Year 2025,
Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 117 - 132, 04.02.2025
Deniz Yalçıntaş
Sezen Bozyiğit
- Acosta-Ramos, S., Ramirez-Martinez, F. R., Manriquez, I. J. R., Galindo-Odilon, M., Estrada-Esparza, S. Y., Trejo-Franco, J., and Flores-Padilla, L. (2021). Burnout syndrome and its association with work stress in nursing staff in a public hospital at the northern border of Mexico. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35(6), 571-576.
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- Arı, G.S. and Çına Bal, E. (2008). Tükenmişlik Kavramı: Birey ve Örgütler Açısından Önemi, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 15(1), 131-148.
- Arslan, B., Tanrıkulu, E., and Aksöz, F. (2022). Araştırma Makalesi Kadınların Toplumsal Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Rasyonel Olmayan Satın Alma Davranışlarına Etkisi. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 57(2), 868-894.
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- Belk, R. W. (1984). Three scales to measure constructs related to materialism: Reliability, validity, and relationships to measures of happiness. In T. Kinnear (Ed.), Advances in consumer research (Vol.11, pp. 291–297). Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
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- Davenport, K., Houston, J. E., and Griffiths, M. D. (2012). Excessive eating and compulsive buying behaviors in women: An empirical pilot study examining reward sensitivity, anxiety, impulsivity, self-esteem, and social desirability. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 10, 474–489.
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The Effects of Burnout Syndrome on Materialist Tendencies and Compulsive Buying Behavior
Year 2025,
Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 117 - 132, 04.02.2025
Deniz Yalçıntaş
Sezen Bozyiğit
Numerous factors influence the tendency for materialism and compulsive shopping. Burnout, one of these factors, is a frequently seen situation, especially in working individuals. This study aims to reveal the effect of emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment, and depersonalization which are the three sub-dimensions of burnout, on individuals' materialism tendencies and obsessive-compulsive and impulsive purchasing behaviors. Data was collected from 390 consumers over the age of 18 who live and work in Türkiye voluntarily through a survey form prepared for the research. Structural equation modelling was used in the analysis to measure impact. According to the results of the analysis, while emotional exhaustion positively affects materialist tendencies and impulsive buying, it does not affect obsessive-compulsive buying. While personal accomplishment negatively affects materialistic tendencies and obsessive-compulsive buying, it does not affect impulse buying. Finally, while depersonalization does not affect the materialist tendency, it positively affects obsessive-compulsive buying and impulsive buying.
Ethical Statement
This study was conducted in accordance with ethical rules and approval was obtained from Tarsus University Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee (Approval ID: 2022/39)
- Acosta-Ramos, S., Ramirez-Martinez, F. R., Manriquez, I. J. R., Galindo-Odilon, M., Estrada-Esparza, S. Y., Trejo-Franco, J., and Flores-Padilla, L. (2021). Burnout syndrome and its association with work stress in nursing staff in a public hospital at the northern border of Mexico. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35(6), 571-576.
- Ahn, J., Lee, S. L., and Kwon, J. (2020). Impulsive buying in hospitality and tourism journals. Annals of Tourism Research, 82, 102764.
- Amanullah, S., and Ramesh Shankar, R. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on physician burnout globally: A review. Healthcare, 8(4), 421.
- Arı, G.S. and Çına Bal, E. (2008). Tükenmişlik Kavramı: Birey ve Örgütler Açısından Önemi, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 15(1), 131-148.
- Arslan, B., Tanrıkulu, E., and Aksöz, F. (2022). Araştırma Makalesi Kadınların Toplumsal Tükenmişlik Düzeylerinin Rasyonel Olmayan Satın Alma Davranışlarına Etkisi. Third Sector Social Economic Review, 57(2), 868-894.
- Baker, A. M., Moschis, G. P., Rigdon, E. E., and Fatt, C. K. (2016). Linking family structure to impulse control and obsessive-compulsive buying. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 15(4), 291-302.
- Belk, R. W. (1984). Three scales to measure constructs related to materialism: Reliability, validity, and relationships to measures of happiness. In T. Kinnear (Ed.), Advances in consumer research (Vol.11, pp. 291–297). Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Boujbel, L., and d'Astous, A. 2015. Exploring the feelings and thoughts that accompany the experience of consumption desires. Psychology & Marketing 32(2), 219-231.
- Bridges, E., and Florsheim, R. (2008). Hedonic and utilitarian shopping goals: The online experience. Journal of Business Research, 61(4), 309-314.
- Bui, T. H. T., Tran, T. M. D., Nguyen, T. N. T., Vu, T. C., Ngo, X. D., Nguyen, T. H. P., and Do, T. L. H. (2022). Reassessing the most popularly suggested measurement models and measurement invariance of the Maslach Burnout Inventory–human service survey among Vietnamese healthcare professionals. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 10(1), 104-120.
- Carlback, J. and Wong, A. (2018). A study on factors influencing acceptance of using mobile electronic identification applications in Sweden. Bachelor’s degree project, Jönköping University, Sweden.
- Chirico, F., Ferrari, G., Nucera, G., Szarpak, L., Crescenzo, P., and Ilesanmi, O. (2021). Prevalence of anxiety, depression, burnout syndrome, and mental health disorders among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid umbrella review of systematic reviews. Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 6(2), 209-220.
- Claes, L., Bijttebier, P., Van Den Eynde, F., Mitchell, J. E., Faber, R., de Zwaan, M., et al. (2010). Emotional reactivity and self-regulation in relation to compulsive buying. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 526–530.
- Cordes, C. L. and Dougherty, T. W. (1993). A Review and an Integration of Research on Job, Academy of Management Review 18(4), 621-656.
- Coşkun, R., Altunışık, R. and Yıldırım, E. (2017). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri (SPSS uygulamalı). Sakarya, Türkiye, Sakarya Yayıncılık.
- Davenport, K., Houston, J. E., and Griffiths, M. D. (2012). Excessive eating and compulsive buying behaviors in women: An empirical pilot study examining reward sensitivity, anxiety, impulsivity, self-esteem, and social desirability. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 10, 474–489.
- Dittmar, H. (2004). Understanding and diagnosing compulsive buying. Handbook of addictive disorders: A practical guide to diagnosis and treatment 42(04), 411-450.
- Dittmar, H. (2005). A new look at ‘‘compulsive buying’’: Self-discrepancies and materialistic values as predictors of compulsive buying tendency. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24, 832–859
- Dittmar, H., Long, K., and Bond, R. (2007). When a better self is only a button click away: Associations between materialistic values, emotional and identity–related buying motives, and compulsive buying tendency online. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26(3), 334-361.
- Durante, K. M. and Laran, J. (2016). The Effect of Stress on Consumer Saving and Spending. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(5), 814-828.
- Durvasula, S. and Lysonski, S. (2010). Money, money, money – how do attitudes toward money impact vanity and materialism? – The case of young Chinese consumers, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27(2), 169-179.
- Eroğlu, F., and Koçatürk, E. B. (2020). Future insights for the role of materialism and money attitudes on online compulsive buying. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(38), 887-911.
- Fornell, C. and Larcker, D.F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Erro, Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
- Freudenberger, H. J. (1974). Staff burn‐out. Journal of Social Issues, 30(1), 159-165.
- Frost, R. O., Steketee, G., and Williams, L. (2002). Compulsive buying, compulsive hoarding, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavior Therapy, 33(2), 201–214.
- Gardner, M. P., and Rook, D. W. (1988). Effects of impulse purchases on consumers' affective states. Advances in Consumer Research, 15(1), 127-130.
- Gogoi, B. J. (2020). Does impulsive buying influence compulsive buying? Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, 24(4), 1- 15.
- Gohar, N. A., Magdi, D. M., Abdullah, A. A., Ghali, A. Y., Marzouk, O. A., Soliman, D. A., and Sheikh, S. A. H. E. (2023). Measuring the antecedents of university students’ obsessive–compulsive buying behavior of apparel: the mediating role of brand attachment. Future Business Journal, 9(1), 1-13.
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