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The effects of electromagnetic field exposure at short and long term of 900 mhz frequency emitted from mobile phones on rat bone tissue

Year 2011, , 452 - 457, 01.12.2011


Objectives: There are increasing number of evidence that exposure to the radiofrequency fields from mobile phones could affect human health. An electromagnetic field (EMF) has some biological effects on the behavior of the cell population of bone. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 900 MHz EMF emitted by mobile phones on the bone mineral density (BMD) of rat bone tissue. Materials and methods: This study was done in Süley­man Demirel University, Turkey in 2006 . A total of 30 male rats were divided in three groups. EMF with 1±04 mW/cm2 power and 900 MHz frequency: Group I (n=10) was exposed to short term (ST) 900 MHz EMF for 30 min/day, fıve day per week during 4 weeks, group II (n=10) was exposed to long term (LT) 900 MHz EMF for 30 min/day fıve day per week during 8 weeks and group III (n=10) was non-irradiated as control group and was held in the same environmental conditions for the same time except EMF application. At the end of the experiment, BMD of all rats was measured by scanning with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Results: Both lumbar spine and femur diaphysis BMD values were found to be lower in the exposed to ST or LT 900 MHz groups compared with the control group. How­ever, the differences did not reach to a significant level (P>0.05). Conclusions: It can be said that exposure to ST or LT 900 MHz EMF acquired from cellular phones and/or simi­lar sources with an average power intensity of 1.04 mW/cm2 and a SAR value of 0.008 W/kg has not significant effects on rats bone tissue BMD


  • Rothman KJ. Epidemiological evidence on health risks of cellular telephones. Lancet 2000;356(9244):1837-40.
  • Savitz AD, Loomis P. Magnetic fields exposure in relation to leukemia and brain cancer mortality among electric utility workers. Am J Epidemiol 1995;141(2):123-34.
  • Barnothy JM. Development of young mice. In: Barnothy MF, ed. Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields. New York: Ple- num Press, 1964: 93–99.
  • Coelho AM, Roger WR Jr, Smith HD. Effects of current ex- posure to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the social be- havior of baboons. Bioelectromagnetics 1995;3(suppl):71- 92.
  • Oktem F, Ozguner F, Mollaoglu H, Koyu A, Uz E. Oxida- tive damage in the kidney induced by 900-MHz-emitted mobile phone: protection by melatonin. Arch Med Res 2005;36(4):350-5.
  • Heikkinen P, Kosma VM, Alhonen L, Huuskonen H, Komu- lainen H, Kumlin T et al. Effects of mobile phone radiation on UV-induced skin tumourigenesis in ornithine decarbox- ylase transgenic and non-transgenic mice. Int J Radiat Biol 2003;79(4):221-33.
  • Bortkiewicz A. A study on the biological effects of exposure mobile-phone frequency EMF. Med Pr 2001;52(2):101-6.
  • Yıldız M, Cicek E, Cerci SS, Cerci C, Oral B, Koyu A. In- fluence of electromagnetic fields and protective effect of CAPE on bone mineral density in rats. Arch Med Res 2006;37(7):818-21.
  • Kanikkannan N, Locke BR, Singh M. Effect of jet fuels on the skin morphology and irritation in hairless rats. Toxicol- ogy 2002;175(1-3):35-47.
  • Tabrah FL, Ross P, Hoffmeier M, Gilbert FJ. Clinical report on longterm bone density after short-term EMF application. Bioelectromagnetics 1998;19(2):75-8.
  • Sert C, Deniz M, Aksen F, Kaya A. The preventive effect on bone loss of 50-Hz,1-mT electromagnetic field in ovariec- tomized rats. J Bone Miner Metab 2002;20(6):345-9.
  • Yamada S, Guenther HL, Fleisch H. The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on bone cell metabolism and calvaria resorption in vitro and on calcium metabolism in the live rat. Int Orthop 1985;9(2):129-34.
  • Giavaresi G, Fini M, Gnudi S, Martini L, Mongiorgi R, Al- dini NN, et al. Effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on ovariectomized rats. Electro Magnetobiol 1999;18(2):119- 31.
  • McElhaney JH, Stalnaker R, Bullard R. Electric fields and bone loss of disuse. J Biomech 1968;1(1):47-52.
  • Atay T, Aslan A, Heybeli N, et al. Effects of 1800 MHz electromagnetic field emitted from cellular phones on bone tissue. Balkan Med J 2009;26(4):292-6.
  • Cicek E, Gokalp O, Varol R, Cesur G. Influence of Electro- magnetic Fields on Bone Fracture in Rats: Role of CAPE. Biomed Environ Sci 2009;22(2):157-60.
  • Atay T, Aksoy BA, Aydogan NH, Baydar ML, Yildiz M, Ozdemir R. Effect of electromagnetic field induced by radio frequency waves at 900 to 1800 MHz on bone mineral den- sity of iliac bone wings. J Craniofac Surg 2009;20(5):1556- 60.
  • Okudan B, Keskin A.Ü, Aydın M.A, Cesur G, Çömlekçi S, Süslü H. DEXA Analysis on the Bones of Rats Exposed In Utero and Neonatally to Static and 50 Hz Electric Fields. Bioelectromagnetics 2006;27(7):589-92.
  • Gajsek P, Ziriax JM, Hurt WD, Walters TJ, Mason PA. Pre- dicted SAR in Sprague-Dawley Rat as a Function of Per- mittivity Values. Bioelectromagnetics 2001;22(6):384-400.
  • Gajsek P, Walters TJ, Hurt WD, Ziriax JM, Nelson DA, Ma- son PA. Empirical Validation of SAR Values Predicted by FDTD Modeling. Bioelectromagnetics 2002;23(1):37-48.
  • Kaprana AE, Karatzanis AD, Prokopakis EP, et al. Study- ing the effects of mobile phone use on the auditory sys- tem and the central nervous system: a review of the lit- erature and future directions. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2008;265(9):1011-9.
  • Al-Khlaiwi T, Meo SA. Association of mobile phone ra- diation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population. Saudi Med J 2004;25(6):732-6.
  • Rezk AY, Abdulqawi K, Mustafa RM, Abo El-Azm TM, Al- Inany H. Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones. Saudi Med J 2008;29(2):218- 23.
  • Fredericks DC, Nepola JV, Baker JT, Abbott J, Simon B. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on bone heal- ing in a rabbit tibial osteotomy model. J Orthop Trauma 2000;14(2):93-100.
  • Aaron RK, Ciombor DM, Simon BJ. Treatment of non- unions with electric and electromagnetic fields. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2004;419(2):21-9.
  • Liesner S, Shahar R, Aizenberg I, Lichvsky D, Levin-Har- rus T. The effect of short-duration, high-intensity electro- magnetic pulse on fresh ulnar fractures in rats. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 2002;49(1):33-7.
  • Matsumoto H, Ochi M, Hinase Y, Sakagudur K. Pulsed electromangnetic fields promote bone formation around dental implants inserted into the femur of rabbits. Clin Oral Im-plants Res 2000;11(4):354-60.
  • Erogul O, Oztas E, Yildirim İ, et al. Effects of electromag- netic radiation from a cellular phone on human sperm mo- tility: An in vitro study. Arch Med Res 2006;37(7):840-3.

Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 mhz frekans elektromanyetik alana kısa ve uzun dönem maruziyetin sıçanların kemik dokusu üzerine etkisi

Year 2011, , 452 - 457, 01.12.2011


Amaç: Cep telefonlarından yayılan radyofrekans dalgala­rın insan sağlığına etkisiyle ilgili artan sayıda kanıt vardır. Elektromanyetik alanın (EMA) kemik hücreleri üzerine bazı biyolojik etkileri olduğu bildirilmiştir. Çalışmamız­da, cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 MHz frekansındaki EMA\'nın rat kemik dokusundaki kemik mineral yoğunluğu (KMY) üzerine etkilerini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışma Süleyman Demirel Üniver­sitesinde 2006 yılında yapıldı. Otuz erkek sıçan üç gruba ayrıldı. 1.gruptaki ratlar; kısa dönem, dört hafta boyunca haftada beş gün ve günde 30 dakika 1 ± 04 mW/cm2 gü­cünde ve 900 MHz frekansında EMA\'a maruz bırakıldı. 2.gruptaki ratlar ise; aynı güçte uzun dönem, sekiz hafta boyunca haftada beş gün ve günde 30 dakika 900 MHz frekansında EMA\'a maruz bırakıldı. 3.gruptaki ratlar EMA uygulanan ratlarla aynı gün, süre ve çevresel şartlarda tutuldu ancak EMA uygulanmadı ve kontrol grubu olarak kabul edildi. Çalışma sonunda tüm sıçanların KMY değer­leri “Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry” cihazı ile tarana­rak ölçüldü. Bulgular: Kısa ya da uzun dönem EMA maruziyetine bırakılan her iki grupta; kontrol grubuna göre lomber ve femur KMY değerlerinde minimal azalma vardı. Ancak aradaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeye ulaşmadı (p>0.05). Sonuç: Cep telefonu ve benzer kaynaklardan yayılan 1.04 mW/cm2 gücünde ve of 0.008 W/kg SAR değerinde EMA\'a kısa ya da uzun dönem maruziyetin, sıçanların ke­mik dokusu KMY üzerine anlamlı etkisi olmadı.


  • Rothman KJ. Epidemiological evidence on health risks of cellular telephones. Lancet 2000;356(9244):1837-40.
  • Savitz AD, Loomis P. Magnetic fields exposure in relation to leukemia and brain cancer mortality among electric utility workers. Am J Epidemiol 1995;141(2):123-34.
  • Barnothy JM. Development of young mice. In: Barnothy MF, ed. Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields. New York: Ple- num Press, 1964: 93–99.
  • Coelho AM, Roger WR Jr, Smith HD. Effects of current ex- posure to 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the social be- havior of baboons. Bioelectromagnetics 1995;3(suppl):71- 92.
  • Oktem F, Ozguner F, Mollaoglu H, Koyu A, Uz E. Oxida- tive damage in the kidney induced by 900-MHz-emitted mobile phone: protection by melatonin. Arch Med Res 2005;36(4):350-5.
  • Heikkinen P, Kosma VM, Alhonen L, Huuskonen H, Komu- lainen H, Kumlin T et al. Effects of mobile phone radiation on UV-induced skin tumourigenesis in ornithine decarbox- ylase transgenic and non-transgenic mice. Int J Radiat Biol 2003;79(4):221-33.
  • Bortkiewicz A. A study on the biological effects of exposure mobile-phone frequency EMF. Med Pr 2001;52(2):101-6.
  • Yıldız M, Cicek E, Cerci SS, Cerci C, Oral B, Koyu A. In- fluence of electromagnetic fields and protective effect of CAPE on bone mineral density in rats. Arch Med Res 2006;37(7):818-21.
  • Kanikkannan N, Locke BR, Singh M. Effect of jet fuels on the skin morphology and irritation in hairless rats. Toxicol- ogy 2002;175(1-3):35-47.
  • Tabrah FL, Ross P, Hoffmeier M, Gilbert FJ. Clinical report on longterm bone density after short-term EMF application. Bioelectromagnetics 1998;19(2):75-8.
  • Sert C, Deniz M, Aksen F, Kaya A. The preventive effect on bone loss of 50-Hz,1-mT electromagnetic field in ovariec- tomized rats. J Bone Miner Metab 2002;20(6):345-9.
  • Yamada S, Guenther HL, Fleisch H. The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on bone cell metabolism and calvaria resorption in vitro and on calcium metabolism in the live rat. Int Orthop 1985;9(2):129-34.
  • Giavaresi G, Fini M, Gnudi S, Martini L, Mongiorgi R, Al- dini NN, et al. Effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on ovariectomized rats. Electro Magnetobiol 1999;18(2):119- 31.
  • McElhaney JH, Stalnaker R, Bullard R. Electric fields and bone loss of disuse. J Biomech 1968;1(1):47-52.
  • Atay T, Aslan A, Heybeli N, et al. Effects of 1800 MHz electromagnetic field emitted from cellular phones on bone tissue. Balkan Med J 2009;26(4):292-6.
  • Cicek E, Gokalp O, Varol R, Cesur G. Influence of Electro- magnetic Fields on Bone Fracture in Rats: Role of CAPE. Biomed Environ Sci 2009;22(2):157-60.
  • Atay T, Aksoy BA, Aydogan NH, Baydar ML, Yildiz M, Ozdemir R. Effect of electromagnetic field induced by radio frequency waves at 900 to 1800 MHz on bone mineral den- sity of iliac bone wings. J Craniofac Surg 2009;20(5):1556- 60.
  • Okudan B, Keskin A.Ü, Aydın M.A, Cesur G, Çömlekçi S, Süslü H. DEXA Analysis on the Bones of Rats Exposed In Utero and Neonatally to Static and 50 Hz Electric Fields. Bioelectromagnetics 2006;27(7):589-92.
  • Gajsek P, Ziriax JM, Hurt WD, Walters TJ, Mason PA. Pre- dicted SAR in Sprague-Dawley Rat as a Function of Per- mittivity Values. Bioelectromagnetics 2001;22(6):384-400.
  • Gajsek P, Walters TJ, Hurt WD, Ziriax JM, Nelson DA, Ma- son PA. Empirical Validation of SAR Values Predicted by FDTD Modeling. Bioelectromagnetics 2002;23(1):37-48.
  • Kaprana AE, Karatzanis AD, Prokopakis EP, et al. Study- ing the effects of mobile phone use on the auditory sys- tem and the central nervous system: a review of the lit- erature and future directions. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2008;265(9):1011-9.
  • Al-Khlaiwi T, Meo SA. Association of mobile phone ra- diation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population. Saudi Med J 2004;25(6):732-6.
  • Rezk AY, Abdulqawi K, Mustafa RM, Abo El-Azm TM, Al- Inany H. Fetal and neonatal responses following maternal exposure to mobile phones. Saudi Med J 2008;29(2):218- 23.
  • Fredericks DC, Nepola JV, Baker JT, Abbott J, Simon B. Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on bone heal- ing in a rabbit tibial osteotomy model. J Orthop Trauma 2000;14(2):93-100.
  • Aaron RK, Ciombor DM, Simon BJ. Treatment of non- unions with electric and electromagnetic fields. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2004;419(2):21-9.
  • Liesner S, Shahar R, Aizenberg I, Lichvsky D, Levin-Har- rus T. The effect of short-duration, high-intensity electro- magnetic pulse on fresh ulnar fractures in rats. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med 2002;49(1):33-7.
  • Matsumoto H, Ochi M, Hinase Y, Sakagudur K. Pulsed electromangnetic fields promote bone formation around dental implants inserted into the femur of rabbits. Clin Oral Im-plants Res 2000;11(4):354-60.
  • Erogul O, Oztas E, Yildirim İ, et al. Effects of electromag- netic radiation from a cellular phone on human sperm mo- tility: An in vitro study. Arch Med Res 2006;37(7):840-3.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Aslan This is me

Nevres Hürriyet Aydoğan This is me

Tolga Atay This is me

Selçuk Çömlekçi This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011


APA Aslan, A., Aydoğan, N. H., Atay, T., Çömlekçi, S. (2011). Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 mhz frekans elektromanyetik alana kısa ve uzun dönem maruziyetin sıçanların kemik dokusu üzerine etkisi. Dicle Medical Journal, 38(4), 452-457.
AMA Aslan A, Aydoğan NH, Atay T, Çömlekçi S. Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 mhz frekans elektromanyetik alana kısa ve uzun dönem maruziyetin sıçanların kemik dokusu üzerine etkisi. diclemedj. December 2011;38(4):452-457. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2011.04.0065
Chicago Aslan, Ahmet, Nevres Hürriyet Aydoğan, Tolga Atay, and Selçuk Çömlekçi. “Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 Mhz Frekans Elektromanyetik Alana kısa Ve Uzun dönem Maruziyetin sıçanların Kemik Dokusu üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Medical Journal 38, no. 4 (December 2011): 452-57.
EndNote Aslan A, Aydoğan NH, Atay T, Çömlekçi S (December 1, 2011) Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 mhz frekans elektromanyetik alana kısa ve uzun dönem maruziyetin sıçanların kemik dokusu üzerine etkisi. Dicle Medical Journal 38 4 452–457.
IEEE A. Aslan, N. H. Aydoğan, T. Atay, and S. Çömlekçi, “Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 mhz frekans elektromanyetik alana kısa ve uzun dönem maruziyetin sıçanların kemik dokusu üzerine etkisi”, diclemedj, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 452–457, 2011, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2011.04.0065.
ISNAD Aslan, Ahmet et al. “Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 Mhz Frekans Elektromanyetik Alana kısa Ve Uzun dönem Maruziyetin sıçanların Kemik Dokusu üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Medical Journal 38/4 (December 2011), 452-457.
JAMA Aslan A, Aydoğan NH, Atay T, Çömlekçi S. Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 mhz frekans elektromanyetik alana kısa ve uzun dönem maruziyetin sıçanların kemik dokusu üzerine etkisi. diclemedj. 2011;38:452–457.
MLA Aslan, Ahmet et al. “Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 Mhz Frekans Elektromanyetik Alana kısa Ve Uzun dönem Maruziyetin sıçanların Kemik Dokusu üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 38, no. 4, 2011, pp. 452-7, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2011.04.0065.
Vancouver Aslan A, Aydoğan NH, Atay T, Çömlekçi S. Cep telefonlarından yayılan 900 mhz frekans elektromanyetik alana kısa ve uzun dönem maruziyetin sıçanların kemik dokusu üzerine etkisi. diclemedj. 2011;38(4):452-7.