In this study, the treatise of Ibrahim Hakkı Erzurumi (d. 1194/1780) named Tajweedu’l-Qur’an bi Lisani’l-Arabi was discussed. He lived between the years of 1703-1780 in the 18th century and produced many works in three languages, Turkish, Arabic and Persian. He was one of the most versatile and great Islamic scholars who have been raised in Tıllo. The treatise is about the knowledge of tajweed. Tajweed knowledge teaches how to read the Qur’an beautifully by attaching importance to the origins and the attributes of scientific letters. There are eight identified manuscript copies of the treatise in Turkey’s libraries. Three of the copies are included in Macmuatu’l-Maani written in Erzurum, other three in Urvetu’l-Islam and one in Macmua which includes Macmuatu’l-Irfan. The other is registered under the name of Tajweedu’l-Qur’an in The Library of Atatürk University Faculty of Letters Literature. In addition, it was determined that the aforementioned works were in the private libraries of some individuals in Siirt and Tillo, and the original and photocopied versions of the works could not be reached for various reasons. In the beginning, brief information will be given about the life and works of Ibrahim Hakkı Erzurumi. After, the characteristics of manuscript copies detected in Turkey’s libraries of the treatise of named Tajweedu’l-Qur’an bi Lisani’l-Arabi written in Arabic and prose will be examined, and later the critical edition of the issues discussed in the treatise will be analyzed.