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Göç ve Edebiyat: Londra'nın Türk Göçmenleri

Year 2021, Issue: 23, 427 - 461, 20.03.2021


Bu makale, özellikle Londra'daki Türk toplumuna odaklanarak, tek kültürlü İngiliz eğitim sistemi ile İngiltere'ye göç edenlerin çektiği sorunların arasındaki bağlantıyı incelemekte. İngiliz toplumunda göçmenlere ve yabancı kültüre yönelik yaygın düşmanlık aslında İngiliz eğitim sisteminin ve politikalarının eski temellerinde bulunan asimilasyonist ideolojiden kaynaklandığı tespit edilmektedir. Tek kültürlülüğün ırkçılığın anası olduğu ve İngiltere'nin tek kültürlü eğitim sisteminin yıllardır ırksal gerginlikleri beslediği iddia edilmektedir. Eğitim sistemiyle ilgili benzer endişeler, mesela kurumsal ırkçılık ile ilgili iddialar elden geçirilmiştir. Çok kültürlülük ve onun kültürel farklılıklara saygı olmasa da hoşgörünün teşvik etmesi, tek kültürlülüğün yerini alacak bir çözüm olarak önerilmektedir. Londra'daki Türk toplumu, geçmişi ve "kendi kendine yeterliliği" tahlil edilmekte, özellikle genç kuşaklarda yaygın akademik başarısızlığın ardındaki nedenler. Dil ile ilgili engeller ve ebeveyn katılımı eksikliği en büyük nedenleri gibi göründüğünden, okullar ve veliler arasında iletişim ve işbirliği sağlayabilecek aracı tavsiye edilmektedir. Edebi açıdan, Londra'daki Türk toplumunda yeni yazarların eksikliği akademik başarının zayıflığı ve kültürel tarım eksikliğine bağlanılıyor, ve çevrilen eserlerin azlığı yine tek kültürlülüğün sayesinde yabancı eserlere olan ilgisizliğine bağlanılıyor. Sonunda tespit edilmiştir ki, Türk göçmenlerin kendi işlerini halletmek için genellikle kendi yurttaşlarına başvurma eğilimleri, bir de onların dil, ırk ve sosyal anlamda yaşadığı engelleri, onların İngiliz toplumunun gerisinden istemeden ayrı ve uzak olmalarını sağlamıştır


  • Agard, J. (2005). Half-Caste and Other Poems (UK ed. edition). Hodder Children’s Books.
  • BBC News. (2019). Brexit “major influence” in racism and hate crime rise. Retrieved from:
  • Bhatt, S. (n.d.). Search for My Tongue. Retrieved from
  • Boffey, D. and Helm, T. (2016, May 22). ‘Vote Leave embroiled in race row over Turkey security threat claims’. The Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Brotton, L. (2016). The Sultan and the Queen: The Untold Story of Elizabeth and Islam. Viking.
  • Cavalli, N. (2019) CSI 34: Did hate crime double after Brexit? Retrieved from:
  • Chaterjee, S. K. (2006). Philip Larkin Poetry That Builds Bridges: Poetry That Build Bridges. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd.
  • D’Angelo, A., Paniagua, A. and Ozdemir, A. (2011). BME children in London: educational needs and the role of community organisations. (An evaluation of the education services of Day-Mer, Turkish and Kurdish Community Centre). Middlesex University. Donne, J. (n.d.). To his mistress going to bed. Retrieved from
  • Enneli, P., Modood, T., & Bradley, H. (2005). Young Turks and Kurds: A Set of “Invisible” Disadvantaged Groups. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Home Office. (2019). Hate crime, England and Wales, 2018/2019. Retrieved from:
  • Kayacan, F. F. (1978). Co-existence. (N. Menemencioglu, Trans.) In Menemencioglu, N., & Iz, F. (Eds.). Penguin Book of Turkish Verse (p. 23). Penguin.
  • Kemal, N. (1978). From the Kaside to the Fatherland. (N. Menemencioglu, Trans.) In Menemencioglu, N., & Iz, F. (Eds.). Penguin Book of Turkish Verse (p. 167). Penguin.
  • King, R., Thomson, M., Mai, N. and Keles, Y. (2008). 'Turks' in London: Shades of Invisibility and the Shifting Relevance of Policy in the Migration Process. Sussex Centre for Migration Research, Working Paper No. 51.
  • London Challenge Turkish Forum. (2004). Presentations of the Forum’s recommendations for action. Department for Education and skills.
  • Migrants in the UK: An Overview. (2020). Migration Observatory. Retrieved from
  • Minorities at Risk Project. (2004). Chronology for Asians in the United Kingdom. Retrieved from
  • Modood, T. (1994). Racial Equality: Colour, Culture and Justice. Institute for Public Policy Research.
  • Modood, T., Berthoud, R., Lakey, J., Nazroo, J., Smith, P., Virdee, S., & Beishon, S. (1997). Ethnic minorities in Britain: Diversity and disadvantage. London, U.K.: Policy Studies Institute.
  • Office for National Statistics. (2020). Dataset: Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality. Retrieved from
  • Oliver, P. (1990). Multi-cultural education—A conceptual analysis. The Vocational Aspect of Education, 42(111), pp. 25–28.
  • Parekh, B. (1991). British Citizenship and Cultural Difference. In Geoff Andrews (Ed.) Citizenship (p. 193). Lawrence & Wishart.
  • Pasha, Z. (1978). Gazel. (N. Menemencioglu, Trans.) In Menemencioglu, N., & Iz, F. (Eds.). Penguin Book of Turkish Verse (p. 165). Penguin.
  • Rai, B. (2011). Killing Honour. Corgi Childrens.
  • Shakespeare, W. (2015). Othello. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
  • Strand, S., De Coulon, A., Meschi, E., Vorhaus, J., Frumkin, L., Ivins, C., Small, L., Sood, A., Gervais, M.-C., and Rehman, H. (2010). Drivers and challenges in raising the achievement of pupils from Bangladeshi, Somali and Turkish backgrounds (Research Report DCSF-RR226). Department for Children, Schools, and Families.
  • Tekgul, D. and Akbatur, A. (2013). Literary Translation from Turkish into English in the United Kingdom and Ireland, 1990-2010. Literature Across Frontiers.
  • Troyna, B. (1991). Can You See the Join?: An historical analysis of multicultural and antiracist education policies. In Gill, D., Mayor, B., Blair, M., & Blair, D. M. (Eds). Racism and Education: Structures and Strategies (pp 67-68). SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • UN Refugee Agency. (2020). Figures at a Glance. Retrieved from
  • Vitkus, D. J. (1997). Turning Turk in Othello: The Conversion and Damnation of the Moor. Shakespeare Quarterly, 48(2), 145–176.
  • Warren, S. (2007). Migration, race and education: Evidence‐based policy or institutional racism? Race Ethnicity and Education, 10(4), 367–385.

Migration and Literature: London’s Turkish Immigrants

Year 2021, Issue: 23, 427 - 461, 20.03.2021


This paper examines the link between the monocultural British education system and the struggles of UK immigrants, with a focus on London’s Turkish community. Widespread hostility towards migrants and foreign culture in British society is concluded to stem from the assimilationist ideology originally at the heart of the education system and its policies. It is argued that monoculturalism itself is the mother of racism, and that Britain’s monocultural education system has been feeding racial tensions for decades. Similar concerns regarding the education system are covered, such as institutional racism. Multiculturalism and its promotion of tolerance if not respect towards cultural differences is proposed as a solution to replace monoculturalism. London’s Turkish community, it’s history and “self-sufficiency” is examined in detail, especially the causes behind widespread academic underachievement in younger generations. It has been advised that a middleman helps schools and parents communicate and cooperate, as lingual barriers and lack of parental involvement seem to be the biggest causes. On the literary side, the lack of new authors in the Turkish community is attributed to poor academic success and lack of cultural cultivation, while the paucity of translated material is attributed to public disinterest in foreign works, again caused by monoculturalism. Overall, it is concluded that the tendency of Turkish immigrants to rely on their network of countrymen to get things done, as well as lingual, racial, and social barriers have all contributed to an unintentional segregation of the Turkish immigrants from the rest of British society.


  • Agard, J. (2005). Half-Caste and Other Poems (UK ed. edition). Hodder Children’s Books.
  • BBC News. (2019). Brexit “major influence” in racism and hate crime rise. Retrieved from:
  • Bhatt, S. (n.d.). Search for My Tongue. Retrieved from
  • Boffey, D. and Helm, T. (2016, May 22). ‘Vote Leave embroiled in race row over Turkey security threat claims’. The Guardian. Retrieved from
  • Brotton, L. (2016). The Sultan and the Queen: The Untold Story of Elizabeth and Islam. Viking.
  • Cavalli, N. (2019) CSI 34: Did hate crime double after Brexit? Retrieved from:
  • Chaterjee, S. K. (2006). Philip Larkin Poetry That Builds Bridges: Poetry That Build Bridges. Atlantic Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd.
  • D’Angelo, A., Paniagua, A. and Ozdemir, A. (2011). BME children in London: educational needs and the role of community organisations. (An evaluation of the education services of Day-Mer, Turkish and Kurdish Community Centre). Middlesex University. Donne, J. (n.d.). To his mistress going to bed. Retrieved from
  • Enneli, P., Modood, T., & Bradley, H. (2005). Young Turks and Kurds: A Set of “Invisible” Disadvantaged Groups. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Home Office. (2019). Hate crime, England and Wales, 2018/2019. Retrieved from:
  • Kayacan, F. F. (1978). Co-existence. (N. Menemencioglu, Trans.) In Menemencioglu, N., & Iz, F. (Eds.). Penguin Book of Turkish Verse (p. 23). Penguin.
  • Kemal, N. (1978). From the Kaside to the Fatherland. (N. Menemencioglu, Trans.) In Menemencioglu, N., & Iz, F. (Eds.). Penguin Book of Turkish Verse (p. 167). Penguin.
  • King, R., Thomson, M., Mai, N. and Keles, Y. (2008). 'Turks' in London: Shades of Invisibility and the Shifting Relevance of Policy in the Migration Process. Sussex Centre for Migration Research, Working Paper No. 51.
  • London Challenge Turkish Forum. (2004). Presentations of the Forum’s recommendations for action. Department for Education and skills.
  • Migrants in the UK: An Overview. (2020). Migration Observatory. Retrieved from
  • Minorities at Risk Project. (2004). Chronology for Asians in the United Kingdom. Retrieved from
  • Modood, T. (1994). Racial Equality: Colour, Culture and Justice. Institute for Public Policy Research.
  • Modood, T., Berthoud, R., Lakey, J., Nazroo, J., Smith, P., Virdee, S., & Beishon, S. (1997). Ethnic minorities in Britain: Diversity and disadvantage. London, U.K.: Policy Studies Institute.
  • Office for National Statistics. (2020). Dataset: Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality. Retrieved from
  • Oliver, P. (1990). Multi-cultural education—A conceptual analysis. The Vocational Aspect of Education, 42(111), pp. 25–28.
  • Parekh, B. (1991). British Citizenship and Cultural Difference. In Geoff Andrews (Ed.) Citizenship (p. 193). Lawrence & Wishart.
  • Pasha, Z. (1978). Gazel. (N. Menemencioglu, Trans.) In Menemencioglu, N., & Iz, F. (Eds.). Penguin Book of Turkish Verse (p. 165). Penguin.
  • Rai, B. (2011). Killing Honour. Corgi Childrens.
  • Shakespeare, W. (2015). Othello. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
  • Strand, S., De Coulon, A., Meschi, E., Vorhaus, J., Frumkin, L., Ivins, C., Small, L., Sood, A., Gervais, M.-C., and Rehman, H. (2010). Drivers and challenges in raising the achievement of pupils from Bangladeshi, Somali and Turkish backgrounds (Research Report DCSF-RR226). Department for Children, Schools, and Families.
  • Tekgul, D. and Akbatur, A. (2013). Literary Translation from Turkish into English in the United Kingdom and Ireland, 1990-2010. Literature Across Frontiers.
  • Troyna, B. (1991). Can You See the Join?: An historical analysis of multicultural and antiracist education policies. In Gill, D., Mayor, B., Blair, M., & Blair, D. M. (Eds). Racism and Education: Structures and Strategies (pp 67-68). SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • UN Refugee Agency. (2020). Figures at a Glance. Retrieved from
  • Vitkus, D. J. (1997). Turning Turk in Othello: The Conversion and Damnation of the Moor. Shakespeare Quarterly, 48(2), 145–176.
  • Warren, S. (2007). Migration, race and education: Evidence‐based policy or institutional racism? Race Ethnicity and Education, 10(4), 367–385.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section ARTİCLES

Mevlüt Ceylan 0000-0002-6768-414X

Publication Date March 20, 2021
Acceptance Date March 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 23


APA Ceylan, M. (2021). Migration and Literature: London’s Turkish Immigrants. Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları(23), 427-461.

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