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The heart with single ventricle detected by exhumation and forensic autopsy: A case report

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 4, - , 08.01.2016


Single ventricle heart is a rare cardiac abnormality identified by just a single ventricle involving various functional and physiological defects. This abnormality may cause sudden cardiac death. In this case, we reported a 71 day infant died on the fifth day after discharged from hospital who was buried without legal procedures. Autopsy findings were single ventricle, tricuspid atresia and aortic coarctation, a large heart weighing 134 grams. Our aim by reviewing this case report is to present the legal burial procedures, the autopsy and the clinical features of the subject.

Key words: Single ventricle, autopsy, exhumation


  • Samánek M, Vorísková M. Congenital heart disease among 815,569 children born between 1980 and 1990 and their 15-year survival: a prospective Bohemia survival study. Pediatr Cardiol 1999;20:411-417.
  • Baysan O, Uzun M, Bulakbasi N, et al. Univentricular heart and supramitral ring: an unusual association. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging.
  • ;21:645-647.
  • Robbers-Visser, D. Outcome, Hemodynamic and Genetic Assessment in Patients with Functionally Univentricular Hearts after the Fontan Operation at Young Age. Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam, 2012.
  • Niwa K, Perloff JK, Kaplan S, et al. Eisenmenger syndrome in adults:ventricular septal defect, truncus arteriosus, univentricular heart. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;34:223-232.
  • Krishnan U. Univentricular heart: management options. Indian J Pediatr 2005;72:519-524.
  • Moodie DS, Ritter DG, Tajik AJ, O’Fallon WM. Long-term follow-up
  • in the unoperated univentricular heart. Am J Cardiol 1984;53:1124-
  • -
  • Umumi Hıfzıssıhha Kanunu. Kanun Numarası:1593. Kabul Tarihi:24/04/1930.
  • Yılmaz E, Ersoy G, Gürpınar SS, Tavşanoğlu S. Ostium secundum
  • atrial septal defect-related post-partum death of an adult: An autopsy case. Dicle Med J 2012;3:431-433.
  • Oosterhof T, Mulder BJ. Long-term survival of patients with single
  • ventricle; which imaging modality? Int J Cardiovasc Imaging
  • ;20:227-229.
  • Saylam GS, Sarıoğlu A. Fonksiyonel tek ventriküllü hastalara
  • yaklaşim ve tedavi seçenekleri. GKD Cer Derg 1996;1:15-27.
  • Sano T, Ogawa M, Yabuuchi H, et al. Quantitative ineangiographic analysis of ventricular volume and mass in patients with single ventricle: relation to ventricular morphologies. Circulation1988;77:62-69.
  • Temizkan AK, Poturoğlu Ş, Kuyubaşı Z. Tek Ventrikül. Turkiye
  • Klinikleri J Med Sci 1996;16:97-100.
  • Yunis K, Mumtaz G, Bitar F, et al. Consanguineous marriage and
  • congenital heart defects: a case-control study in the neonatal period.
  • Am J Med Genet A 2006;140:1524-1530.
  • Restaino G, Dirksen MS, de Roos A. Long-term survival in a case of unoperated single ventricle. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2004;20:221-225.
  • Moons P, Sluysmans T, De Wolf D, et al. Congenital heart disease in111 225 births in Belgium: birth prevalence, treatment and survival in the 21st century. Acta Paediatr 2009;98:472-477.
  • Dastgiri S, Stone DH, Le-Ha C, Gilmour WH. Prevalence and secular trend of congenital anomalies in Glasgow, UK. Arch Dis Child
  • ;86:257-263.

Fethi kabir ve adli otopsi ile tanı konulan tek ventriküllü kalp: Bir olgu sunumu

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 4, - , 08.01.2016


Tek ventrikül kalp, tek ventrikülle beraber çeşitli fonksiyonel ve fizyolojik kusurları içeren nadir bir kardiyak anomalidir. Bu anomali ani kardiyak ölüme neden olabilir. Bu olguda biz hastaneden taburcu olduktan sonra beşinci günde ölen ve defin ruhsatı alınmadan gömülen 71 günlük bebeği sunduk. Otopsi bulgularında tek ventrikül, triküspid atrezisi ve aort koarktasyonu, 134 gram ağırlığında büyük bir kalp vardı. Bu olgu sunumu ile amacımız bu konuyla ilgili yasal gömme prosedürleri, otopsi ve klinik özellikleri sunmaktır


  • Samánek M, Vorísková M. Congenital heart disease among 815,569 children born between 1980 and 1990 and their 15-year survival: a prospective Bohemia survival study. Pediatr Cardiol 1999;20:411-417.
  • Baysan O, Uzun M, Bulakbasi N, et al. Univentricular heart and supramitral ring: an unusual association. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging.
  • ;21:645-647.
  • Robbers-Visser, D. Outcome, Hemodynamic and Genetic Assessment in Patients with Functionally Univentricular Hearts after the Fontan Operation at Young Age. Erasmus MC: University Medical Center Rotterdam, 2012.
  • Niwa K, Perloff JK, Kaplan S, et al. Eisenmenger syndrome in adults:ventricular septal defect, truncus arteriosus, univentricular heart. J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;34:223-232.
  • Krishnan U. Univentricular heart: management options. Indian J Pediatr 2005;72:519-524.
  • Moodie DS, Ritter DG, Tajik AJ, O’Fallon WM. Long-term follow-up
  • in the unoperated univentricular heart. Am J Cardiol 1984;53:1124-
  • -
  • Umumi Hıfzıssıhha Kanunu. Kanun Numarası:1593. Kabul Tarihi:24/04/1930.
  • Yılmaz E, Ersoy G, Gürpınar SS, Tavşanoğlu S. Ostium secundum
  • atrial septal defect-related post-partum death of an adult: An autopsy case. Dicle Med J 2012;3:431-433.
  • Oosterhof T, Mulder BJ. Long-term survival of patients with single
  • ventricle; which imaging modality? Int J Cardiovasc Imaging
  • ;20:227-229.
  • Saylam GS, Sarıoğlu A. Fonksiyonel tek ventriküllü hastalara
  • yaklaşim ve tedavi seçenekleri. GKD Cer Derg 1996;1:15-27.
  • Sano T, Ogawa M, Yabuuchi H, et al. Quantitative ineangiographic analysis of ventricular volume and mass in patients with single ventricle: relation to ventricular morphologies. Circulation1988;77:62-69.
  • Temizkan AK, Poturoğlu Ş, Kuyubaşı Z. Tek Ventrikül. Turkiye
  • Klinikleri J Med Sci 1996;16:97-100.
  • Yunis K, Mumtaz G, Bitar F, et al. Consanguineous marriage and
  • congenital heart defects: a case-control study in the neonatal period.
  • Am J Med Genet A 2006;140:1524-1530.
  • Restaino G, Dirksen MS, de Roos A. Long-term survival in a case of unoperated single ventricle. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2004;20:221-225.
  • Moons P, Sluysmans T, De Wolf D, et al. Congenital heart disease in111 225 births in Belgium: birth prevalence, treatment and survival in the 21st century. Acta Paediatr 2009;98:472-477.
  • Dastgiri S, Stone DH, Le-Ha C, Gilmour WH. Prevalence and secular trend of congenital anomalies in Glasgow, UK. Arch Dis Child
  • ;86:257-263.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Ertuğrul Gök

Okan Akan This is me

Bülent Eren This is me

Recep Fedakar This is me

Evren Şahin This is me

Publication Date January 8, 2016
Submission Date January 8, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 42 Issue: 4


APA Gök, E., Akan, O., Eren, B., Fedakar, R., et al. (2016). The heart with single ventricle detected by exhumation and forensic autopsy: A case report. Dicle Medical Journal, 42(4).
AMA Gök E, Akan O, Eren B, Fedakar R, Şahin E. The heart with single ventricle detected by exhumation and forensic autopsy: A case report. diclemedj. January 2016;42(4). doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0621
Chicago Gök, Ertuğrul, Okan Akan, Bülent Eren, Recep Fedakar, and Evren Şahin. “The Heart With Single Ventricle Detected by Exhumation and Forensic Autopsy: A Case Report”. Dicle Medical Journal 42, no. 4 (January 2016).
EndNote Gök E, Akan O, Eren B, Fedakar R, Şahin E (January 1, 2016) The heart with single ventricle detected by exhumation and forensic autopsy: A case report. Dicle Medical Journal 42 4
IEEE E. Gök, O. Akan, B. Eren, R. Fedakar, and E. Şahin, “The heart with single ventricle detected by exhumation and forensic autopsy: A case report”, diclemedj, vol. 42, no. 4, 2016, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0621.
ISNAD Gök, Ertuğrul et al. “The Heart With Single Ventricle Detected by Exhumation and Forensic Autopsy: A Case Report”. Dicle Medical Journal 42/4 (January 2016).
JAMA Gök E, Akan O, Eren B, Fedakar R, Şahin E. The heart with single ventricle detected by exhumation and forensic autopsy: A case report. diclemedj. 2016;42. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0621.
MLA Gök, Ertuğrul et al. “The Heart With Single Ventricle Detected by Exhumation and Forensic Autopsy: A Case Report”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 42, no. 4, 2016, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0621.
Vancouver Gök E, Akan O, Eren B, Fedakar R, Şahin E. The heart with single ventricle detected by exhumation and forensic autopsy: A case report. diclemedj. 2016;42(4).