

Mehmet Tolga Köle

Hülya Selva Bilgen

Eren Özek

Publication Date December 29, 2023
Submission Date May 11, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Yaman, A., Kandemir, İ., Alp Ünkar, Z., Gülcan Kersin, S., et al. (2023). Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers. Dicle Medical Journal, 50(4), 439-446.
AMA Yaman A, Kandemir İ, Alp Ünkar Z, Gülcan Kersin S, Köle MT, Bilgen HS, Özek E. Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers. diclemedj. December 2023;50(4):439-446. doi:10.5798/dicletip.1411481
Chicago Yaman, Akan, İbrahim Kandemir, Zeynep Alp Ünkar, Sinem Gülcan Kersin, Mehmet Tolga Köle, Hülya Selva Bilgen, and Eren Özek. “Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers”. Dicle Medical Journal 50, no. 4 (December 2023): 439-46.
EndNote Yaman A, Kandemir İ, Alp Ünkar Z, Gülcan Kersin S, Köle MT, Bilgen HS, Özek E (December 1, 2023) Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers. Dicle Medical Journal 50 4 439–446.
IEEE A. Yaman, İ. Kandemir, Z. Alp Ünkar, S. Gülcan Kersin, M. T. Köle, H. S. Bilgen, and E. Özek, “Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers”, diclemedj, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 439–446, 2023, doi: 10.5798/dicletip.1411481.
ISNAD Yaman, Akan et al. “Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers”. Dicle Medical Journal 50/4 (December 2023), 439-446.
JAMA Yaman A, Kandemir İ, Alp Ünkar Z, Gülcan Kersin S, Köle MT, Bilgen HS, Özek E. Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers. diclemedj. 2023;50:439–446.
MLA Yaman, Akan et al. “Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 50, no. 4, 2023, pp. 439-46, doi:10.5798/dicletip.1411481.
Vancouver Yaman A, Kandemir İ, Alp Ünkar Z, Gülcan Kersin S, Köle MT, Bilgen HS, Özek E. Comparison of Perinatal Complications in Macrosomic İnfants of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Mothers. diclemedj. 2023;50(4):439-46.