Research Article
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Year 2024, , 565 - 572, 27.12.2024



  • 1.Salston M, Figley CR. Secondary traumatic stresseffects of working with survivors of criminalvictimization. J Trauma Stress. 2003; 16: 167–74.
  • 2. Hamama‐Raz Y, Hamama L, Pat‐Horenczyk R, et al. Posttraumatic growth and burnout in pediatricnurses: The mediating role of secondary traumatization and the moderating role of meaning in work. Stress Health. 2021; 37: 442–53.
  • 3. Acquadro Maran D, Dolce V, Colombo L. Secondarytraumatic stress: Risk factors, consequences, andcoping strategies. Front Psychol. 2023; 14: 1148186.
  • 4.Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. Job burnout.Annu Rev Psychol. 2001; 52: 397–422.
  • 5.Kelloway EK, Dimoff JK, Gilbert S. Mental health in the workplace. Annu Rev Organ Psychol OrganBehav. 2023; 10: 363–87.
  • 6.Bakker AB, Demerouti E, Sanz-Vergel A. Jobdemands–resources theory: Ten years later. AnnuRev Organ Psychol Organ Behav. 2023; 10: 25–53.
  • 7.Johnson SS. TheEditor’s Desk: Burnout. Am JHealth Promot. 2020; 34: 563–4.
  • 8.Muir KJ, Wanchek TN, Lobo JM, Keim-Malpass J.Evaluating the costs of nurse burnout-attributedturnover: a Markov modeling approach. J Patient Saf.2022; 18: 351–7.
  • 9.Han S, Shanafelt TD, Sinsky CA, et al. Estimatingthe attributable cost of physician burnout in theUnited States. Ann Intern Med. 2019; 170: 784–90.
  • 10.Ellison EM. Beyond the economics of burnout.Ann Intern Med. 2019; 170: 807–8.
  • 11.Leung T, Schmidt F, Mushquash C. A personalhistory of trauma and experience of secondarytraumatic stress, vicarious trauma, and burnout inmental health workers: A systematic literaturereview. Psychol Trauma. 2023; 15(S2): S213–S21.
  • 12.Sprang G, Whitt-Woosley A, Wozniak J, et al. Asocioecological approach to understandingsecondary trauma in professionals working withsurvivors of sex trafficking: a hierarchical regressionanalysis. J Interpers Violence. 2023; 38: 11745–67.
  • 13.McNicholas F, Sharma S, Oconnor C, Barrett E.Burnout in consultants in child and adolescentmental health services (CAMHS) in Ireland: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2020; 10: e030354.
  • 14.McNicholas F, Adamis D, Minihan E, Doody N,Gavin B. Occupational stress in clinical and non-clinical staff in child and adolescent mental healthservices (CAMHS): a cross-sectional study. Ir JPsychol Med. 2024; 41: 54–60.
  • 15.Rigas N, Soldatou A, Dagla M, Nanou C, AntoniouE.The risk of the development of secondary post-traumatic stress disorder among pediatric healthcare providers: A systematic review. Reports. 2023;6: 9.
  • 16.Yang Y, Hayes JA. Causes and consequences ofburnout among mental health professionals: Apractice-oriented review of recent empiricalliterature. Psychotherapy. 2020; 57: 426–36.
  • 17.Henderson A, Jewell T, Huang X, Simpson A.Personal trauma history and secondary traumaticstress in mental health professionals: A systematicreview. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2024; 00: 1– 18.
  • 18.Rezayat AA, Sahebdel S, Jafari S, et al. Evaluatingthe prevalence of PTSD among children andadolescents after earthquakes and floods: asystematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatr Q.2020; 91: 1265–90.
  • 19.Cénat JM, McIntee SE, Blais-Rochette C.Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder,depression, anxiety and other mental healthproblems following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti: Asystematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord.2020; 273: 55–85.
  • 20.Tominaga Y, Goto T, Shelby J, et al. Secondarytrauma and posttraumatic growth among mentalhealth clinicians involved in disaster relief activitiesfollowing the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunamiin Japan. Couns Psychol Q. 2020; 33: 427–47.
  • 21.Kristensen TS, Borritz M, Villadsen E,Christensen KB. The Copenhagen BurnoutInventory: A new tool for the assessment of burnout.Work Stress. 2005; 19: 192–207.
  • 22.Bakoğlu Deliorman R, Boz İT, Yiğit İ, Yıldız S. AnAlternative Tool for Measuring Burnout: Adaptingthe Copenhagen Burnout Inventory on MarmaraUniversity Academic Staff. Management Journal ofIstanbul University. 2009; 20: 77–98.
  • 23.Bride BE, Robinson MM, Yegidis B, Figley CR.Development and validation of the secondarytraumatic stress scale. Res Soc Work Pract. 2004; 14:27–35.
  • 24.Yildirim G, Kidak LB, Yurdabakan I. İkinciltravmatik stres ölçeği: Bir uyarlama çalışması.Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2018; 19: 45–51.
  • 25.LeBeau R, Mischel E, Resnick H, Kilpatrick D,Friedman M, Craske M. Dimensional assessment ofposttraumatic stress disorder in DSM-5. PsychiatryRes. 2014; 218: 143–7.
  • 26.Evren C, Dalbudak E, Aydemir O, et al.Psychometric properties of the Turkish PTSD-ShortScale in a sample of undergraduate students. KlinPsikofarmakol B. 2016; 26: 294–302.
  • 27.Akdağ B, Çelebi SB, İpekten F, Usluoğlu F,Nasıroğlu S. The moderating role of posttraumaticgrowth in secondary traumatic stress–burnoutrelationship: a sample of child psychiatrists fromTurkey. Middle East Curr Psychiatry. 2023; 30: 93.
  • 28.Hobfoll SE, Halbesleben J, Neveu JP, Westman M.Conservation of resources in the organizationalcontext: The reality of resources and theirconsequences. Annu Rev Organ Psychol OrganBehav. 2018; 5: 103–28.
  • 29.Egozi Farkash H, Lahad M, Hobfoll SE, Leykin D,Aharonson-Daniel L. Conservation of resources,psychological distress, and resilience during theCOVID-19 pandemic. Int J Public Health. 2022; 67:1604567.
  • 30.Shoji K, Lesnierowska M, Smoktunowicz E, et al.What comes first, job burnout or secondarytraumatic stress? Findings from two longitudinalstudies from the US and Poland. PLoS One. 2015; 10:e0136730.

Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi

Year 2024, , 565 - 572, 27.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de 2023 Kahramanmaraş depreminden etkilenen bölgelerde çalışan çocuk/ergen psikiyatristleri arasında travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, ikincil travmatik stres ve tükenmişlik belirtilerini incelemektir.
Yöntemler: Temmuz 2024 ve Eylül 2024 tarihleri arasında “deprem bölgesi” olarak belirlenen şehirlerde çalışan çocuk/ergen psikiyatristleri ile çevrimiçi bir anket gerçekleştirilmiştir. Katılımcılar, Kopenhag Tükenmişlik Envanteri (KTE), İkincil Travmatik Stres Ölçeği (İTSÖ) ve Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu–Kısa Ölçeğini (TSSB–KÖ) yanıtlamıştır.
Bulgular: Çalışma kohortunu, yaş ortalaması 33,59 ± 6,28 yıl olan ve %80,5'i kadınlardan oluşan 41 çocuk/ergen psikiyatristi oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcıların %48,8'i orta ila yüksek düzeyde tükenmişlik yaşadığını bildirirken, %63,4'ü orta ila şiddetli ikincil travmatik stres semptomları göstermiştir. TSSB–KÖ skorları, hem İTSÖ (r = 0,802, p <0,001) hem de KTE skorları ile pozitif ilişkilidir (r = 0,334, p = 0,033). Benzer şekilde, KTE ve İTSÖ skorları arasında pozitif bir korelasyon gözlenmiştir (r = 0,432, p = 0,005).
Sonuç: Deprem gibi olaylardan kaynaklanan kendi travmatik deneyimlerinin yanı sıra travmatize çocuklarla çalışmak, çocuk ve ergen psikiyatristleri arasında ikincil travmatik stres ve tükenmişlik riskini artırabilir. Bu değişkenler arasındaki bağlantıları araştırmak için daha büyük örneklemlerle daha kapsamlı boylamsal çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.


  • 1.Salston M, Figley CR. Secondary traumatic stresseffects of working with survivors of criminalvictimization. J Trauma Stress. 2003; 16: 167–74.
  • 2. Hamama‐Raz Y, Hamama L, Pat‐Horenczyk R, et al. Posttraumatic growth and burnout in pediatricnurses: The mediating role of secondary traumatization and the moderating role of meaning in work. Stress Health. 2021; 37: 442–53.
  • 3. Acquadro Maran D, Dolce V, Colombo L. Secondarytraumatic stress: Risk factors, consequences, andcoping strategies. Front Psychol. 2023; 14: 1148186.
  • 4.Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP. Job burnout.Annu Rev Psychol. 2001; 52: 397–422.
  • 5.Kelloway EK, Dimoff JK, Gilbert S. Mental health in the workplace. Annu Rev Organ Psychol OrganBehav. 2023; 10: 363–87.
  • 6.Bakker AB, Demerouti E, Sanz-Vergel A. Jobdemands–resources theory: Ten years later. AnnuRev Organ Psychol Organ Behav. 2023; 10: 25–53.
  • 7.Johnson SS. TheEditor’s Desk: Burnout. Am JHealth Promot. 2020; 34: 563–4.
  • 8.Muir KJ, Wanchek TN, Lobo JM, Keim-Malpass J.Evaluating the costs of nurse burnout-attributedturnover: a Markov modeling approach. J Patient Saf.2022; 18: 351–7.
  • 9.Han S, Shanafelt TD, Sinsky CA, et al. Estimatingthe attributable cost of physician burnout in theUnited States. Ann Intern Med. 2019; 170: 784–90.
  • 10.Ellison EM. Beyond the economics of burnout.Ann Intern Med. 2019; 170: 807–8.
  • 11.Leung T, Schmidt F, Mushquash C. A personalhistory of trauma and experience of secondarytraumatic stress, vicarious trauma, and burnout inmental health workers: A systematic literaturereview. Psychol Trauma. 2023; 15(S2): S213–S21.
  • 12.Sprang G, Whitt-Woosley A, Wozniak J, et al. Asocioecological approach to understandingsecondary trauma in professionals working withsurvivors of sex trafficking: a hierarchical regressionanalysis. J Interpers Violence. 2023; 38: 11745–67.
  • 13.McNicholas F, Sharma S, Oconnor C, Barrett E.Burnout in consultants in child and adolescentmental health services (CAMHS) in Ireland: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2020; 10: e030354.
  • 14.McNicholas F, Adamis D, Minihan E, Doody N,Gavin B. Occupational stress in clinical and non-clinical staff in child and adolescent mental healthservices (CAMHS): a cross-sectional study. Ir JPsychol Med. 2024; 41: 54–60.
  • 15.Rigas N, Soldatou A, Dagla M, Nanou C, AntoniouE.The risk of the development of secondary post-traumatic stress disorder among pediatric healthcare providers: A systematic review. Reports. 2023;6: 9.
  • 16.Yang Y, Hayes JA. Causes and consequences ofburnout among mental health professionals: Apractice-oriented review of recent empiricalliterature. Psychotherapy. 2020; 57: 426–36.
  • 17.Henderson A, Jewell T, Huang X, Simpson A.Personal trauma history and secondary traumaticstress in mental health professionals: A systematicreview. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 2024; 00: 1– 18.
  • 18.Rezayat AA, Sahebdel S, Jafari S, et al. Evaluatingthe prevalence of PTSD among children andadolescents after earthquakes and floods: asystematic review and meta-analysis. Psychiatr Q.2020; 91: 1265–90.
  • 19.Cénat JM, McIntee SE, Blais-Rochette C.Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder,depression, anxiety and other mental healthproblems following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti: Asystematic review and meta-analysis. J Affect Disord.2020; 273: 55–85.
  • 20.Tominaga Y, Goto T, Shelby J, et al. Secondarytrauma and posttraumatic growth among mentalhealth clinicians involved in disaster relief activitiesfollowing the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunamiin Japan. Couns Psychol Q. 2020; 33: 427–47.
  • 21.Kristensen TS, Borritz M, Villadsen E,Christensen KB. The Copenhagen BurnoutInventory: A new tool for the assessment of burnout.Work Stress. 2005; 19: 192–207.
  • 22.Bakoğlu Deliorman R, Boz İT, Yiğit İ, Yıldız S. AnAlternative Tool for Measuring Burnout: Adaptingthe Copenhagen Burnout Inventory on MarmaraUniversity Academic Staff. Management Journal ofIstanbul University. 2009; 20: 77–98.
  • 23.Bride BE, Robinson MM, Yegidis B, Figley CR.Development and validation of the secondarytraumatic stress scale. Res Soc Work Pract. 2004; 14:27–35.
  • 24.Yildirim G, Kidak LB, Yurdabakan I. İkinciltravmatik stres ölçeği: Bir uyarlama çalışması.Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2018; 19: 45–51.
  • 25.LeBeau R, Mischel E, Resnick H, Kilpatrick D,Friedman M, Craske M. Dimensional assessment ofposttraumatic stress disorder in DSM-5. PsychiatryRes. 2014; 218: 143–7.
  • 26.Evren C, Dalbudak E, Aydemir O, et al.Psychometric properties of the Turkish PTSD-ShortScale in a sample of undergraduate students. KlinPsikofarmakol B. 2016; 26: 294–302.
  • 27.Akdağ B, Çelebi SB, İpekten F, Usluoğlu F,Nasıroğlu S. The moderating role of posttraumaticgrowth in secondary traumatic stress–burnoutrelationship: a sample of child psychiatrists fromTurkey. Middle East Curr Psychiatry. 2023; 30: 93.
  • 28.Hobfoll SE, Halbesleben J, Neveu JP, Westman M.Conservation of resources in the organizationalcontext: The reality of resources and theirconsequences. Annu Rev Organ Psychol OrganBehav. 2018; 5: 103–28.
  • 29.Egozi Farkash H, Lahad M, Hobfoll SE, Leykin D,Aharonson-Daniel L. Conservation of resources,psychological distress, and resilience during theCOVID-19 pandemic. Int J Public Health. 2022; 67:1604567.
  • 30.Shoji K, Lesnierowska M, Smoktunowicz E, et al.What comes first, job burnout or secondarytraumatic stress? Findings from two longitudinalstudies from the US and Poland. PLoS One. 2015; 10:e0136730.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Medical Education, Health Services and Systems (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Berhan Akdağ

Seda Bozduman Çelebi

Fethiye Kılıçaslan

Publication Date December 27, 2024
Submission Date September 15, 2024
Acceptance Date December 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Akdağ, B., Bozduman Çelebi, S., & Kılıçaslan, F. (2024). Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi. Dicle Medical Journal, 51(4), 565-572.
AMA Akdağ B, Bozduman Çelebi S, Kılıçaslan F. Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi. diclemedj. December 2024;51(4):565-572. doi:10.5798/dicletip.1608133
Chicago Akdağ, Berhan, Seda Bozduman Çelebi, and Fethiye Kılıçaslan. “Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres Ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi”. Dicle Medical Journal 51, no. 4 (December 2024): 565-72.
EndNote Akdağ B, Bozduman Çelebi S, Kılıçaslan F (December 1, 2024) Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi. Dicle Medical Journal 51 4 565–572.
IEEE B. Akdağ, S. Bozduman Çelebi, and F. Kılıçaslan, “Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi”, diclemedj, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 565–572, 2024, doi: 10.5798/dicletip.1608133.
ISNAD Akdağ, Berhan et al. “Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres Ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi”. Dicle Medical Journal 51/4 (December 2024), 565-572.
JAMA Akdağ B, Bozduman Çelebi S, Kılıçaslan F. Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi. diclemedj. 2024;51:565–572.
MLA Akdağ, Berhan et al. “Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres Ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 51, no. 4, 2024, pp. 565-72, doi:10.5798/dicletip.1608133.
Vancouver Akdağ B, Bozduman Çelebi S, Kılıçaslan F. Kahramanmaraş Depremi Sonrasında Çocuk/Ergen Psikiyatristlerinde Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu, İkincil Travmatik Stres ve Tükenmişliğin İncelenmesi. diclemedj. 2024;51(4):565-72.