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Magnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions

Year 2014, , 47 - 53, 01.03.2014


Objective: To evaluate the role of magnetic resonance dacryocystography (MR-DCG) technique in patients with obstruction of lacrimal drainage system. Methods: A total of 40 patients who had presented to the ophthalmology clinic were suspected to have obstruction of lacrimal drainage system, were evaluated with MR-DCG after instillation of 0.5% Gd-DTPA conjunctival contrast medium. Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) was performed in patients who were found to have lacrimal drainage system obstruction on either side on MR-DCG. Results: Obstruction of lacrimal drainage system was successfully detected in a total of 49 eyes of 40 patients undergoing examination with MR-DCG. The MR-DCG findings of 29 nasolacrimal systems were compared with the intraoperative findings in 28 out of 40 patients who had undergone the DCR operation. The sensitivity of MR-DCG was determined as 100% and specificity as 96.7% for identification of nasolacrimal system obstruction when compared with the intraoperative findings, and MR-DCG was found to detect obstruction with high accuracy. Conclusion: MR-DCG has a high success rate in detection of lacrimal drainage system obstructions and the level and cause of the obstruction.


  • Debnam J.M, Esmaeli B, Ginsberg L.E. Imaging characteris- tics of dacryocystocele diagnosed after surgery for sinona- sal canser. AJNR 2007;28:1872-1875.
  • Takehara Y, Isoda H, Kurihashi K, et al. Dynamic MR dac- ryocystography: a new method for evaluating nasolacrimal duct obstruction. AJR 2000;175:469-473.
  • Kassel EE, Schatz CJ. Lacrimal apparatus. In: Som PM, Cur- tin HD, eds. Head and neck imaging. St. Louis: Mosby– Year Book, 1996;1129–1183.
  • Goldberg RA, Heinz GW, Chiu L. Gadolinium magnetic resonance imaging dacryocystography. Am J Ophthalmol 1993;115:738–741.
  • Hoffmann KT, Hosten N, Anders N, et al. High-resolution conjunctival contrast-enhanced MRI dacryocystography. Neuroradiology 1999;41:2008-213.
  • Song HY, Lee CO, Park S, et al. Lacrimal canaliculus ob- struction: non-surgical treatment with a newly designed polyurethane stent. Radiology 1996;199:280-282.
  • Tanenbaum M, Mccord CD. The lacrimal drainage system. İn: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, editors. Duane’s clinical ophthal- mology. Revised edition Philadelphia: Lippincott Raven;p. 1996;12-18.
  • Karagülle T, Erden A, Erden İ, Zilelioğlu G. Nasolacrimal system: evaluation with gadolinium-enhanced MR dacryo- cystography with a three-dimensional fast spoiled gradient- recalled technique, EurRadiol 2002;12:2343-2348.
  • O’dwyer PA, Akova YA. Temel Göz Hastalıkları; 2 th ed. İstanbul: Güneş tıp kitabevleri, part 18, 2011; p. 879-881.
  • Guzek JP, Ching AS, Hoang TA, et al. Clinical and radio- logical lacrimal testing in patients with epiphora. Ophthal- mology 1997;104:1875-1881.
  • Rossamondo RM, Carlton WH, Trueblood JH, Thomas RP. A new method of evaluating lacrimal drainage. Arch Oph- thalmol 1972;88:523-525.
  • Waite DW, Whittet HB, Shun-Shin GA. Technical note: computed tomographic dacryocystography. Br J Radiol 1993;66:711-713.
  • Caldemeyer KS, Stockberger SM, Broderick LS. Topical Contrast-Enhanced CT and MR Dacryocystography: Imag- ing the lacrimal drainage apparatus of healty volunteers. AJR 1998;171:1501-1504.
  • Wearne MJ, Pitts J, Frank J, Rose GE. Comparison of dac- ryocystography and lacrimal scintigraphy in the diagnosis of functional nasolacrimal duct obstruction Br J Ophthal- mol 1999;83:1032-1035.
  • Amanat A, Hilditch TE, Kwok CS. Lacrimal scintigraphy. II. Its role in the diagnosis of epiphora. Br J Ophthalmol 1983;67:720-728.
  • Hahnel S, Jansen O, Zake S, Sartor K. Spiral CT in the diagnosis of stenoses of the nasolacrimal duct system. Rofo 1995;163:210–214.
  • Manfre L, Maria M, Todaro E, et al. MR dacryocystogra- phy: Comparison with dacryocystography and CT dacryo- cystography. Am J Neuroradiol 2000;21:1145-1150.
  • Polito E, Leccisotti A, Menicacci F, et al. Imaging tech- niques in the diagnosis of lacrimal sac diverticulum. Oph- thalmologica 1995;209:228–232.
  • Kirchhıf K, Hahnel S, Jansen O, et al. Gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging dacryocystography in patients with epiphora. J Comput assist Tomography 2000;2:327- 331.
  • Cubuk R, Tasali N, Aydın S, et al. Dynamic MR dac- ryocystography in patients with epiphora, Eur J Radiol 2010;73:230-233.

Magnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions

Year 2014, , 47 - 53, 01.03.2014


Amaç: Lakrimal drenaj sistemi tıkanıklığı olan hastalarda Manyetik Rezonans dakriosistografi (MR-DSG) tekniğinin rolü ve etkinliğinin tartışılması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Göz hastalıkları kliniğine lakrimal drenaj sistem tıkanıklığını düşündüren klinik bulgular ile başvuran toplam 40 hasta % 0.5 Gd-DTPA konjunktival kontrast madde instilasyonu sonrası MR-DSG ile değerlendirildi. MR-DSG\'de lakrimal drenaj sisteminde tıkanıklık tespit edilen hastalara, dakriosistorinostomi(DSR) cerrahisi uygulandı. Bulgular: MR-DSG ile incelediğimiz 40 hastada toplam 49 gözde lakrimal drenaj sistemi tıkanıklığı başarı ile saptandı. Çalışmaya alınan 40 hastanın 28\'i, MR-DSG\'de stenoz saptanan toplam 49 lakrimal drenaj sisteminin 29\'una DSR operasyonu yapıldı. Operasyon bulgularıyla karşılaştırıldığında lakrimal drenaj sistemi tıkanıklığını tanımlamada MR-DSG\'nin sensitivitesi %100, spesifitesi ise %96.7 olup lakrimal drenaj sistemi tıkanıklığını yüksek doğrulukla tespit edebildiği saptandı. Sonuç: MR-DSG lakrimal drenaj sistemi tıkanıklıklarında, tıkanıklığın seviyesini ve nedenini saptamada yüksek başarı oranlarına sahiptir.


  • Debnam J.M, Esmaeli B, Ginsberg L.E. Imaging characteris- tics of dacryocystocele diagnosed after surgery for sinona- sal canser. AJNR 2007;28:1872-1875.
  • Takehara Y, Isoda H, Kurihashi K, et al. Dynamic MR dac- ryocystography: a new method for evaluating nasolacrimal duct obstruction. AJR 2000;175:469-473.
  • Kassel EE, Schatz CJ. Lacrimal apparatus. In: Som PM, Cur- tin HD, eds. Head and neck imaging. St. Louis: Mosby– Year Book, 1996;1129–1183.
  • Goldberg RA, Heinz GW, Chiu L. Gadolinium magnetic resonance imaging dacryocystography. Am J Ophthalmol 1993;115:738–741.
  • Hoffmann KT, Hosten N, Anders N, et al. High-resolution conjunctival contrast-enhanced MRI dacryocystography. Neuroradiology 1999;41:2008-213.
  • Song HY, Lee CO, Park S, et al. Lacrimal canaliculus ob- struction: non-surgical treatment with a newly designed polyurethane stent. Radiology 1996;199:280-282.
  • Tanenbaum M, Mccord CD. The lacrimal drainage system. İn: Tasman W, Jaeger EA, editors. Duane’s clinical ophthal- mology. Revised edition Philadelphia: Lippincott Raven;p. 1996;12-18.
  • Karagülle T, Erden A, Erden İ, Zilelioğlu G. Nasolacrimal system: evaluation with gadolinium-enhanced MR dacryo- cystography with a three-dimensional fast spoiled gradient- recalled technique, EurRadiol 2002;12:2343-2348.
  • O’dwyer PA, Akova YA. Temel Göz Hastalıkları; 2 th ed. İstanbul: Güneş tıp kitabevleri, part 18, 2011; p. 879-881.
  • Guzek JP, Ching AS, Hoang TA, et al. Clinical and radio- logical lacrimal testing in patients with epiphora. Ophthal- mology 1997;104:1875-1881.
  • Rossamondo RM, Carlton WH, Trueblood JH, Thomas RP. A new method of evaluating lacrimal drainage. Arch Oph- thalmol 1972;88:523-525.
  • Waite DW, Whittet HB, Shun-Shin GA. Technical note: computed tomographic dacryocystography. Br J Radiol 1993;66:711-713.
  • Caldemeyer KS, Stockberger SM, Broderick LS. Topical Contrast-Enhanced CT and MR Dacryocystography: Imag- ing the lacrimal drainage apparatus of healty volunteers. AJR 1998;171:1501-1504.
  • Wearne MJ, Pitts J, Frank J, Rose GE. Comparison of dac- ryocystography and lacrimal scintigraphy in the diagnosis of functional nasolacrimal duct obstruction Br J Ophthal- mol 1999;83:1032-1035.
  • Amanat A, Hilditch TE, Kwok CS. Lacrimal scintigraphy. II. Its role in the diagnosis of epiphora. Br J Ophthalmol 1983;67:720-728.
  • Hahnel S, Jansen O, Zake S, Sartor K. Spiral CT in the diagnosis of stenoses of the nasolacrimal duct system. Rofo 1995;163:210–214.
  • Manfre L, Maria M, Todaro E, et al. MR dacryocystogra- phy: Comparison with dacryocystography and CT dacryo- cystography. Am J Neuroradiol 2000;21:1145-1150.
  • Polito E, Leccisotti A, Menicacci F, et al. Imaging tech- niques in the diagnosis of lacrimal sac diverticulum. Oph- thalmologica 1995;209:228–232.
  • Kirchhıf K, Hahnel S, Jansen O, et al. Gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging dacryocystography in patients with epiphora. J Comput assist Tomography 2000;2:327- 331.
  • Cubuk R, Tasali N, Aydın S, et al. Dynamic MR dac- ryocystography in patients with epiphora, Eur J Radiol 2010;73:230-233.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Kamil Karaali This is me

Mehmet Sedat Durmaz This is me

Koray Koraltan Demir This is me

Cemil Apaydın This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Karaali, K., Durmaz, M. S., Demir, K. K., Apaydın, C. (2014). Magnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions. Dicle Medical Journal, 41(1), 47-53.
AMA Karaali K, Durmaz MS, Demir KK, Apaydın C. Magnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions. diclemedj. March 2014;41(1):47-53. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.01.0371
Chicago Karaali, Kamil, Mehmet Sedat Durmaz, Koray Koraltan Demir, and Cemil Apaydın. “Magnetic Resonance Dacryocystography: Its Role in the Diagnosis and Treatment Plan of Lacrimal Drainage System Obstructions”. Dicle Medical Journal 41, no. 1 (March 2014): 47-53.
EndNote Karaali K, Durmaz MS, Demir KK, Apaydın C (March 1, 2014) Magnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions. Dicle Medical Journal 41 1 47–53.
IEEE K. Karaali, M. S. Durmaz, K. K. Demir, and C. Apaydın, “Magnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions”, diclemedj, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 47–53, 2014, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.01.0371.
ISNAD Karaali, Kamil et al. “Magnetic Resonance Dacryocystography: Its Role in the Diagnosis and Treatment Plan of Lacrimal Drainage System Obstructions”. Dicle Medical Journal 41/1 (March 2014), 47-53.
JAMA Karaali K, Durmaz MS, Demir KK, Apaydın C. Magnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions. diclemedj. 2014;41:47–53.
MLA Karaali, Kamil et al. “Magnetic Resonance Dacryocystography: Its Role in the Diagnosis and Treatment Plan of Lacrimal Drainage System Obstructions”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 41, no. 1, 2014, pp. 47-53, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.01.0371.
Vancouver Karaali K, Durmaz MS, Demir KK, Apaydın C. Magnetic resonance dacryocystography: Its role in the diagnosis and treatment plan of lacrimal drainage system obstructions. diclemedj. 2014;41(1):47-53.