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Erkeklerde el kemik mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre standart değerlerinin Saptanması

Year 2013, , 220 - 226, 01.06.2013


Amaç: Bu çalışmada hastanemize başvuran erkeklerde, dual enerji x-ışını absorpsiyometri (DXA) ile yapılan el kemik mineral yoğunluğunun (KMY) yaşlara göre standart değerlerini saptamayı, lomber ve kalça KMY\'si ve el kavrama gücü ile ilişkisini değerlendirmeyi ve DXA ile yapılan el KMY ölçümünün kullanılabilirliğini araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntemler: Kemik yoğunluğu ile ilgili doğrudan veya dolaylı hastalığı olmayan, yaşları 20 ila 87 arasında değişen toplam 239 erkek alındı. 20 ve 70 yaş arası olgular 5\'erli yaş gruplarına ayrıldı. 70 yaş ve üzeri olgular aynı gruba dahil edildi. Çalışmamıza seçilen olguların yaşlara göre dominant el ve nondominant el kemik mineral yoğunluğu ortalamaları ile L2-L4 ve femur boyun KMY arasındaki ilişki ayrı ayrı incelendi. Bulgular: Dominant el KMY skorları ile L2-L4 ve femur boynu KMY skorları arasında anlamlı ilişki bulundu (p


  • Kanis JA. The restoration of skeletal mass: a theoretic over- view. Am J Med 1991;91:107-110.
  • Ellerington MC, Hillard TC, Whitcroft SI et al. Intranasal salmon calcitonin for the prevention and treatment of post- menopausal osteoporosis. Calcif Tissue Int 1996;59:6-11.
  • Kanis JA, Jonell O, Oden A, et al. Epidemiology of osteopo- rosis and fracture in men. Calcif Tissue Int 2004;75:90-99.
  • Kutsal YK. Osteoporoz. In: Beyazova M, Kutsal YK(ed). Fi- ziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevi Ltd. Şti; 2011.p:2633-59.
  • Kanis JA, Gluer CC, Fort HE. Committee of scientific advi- sors. International osteoporosis foundation an up date on the diagnosis and assessment of osteoporosis with densi- tometry. Osteoporos Int 2000;11:192-202.
  • Arya SN. Osteoporosis. JIACM 2000;5:169-178.
  • Gür A, Sarac AJ, Nas K, Cevik R. The relationship between tooth loss and bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Romatol Tıb Rehab 2001;12:7-11.
  • Ito M, Hayashi K, Yamada M, Nakamura T. Vertebral mea- surements for assessment of osteoporosis. Br J Radiol 1994;67:759-763.
  • Hernandez ER, Revilla M, Seco-Durban C, et al. Heteroge- neity of trabecular and cortical postmenopausal bone loss: a longitudinal study with pQCT. Bone 1997;20:283-287.
  • Gatti D, Rossini M, Zamberlan N, et al. Effect of aging on trabecular and compact bone components of proximal and ultradistal radius. Osteoporos Int 1996;6:355-360.
  • Yücesoy G. Postmenopozal osteoporoz tedavisinde hormon replasman tedavisi ve selektif östrojen reseptör modülatör- leri. Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2000;7:135-139.
  • Riggs BL, Melton LJ. The prevention and treatment of os- teoporosis. N Engl J Med 1992;327:620-627.
  • Rosen CJ, Tenenhause A. Biochemical markers of bone turnover. A look at laboratory tests that reflect bone status. Postgrad Med 1998 Oct;104:101-102.
  • Manisalı M, Ozaksoy D, Yılmaz E, et al. Bone mineral den- sty referance values in the normal female and male popula- tion of İzmir, Turkey. Eur Radiol 2003;13:162-167.
  • Szulc P, Munoz F, Duboeuf F, et al. Bone mineral density predicts osteoporotic fractures in elderly men : the MİNOS study. Osteoporosis Int 2005;16:1184-1119.
  • Genant HK, Engelke K, Fuerst T, et al. Noninvasive assess- ment of bone mineral and structure: state of the art. J Bone Miner Res 1996;11:707-730.
  • Bauer DC, Gluer CC, Cauley JA, et al. Broadband ultra- sound attenuation predicts fractures strongly and inde- pendently of densitometry in older women. A prospective study. Study of osteoporotic fractures Research Group. Arch intern Med 1997;157:629-634
  • Melton LJ III, Khosla S, Atkinson EJ, et al. Cross section- al versus longitudinal evaluation of bone loss in men and women. Osteoporosis Int 2000;11:592-599.
  • Prentice A, Parsons TJ, Cole TJ. Uncritical use of bone min- eral density in absorbtiometry in the identification of bone mineral determinants. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60:837-842.
  • Clowes JA, Peel NF, Eastell R. Device-specific thresholds to diagnose osteoporosis at the proximal femur: an ap- proach to in-terpreting peripheral bone measurements in clinical practice. Osteoporos Int 2006;17:1293-1302.
  • Kleerekoper M, Nelson DA, Flynn MJ, et al. Comparison of radiographic absorptiometry with DEXA and QCT in nor- mal older black and white woman. J Bone Miner Res 1994; 9:1745-1749.
  • Maggio D, Pasifici R, Cherubini A, et al. Age related cortical bone loss at the metacarpal. Calcif Tissue Int 1997;60:94- 97.
  • Iwamoto J, Takeda T, Otani T, et al. Age ralated changes in cortical bone in women: metacarpal bone mass measure- ment study. J Orthop Sci 1998;3:90-94.
  • Maggio D, Pasific R, Cherubini A, et al. Appendicular corti- cal bone loss after age 65: sex dependent event. Calcif Tis- sue Int 1995;56:41041-4.
  • Foresta C, Ruzza G, Mioni R, et al. Osteoporosis and de- cline of gonodal function in the elderly male. Horm Res 1984;19:18-22.
  • Seman E. Osteoporosis in men. Bailliere’s Clin Rheumatol 1997;11:613-629.
  • Deodher AA, Brabyn J, Jones PW, et al. Measurement of hand bone mineral content by dual energy x ray absorpti- ometry: development of the method, and its application in normal volunteers and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 1994;53:685-690.
  • Hoff M, Haugeberg G, Kvien TK . Hand bone loss as an outcome measure in established rheumatoid arthritis: 2 year observational study comparing cortical and total bone loss. Arthritis Res Ther 2007;9:R81.
  • Brower AC. Use of radiograph to measure the course of rheumatoid arthritis: The gold standard versus fool’s gold. Arthritis Rheum 1990;33:316-324.
  • Kiel DG, Hannan MT, Broe KE, et al. Can metacarpal corti- cal area predict the occurence of hip fracture in women and men over 3 decades of follow-up results from the framing- ham osteoporosis study. J Bone Miner Res 2001;16:2260- 2266.
  • Kaya A, Ozgoçmen S, Ardicoglu O, et al. Relationship be- tween grip strength and hand bone mineral density in healty adults. Arch Med Res 2005;36:603-606.
  • Tezel C, Uflan H, Icagasıoglu A, et al. 150 Sağlıklı Erişkin Erkekte Metakarpal Kemik Kitlesi El Kavrama Gücü İlişki- si. Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2004;10:157-160.
  • Malkin I, Bigman R, Matias R, et al. Age related changes of bone strenth phenotypes: observational follow-up study of hand bone mineral density. Arch Osteoporos 2006;1:59-68.

Determination of the standard values of the hand bone mineral density values in males according to ages

Year 2013, , 220 - 226, 01.06.2013


Objective: In this study we purposed to determine standard values of hand Bone Mineral Density (BMD) according to ages by Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in males who applied to our hospital, evaluate association of hand BMD with lumbar and femur BMD and search usefulness of hand BMD measurement by DXA. Methods: Totally, 239 male included, whose ages differ between 27 to 87 years, had no disease associated with bone density were included. The cases, between the ages 20 to 70 separated to age groups, comprised of 5 years. Cases, whose age is 70 and older, included in the same group. Average of dominant and nondominant hand BMD values of the chosen cases were computed according to age groups comprised of 5 years and the association with values of L2-L4 and femur neck BMD is searched separately. Results: There is significant association between dominant hand BMD scores with L2-L4 and femur neck BMD scores. Also there is significant association between nondominant hand BMD scores with L2-L4 and femur neck BMD scores. Also there is asignificant association between scores of hand BMD with hand grip strenght. Conclusion: In this study there is significant association between BMD scores of dominant and nondominant hand with BMD scores of L2-L4 and femur neck in all age groups. Rheumatological diseases, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, tendon and nerve lacerations of hand and forearm, fractures of upper extremity and hemiplegy, that can causes local osteoporosis in the hand, measurement of hand BMD can be done by DXA.


  • Kanis JA. The restoration of skeletal mass: a theoretic over- view. Am J Med 1991;91:107-110.
  • Ellerington MC, Hillard TC, Whitcroft SI et al. Intranasal salmon calcitonin for the prevention and treatment of post- menopausal osteoporosis. Calcif Tissue Int 1996;59:6-11.
  • Kanis JA, Jonell O, Oden A, et al. Epidemiology of osteopo- rosis and fracture in men. Calcif Tissue Int 2004;75:90-99.
  • Kutsal YK. Osteoporoz. In: Beyazova M, Kutsal YK(ed). Fi- ziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevi Ltd. Şti; 2011.p:2633-59.
  • Kanis JA, Gluer CC, Fort HE. Committee of scientific advi- sors. International osteoporosis foundation an up date on the diagnosis and assessment of osteoporosis with densi- tometry. Osteoporos Int 2000;11:192-202.
  • Arya SN. Osteoporosis. JIACM 2000;5:169-178.
  • Gür A, Sarac AJ, Nas K, Cevik R. The relationship between tooth loss and bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Romatol Tıb Rehab 2001;12:7-11.
  • Ito M, Hayashi K, Yamada M, Nakamura T. Vertebral mea- surements for assessment of osteoporosis. Br J Radiol 1994;67:759-763.
  • Hernandez ER, Revilla M, Seco-Durban C, et al. Heteroge- neity of trabecular and cortical postmenopausal bone loss: a longitudinal study with pQCT. Bone 1997;20:283-287.
  • Gatti D, Rossini M, Zamberlan N, et al. Effect of aging on trabecular and compact bone components of proximal and ultradistal radius. Osteoporos Int 1996;6:355-360.
  • Yücesoy G. Postmenopozal osteoporoz tedavisinde hormon replasman tedavisi ve selektif östrojen reseptör modülatör- leri. Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2000;7:135-139.
  • Riggs BL, Melton LJ. The prevention and treatment of os- teoporosis. N Engl J Med 1992;327:620-627.
  • Rosen CJ, Tenenhause A. Biochemical markers of bone turnover. A look at laboratory tests that reflect bone status. Postgrad Med 1998 Oct;104:101-102.
  • Manisalı M, Ozaksoy D, Yılmaz E, et al. Bone mineral den- sty referance values in the normal female and male popula- tion of İzmir, Turkey. Eur Radiol 2003;13:162-167.
  • Szulc P, Munoz F, Duboeuf F, et al. Bone mineral density predicts osteoporotic fractures in elderly men : the MİNOS study. Osteoporosis Int 2005;16:1184-1119.
  • Genant HK, Engelke K, Fuerst T, et al. Noninvasive assess- ment of bone mineral and structure: state of the art. J Bone Miner Res 1996;11:707-730.
  • Bauer DC, Gluer CC, Cauley JA, et al. Broadband ultra- sound attenuation predicts fractures strongly and inde- pendently of densitometry in older women. A prospective study. Study of osteoporotic fractures Research Group. Arch intern Med 1997;157:629-634
  • Melton LJ III, Khosla S, Atkinson EJ, et al. Cross section- al versus longitudinal evaluation of bone loss in men and women. Osteoporosis Int 2000;11:592-599.
  • Prentice A, Parsons TJ, Cole TJ. Uncritical use of bone min- eral density in absorbtiometry in the identification of bone mineral determinants. Am J Clin Nutr 1994;60:837-842.
  • Clowes JA, Peel NF, Eastell R. Device-specific thresholds to diagnose osteoporosis at the proximal femur: an ap- proach to in-terpreting peripheral bone measurements in clinical practice. Osteoporos Int 2006;17:1293-1302.
  • Kleerekoper M, Nelson DA, Flynn MJ, et al. Comparison of radiographic absorptiometry with DEXA and QCT in nor- mal older black and white woman. J Bone Miner Res 1994; 9:1745-1749.
  • Maggio D, Pasifici R, Cherubini A, et al. Age related cortical bone loss at the metacarpal. Calcif Tissue Int 1997;60:94- 97.
  • Iwamoto J, Takeda T, Otani T, et al. Age ralated changes in cortical bone in women: metacarpal bone mass measure- ment study. J Orthop Sci 1998;3:90-94.
  • Maggio D, Pasific R, Cherubini A, et al. Appendicular corti- cal bone loss after age 65: sex dependent event. Calcif Tis- sue Int 1995;56:41041-4.
  • Foresta C, Ruzza G, Mioni R, et al. Osteoporosis and de- cline of gonodal function in the elderly male. Horm Res 1984;19:18-22.
  • Seman E. Osteoporosis in men. Bailliere’s Clin Rheumatol 1997;11:613-629.
  • Deodher AA, Brabyn J, Jones PW, et al. Measurement of hand bone mineral content by dual energy x ray absorpti- ometry: development of the method, and its application in normal volunteers and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 1994;53:685-690.
  • Hoff M, Haugeberg G, Kvien TK . Hand bone loss as an outcome measure in established rheumatoid arthritis: 2 year observational study comparing cortical and total bone loss. Arthritis Res Ther 2007;9:R81.
  • Brower AC. Use of radiograph to measure the course of rheumatoid arthritis: The gold standard versus fool’s gold. Arthritis Rheum 1990;33:316-324.
  • Kiel DG, Hannan MT, Broe KE, et al. Can metacarpal corti- cal area predict the occurence of hip fracture in women and men over 3 decades of follow-up results from the framing- ham osteoporosis study. J Bone Miner Res 2001;16:2260- 2266.
  • Kaya A, Ozgoçmen S, Ardicoglu O, et al. Relationship be- tween grip strength and hand bone mineral density in healty adults. Arch Med Res 2005;36:603-606.
  • Tezel C, Uflan H, Icagasıoglu A, et al. 150 Sağlıklı Erişkin Erkekte Metakarpal Kemik Kitlesi El Kavrama Gücü İlişki- si. Osteoporoz Dünyasından 2004;10:157-160.
  • Malkin I, Bigman R, Matias R, et al. Age related changes of bone strenth phenotypes: observational follow-up study of hand bone mineral density. Arch Osteoporos 2006;1:59-68.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Şule Temiztürk This is me

Fatih Temiztürk This is me

Banu Kuran This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Temiztürk, Ş., Temiztürk, F., & Kuran, B. (2013). Erkeklerde el kemik mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre standart değerlerinin Saptanması. Dicle Medical Journal, 40(2), 220-226.
AMA Temiztürk Ş, Temiztürk F, Kuran B. Erkeklerde el kemik mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre standart değerlerinin Saptanması. diclemedj. June 2013;40(2):220-226. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.02.0258
Chicago Temiztürk, Şule, Fatih Temiztürk, and Banu Kuran. “Erkeklerde El Kemik Mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre Standart değerlerinin Saptanması”. Dicle Medical Journal 40, no. 2 (June 2013): 220-26.
EndNote Temiztürk Ş, Temiztürk F, Kuran B (June 1, 2013) Erkeklerde el kemik mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre standart değerlerinin Saptanması. Dicle Medical Journal 40 2 220–226.
IEEE Ş. Temiztürk, F. Temiztürk, and B. Kuran, “Erkeklerde el kemik mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre standart değerlerinin Saptanması”, diclemedj, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 220–226, 2013, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.02.0258.
ISNAD Temiztürk, Şule et al. “Erkeklerde El Kemik Mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre Standart değerlerinin Saptanması”. Dicle Medical Journal 40/2 (June 2013), 220-226.
JAMA Temiztürk Ş, Temiztürk F, Kuran B. Erkeklerde el kemik mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre standart değerlerinin Saptanması. diclemedj. 2013;40:220–226.
MLA Temiztürk, Şule et al. “Erkeklerde El Kemik Mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre Standart değerlerinin Saptanması”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 40, no. 2, 2013, pp. 220-6, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.02.0258.
Vancouver Temiztürk Ş, Temiztürk F, Kuran B. Erkeklerde el kemik mineral yoğunluğunun yaşlara göre standart değerlerinin Saptanması. diclemedj. 2013;40(2):220-6.