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Primer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız

Year 2013, , 469 - 473, 01.09.2013


Amaç: Primer pterjium tedavisinde konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarını değerlendirmek. Yöntemler: Primer pterjiumu olan 140 hastanın 148 gözü çalışmaya dahil edildi. Tümüne pterjium eksizyonu ile sütürlü konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu uygulandı. Bulgular: Hastaların 80\'i erkek (%57,1), 60\'ı kadın (%42,9) idi. Yaş ortalaması 48,5 ± 14,8 (19-95) yıl idi. İki (%1,3) gözde temporal yerleşimli olan pterjium diğer tüm hastalarda nazalde idi. Hastalar ortalama 21,1 ± 8,7 ay (8-38) takip edildi. Takipler sırasında 8 (% 5,4) gözde sütüre bağlı inflamasyon, 4 (%2,7) gözde nüks saptandı. Bunlar dışında hiçbir komplikasyona rastlanmadı. Nükslerin tamamı ilk 6 aylık takipte oluştu. Sonuç: Primer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonunun düşük nüks ve komplikasyon oranına sahip, etkili bir yöntem olduğu söylenebilir. Sütürlü uygulama sütürlere bağlı inflamasyon ve irritasyonun fazla olmasına rağmen ekonomik bir yöntem olması nedeniyle primer pterjiumda tercih edilebilecek cerrahi seçeneklerden biridir.


  • Touhami A, Di Pascuale MA, Kawatika T, et al. Character- ization of myofibroblasts in fibrovascular tissues of primary and recurrent pterygia. Br J Ophthalmol 2005;89:269-274.
  • Jaros PA, Deluisa VP. Pinguecula and pterygia. Surv Oph- thalmol 1988;33:41-49.
  • Duke-Elder SS. Diseases of The Outher Eye. System of Ophthalmology. G. Britain. The C.V. Mosby Company 1970;573-583.
  • Hilgers JHC. Pterygium: its insidence, heredity and etiology. Am J Ophtalmol 1960;50:635-644.
  • Ergin A, Bozdoğan Ö. Study on tear function abnormality in pterygium. Ophtalmologica 2001;215:204-208.
  • Dushku N, Hatcher SL, Albert DM, et al. P53 expression and relation to human papilloma virus infection in pin- guecula, pterygia and limbal tumors. Arch Ophtalmol 1999;117:1593-1599.
  • Buratto L, Phillips RL, Carito G. Ptergium Surgery. Buratto L, Phillips RL, Carito G, eds.Thorofare, SLACK Inc.2000.
  • Oldenburg JB, Garbus J, McDonnell JM, et al. Conjunctival pterygia. Cornea 2000;9:200-204.
  • Sekeroglu H.T, Erdem E, Dogan NC, et al. “Sutureless amni- otic membrane transplantation combined with narrow-strip conjunctival autograft for pterygium,” International Oph- thalmology 2011;31:433-438.
  • Aslan L, Aslankurt M, Aksoy A, et al. Comparison of wide conjunctival flap and conjunctival autografting techniques in pterygium surgery. J Ophthalmol 2013;2013:209401.
  • Tan DT, Chee SP, Dear KB, et al. Effect of pterygium mor- phology on pterygium recurrence in a controlled trial com- paring conjunctival autografting with bare sclera excision. Arch Ophthalmol 1997;115:1235-1240.
  • Xu Y, Zhou HM, Li J, et al. Efficacy of treatment for pte- rygium by autologous conjunctival transplantation and mi- tomycin C. Chin Med J 2012;125:3730-3734.
  • Arvas S, Öztürk M, Toparlak T ve ark. Pterjiyumlu olgular- da ultrastrüktürel değerlendirme. T Oft Gaz 2002;32:88-93.
  • D’Ombrain A. The surgical treatment of pterygium. Br J Ophthalmol 1948;32:65-155.
  • Rubinfeld RS, Pfister RR, Stein RM, et al. Serious com- plications of topical mitomycin-C after pterygium surgery. Ophthalmology 1992;99:1647-1654.
  • Helal M, Messiha N, Amayem A, et al. intraoperative mi- tomycin C versus postoperative topical mitomycin C drops for the treatment of pterygium. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 1996;27:674-678.
  • Ma DHK, See LC, Liau SB, et al. Amniotic membrane graft for primary pterygium:comparison with conjunctival auto- graft and topical mitomycin C treatment. Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84: 973-978.
  • Jiang J, Yang Y, Zhang M, et al. Comparision of fibrin sealant and sutures for conjunctival autograft fixation in pterygium surgery: one-year follow-up. Ophthalmologica 2008;222:105-111.
  • Zheng K, Cai J, Jhanji V, et al. Comparison of pterygium recurrence rates after limbal conjunctival autograft trans- plantation and other techniques: meta-analysis. Cornea 2012;31:1422-1427.
  • Kenyon KR, Wagoner MD, Hettinger ME. Conjunctival autograft transplantation for advanced and recurrent pte- rygium. Ophthalmology 1985;92:1461-1470.
  • Tseng SCG: Concept and application of limbal stem cells. Eye 1989;3:141-144.
  • Dua HS, Azuara-Blanco A. Autologous limbal transplanta- tion in patients with unilateral corneal stem cell deficiency. Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:273-278.
  • Dadeya S, Malik KP, Gullian BP. Pterygium surgery: con- junctival rotation autograft versus conjunctival autograft. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 2002;33:269-274.
  • Al Fayez MF. Limbal-conjunctival vs conjunctival auto- graft transplant for recurrent pterygia. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013;131:11-16.
  • Rubin MR, Dantas PE, Nishiwaki-Dantas MC, et al. Effica- cy of fibrin tissue adhesive in the attachment of autogenous conjuntival graft on primary pterygium surgery. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2011;74:123-126.
  • Ayala M. Results of pterygium surgery using a biologic ad- hesive. Cornea 2008;27:663-667.
  • Hirst LW, Sebban A, Chant D. Pterygium recurrence time. Ophthalmology 1994;101:755-758.
  • Nieuwendaal CP, van der Meulen IJ, Mourits M, et al. Long- term follow-up of pterygium surgery using a conjunctival autograft and Tissucol. Cornea 2011;30:34-36.
  • Coral-Ghanem R,Oliveira RF, Furlanetto E, et al. Conjunc- tival autologous transplantation using fibrin glue in primary pterygium. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2010;73:350-353.
  • Esen D, Özkan M.H, Buttanrı I, ve ark. Pterjium Cerrahis- inde Fibrin Yapıştırıcs ile Konjonktivalimbal Otogreft Uy- gulaması. TJO 2010;40:266-270.
  • Panda A, Kumar S, Kumar A, et al. Fibrin glue in ophthalmo- logy Indian J Ophthalmol 2009;57:371-379.
  • SE Ti, SP Chee, KBG Der, et al. Analysis of variation in success rates in conjunctival autografting for primary and recurrent pterygium. Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:385-389.
  • Altıparmak UE, Katırcıoğlu YA, Duman S. Nüks pterji- yum olgularında intraoperatif düşük doz mitomisin C ile kombine konjonktival otogreft tedavisi. MN Oftalmoloji 2003;10:54-58.
  • Karalezli A, Kucukerdonmez C, Akova YA, et al. Fibrin glue versus sutures for conjunctival autografting in pterygi- um surgery: a prospective comparative study. Br J Ophthal- mol 2008;92:1206-1210.

The results of conjunctivolimbal autograft transplantation in primary pterygium

Year 2013, , 469 - 473, 01.09.2013


Objective: To evaluate the results of conjunctivolimbal autograft transplantation in the treatment of primary pterygium. Methods: One hundred and forty-eight eyes of 140 patients with primary pterygium were included in the study. Pterygium excision with sutured conjunctivolimbal autograft transplantation was performed to all of the eyes. Results: Eighty patients (57.1%) were male and 60 (42.9%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 48.5 ± 14.8 years (19-95). 2 (1.3%) in eyes with pterygium, which was located in the temporal, the other eyes with pterygium, which was located in the nasal. The mean follow up time was 21.1 ± 8.7 months (range 8-38). During the follow-up period infection of the sutures was observed 8 (5.4%) eyes and recurrence of the pterygium was observed in 4 (2.7%) eyes within six months after surgery. No other complications occurred. Conclusion: Conjunctivolimbal autograft transplantation has low recurrence and complication rate. İt can be said to be an effective method in primary pterygium. On the application sutures has more inflammation and irritation; although sutured economical method may be preferred due to the primary pterygium surgery is important one of the options.


  • Touhami A, Di Pascuale MA, Kawatika T, et al. Character- ization of myofibroblasts in fibrovascular tissues of primary and recurrent pterygia. Br J Ophthalmol 2005;89:269-274.
  • Jaros PA, Deluisa VP. Pinguecula and pterygia. Surv Oph- thalmol 1988;33:41-49.
  • Duke-Elder SS. Diseases of The Outher Eye. System of Ophthalmology. G. Britain. The C.V. Mosby Company 1970;573-583.
  • Hilgers JHC. Pterygium: its insidence, heredity and etiology. Am J Ophtalmol 1960;50:635-644.
  • Ergin A, Bozdoğan Ö. Study on tear function abnormality in pterygium. Ophtalmologica 2001;215:204-208.
  • Dushku N, Hatcher SL, Albert DM, et al. P53 expression and relation to human papilloma virus infection in pin- guecula, pterygia and limbal tumors. Arch Ophtalmol 1999;117:1593-1599.
  • Buratto L, Phillips RL, Carito G. Ptergium Surgery. Buratto L, Phillips RL, Carito G, eds.Thorofare, SLACK Inc.2000.
  • Oldenburg JB, Garbus J, McDonnell JM, et al. Conjunctival pterygia. Cornea 2000;9:200-204.
  • Sekeroglu H.T, Erdem E, Dogan NC, et al. “Sutureless amni- otic membrane transplantation combined with narrow-strip conjunctival autograft for pterygium,” International Oph- thalmology 2011;31:433-438.
  • Aslan L, Aslankurt M, Aksoy A, et al. Comparison of wide conjunctival flap and conjunctival autografting techniques in pterygium surgery. J Ophthalmol 2013;2013:209401.
  • Tan DT, Chee SP, Dear KB, et al. Effect of pterygium mor- phology on pterygium recurrence in a controlled trial com- paring conjunctival autografting with bare sclera excision. Arch Ophthalmol 1997;115:1235-1240.
  • Xu Y, Zhou HM, Li J, et al. Efficacy of treatment for pte- rygium by autologous conjunctival transplantation and mi- tomycin C. Chin Med J 2012;125:3730-3734.
  • Arvas S, Öztürk M, Toparlak T ve ark. Pterjiyumlu olgular- da ultrastrüktürel değerlendirme. T Oft Gaz 2002;32:88-93.
  • D’Ombrain A. The surgical treatment of pterygium. Br J Ophthalmol 1948;32:65-155.
  • Rubinfeld RS, Pfister RR, Stein RM, et al. Serious com- plications of topical mitomycin-C after pterygium surgery. Ophthalmology 1992;99:1647-1654.
  • Helal M, Messiha N, Amayem A, et al. intraoperative mi- tomycin C versus postoperative topical mitomycin C drops for the treatment of pterygium. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 1996;27:674-678.
  • Ma DHK, See LC, Liau SB, et al. Amniotic membrane graft for primary pterygium:comparison with conjunctival auto- graft and topical mitomycin C treatment. Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84: 973-978.
  • Jiang J, Yang Y, Zhang M, et al. Comparision of fibrin sealant and sutures for conjunctival autograft fixation in pterygium surgery: one-year follow-up. Ophthalmologica 2008;222:105-111.
  • Zheng K, Cai J, Jhanji V, et al. Comparison of pterygium recurrence rates after limbal conjunctival autograft trans- plantation and other techniques: meta-analysis. Cornea 2012;31:1422-1427.
  • Kenyon KR, Wagoner MD, Hettinger ME. Conjunctival autograft transplantation for advanced and recurrent pte- rygium. Ophthalmology 1985;92:1461-1470.
  • Tseng SCG: Concept and application of limbal stem cells. Eye 1989;3:141-144.
  • Dua HS, Azuara-Blanco A. Autologous limbal transplanta- tion in patients with unilateral corneal stem cell deficiency. Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:273-278.
  • Dadeya S, Malik KP, Gullian BP. Pterygium surgery: con- junctival rotation autograft versus conjunctival autograft. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 2002;33:269-274.
  • Al Fayez MF. Limbal-conjunctival vs conjunctival auto- graft transplant for recurrent pterygia. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013;131:11-16.
  • Rubin MR, Dantas PE, Nishiwaki-Dantas MC, et al. Effica- cy of fibrin tissue adhesive in the attachment of autogenous conjuntival graft on primary pterygium surgery. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2011;74:123-126.
  • Ayala M. Results of pterygium surgery using a biologic ad- hesive. Cornea 2008;27:663-667.
  • Hirst LW, Sebban A, Chant D. Pterygium recurrence time. Ophthalmology 1994;101:755-758.
  • Nieuwendaal CP, van der Meulen IJ, Mourits M, et al. Long- term follow-up of pterygium surgery using a conjunctival autograft and Tissucol. Cornea 2011;30:34-36.
  • Coral-Ghanem R,Oliveira RF, Furlanetto E, et al. Conjunc- tival autologous transplantation using fibrin glue in primary pterygium. Arq Bras Oftalmol 2010;73:350-353.
  • Esen D, Özkan M.H, Buttanrı I, ve ark. Pterjium Cerrahis- inde Fibrin Yapıştırıcs ile Konjonktivalimbal Otogreft Uy- gulaması. TJO 2010;40:266-270.
  • Panda A, Kumar S, Kumar A, et al. Fibrin glue in ophthalmo- logy Indian J Ophthalmol 2009;57:371-379.
  • SE Ti, SP Chee, KBG Der, et al. Analysis of variation in success rates in conjunctival autografting for primary and recurrent pterygium. Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:385-389.
  • Altıparmak UE, Katırcıoğlu YA, Duman S. Nüks pterji- yum olgularında intraoperatif düşük doz mitomisin C ile kombine konjonktival otogreft tedavisi. MN Oftalmoloji 2003;10:54-58.
  • Karalezli A, Kucukerdonmez C, Akova YA, et al. Fibrin glue versus sutures for conjunctival autografting in pterygi- um surgery: a prospective comparative study. Br J Ophthal- mol 2008;92:1206-1210.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Çiğdem Harmancı This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Harmancı, Ç. (2013). Primer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız. Dicle Medical Journal, 40(3), 469-473.
AMA Harmancı Ç. Primer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız. diclemedj. September 2013;40(3):469-473. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.03.0312
Chicago Harmancı, Çiğdem. “Primer Pterjiumda Konjonktivalimbal Otogreft Transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız”. Dicle Medical Journal 40, no. 3 (September 2013): 469-73.
EndNote Harmancı Ç (September 1, 2013) Primer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız. Dicle Medical Journal 40 3 469–473.
IEEE Ç. Harmancı, “Primer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız”, diclemedj, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 469–473, 2013, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.03.0312.
ISNAD Harmancı, Çiğdem. “Primer Pterjiumda Konjonktivalimbal Otogreft Transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız”. Dicle Medical Journal 40/3 (September 2013), 469-473.
JAMA Harmancı Ç. Primer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız. diclemedj. 2013;40:469–473.
MLA Harmancı, Çiğdem. “Primer Pterjiumda Konjonktivalimbal Otogreft Transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 40, no. 3, 2013, pp. 469-73, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.03.0312.
Vancouver Harmancı Ç. Primer pterjiumda konjonktivalimbal otogreft transplantasyonu sonuçlarımız. diclemedj. 2013;40(3):469-73.