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Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 17 - 24, 31.12.2020


Günümüzde kozmetik ve tedavi amaçlı kullanılan botoks, gram pozitif anaerob bakteri olan clostridium botilinum tarafından üretilen bir nörotoksindir. Kas kasılması ve glanduler sekresyondan sorumlu ACH molekülünün salınımını inhibe ederek etki gösterir. Botilinum toksinin 7 tipi bulunmaktadır(A-G). Klinik olarak en sık kullanılan ve en güçlü serotipi BTX-A(Botilinum Toxin-A)’dır. Botoks, botilinum toksininin bilinen ticari ismi olup toksinin farklı şekildeki preparatlarından biridir. Botoks, konservatif, ağrısız ve hızlı bir tedavidir. Bu nedenle minimal invaziv diş hekimliği kapsamında oldukça yaygın kullanılmaktadır. Gummy smile, gülümseme de dişeti dokusunun 3 mm' den daha fazla görünmesi durumudur. Estetik ve ideal gülümsemeyi olumsuz etkileyen faktörlerdendir. Gummy smile; kas, dişeti ve isletsel faktörlerin ayrı veya bir arada olduğu etyolojiye sahiptir. Hiperfonksiyonel kasların sebep olduğu gummy smile olguları botoksun endikasyonlarındandır. Levator labii superioris (LLS), levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN) ve zygomaticus minör (ZMİ) gülme esnasında üst dudağı kaldıran yüz kaslarıdır. Botoks uygulamasıyla gummy smile’a sebep olan bu kasların hiperaktiviteleri azaltılır. Yonsei noktası; LLSAN, LLS ve ZMİ kaslarının oluşturdukları üçgenin merkezinde bulunur. Enjeksiyon için güvenli ve tekrarlanabilir bir noktadır. Botoks, hiperfonksiyonel kaslara bağlı gummy smile olgularında görünen diş eti miktarını azaltmada oldukça etkilidir ancak bu etki geçicidir, uygulama belli aralıklarla tekrarlanmalıdır.

Supporting Institution

kocaeli üniversitesi diş hekimliği fakültesi


  • KAYNAKÇA 1. Jain M, Bansal A, Agarwal D, Joshi M. Botox in dentistry: The healing side of A poison. J Adv Med Dent Scie. 2014;2(1):95–9.
  • 2. Nayyar P, Kumar P, Nayyar PV, Singh A. BOTOX: Broadening the Horizon of Dentistry. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014;8:25-29.
  • 3. Srivastava S, Kharbanda S, Pal US, Shah V. Applications of botulinum toxin in dentistry: A comprehensive review. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2015;6(2):152.
  • 4. Duruel O, Ataman-Duruel ET, Berker E, Tözüm TF. Treatment of various types of gummy smile with botulinum toxin-A. J Craniofac Surg. 2019 May 1;30(3):876–8.
  • 5. Duruel O. Ideal Dose and Injection Site for Gummy Smile Treatment with Botulinum Toxin-A: A Systematic Review and Introduction of a Case Study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jul;39(4):e167
  • 6. Mauricio de Maio, Berthold Rzany, Estetik Tıpta Botulinum Toksin, 1.Baskı, Türkiye, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevleri; 2018
  • 7. Majid OW. Clinical use of botulinum toxins in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;39:197-207.
  • 8. Hwang WS, Hur MS, Hu KS, Song WC, Koh KS, Baik HS, et al. Surface anatomy of the lip elevator muscles for the treatment of gummy smile using botulinum toxin. Angle Orthod. 2009 Jan;79(1):70–7.
  • 9. Azam A, Manchanda S, Thotapalli S, Kotha SB. Botox therapy in dentistry: A Review. J Int oral Heal JIOH. 2015;7(Suppl 2):103.
  • 10. Patel D, Mehta F, Trivedi R, Thakkar S, Suthar J. Botulinum toxin and gummy smile-a review. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2013;4(1):2279–861.
  • 11. Gupta N, Kohli S. Evaluation of a neurotoxin as an adjunctive treatment modality for the management of gummy smile. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2019;10(5):560.
  • 12. Chagas TF, Almeida NV de, Lisboa CO, Ferreira DMTP, Mattos CT, Mucha JN. Duration of effectiveness of Botulinum toxin type A in excessive gingival display: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Braz Oral Res. 2018;32.
  • 13. Alshadwi A, Nadershah M, Osborn T. Therapeutic applications of botulinum neurotoxins in head and neck disorders. Saudi Dent J. 2015;27(1):3–11.
  • 14. Sheen D, Clarkson E. Botox and Dermal Fillers: Review and Its Role in the Dental Office. Dent Clin. 2020;64(2):325–39.
  • 15. Suber JS, Dinh TP, Prince MD, Smith PD. OnabotulinumtoxinA for the treatment of a “gummy smile.” Aesthetic Surg J. 2014;34(3):432–7.
  • 16. CFSPH: The Center for Food Security and Public Health (CFSPH). Botulism [internette]. 2010. [ 07/ 11/2015 okundu] elektronik adresi: http://www. okundu.
  • 17. Chen JJ, Dashtipour K. Abo‐, inco‐, ona‐, and rima‐botulinum toxins in clinical therapy: a primer. Pharmacother J Hum Pharmacol Drug Ther. 2013;33(3):304–18.
  • 18. Lam SM. The basic science of botulinum toxin. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2003;11(4):431–8.
  • 19. Mazzuco R, Hexsel D. Gummy smile and botulinum toxin: a new approach based on the gingival exposure area. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010;63(6):1042–51. 20. Hessa Al Wayli BDS. Versatility of botulinum toxin at the Yonsei point for the treatment of gummy smile. Int J Esthet Dent. 2019;14:86–95.
  • 21. Boeira PO, De Rossi A, Caporossi LS, da Silveira Lima G. Periodontal esthetic surgery to improve a natural smile: Report case with 2-year follow-up. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2020;24(1):87.
  • 22. Gracco A, Tracey S. Botox and the gummy smile. Prog Orthod. 2010;11(1):76–82.
  • 23. Jayakrishnan U, Jayaraj A, Shetty KN, Rai R, Sorake A, Shetty P. Gummy smile correction: A Solution to pleasing aesthetics. Indian Dent Assoc Attingal Branch. 2019;9(2):53.
  • 24. Dym H, Pierre R. Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to a" Gummy Smile". Dent Clin. 2020;64(2):341–9.
  • 25. Silberberg N, Goldstein M, Smidt A. Excessive gingival display--Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment modalities. Quintessence Int (Berl). 2009;40(10).
  • 26. Polo M. Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) for the neuromuscular correction of excessive gingival display on smiling (gummy smile). Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2008;133(2):195–203.
  • 27. Dastoor SF, Misch CE, Wang H-L. Botulinum toxin (Botox) to enhance facial macroesthetics: a literature review. J Oral Implantol. 2007;33(3):164–71.
Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 17 - 24, 31.12.2020



  • KAYNAKÇA 1. Jain M, Bansal A, Agarwal D, Joshi M. Botox in dentistry: The healing side of A poison. J Adv Med Dent Scie. 2014;2(1):95–9.
  • 2. Nayyar P, Kumar P, Nayyar PV, Singh A. BOTOX: Broadening the Horizon of Dentistry. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014;8:25-29.
  • 3. Srivastava S, Kharbanda S, Pal US, Shah V. Applications of botulinum toxin in dentistry: A comprehensive review. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2015;6(2):152.
  • 4. Duruel O, Ataman-Duruel ET, Berker E, Tözüm TF. Treatment of various types of gummy smile with botulinum toxin-A. J Craniofac Surg. 2019 May 1;30(3):876–8.
  • 5. Duruel O. Ideal Dose and Injection Site for Gummy Smile Treatment with Botulinum Toxin-A: A Systematic Review and Introduction of a Case Study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2019 Jul;39(4):e167
  • 6. Mauricio de Maio, Berthold Rzany, Estetik Tıpta Botulinum Toksin, 1.Baskı, Türkiye, İstanbul Tıp Kitabevleri; 2018
  • 7. Majid OW. Clinical use of botulinum toxins in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010;39:197-207.
  • 8. Hwang WS, Hur MS, Hu KS, Song WC, Koh KS, Baik HS, et al. Surface anatomy of the lip elevator muscles for the treatment of gummy smile using botulinum toxin. Angle Orthod. 2009 Jan;79(1):70–7.
  • 9. Azam A, Manchanda S, Thotapalli S, Kotha SB. Botox therapy in dentistry: A Review. J Int oral Heal JIOH. 2015;7(Suppl 2):103.
  • 10. Patel D, Mehta F, Trivedi R, Thakkar S, Suthar J. Botulinum toxin and gummy smile-a review. IOSR J Dent Med Sci. 2013;4(1):2279–861.
  • 11. Gupta N, Kohli S. Evaluation of a neurotoxin as an adjunctive treatment modality for the management of gummy smile. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2019;10(5):560.
  • 12. Chagas TF, Almeida NV de, Lisboa CO, Ferreira DMTP, Mattos CT, Mucha JN. Duration of effectiveness of Botulinum toxin type A in excessive gingival display: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Braz Oral Res. 2018;32.
  • 13. Alshadwi A, Nadershah M, Osborn T. Therapeutic applications of botulinum neurotoxins in head and neck disorders. Saudi Dent J. 2015;27(1):3–11.
  • 14. Sheen D, Clarkson E. Botox and Dermal Fillers: Review and Its Role in the Dental Office. Dent Clin. 2020;64(2):325–39.
  • 15. Suber JS, Dinh TP, Prince MD, Smith PD. OnabotulinumtoxinA for the treatment of a “gummy smile.” Aesthetic Surg J. 2014;34(3):432–7.
  • 16. CFSPH: The Center for Food Security and Public Health (CFSPH). Botulism [internette]. 2010. [ 07/ 11/2015 okundu] elektronik adresi: http://www. okundu.
  • 17. Chen JJ, Dashtipour K. Abo‐, inco‐, ona‐, and rima‐botulinum toxins in clinical therapy: a primer. Pharmacother J Hum Pharmacol Drug Ther. 2013;33(3):304–18.
  • 18. Lam SM. The basic science of botulinum toxin. Facial Plast Surg Clin North Am. 2003;11(4):431–8.
  • 19. Mazzuco R, Hexsel D. Gummy smile and botulinum toxin: a new approach based on the gingival exposure area. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010;63(6):1042–51. 20. Hessa Al Wayli BDS. Versatility of botulinum toxin at the Yonsei point for the treatment of gummy smile. Int J Esthet Dent. 2019;14:86–95.
  • 21. Boeira PO, De Rossi A, Caporossi LS, da Silveira Lima G. Periodontal esthetic surgery to improve a natural smile: Report case with 2-year follow-up. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2020;24(1):87.
  • 22. Gracco A, Tracey S. Botox and the gummy smile. Prog Orthod. 2010;11(1):76–82.
  • 23. Jayakrishnan U, Jayaraj A, Shetty KN, Rai R, Sorake A, Shetty P. Gummy smile correction: A Solution to pleasing aesthetics. Indian Dent Assoc Attingal Branch. 2019;9(2):53.
  • 24. Dym H, Pierre R. Diagnosis and Treatment Approaches to a" Gummy Smile". Dent Clin. 2020;64(2):341–9.
  • 25. Silberberg N, Goldstein M, Smidt A. Excessive gingival display--Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment modalities. Quintessence Int (Berl). 2009;40(10).
  • 26. Polo M. Botulinum toxin type A (Botox) for the neuromuscular correction of excessive gingival display on smiling (gummy smile). Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 2008;133(2):195–203.
  • 27. Dastoor SF, Misch CE, Wang H-L. Botulinum toxin (Botox) to enhance facial macroesthetics: a literature review. J Oral Implantol. 2007;33(3):164–71.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Collection

Seher Badur 0000-0002-8325-8706

Serkan Sarıdağ 0000-0001-8767-788X

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Acceptance Date July 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Badur, S., & Sarıdağ, S. (2020). GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi), 6(3), 17-24.
AMA Badur S, Sarıdağ S. GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS. J Int Dent Sci. December 2020;6(3):17-24.
Chicago Badur, Seher, and Serkan Sarıdağ. “GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 6, no. 3 (December 2020): 17-24.
EndNote Badur S, Sarıdağ S (December 1, 2020) GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 6 3 17–24.
IEEE S. Badur and S. Sarıdağ, “GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS”, J Int Dent Sci, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 17–24, 2020.
ISNAD Badur, Seher - Sarıdağ, Serkan. “GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 6/3 (December 2020), 17-24.
JAMA Badur S, Sarıdağ S. GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS. J Int Dent Sci. 2020;6:17–24.
MLA Badur, Seher and Serkan Sarıdağ. “GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi), vol. 6, no. 3, 2020, pp. 17-24.
Vancouver Badur S, Sarıdağ S. GUMMY SMİLE’DA ETKİN ÇÖZÜM: BOTOKS. J Int Dent Sci. 2020;6(3):17-24.

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