Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 1074 - 1087, 15.12.2017


Ahşap mobilya
üretiminde kereste zayiatı oldukça yüksek olup, % 40-60’dır. Bu durum mobilya
yanında, doğrama ve ahşap yapı endüstrilerinde de üretim maliyeti ve
verimliliğini etkileyen önemli bir faktördür. Toleranslı ölçülendirme işlemi;
her bir keresteden farklı boyut ve şekildeki ürün elemanları için yararlı ve
kullanışlı uygun parçaların enine ve boyuna yönde kesilerek elde edilmesidir.
Gerçekte ahşap mobilya endüstrisinde kurutma işlemi dışında, hiçbir üretim
aşamasında toleranslı ölçülendirme ile sağlanan yüksek verim söz konusu
değildir. Günümüzde odun kökenli endüstrilerde
toleranslı ölçülendirme uygulamaları genellikle geleneksel ve modern üretimlere
dayalı yapılmaktadır. Bu kapsamda odun kökenli hammaddelerin işlenmesinde
teknolojik gelişmeler sürdürülmektedir Ayrıca, bilgisayarlı optimizasyon
uygulamaları da yapılmaktadır. 
Planlamada kerestelerden farklı boyut ve kalitedeki ürün parçalarının
nerelerden ve nasıl alınacağı oldukça önemli bir konudur.  Bu da kesim planlarına dayalı deneyimli
geometri uzmanlarının uygulamaları ile gerçekleştirilebilir. Kesim planlarında
en yüksek verimin elde edilmesinde birçok etken bulunmaktadır. Bunlar; genel
olarak ağaç türleri ve kereste kalite sınıfları, makinelerin yapısı, fabrika
planlaması, çalışanların bilgi ve deneyimleri olarak belirtilebilir. Bu yayında
üreticilerin ahşap veya masif mobilya üretim sorunlarının önceliğini oluşturan
kereste ölçülendirilmesindeki verim ve çözümleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu
amaçla; kesim planlarını etkileyen çeşitli unsurlar ortaya konularak
açıklanmış; farklı kesim planları kapasite, zayiat ve artıkları içeren
uygulamalar şekillere dayalı olarak tartışılmıştır. 


  • [1]. Anonymous, (2015). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), [2]. Anonim, (2016). Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği (TOBB), Türkiye Orman Ürünleri Meclisi Sektör Raporu, Yayın No: 2016/281, Ankara. [3]. Anonim, (2012). Batı Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı (BAKA), Orman ve Orman Ürünleri Sektör Raporu, Isparta. [4]. Mitchell, P. H., Wiedenbeck, J., & Ammerman, B. (2005). Rough mill improvement guide for managers and supervisors, USDA Forest Service, Newton Square, USA. [5]. Hoff, K. G., N. Fisher, S. Miller, and A. Webb. (1997). Sources of competitiveness for secondary wood products firms: A review of literature and research issues. Forest Products J. 47(2):31-37. [6]. West, C. D. and B. G. Hansen. (1996). Informal yet sleek furniture please. Asian Furniture, 2(5):16-21. [7]. Idrus, R. M. (1994). Export marketing decision-making by the wood household furniture manufacturers in Malaysia and the United States. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. [8]. Smith, P. M. and C. D. West. (1990). A cross-national investigation of competitive factors affecting the United States wood furniture industry. Forest Products Journal 40(11/12):39-48. [9]. Anonymous, (1989). Furniture and Joinery Industries for Developing Countries, Unido, Vienna. [10]. Malkoçoğlu, A., (2016). Mobilya Endüstrisi Basılmamış Ders Notları, KTÜ. Orman Fakültesi, Trabzon. [11]. Wengert, E. M. and F. M. Lamb. (1994). A handbook for improving quality and efficiency in rough mill operations: practical guidelines, examples, and ideas. R. C. Byrd Hardwood Technology Center, Princeton, WV. [12]. Ehlers, E. R. (2002). Development of rough mill yield benchmark information, Master Thesis, Department of Forest Products, Mississippi State University, Mississippi. [13]. Zuo, X. (2003). Improving lumber cut up manufacturing efficiency using optimization methods. PhD. Thesis, Department of Wood and Paper Science, NCS University, Raleigh. [14]. Cubbage, Frederick W., T. G. Harris, Jr., D. N. Wear, R. C. Abt, and G. Pacheco. (1995). Timber supply in the South: where is all the wood? Journal of Forestry 93(7):16-20. [15]. Luppold, W. G. and J. E. Baumgras. (1995). Price trends and relationships for Red Oak and Yellow-Poplar stumpage, sawlogs, and lumber in Ohio: 1975-1993. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 12(4):168-173. [16]. Muench, J. (1993). Prospective changes in forest products markets. Twenty first Annual Hardwood Symposium of the Hardwood Research Council, 41-50. [17]. Anderson, J. D., C. D. Brunner, and A. G. Maristany. (1992). Effect of sawing stages on fixedwidth, fixed-length dimension yield. Forest Products Journal 42(11/12):74-78. [18]. Buehlmann, U. (1998). Understanding the relationship of lumber yield and cutting bill requirements: A statistical approach (Doctoral dissertation). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. [19]. Kline, D. E., A. Widoyoko, J. K. Wiedenbeck, and P. A. Araman. (1998). Performance of color camera-based machine vision system in automated furniture rough mill systems. Forest Products Journal, Forest Products Journal 48(3):38-45. [20]. Lamb, F. M. (1997). Personal interview. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. [21]. Anonymous. (1984). Furniture parts at half the cost. Furniture Design & Manufacturing 56(12):49- 52. [22]. Weidhaas, N. C. (1969). How to save 10 percent of your company’s lumber bill. Furniture Design & Manufacturing 41(5):38-49,108. [23]. Wiedenbeck, J. K. (1997) Personal interview. University of Kentucky, Department of Forestry, Lexington, KY. [24]. Luppold, W. G., and J. E. Baumgras. (1996). Relationship between hardwood lumber and sawlog prices: a case study of Ohio, 1975-1994. Forest Products Journal 46(10):35-40. [25]. Steele, P.H.; Wiedenbeck, J.K.; Shmulsky, R.; Perera, A. (1999). The influence of lumber grade on machine productivity in the rough mill. Forest Products Journal. 49(9): 48-54. [26]. Wengert, E. M. and F. M. Lamb. (1994). A handbook for improving quality and efficiency in rough mill operations: practical guidelines, examples, and ideas. R. C. Byrd Hardwood Technology Center, Princeton, WV. [27]. Malkoçoğlu A., Çakmak A., (2016). Mobilya ve Doğrama Endüstrisinde Kereste Kalite Standartları Seçimi, Mobilya Dergisi, s.36-48. [28]. Mitchell, P. H. (1999). Modern lumber rough mill operations. Rough Mill Improvement Workshop Handout. 40p. [29]. Thomas, R. J., (1962). The rough-end yield research program. Forest P. J. 12(11):536-537. [30]. Englerth, G. H. and D. E. Dunmire. (1966). Programming for lumber yield. Forest Products J. 16(9): 67-69. [31]. Brunner, C. C. (1984). CORY - a computer program to determine furniture cutting yields for both rip-first and crosscut-first sawing sequences. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. [32]. Thomas, R. E. (1995). ROMI-RIP: Rough Mill Rip-first simulator user’s guide. Gen. Tech. Report. NE- 206. USDA Forest service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Broomall, PA. 728pp. [33]. Thomas, R. E. (1999). ROMI-RIP 2.0 user’s guide: A Rough Mill Rip-first simulator. Gen. Tech. Report. NE- 259. USDA Forest Service, Broomall, PA. [34]. Hoff, K. G. (2000). Limitations of lumber-yield nomograms for predicting lumber requirements. Gen. ech. Rep. NE-270. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Search Station. 8p. [35]. Geiger, G., P. Steele, and D. Lyon. (1990). Competitive factors in U.S. wood and upholstered furniture manufacturing. International Competitiveness in the Furniture Industry.. [36]. Prak, A. L., Myers, W. T., (1981). Furniture manufacturing Processes, Department of Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State University, Third Edition, Raleigh, N. C., USA. [37]. Sutton, W. R. J. (1993). The world’s need for wood. Proceedings of the conference on the Globalization of Wood: Supply, Processes, Products, and Markets, Forest Prod. Society, 21-28 [38]. Hamner, P.C.; Bond, B.H.; Wiedenbeck, J.K. (2002). The effects of lumber length on part yields in gang-rip first rough mill operations. Forest Products Journal. 52(5):71-76. [39]. Buehlman, U.; Wiedenbeck, J.K; Kline, D.E. (1999). Character-marked furniture: potential for lumber yield increase in crosscut-first rough mills. Forest Products Journal. 49(2):65-72. [40]. Gatchell, C.J. (1987). Rethinking the design of the furniture rough mill. Forest Products Journal. 37(3):8-14. [41]. Gatchell, C.J. (1991). Yield comparisons from floating blade and fixed arbor gang ripsaws when processing boards before and after crook removal. Forest Products Journal. 41(5):9-17.. [42]. Wiedenbeck, J.K. (1992). The potential for short length lumber in the furniture and cabinet industries. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 225 p. Ph.D [43]. Mullin, S. (1990). Why switch to rip first? Furniture Design and Manufacturing. (9):36-42. [44]. Buehlmann, U., J. K. Wiedenbeck, and D. E. Kline. 1998a. Character-marked furniture: potential for lumber yield increase in rip-first rough mills, Forest Prod. J., in 48(4):43-50. [45]. Anonymous, (2017). Weinig Group, Weinigstraße 2/4, 97941 Tauberbischofsheim, Germany, [46]. Wiedenbeck, J. K. and E. Thomas. (1995). Don’t gamble your fortunes - focus on rough mill yield. Wood & Wood Products, 100(7):148-149. [47]. Khan, P. A. A. and K. Mukherjee. (1991). Laser machining of hardwoods: current status and control. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Automated Lumber Processing Systems and Laser Machining of Wood, East Lansing, MI., 78-94. [48]. Conners, R. W., D. E. Kline, P. A. Araman, and T. H. Drayer. (1997). Machine vision technology for the forest products industry. IEEE Computer Innovative Technology for Computer Professionals 30(7):43-48. [49]. Thomas, R. E. (1997). ROMI-CROSS: An analysis tool for crosscut-first rough mill operations. Forest Products Journal, in Review. [50]. Thomas, R. E. (1996). ROMI RIP: An analysis tool for rip-first rough-mill operations. Forest Products Journal 46(2):57-60. [51]. Mitchell, P. H. 1999a. Modern lumber rough mill operations. Rough Mill Improvement Workshop Handout, 40p.
Year 2017, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 1074 - 1087, 15.12.2017



  • [1]. Anonymous, (2015). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), [2]. Anonim, (2016). Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği (TOBB), Türkiye Orman Ürünleri Meclisi Sektör Raporu, Yayın No: 2016/281, Ankara. [3]. Anonim, (2012). Batı Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı (BAKA), Orman ve Orman Ürünleri Sektör Raporu, Isparta. [4]. Mitchell, P. H., Wiedenbeck, J., & Ammerman, B. (2005). Rough mill improvement guide for managers and supervisors, USDA Forest Service, Newton Square, USA. [5]. Hoff, K. G., N. Fisher, S. Miller, and A. Webb. (1997). Sources of competitiveness for secondary wood products firms: A review of literature and research issues. Forest Products J. 47(2):31-37. [6]. West, C. D. and B. G. Hansen. (1996). Informal yet sleek furniture please. Asian Furniture, 2(5):16-21. [7]. Idrus, R. M. (1994). Export marketing decision-making by the wood household furniture manufacturers in Malaysia and the United States. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. [8]. Smith, P. M. and C. D. West. (1990). A cross-national investigation of competitive factors affecting the United States wood furniture industry. Forest Products Journal 40(11/12):39-48. [9]. Anonymous, (1989). Furniture and Joinery Industries for Developing Countries, Unido, Vienna. [10]. Malkoçoğlu, A., (2016). Mobilya Endüstrisi Basılmamış Ders Notları, KTÜ. Orman Fakültesi, Trabzon. [11]. Wengert, E. M. and F. M. Lamb. (1994). A handbook for improving quality and efficiency in rough mill operations: practical guidelines, examples, and ideas. R. C. Byrd Hardwood Technology Center, Princeton, WV. [12]. Ehlers, E. R. (2002). Development of rough mill yield benchmark information, Master Thesis, Department of Forest Products, Mississippi State University, Mississippi. [13]. Zuo, X. (2003). Improving lumber cut up manufacturing efficiency using optimization methods. PhD. Thesis, Department of Wood and Paper Science, NCS University, Raleigh. [14]. Cubbage, Frederick W., T. G. Harris, Jr., D. N. Wear, R. C. Abt, and G. Pacheco. (1995). Timber supply in the South: where is all the wood? Journal of Forestry 93(7):16-20. [15]. Luppold, W. G. and J. E. Baumgras. (1995). Price trends and relationships for Red Oak and Yellow-Poplar stumpage, sawlogs, and lumber in Ohio: 1975-1993. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 12(4):168-173. [16]. Muench, J. (1993). Prospective changes in forest products markets. Twenty first Annual Hardwood Symposium of the Hardwood Research Council, 41-50. [17]. Anderson, J. D., C. D. Brunner, and A. G. Maristany. (1992). Effect of sawing stages on fixedwidth, fixed-length dimension yield. Forest Products Journal 42(11/12):74-78. [18]. Buehlmann, U. (1998). Understanding the relationship of lumber yield and cutting bill requirements: A statistical approach (Doctoral dissertation). Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. [19]. Kline, D. E., A. Widoyoko, J. K. Wiedenbeck, and P. A. Araman. (1998). Performance of color camera-based machine vision system in automated furniture rough mill systems. Forest Products Journal, Forest Products Journal 48(3):38-45. [20]. Lamb, F. M. (1997). Personal interview. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. [21]. Anonymous. (1984). Furniture parts at half the cost. Furniture Design & Manufacturing 56(12):49- 52. [22]. Weidhaas, N. C. (1969). How to save 10 percent of your company’s lumber bill. Furniture Design & Manufacturing 41(5):38-49,108. [23]. Wiedenbeck, J. K. (1997) Personal interview. University of Kentucky, Department of Forestry, Lexington, KY. [24]. Luppold, W. G., and J. E. Baumgras. (1996). Relationship between hardwood lumber and sawlog prices: a case study of Ohio, 1975-1994. Forest Products Journal 46(10):35-40. [25]. Steele, P.H.; Wiedenbeck, J.K.; Shmulsky, R.; Perera, A. (1999). The influence of lumber grade on machine productivity in the rough mill. Forest Products Journal. 49(9): 48-54. [26]. Wengert, E. M. and F. M. Lamb. (1994). A handbook for improving quality and efficiency in rough mill operations: practical guidelines, examples, and ideas. R. C. Byrd Hardwood Technology Center, Princeton, WV. [27]. Malkoçoğlu A., Çakmak A., (2016). Mobilya ve Doğrama Endüstrisinde Kereste Kalite Standartları Seçimi, Mobilya Dergisi, s.36-48. [28]. Mitchell, P. H. (1999). Modern lumber rough mill operations. Rough Mill Improvement Workshop Handout. 40p. [29]. Thomas, R. J., (1962). The rough-end yield research program. Forest P. J. 12(11):536-537. [30]. Englerth, G. H. and D. E. Dunmire. (1966). Programming for lumber yield. Forest Products J. 16(9): 67-69. [31]. Brunner, C. C. (1984). CORY - a computer program to determine furniture cutting yields for both rip-first and crosscut-first sawing sequences. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. [32]. Thomas, R. E. (1995). ROMI-RIP: Rough Mill Rip-first simulator user’s guide. Gen. Tech. Report. NE- 206. USDA Forest service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Broomall, PA. 728pp. [33]. Thomas, R. E. (1999). ROMI-RIP 2.0 user’s guide: A Rough Mill Rip-first simulator. Gen. Tech. Report. NE- 259. USDA Forest Service, Broomall, PA. [34]. Hoff, K. G. (2000). Limitations of lumber-yield nomograms for predicting lumber requirements. Gen. ech. Rep. NE-270. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Search Station. 8p. [35]. Geiger, G., P. Steele, and D. Lyon. (1990). Competitive factors in U.S. wood and upholstered furniture manufacturing. International Competitiveness in the Furniture Industry.. [36]. Prak, A. L., Myers, W. T., (1981). Furniture manufacturing Processes, Department of Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State University, Third Edition, Raleigh, N. C., USA. [37]. Sutton, W. R. J. (1993). The world’s need for wood. Proceedings of the conference on the Globalization of Wood: Supply, Processes, Products, and Markets, Forest Prod. Society, 21-28 [38]. Hamner, P.C.; Bond, B.H.; Wiedenbeck, J.K. (2002). The effects of lumber length on part yields in gang-rip first rough mill operations. Forest Products Journal. 52(5):71-76. [39]. Buehlman, U.; Wiedenbeck, J.K; Kline, D.E. (1999). Character-marked furniture: potential for lumber yield increase in crosscut-first rough mills. Forest Products Journal. 49(2):65-72. [40]. Gatchell, C.J. (1987). Rethinking the design of the furniture rough mill. Forest Products Journal. 37(3):8-14. [41]. Gatchell, C.J. (1991). Yield comparisons from floating blade and fixed arbor gang ripsaws when processing boards before and after crook removal. Forest Products Journal. 41(5):9-17.. [42]. Wiedenbeck, J.K. (1992). The potential for short length lumber in the furniture and cabinet industries. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. 225 p. Ph.D [43]. Mullin, S. (1990). Why switch to rip first? Furniture Design and Manufacturing. (9):36-42. [44]. Buehlmann, U., J. K. Wiedenbeck, and D. E. Kline. 1998a. Character-marked furniture: potential for lumber yield increase in rip-first rough mills, Forest Prod. J., in 48(4):43-50. [45]. Anonymous, (2017). Weinig Group, Weinigstraße 2/4, 97941 Tauberbischofsheim, Germany, [46]. Wiedenbeck, J. K. and E. Thomas. (1995). Don’t gamble your fortunes - focus on rough mill yield. Wood & Wood Products, 100(7):148-149. [47]. Khan, P. A. A. and K. Mukherjee. (1991). Laser machining of hardwoods: current status and control. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Automated Lumber Processing Systems and Laser Machining of Wood, East Lansing, MI., 78-94. [48]. Conners, R. W., D. E. Kline, P. A. Araman, and T. H. Drayer. (1997). Machine vision technology for the forest products industry. IEEE Computer Innovative Technology for Computer Professionals 30(7):43-48. [49]. Thomas, R. E. (1997). ROMI-CROSS: An analysis tool for crosscut-first rough mill operations. Forest Products Journal, in Review. [50]. Thomas, R. E. (1996). ROMI RIP: An analysis tool for rip-first rough-mill operations. Forest Products Journal 46(2):57-60. [51]. Mitchell, P. H. 1999a. Modern lumber rough mill operations. Rough Mill Improvement Workshop Handout, 40p.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Abdulkadir Malkoçoğlu

Ali Çakmak This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Malkoçoğlu, A., & Çakmak, A. (2017). MOBİLYA ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KERESTENİN TOLERANSLI ÖLÇÜLENDİRİLMESİ VE KESİM PLANLARI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(3), 1074-1087.
AMA Malkoçoğlu A, Çakmak A. MOBİLYA ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KERESTENİN TOLERANSLI ÖLÇÜLENDİRİLMESİ VE KESİM PLANLARI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi. December 2017;6(3):1074-1087.
Chicago Malkoçoğlu, Abdulkadir, and Ali Çakmak. “MOBİLYA ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KERESTENİN TOLERANSLI ÖLÇÜLENDİRİLMESİ VE KESİM PLANLARI”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 6, no. 3 (December 2017): 1074-87.
EndNote Malkoçoğlu A, Çakmak A (December 1, 2017) MOBİLYA ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KERESTENİN TOLERANSLI ÖLÇÜLENDİRİLMESİ VE KESİM PLANLARI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 6 3 1074–1087.
IEEE A. Malkoçoğlu and A. Çakmak, “MOBİLYA ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KERESTENİN TOLERANSLI ÖLÇÜLENDİRİLMESİ VE KESİM PLANLARI”, İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 1074–1087, 2017.
ISNAD Malkoçoğlu, Abdulkadir - Çakmak, Ali. “MOBİLYA ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KERESTENİN TOLERANSLI ÖLÇÜLENDİRİLMESİ VE KESİM PLANLARI”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi 6/3 (December 2017), 1074-1087.
MLA Malkoçoğlu, Abdulkadir and Ali Çakmak. “MOBİLYA ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KERESTENİN TOLERANSLI ÖLÇÜLENDİRİLMESİ VE KESİM PLANLARI”. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 3, 2017, pp. 1074-87.
Vancouver Malkoçoğlu A, Çakmak A. MOBİLYA ENDÜSTRİSİNDE KERESTENİN TOLERANSLI ÖLÇÜLENDİRİLMESİ VE KESİM PLANLARI. İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;6(3):1074-87.