Case Report
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Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 52 - 58, 14.04.2023


Şiddetli rezidüel kret rezorpsiyonu olan ve implant tedavisinin mümkün olmadığı hastalarda geleneksel total protez yapımı zorlaşmaktadır. Protezin stabilitesini ve uyumluluğunu artırmak için nötr bölge konsepti uygulanabilmektedir. Nötral alan konsepti, özellikle ileri kemik yıkımı olan hastalarda, fonksiyonel kuvvetlerin ortadan kaldırıldığı nötral bir alanda protez üzerine yapay diş yerleştirilmesi nedeniyle stabilizasyonu önemli ölçüde iyileştirmektedir. Bu olgu sunumu, implant tedavisinin mümkün olmadığı ileri derece kemik harabiyeti olan hastada nötral alan belirlenerek geleneksel tam protez üretimini göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • 1. Beresin VE, Schiesser FJ. Neutral Zone in Complete and Partial Dentures. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby 1979; 15: 73-108.
  • 2. Beresin VE, Schiesser FJ. The Neutral Zone in Complete and Partial Dentures. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Co; 1978.
  • 3. Beresin VE, Schiesser FJ. The neutral zone in complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1976; 36: 356-67.
  • 4. Porwal A, Sasaki K. Current status of the neutral zone: a literature review. J Prosthet, Dent 2013; 109(2): 129-34. 5. Watt DM. Tooth positions on complete dentures. J Dent 1978; 6: 147-60.
  • 4. Porwal A, Sasaki K. Current status of the neutral zone: a literature review. J Prosthet, Dent 2013; 109(2): 129-34. 5. Watt DM. Tooth positions on complete dentures. J Dent 1978; 6: 147-60.
  • 6. Watt DM, MacGregor AR. Designing complete dentures (2nded). Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd; 1986: 1-31. 7. Robinson SC. Physiological placement of artificial anterior teeth. J Can Dent Assoc (Tor) 1969; 35: 260-66.
  • 8. Payne AG. Factors influencing the position of artificial upper anterior teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1971; 26: 26-3. 9. Rahn AO, Heartwell CM Jr. Textbook of complete dentures. (5th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins 1993:352-56. 10. Hardy IR. Technique for use of non-anatomic acrylic posterior teeth. Dent Digest 1942; 48: 562-66.
  • 11. Lang BR, Razzoog ME. A practical approach to restoring occlusion for edentulous patients. Part II: Arranging the functional and rational mold combination. J Prosthet Dent 1983; 50: 599-606. 12. Gysi A. Practical application of research results in denture construction. J Am Dent Assoc 1929; 16: 199-223.
  • 13. Sharry JJ. Complete denture prosthodontics (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill 1974: 241-65. 14. Makzoumé JE. Morphologic comparison of two neutral zone impression techniques: A pilot study. J Prosthet Dent 2004; 92: 563 8.
  • 15. Anand KR, Prasad KB. Neutral Zone Impression Technique for Mandibular Compromised Ridges: A Case Report. Int J Dent Med Res 2014; 1(4): 79-82.
  • 15. Anand KR, Prasad KB. Neutral Zone Impression Technique for Mandibular Compromised Ridges: A Case Report. Int J Dent Med Res 2014; 1(4): 79-82.
  • 16. Schiesser FJ. The neutral zone and polished surfaces in complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1964; 14: 854-65. 17. Beresin VE. The neutral zone in complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 2006; 95: 93-100.
  • 18. Fish EW. An analysis of the stabilizing force in full denture construction. Br Dent J 1947; 83: 137-42.
  • 19. Wright CR. Evaluation of the factors necessary to develop stability in mandibular dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1966; 16(3): 414-30.
  • 20. Fahmy FM, Kharat DU. A study of the importance of the neutral zone in complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent. 1990; 64(4): 459-62.
  • 21. Wright C, Swartz W, Godwin W. Mandibular denture stability: a new concept: Overbeck; 1961.
  • 22. Cagna DR, Massad JJ, Schiesser FJ. The neutral zone revisited: From historical concepts to modern application. J Prosthet Dent 2009; 101: 405 12.
  • 23. Barrenäs L, Odman P. Myodynamic and conventional construction of complete dentures: A comparative study of comfort and function. J Oral Rehabil 1989; 16: 457 65.
  • 24. Gahan MJ, Walmsley AD. The neutral zone impression was revisited. Br Dent J 2005; 198: 269 72.
  • 25. Wee AG, Cwynar RB, Cheng AC. Utilization of the neutral zone technique for a maxillofacial patient. J Prosthodont 2000; 9: 27. 26. Yeh YL, Pan YH, Chen YY. Neutral zone approach to denture fabrication for severe mandibular ridge resorption patient: Systematic review and modern technique. J Dent Sci 2013; 8: 432 -8.
  • 27. Kokubo Y, Fukushima S, Sato J, Seto K. Arrangement of artificial teeth in the neutral zone after surgical reconstruction of the mandible: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 88: 125-7.
  • 28. Ohkubo C, Hanatani S, Hosoi T, Mizuno Y. Neutral zone approach for denture fabrication for a partial glossectomy patient: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 84: 390 3.
  • 29. Brill N, Tryde G, Cantor R. The dynamic nature of the lower denture space. J Prosthet Dent 1965; 15: 401 18.
  • 30. Dr. Madhuri V, Dr. Sindhu SK, Dr. Pankaj G, Dr Shwetha P, Dr. Shetty HS. Neutral zone approach to complete denture fabrıcatıon for hıghly resorbed rıdge: a case serıes. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy.
  • 31. Miller WP, Monteith B, Heath MR. The effect of variation of the lingual shape of mandibular complete dentures on lingual resistance to lifting forces. Gerodontology 1998; 15: 113-9.
  • 32. Heath R. A study of the morphology of the denture space. Dent Pract Dent Rec 1970; 21: 109-17.
  • 33. Raja HZ, Saleem MN. Relationship of the neutral zone and alveolar ridge with an edentulous period. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2010; 20: 395-9.
  • 34. Fahmy FM. The position of the neutral zone in relation to the alveolar ridge. J Prosthet Dent 1992; 67: 805-9.
  • 35. Demirel F, Oktemer M. The relations between the alveolar ridge and the teeth located in neutral zone. J Marmara Univ Dent Fac 1996; 2: 562-6.
  • 36. Halim MS, Ariff TFTM. Partial Mandibulectomy Rehabilitation of Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour Case in Neutral Zone. Case Rep Dent. 2018; 8918673
  • 37. Choi S, Kim S, Chang JS. The Neutral Zone Approach with CAD/CAM Record Bases. J Prosthodont 2022; 10.1111/jopr.13502.


Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 52 - 58, 14.04.2023


In patients with severe residual ridge resorption and where implant treatment is not possible, traditional complete prosthesis construction becomes difficult. The neutral zone concept can be applied to increase the stability and compatibility of the prosthesis. The neutral zone concept significantly improves stabilization, especially in patients with advanced bone resorption, by placing an artificial tooth on the prosthesis in a neutral area where functional forces are removed. This case report aims to show the traditional full prosthesis production, which is produced by determining the neutral area for the patient with advanced bone destruction where implant treatment is not possible.


  • 1. Beresin VE, Schiesser FJ. Neutral Zone in Complete and Partial Dentures. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby 1979; 15: 73-108.
  • 2. Beresin VE, Schiesser FJ. The Neutral Zone in Complete and Partial Dentures. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby Co; 1978.
  • 3. Beresin VE, Schiesser FJ. The neutral zone in complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1976; 36: 356-67.
  • 4. Porwal A, Sasaki K. Current status of the neutral zone: a literature review. J Prosthet, Dent 2013; 109(2): 129-34. 5. Watt DM. Tooth positions on complete dentures. J Dent 1978; 6: 147-60.
  • 4. Porwal A, Sasaki K. Current status of the neutral zone: a literature review. J Prosthet, Dent 2013; 109(2): 129-34. 5. Watt DM. Tooth positions on complete dentures. J Dent 1978; 6: 147-60.
  • 6. Watt DM, MacGregor AR. Designing complete dentures (2nded). Bristol: IOP Publishing Ltd; 1986: 1-31. 7. Robinson SC. Physiological placement of artificial anterior teeth. J Can Dent Assoc (Tor) 1969; 35: 260-66.
  • 8. Payne AG. Factors influencing the position of artificial upper anterior teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1971; 26: 26-3. 9. Rahn AO, Heartwell CM Jr. Textbook of complete dentures. (5th ed). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins 1993:352-56. 10. Hardy IR. Technique for use of non-anatomic acrylic posterior teeth. Dent Digest 1942; 48: 562-66.
  • 11. Lang BR, Razzoog ME. A practical approach to restoring occlusion for edentulous patients. Part II: Arranging the functional and rational mold combination. J Prosthet Dent 1983; 50: 599-606. 12. Gysi A. Practical application of research results in denture construction. J Am Dent Assoc 1929; 16: 199-223.
  • 13. Sharry JJ. Complete denture prosthodontics (3rd ed). New York: McGraw-Hill 1974: 241-65. 14. Makzoumé JE. Morphologic comparison of two neutral zone impression techniques: A pilot study. J Prosthet Dent 2004; 92: 563 8.
  • 15. Anand KR, Prasad KB. Neutral Zone Impression Technique for Mandibular Compromised Ridges: A Case Report. Int J Dent Med Res 2014; 1(4): 79-82.
  • 15. Anand KR, Prasad KB. Neutral Zone Impression Technique for Mandibular Compromised Ridges: A Case Report. Int J Dent Med Res 2014; 1(4): 79-82.
  • 16. Schiesser FJ. The neutral zone and polished surfaces in complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1964; 14: 854-65. 17. Beresin VE. The neutral zone in complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent 2006; 95: 93-100.
  • 18. Fish EW. An analysis of the stabilizing force in full denture construction. Br Dent J 1947; 83: 137-42.
  • 19. Wright CR. Evaluation of the factors necessary to develop stability in mandibular dentures. J Prosthet Dent 1966; 16(3): 414-30.
  • 20. Fahmy FM, Kharat DU. A study of the importance of the neutral zone in complete dentures. J Prosthet Dent. 1990; 64(4): 459-62.
  • 21. Wright C, Swartz W, Godwin W. Mandibular denture stability: a new concept: Overbeck; 1961.
  • 22. Cagna DR, Massad JJ, Schiesser FJ. The neutral zone revisited: From historical concepts to modern application. J Prosthet Dent 2009; 101: 405 12.
  • 23. Barrenäs L, Odman P. Myodynamic and conventional construction of complete dentures: A comparative study of comfort and function. J Oral Rehabil 1989; 16: 457 65.
  • 24. Gahan MJ, Walmsley AD. The neutral zone impression was revisited. Br Dent J 2005; 198: 269 72.
  • 25. Wee AG, Cwynar RB, Cheng AC. Utilization of the neutral zone technique for a maxillofacial patient. J Prosthodont 2000; 9: 27. 26. Yeh YL, Pan YH, Chen YY. Neutral zone approach to denture fabrication for severe mandibular ridge resorption patient: Systematic review and modern technique. J Dent Sci 2013; 8: 432 -8.
  • 27. Kokubo Y, Fukushima S, Sato J, Seto K. Arrangement of artificial teeth in the neutral zone after surgical reconstruction of the mandible: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2002; 88: 125-7.
  • 28. Ohkubo C, Hanatani S, Hosoi T, Mizuno Y. Neutral zone approach for denture fabrication for a partial glossectomy patient: A clinical report. J Prosthet Dent 2000; 84: 390 3.
  • 29. Brill N, Tryde G, Cantor R. The dynamic nature of the lower denture space. J Prosthet Dent 1965; 15: 401 18.
  • 30. Dr. Madhuri V, Dr. Sindhu SK, Dr. Pankaj G, Dr Shwetha P, Dr. Shetty HS. Neutral zone approach to complete denture fabrıcatıon for hıghly resorbed rıdge: a case serıes. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy.
  • 31. Miller WP, Monteith B, Heath MR. The effect of variation of the lingual shape of mandibular complete dentures on lingual resistance to lifting forces. Gerodontology 1998; 15: 113-9.
  • 32. Heath R. A study of the morphology of the denture space. Dent Pract Dent Rec 1970; 21: 109-17.
  • 33. Raja HZ, Saleem MN. Relationship of the neutral zone and alveolar ridge with an edentulous period. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2010; 20: 395-9.
  • 34. Fahmy FM. The position of the neutral zone in relation to the alveolar ridge. J Prosthet Dent 1992; 67: 805-9.
  • 35. Demirel F, Oktemer M. The relations between the alveolar ridge and the teeth located in neutral zone. J Marmara Univ Dent Fac 1996; 2: 562-6.
  • 36. Halim MS, Ariff TFTM. Partial Mandibulectomy Rehabilitation of Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour Case in Neutral Zone. Case Rep Dent. 2018; 8918673
  • 37. Choi S, Kim S, Chang JS. The Neutral Zone Approach with CAD/CAM Record Bases. J Prosthodont 2022; 10.1111/jopr.13502.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Case Report

Verda Gökçe Çakar 0000-0002-3972-5821

Zelal Seyfioğlu Polat 0000-0001-5466-7247

İbrahim Halil Tacir 0000-0001-8456-4468

Publication Date April 14, 2023
Acceptance Date March 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Çakar, V. G., Seyfioğlu Polat, Z., & Tacir, İ. H. (2023). FABRICATION OF TOTAL PROSTHESIS USING NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT: A CASE REPORT. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi), 9(1), 52-58.
AMA Çakar VG, Seyfioğlu Polat Z, Tacir İH. FABRICATION OF TOTAL PROSTHESIS USING NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT: A CASE REPORT. J Int Dent Sci. April 2023;9(1):52-58. doi:10.21306/dishekimligi.1127869
Chicago Çakar, Verda Gökçe, Zelal Seyfioğlu Polat, and İbrahim Halil Tacir. “FABRICATION OF TOTAL PROSTHESIS USING NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT: A CASE REPORT”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 9, no. 1 (April 2023): 52-58.
EndNote Çakar VG, Seyfioğlu Polat Z, Tacir İH (April 1, 2023) FABRICATION OF TOTAL PROSTHESIS USING NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT: A CASE REPORT. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 9 1 52–58.
IEEE V. G. Çakar, Z. Seyfioğlu Polat, and İ. H. Tacir, “FABRICATION OF TOTAL PROSTHESIS USING NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT: A CASE REPORT”, J Int Dent Sci, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 52–58, 2023, doi: 10.21306/dishekimligi.1127869.
ISNAD Çakar, Verda Gökçe et al. “FABRICATION OF TOTAL PROSTHESIS USING NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT: A CASE REPORT”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi) 9/1 (April 2023), 52-58.
MLA Çakar, Verda Gökçe et al. “FABRICATION OF TOTAL PROSTHESIS USING NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT: A CASE REPORT”. Journal of International Dental Sciences (Uluslararası Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi), vol. 9, no. 1, 2023, pp. 52-58, doi:10.21306/dishekimligi.1127869.
Vancouver Çakar VG, Seyfioğlu Polat Z, Tacir İH. FABRICATION OF TOTAL PROSTHESIS USING NEUTRAL ZONE CONCEPT: A CASE REPORT. J Int Dent Sci. 2023;9(1):52-8.

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