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Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis

Year 2014, , 71 - 77, 01.03.2014


Objective: Oxidative stress may change cellular function in multiple pathological conditions, including osteoporosis. We aimed to determine malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, advanced oxidation protein pruducts (AOPP), levels end products of protein oxidation, thiol as known antioxidant, serum paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activities as known lipid antioxidant, induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) for evaluating oxidative stress in osteoporotic patients. Methods: 59 patients diagnosed with postmenopaual osteoporosis were included in the study and compared with 21 healthy controls. Serum AOPP, MDA, thiol levels and PON1 activity were measured according to an enzymatic spectrophotometric method. Results: The serum MDA, AOPP, and thiol levels was significantly higher in the patient group than controls (p


  • Kanis JA. Osteoporosis and its consequences. in: Kanis JA (ed). Osteoporosis. BlackwelJ Science Ltd. London 1997:21.
  • Merly SL. Metabolic bone diseases. in: Kelley WH, Harris ED, Ruddy S, Sledge CB (eds), Textbook of Rheumatology. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia 1997:563-1581.
  • Ersler WB, Harman SM, Keller ET. Immunologic aspects of osteoporosis. Dev Comp Immunol 1997;21:487-499.
  • Basu S, Michaelsson K, Olofsson H, et al. Association be- tween oxidative stress and bone mineral density. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2001;288:275-279.
  • Sontakke AN, Tare RS. A duality in the roles of reactive oxy- gen species with respect to bone metabolism. Clin Chim Acta 2002;318:145-148.
  • Varanasi SS, Francis RM, Berger CEM, et al. Mitochondrial DNA deletion associated oxidative stress and severe male osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int 1999;10:143-149.
  • Rifici V.A. Khachadırian A.K. The inhibition of low den- sity lipoprotein oxidation by estradiol,MetaboIism 1992;41:1110-1114.
  • Cheeseman K.H., Slater, T.F. An Introduction to Free Radical Biochemistry, Brit. Med. Bulletin, 1993;149:481-93
  • De Zwart LL., Meerman JH, Commandeur JN, Vermeulen NP. Biomarkers of free radical damage aplications in ex- perimental animals and in humans. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 1999;26:202-226
  • Kalousova M., Skrha JT. Zima. Advanced glycoxidation end products and advanced oxidation protein products in patient with diabetes mellitus. Physiol Res. 2002; 51: 597- 604
  • Fang YZ, Yang S, Wu G. Free Radicals, Antioxidants, and Nutrition. Nutrition 2002;18:872-879.
  • Arasıl T. Günümüzde osteoporoz. In: Gökçe-Kutsal Y ed. Osteoporoz cep kitabı. Ankara, Güneş Kitabevi, 2005:1-8
  • Geusens P. Osteoporosis: Clinical Features. In: Hochberg MC, Silman AJ, Smolen JS, Weinblatt ME, Weisman MH, editors. Rheumatology. Toronto: Mosby; 2003:2081-2092.
  • Biberoğlu S. Osteoporozda medikal tedavi. Prospect 1998:175-182.
  • Riggs BL, Khosla S, Melton LJ. 3rd. Sex steroids and the construction and conservation of the adult skeleton. Endocr Rev 2012;23:279–302.
  • Sawada H, Ibi M, Kihara T, et al. Mechanisms of antiapop- totic effects of estrogens in nigral dopaminergic neurons. FASEB J. 2000;14:1202–1214.
  • Sudoh N, Toba K, Akishita M, et al.. Estrogen prevents oxidative stress-induced endothelial cell apoptosis in rats. Circulation.2001; 103:724–729.
  • Dröge W. Free radicals in the physiological control of cell function. Physiol. Rev. 2002;82:47–95.
  • Haddad JJ. Antioxidant and prooxidant mechanisms in the regulation of redox(y)-sensitive transcription factors. Cell Signal. 2002;14:879–897.
  • Finkel T, Holbrook, N J. Nature. 2000;408:239–247.
  • Sies H. Oxidative stress: introductory remarks. In: Sies H (ed); Oxidative stress. Academic Press, London 1985:1-8.
  • Polidori MC, Stahl W, Eichler O, et al. Profiles of antioxi- dants in human plasma. Free Radic Biol Med 2001; 30: 456.462.
  • Lean JM, Davies JT, Fuller K, et al. A crucial role for thiol antioxidants in estrogen-deficiency bone loss. J Clin Invest 2003;112:915-923.
  • Bai XC, Lu D, Liu AL, et al. Reactive oxygen species stim- ulates receptor activator of NF-kB ligand expression in os- teoblasts. J Biol Chem 2005;280:17497-17506.
  • Bai XC, Lu D, Bai J, et al. Oxidative stress inhibits os- teoblastic differentiation of bone cells by ERK and NF-kB. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004;314:197-207.
  • Baskol G, Demir H, Cavdaroglu B, et al. Assessment of paraoxonase 1 activity and malondialdehyde levels in pa- tients with osteoporosis. Erc Med J 2007;29:268-273.
  • Ozgonul M, Oge A, Sezer ED, et al. The effects of estro- gen and raloxifene treatment on antioxidant enzymes in brain and liver of ovarectomized female rats. Endocr Res 2003;29:183-189.
  • Aviram M, Rosenblat M, Bisgaier CL, et al. Paraoxonase inhibits high-density lipoprotein oxidation and preserves its function:a possible peroxidative role for paraoxonase. J Clin Invest 1998;101:1581-1590.
  • Parhami F. Possible role of oxidized lipids in osteoporosis: Could hyperlipidemia be a risk factor? Prostaglandins Leu- kot Essent Fatty Acids 2003;68:373-378.
  • Kumon Y, Nakauchi Y, Suehiro T, et al. Proinflammatory cytokines but not acute phase serum amyloid A or C- reac- tive protein, down regulate paraoxonase 1 (PON1) expres- sion by Hep G2. Amyloid 2002;9:160-164.
  • Callister ME, Burke-Gaffney A, Quinlan GJ, et al. Extracel- lular thioredoxin levels are increased in patients with acute lung injury. Thorax 2006;61:521-527
  • Gromer S, Urig S, Becker K. The thioredoxin system -from science to clinic. Med Res Rev 2004;24:40–89.
  • Burke-Gaffney A, Callister ME, Nakamura H. Thioredox- in: friend or foe in human disease? Trends Pharmacol Sci 2005;26:398–404.
  • Quinlan GJ, Mumby S, Lamb NJ, et al. Acute respiratory distress syndrome secondary to cardiopulmonary bypass: Do compromised plasma iron-binding antioxidant protec- tion and thiol levels influence outcome? Critic Care Med 2000;28:2271-2276.
  • Ohkava H, Ohishi N, Yagi K. Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction. Anal Bio- chem 1978;95:351-358.
  • Witko-Sarsat V, Nguyen-Khoa T, Jungers P, et al. Ad- vanced oxidation protein products as a novel molecular basis of oxidative stress in uremia. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1999;14:76-78.
  • Eckerson HW, Romson J, Wyte C, La Du BN. The hu- man serum paraoxonase polymorphism: identification of phenotypes by their response to salts. Am J Hum Genet 1983;35:214-227.
  • Sinaki M. Osteoporosis. In: Braddom RL ed. Pysical Medi- cine and Rehabilitation. Philadelphia, W.B Saunders Com- pany, 2000:894-912.

Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis

Year 2014, , 71 - 77, 01.03.2014


Amaç: Oksidatif stres, osteoporozu da içeren pek çok patolojik durumda hücresel fonksiyonları değiştirebilir. Biz bu çalışmada postmenopozal osteoporozlu hastalarda oksidatif stresi değerlendirmek için, reaktif oksijen türleri (ROS) ile indüklenen lipid peroksidasyonu son ürünü malondialdehit (MDA), protein oksidasyonu son ürünü ileri düzey protein oksidasyonu ürünleri (AOPP), antioksidan olarak bilinen Thiol, lipid antioksidanı olarak bilinen serum paraoxonase 1 (PON 1) aktivitesini belirlemeyi amaçladık. Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya postmenopozal osteoporoz tanısı konan 59 hasta alındı. 21 sağlıklı kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırması yapıldı. Serum AOPP, MDA, thiol düzeyleri ve PON 1 aktivitesi enzimatik spektrofotometrik metotla ölçüldü. Bulgular: Serum MDA, AOPP ve thiol seviyeleri kontrol grubuna göre hastalarda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede yüksekti (p


  • Kanis JA. Osteoporosis and its consequences. in: Kanis JA (ed). Osteoporosis. BlackwelJ Science Ltd. London 1997:21.
  • Merly SL. Metabolic bone diseases. in: Kelley WH, Harris ED, Ruddy S, Sledge CB (eds), Textbook of Rheumatology. WB Saunders Company, Philadelphia 1997:563-1581.
  • Ersler WB, Harman SM, Keller ET. Immunologic aspects of osteoporosis. Dev Comp Immunol 1997;21:487-499.
  • Basu S, Michaelsson K, Olofsson H, et al. Association be- tween oxidative stress and bone mineral density. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2001;288:275-279.
  • Sontakke AN, Tare RS. A duality in the roles of reactive oxy- gen species with respect to bone metabolism. Clin Chim Acta 2002;318:145-148.
  • Varanasi SS, Francis RM, Berger CEM, et al. Mitochondrial DNA deletion associated oxidative stress and severe male osteoporosis. Osteoporos Int 1999;10:143-149.
  • Rifici V.A. Khachadırian A.K. The inhibition of low den- sity lipoprotein oxidation by estradiol,MetaboIism 1992;41:1110-1114.
  • Cheeseman K.H., Slater, T.F. An Introduction to Free Radical Biochemistry, Brit. Med. Bulletin, 1993;149:481-93
  • De Zwart LL., Meerman JH, Commandeur JN, Vermeulen NP. Biomarkers of free radical damage aplications in ex- perimental animals and in humans. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 1999;26:202-226
  • Kalousova M., Skrha JT. Zima. Advanced glycoxidation end products and advanced oxidation protein products in patient with diabetes mellitus. Physiol Res. 2002; 51: 597- 604
  • Fang YZ, Yang S, Wu G. Free Radicals, Antioxidants, and Nutrition. Nutrition 2002;18:872-879.
  • Arasıl T. Günümüzde osteoporoz. In: Gökçe-Kutsal Y ed. Osteoporoz cep kitabı. Ankara, Güneş Kitabevi, 2005:1-8
  • Geusens P. Osteoporosis: Clinical Features. In: Hochberg MC, Silman AJ, Smolen JS, Weinblatt ME, Weisman MH, editors. Rheumatology. Toronto: Mosby; 2003:2081-2092.
  • Biberoğlu S. Osteoporozda medikal tedavi. Prospect 1998:175-182.
  • Riggs BL, Khosla S, Melton LJ. 3rd. Sex steroids and the construction and conservation of the adult skeleton. Endocr Rev 2012;23:279–302.
  • Sawada H, Ibi M, Kihara T, et al. Mechanisms of antiapop- totic effects of estrogens in nigral dopaminergic neurons. FASEB J. 2000;14:1202–1214.
  • Sudoh N, Toba K, Akishita M, et al.. Estrogen prevents oxidative stress-induced endothelial cell apoptosis in rats. Circulation.2001; 103:724–729.
  • Dröge W. Free radicals in the physiological control of cell function. Physiol. Rev. 2002;82:47–95.
  • Haddad JJ. Antioxidant and prooxidant mechanisms in the regulation of redox(y)-sensitive transcription factors. Cell Signal. 2002;14:879–897.
  • Finkel T, Holbrook, N J. Nature. 2000;408:239–247.
  • Sies H. Oxidative stress: introductory remarks. In: Sies H (ed); Oxidative stress. Academic Press, London 1985:1-8.
  • Polidori MC, Stahl W, Eichler O, et al. Profiles of antioxi- dants in human plasma. Free Radic Biol Med 2001; 30: 456.462.
  • Lean JM, Davies JT, Fuller K, et al. A crucial role for thiol antioxidants in estrogen-deficiency bone loss. J Clin Invest 2003;112:915-923.
  • Bai XC, Lu D, Liu AL, et al. Reactive oxygen species stim- ulates receptor activator of NF-kB ligand expression in os- teoblasts. J Biol Chem 2005;280:17497-17506.
  • Bai XC, Lu D, Bai J, et al. Oxidative stress inhibits os- teoblastic differentiation of bone cells by ERK and NF-kB. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2004;314:197-207.
  • Baskol G, Demir H, Cavdaroglu B, et al. Assessment of paraoxonase 1 activity and malondialdehyde levels in pa- tients with osteoporosis. Erc Med J 2007;29:268-273.
  • Ozgonul M, Oge A, Sezer ED, et al. The effects of estro- gen and raloxifene treatment on antioxidant enzymes in brain and liver of ovarectomized female rats. Endocr Res 2003;29:183-189.
  • Aviram M, Rosenblat M, Bisgaier CL, et al. Paraoxonase inhibits high-density lipoprotein oxidation and preserves its function:a possible peroxidative role for paraoxonase. J Clin Invest 1998;101:1581-1590.
  • Parhami F. Possible role of oxidized lipids in osteoporosis: Could hyperlipidemia be a risk factor? Prostaglandins Leu- kot Essent Fatty Acids 2003;68:373-378.
  • Kumon Y, Nakauchi Y, Suehiro T, et al. Proinflammatory cytokines but not acute phase serum amyloid A or C- reac- tive protein, down regulate paraoxonase 1 (PON1) expres- sion by Hep G2. Amyloid 2002;9:160-164.
  • Callister ME, Burke-Gaffney A, Quinlan GJ, et al. Extracel- lular thioredoxin levels are increased in patients with acute lung injury. Thorax 2006;61:521-527
  • Gromer S, Urig S, Becker K. The thioredoxin system -from science to clinic. Med Res Rev 2004;24:40–89.
  • Burke-Gaffney A, Callister ME, Nakamura H. Thioredox- in: friend or foe in human disease? Trends Pharmacol Sci 2005;26:398–404.
  • Quinlan GJ, Mumby S, Lamb NJ, et al. Acute respiratory distress syndrome secondary to cardiopulmonary bypass: Do compromised plasma iron-binding antioxidant protec- tion and thiol levels influence outcome? Critic Care Med 2000;28:2271-2276.
  • Ohkava H, Ohishi N, Yagi K. Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction. Anal Bio- chem 1978;95:351-358.
  • Witko-Sarsat V, Nguyen-Khoa T, Jungers P, et al. Ad- vanced oxidation protein products as a novel molecular basis of oxidative stress in uremia. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1999;14:76-78.
  • Eckerson HW, Romson J, Wyte C, La Du BN. The hu- man serum paraoxonase polymorphism: identification of phenotypes by their response to salts. Am J Hum Genet 1983;35:214-227.
  • Sinaki M. Osteoporosis. In: Braddom RL ed. Pysical Medi- cine and Rehabilitation. Philadelphia, W.B Saunders Com- pany, 2000:894-912.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Banu Çavdaroğlu This is me

Nurgül Köse This is me

Gülden Başkol This is me

Hüseyin Demir This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2014
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Çavdaroğlu, B., Köse, N., Başkol, G., Demir, H. (2014). Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Dicle Medical Journal, 41(1), 71-77.
AMA Çavdaroğlu B, Köse N, Başkol G, Demir H. Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. diclemedj. March 2014;41(1):71-77. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.01.0375
Chicago Çavdaroğlu, Banu, Nurgül Köse, Gülden Başkol, and Hüseyin Demir. “Evaluation of Protein and Lipid Oxidative Stress in the Patients With Postmenopausal Osteoporosis”. Dicle Medical Journal 41, no. 1 (March 2014): 71-77.
EndNote Çavdaroğlu B, Köse N, Başkol G, Demir H (March 1, 2014) Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Dicle Medical Journal 41 1 71–77.
IEEE B. Çavdaroğlu, N. Köse, G. Başkol, and H. Demir, “Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis”, diclemedj, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 71–77, 2014, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.01.0375.
ISNAD Çavdaroğlu, Banu et al. “Evaluation of Protein and Lipid Oxidative Stress in the Patients With Postmenopausal Osteoporosis”. Dicle Medical Journal 41/1 (March 2014), 71-77.
JAMA Çavdaroğlu B, Köse N, Başkol G, Demir H. Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. diclemedj. 2014;41:71–77.
MLA Çavdaroğlu, Banu et al. “Evaluation of Protein and Lipid Oxidative Stress in the Patients With Postmenopausal Osteoporosis”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 41, no. 1, 2014, pp. 71-77, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.01.0375.
Vancouver Çavdaroğlu B, Köse N, Başkol G, Demir H. Evaluation of protein and lipid oxidative stress in the patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. diclemedj. 2014;41(1):71-7.