An important cause of tetraparesis: Cervical spondylotic myelopathy
Year 2013,
, 513 - 520, 01.09.2013
Cüneyt Göçmez
Kağan Kamaşak
Cervical spondylotic myelopathy which is a neurologic disorder caused by degenerative changes in the cervical spines related to narrowing in the spinal channel. Spondylosis may cause myelopathy effecting spinal cord or nerve roots in one or more segments. It is most common cause of myelopathy over the 55 years of age in developed countries. As well as it is most commonly seen acquired spastic paraparesis in medium and late times of life. We discuss diagnosis and alternative treatment options in cervical spondylotic myelopathy in the current study
- Kojima T, Waga T. Anterior cervical vertebrectomy and interbody fusion for multilevel spondylosis and ossifica- tion of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Neurosurgery 1989;24:864-871.
- Braakman R. Management of cervical spondylotic myelopa- thy and radiculopathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994;57:257-263.
- Nagashima H, Dokai T, Hashiguchi H, et al. Clinical features and surgical outcomes of cervical spondylotic myelopathy in patients aged 80 years or older: a multi-center retrospec- tive study. Eur Spine J 2011;20:240-246.
- Ranawat CS, O Leary P, Pellia P. Cervical spine fusion in rheumatoid arthritis. J Bone Joint Surg 1979;61:1003-1010.
- Cooper PR: Cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Contemporary Neurosurgery 1997;19:1-7
- Wilkinson M. Cervical spondylosis: Its early diagnosis and treatment ed. 2. Philadelphia WB Saunders, 1971.
- Ogina H, Tada K. Canal diameter, anteroposterior compres- sion ratio and spondylotic myelopathy of cervical spine. Spine 1983;8:1-15.
- Montogomery DM, Bower RS. Cervical spondylotic my- elopathy. In: Garfin SR (ed), The Orthopedic Clinics of North America; The degenerative Neck, 1992:487-493.
- Clarke E, Robinson P: Cervical myelopathy, a complications of cervical spondlosis. Brain 1956;79:483-510.
- Rahim KA, Stambough JL. Radiographic evaluation of the degenerative cervical spine. In: Garfin SR (ed). The Ortho- pedic Clinics Of North America; The degenerative Neck, 1992:295-403.
- Clark CR: Differential diagnosis and nonoperative manage- ment, In The Adult Spine 2nd ed. Frymoyer JW (ed) 1997.
- Wang PY, Shen WC, Jan SR. Serial MRI changes in radia- tion myelopathy. Neuroradiol 1995;37;374-377.
- Avadhani A, Rajasekaran S, Shetty AP. Comparison of prognostic value of different MRI classifications of signal intensity change in cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Spine J 2010;10:475-485.
- Mehalic TF, Pezzuti RT, Applebaum BI. Magnetic reso- nance imaging and cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Neu- rosurgery 1990;26:217-227.
- Maıman D, Hoffman M. Electrodiagnostic studies in cervi- cal spine disorders. In: Sherk HH (ed), The cervical spine (2nd ed). J. B: Lippincott, Philadelphia 1989; pp: 212-225
- Adams RD, Victor M, Ropper AH. Disease of the spinal cord. Principles of Neurology 6th ed 1997;1227-1277.
- Braverman DL, Lachmann EA, Tunkel R, Nagler W. Mul- tiple sclerosis. Presenting as a spinal cord tumor. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1997;78:1274-1276.
- Epstein NE. The surgical management of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in 43 North Americans. Spine 1994;19:664-672.
- Ebersold MJ, Pare MC, Quest LM. Surgical treatment for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. J Neursurg 1995;82:745- 751.
- Epstein JA. The surgical management of cervical spinal ste- nosis, spondylosis and myeloradiculopathy by means of the posterior approach. Spine 1988;13:864-869.
- Cloward RB. The anterior approach for removal of ruptured cervikal disc. J Neurosurg 1958;15:602-617.
- Smith GW, Robinson RA. The treatment of certain cervical spine disorders by the anterior removal of the intervertebral disc and interbody fusion. J Bone Joint Surg 1958;40: 607.
- Cabraja M, Abbushi A, Koeppen D, et al. Comparison between anterior and posterior decompression with in- strumentation for cervical spondylotic myelopathy: sag- ittal alignment and clinical outcome. Neurosurg Focus 2010;28:15.
- Highsmith JM, Dhall SS, Haid RW, et al. Treatment of cer- vical stenotic myelopathy: a cost and outcome comparison of laminoplasty versus laminectomy and lateral mass fu- sion. J Neurosurg Spine 2011;14:619-625.
- Saunders RL, Bernin PM, Schiretts TG, et al. Central cor- pectomy for cervical spondylotic myelopathy: A consecu- tive series with long term follow-up evaluation. J Neurosur- gery 1991;74:163-170.
- George B, Lot G, Mourrier KL, et al. Cervical spondylo- sis. Resection by oblique transcorporeal approach. Neuro- chirurgie 1993;39:171-177.
- Sakura H, Hosono N, Mukai Y, et al. Long-term outcome of laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy due to disc her- niation. A comparative study of laminoplasty and anterior spinal fusion. Spine 2005;30:756-759.
- Satomi K, Nishu Y, Kohno T, et al. Long-term follow up study open-door expansive laminoplasty for cervical ste- notic myelopathy. Spine 1994;19:507-510.
- Hirabayashi K, Satomi K. Operative procedure and results of expansive open-door laminoplasty. Spine 1988;13:870- 876.
- Flynn TB. Neurological complications of anterior interbody fusion. Spine 1982;7:536-539.
- Bilbao G, Duart M, Aurrecoechea JJ, et al. Surgical results and complications in a series of 71 consecutive cervical spondylotic corpectomies. Acta Neurochir 2010;152:1155- 1163.
- Kumar V, Rea GL, Mervis LJ, et al. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy: Functional and radiographic long term out- come after laminectomy and posterior fusion. Neurosur- gery 1999;44:771-778.
- Bulger RF, Rejowski JE, Beatty RA. Vocal cord paralysis associated with anterior cervical fusıon. Consideration for prevention and treatment. J Neurosurg 1985;62:557-661.
- Koç RK, Menkü A, Akdemir H, et al. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy and radiculopathy treated by oblique corpecto- mies without fusion. Neurosurg Rev 2004;27:252-258.
- Wiberg J. Effect of surgery on cervical spondylotic myelop- athy. Acta Neurochir 1986; 81:113-117.
Önemli bir tetraparezi nedeni: Servikal spondilotik miyelopati
Year 2013,
, 513 - 520, 01.09.2013
Cüneyt Göçmez
Kağan Kamaşak
Servikal spondilotik miyelopati (SSM) servikal omurlarda dejeneratif değişiklikler sonucunda gelişen spinal kanalda daralmaya bağlı nörolojik bir bozukluktur. Spondiloz, omurilik ve sinir köklerini, bir veya birden fazla segmentte etkileyerek miyelopati oluşturabilmektedir. Gelişmiş ülkelerde 55 yaş üzerindeki olgularda en sık rastlanan miyelopati nedenidir. Ayrıca hayatın orta ve ileri dönemlerinde en sık karşılaşılan kazanılmış spastik paraparezi nedenidir. Bu yazıda SSM\'nin tanı ve alternatif tedavi yöntemleri tartışıldı.
- Kojima T, Waga T. Anterior cervical vertebrectomy and interbody fusion for multilevel spondylosis and ossifica- tion of the posterior longitudinal ligament. Neurosurgery 1989;24:864-871.
- Braakman R. Management of cervical spondylotic myelopa- thy and radiculopathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1994;57:257-263.
- Nagashima H, Dokai T, Hashiguchi H, et al. Clinical features and surgical outcomes of cervical spondylotic myelopathy in patients aged 80 years or older: a multi-center retrospec- tive study. Eur Spine J 2011;20:240-246.
- Ranawat CS, O Leary P, Pellia P. Cervical spine fusion in rheumatoid arthritis. J Bone Joint Surg 1979;61:1003-1010.
- Cooper PR: Cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Contemporary Neurosurgery 1997;19:1-7
- Wilkinson M. Cervical spondylosis: Its early diagnosis and treatment ed. 2. Philadelphia WB Saunders, 1971.
- Ogina H, Tada K. Canal diameter, anteroposterior compres- sion ratio and spondylotic myelopathy of cervical spine. Spine 1983;8:1-15.
- Montogomery DM, Bower RS. Cervical spondylotic my- elopathy. In: Garfin SR (ed), The Orthopedic Clinics of North America; The degenerative Neck, 1992:487-493.
- Clarke E, Robinson P: Cervical myelopathy, a complications of cervical spondlosis. Brain 1956;79:483-510.
- Rahim KA, Stambough JL. Radiographic evaluation of the degenerative cervical spine. In: Garfin SR (ed). The Ortho- pedic Clinics Of North America; The degenerative Neck, 1992:295-403.
- Clark CR: Differential diagnosis and nonoperative manage- ment, In The Adult Spine 2nd ed. Frymoyer JW (ed) 1997.
- Wang PY, Shen WC, Jan SR. Serial MRI changes in radia- tion myelopathy. Neuroradiol 1995;37;374-377.
- Avadhani A, Rajasekaran S, Shetty AP. Comparison of prognostic value of different MRI classifications of signal intensity change in cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Spine J 2010;10:475-485.
- Mehalic TF, Pezzuti RT, Applebaum BI. Magnetic reso- nance imaging and cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Neu- rosurgery 1990;26:217-227.
- Maıman D, Hoffman M. Electrodiagnostic studies in cervi- cal spine disorders. In: Sherk HH (ed), The cervical spine (2nd ed). J. B: Lippincott, Philadelphia 1989; pp: 212-225
- Adams RD, Victor M, Ropper AH. Disease of the spinal cord. Principles of Neurology 6th ed 1997;1227-1277.
- Braverman DL, Lachmann EA, Tunkel R, Nagler W. Mul- tiple sclerosis. Presenting as a spinal cord tumor. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1997;78:1274-1276.
- Epstein NE. The surgical management of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament in 43 North Americans. Spine 1994;19:664-672.
- Ebersold MJ, Pare MC, Quest LM. Surgical treatment for cervical spondylotic myelopathy. J Neursurg 1995;82:745- 751.
- Epstein JA. The surgical management of cervical spinal ste- nosis, spondylosis and myeloradiculopathy by means of the posterior approach. Spine 1988;13:864-869.
- Cloward RB. The anterior approach for removal of ruptured cervikal disc. J Neurosurg 1958;15:602-617.
- Smith GW, Robinson RA. The treatment of certain cervical spine disorders by the anterior removal of the intervertebral disc and interbody fusion. J Bone Joint Surg 1958;40: 607.
- Cabraja M, Abbushi A, Koeppen D, et al. Comparison between anterior and posterior decompression with in- strumentation for cervical spondylotic myelopathy: sag- ittal alignment and clinical outcome. Neurosurg Focus 2010;28:15.
- Highsmith JM, Dhall SS, Haid RW, et al. Treatment of cer- vical stenotic myelopathy: a cost and outcome comparison of laminoplasty versus laminectomy and lateral mass fu- sion. J Neurosurg Spine 2011;14:619-625.
- Saunders RL, Bernin PM, Schiretts TG, et al. Central cor- pectomy for cervical spondylotic myelopathy: A consecu- tive series with long term follow-up evaluation. J Neurosur- gery 1991;74:163-170.
- George B, Lot G, Mourrier KL, et al. Cervical spondylo- sis. Resection by oblique transcorporeal approach. Neuro- chirurgie 1993;39:171-177.
- Sakura H, Hosono N, Mukai Y, et al. Long-term outcome of laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy due to disc her- niation. A comparative study of laminoplasty and anterior spinal fusion. Spine 2005;30:756-759.
- Satomi K, Nishu Y, Kohno T, et al. Long-term follow up study open-door expansive laminoplasty for cervical ste- notic myelopathy. Spine 1994;19:507-510.
- Hirabayashi K, Satomi K. Operative procedure and results of expansive open-door laminoplasty. Spine 1988;13:870- 876.
- Flynn TB. Neurological complications of anterior interbody fusion. Spine 1982;7:536-539.
- Bilbao G, Duart M, Aurrecoechea JJ, et al. Surgical results and complications in a series of 71 consecutive cervical spondylotic corpectomies. Acta Neurochir 2010;152:1155- 1163.
- Kumar V, Rea GL, Mervis LJ, et al. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy: Functional and radiographic long term out- come after laminectomy and posterior fusion. Neurosur- gery 1999;44:771-778.
- Bulger RF, Rejowski JE, Beatty RA. Vocal cord paralysis associated with anterior cervical fusıon. Consideration for prevention and treatment. J Neurosurg 1985;62:557-661.
- Koç RK, Menkü A, Akdemir H, et al. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy and radiculopathy treated by oblique corpecto- mies without fusion. Neurosurg Rev 2004;27:252-258.
- Wiberg J. Effect of surgery on cervical spondylotic myelop- athy. Acta Neurochir 1986; 81:113-117.