Case Report
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Serebral Palside Nörokreatif Müzik Terapinin Üst Ekstremite Becerileri, Spastisite, Selektif Kontrol ve Yaşam Kalitesi Üzerine Sürdürülebilir Etkisi: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 5, 242 - 248, 31.12.2024


Bu olgu sunumunda, özgün bir müzik terapi yaklaşımı olan Nörokreatif Müzik Terapi (NKMT) yaklaşımının Serebral Palsili (SP) bir bireyde üst ekstremiteye olan sürdürülebilir etkileri sunulmaktadır. Olgumuz 19 yaşında hemiparetik Serebral Palsili bir bireydir ve 8 haftalık NKMT uygulama programına alınmıştır. Uygulama öncesi bireyin ihtiyaçlarını ve zevklerini önceleyen NKMT yaklaşımı prensibi gereği fenomenolojik görüşme yapılmıştır. 8 haftalık NKMT uygulaması öncesinde ve uygulamanın hemen sonrasında olgunun spastisitesi Modifiye Ashwort Skalası ile, selektif motor kontrolü Üst Ekstremite Selektif Kontrol Skalası ile, günlük aktivitelerdeki üst ekstremite becerisi ABILHAND-Kids ile, yaşam kalitesi ise Çocuklar İçin Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği SP modülü 3.0 ile değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirmeler sonucunda bireye özgü bir müzik terapi programı planlanmış ve uygulanmıştır. NKMT uygulamasının hemen ardından yapılan sonuç ölçümleri, uygulama bitimini takip eden 4. ve 8. haftalarda tekrarlanmıştır. Ölçeklerin sonuçlarına göre spastisitenin azaldığı, selektif motor kontrolün arttığı, üst ekstremite becerilerinin geliştiği, yaşam kalitesinin arttığı görülmüştür. Elde edilen gelişmeler genel olarak terapi bitimini takiben 4.haftada korunmuştur. Yaşam kalitesi dışındaki diğer ölçüm parametrelerinde ise terapi bitimini takiben 8.haftada etkinin sürdürülebilirliğinde azalma olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak NKMT'nin SP'li bireylerin rehabilitasyonunda etkili bir yaklaşım olduğu ve etkilerinin rehabilitasyon sonrası döneme de aktarılabileceği düşünülmektedir.


  • 1.Sadowska M, Sarecka-Hujar B, Kopyta I. Cerebral palsy: current opinions on definition, epidemiology, risk factors, classification and treatment options. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment. 2020:1505-18.
  • 2. Chin TY, Duncan JA, Johnstone BR, Graham HK. Management of the upper limb in cerebral palsy. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B. 2005;14(6):389-404.
  • 3. Sharma P, Gupta M, Kalra R. Recent advancements in interventions for cerebral palsy–A review. Journal of Neurorestoratology. 2023;11(3):100071.
  • 4. Alves-Pinto A, Turova V, Blumenstein T, Lampe R. The case for musical instrument training in cerebral palsy for neurorehabilitation. Neural plasticity. 2016;2016(1):1072301.
  • 5. Kim B, Yeo MS, Kim SJ. Patterned Sensory Enhancement (PSE) music for upper limb function changes in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Korean Journal of Physical, Multiple and Health Disabilities. 2019;62(4):257-74.
  • 6. Marrades-Caballero E, Santonja-Medina CS, Sanz-Mengibar JM, Santonja-Medina F. Neurologic music therapy in upper-limb rehabilitation in children with severe bilateral cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine. 2018;54(6):866-72.
  • 7. Torun Ş. Active Approaches in Music Therapy and Neurocreative Music Therapy. Torun Ş, Editor. Music Therapy, Music Medicine and Other Music-Based Applications. Ankara: Turkiye Clinics; 2020. pp.20-30.
  • 8. Şahin E, Dilek B, Karakaş A, Engin O, Gülbahar S, Dadaş ÖF, et al. Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the ABILHAND-kids survey in children with cerebral palsy. Turkish journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2020;66(4):444.
  • 9. Reid LB, Rose SE, Boyd RN. Rehabilitation and neuroplasticity in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Nature Reviews Neurology. 2015;11(7):390-400.
  • 10. Van Criekinge T, D’Aout K, O’Brien J, Coutinho E. Effect of music listening on hypertonia in neurologically impaired patients-systematic review. PeerJ, 7, e8228. 2019.
  • 11. Sukal-Moulton T, Fowler E. Selective voluntary motor control in children and youth with spastic cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy. 2020:2587-610.
  • 12. Sakzewski L, Ziviani J, Abbott DF, Macdonell RA, Jackson GD, Boyd RN. Equivalent retention of gains at 1 year after training with constraint-induced or bimanual therapy in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2011;25(7):664-71.
  • 13. Charles JR, Wolf SL, Schneider JA, Gordon AM. Efficacy of a child-friendly form of constraint-induced movement therapy in hemiplegic cerebral palsy: a randomized control trial. Developmental medicine and child neurology. 2006;48(8):635-42.

Sustained Effect Of Neurocreative Music Therapy On Upper Limb Abilities, Spasticity, Selective Control And Quality Of Life In Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 5, 242 - 248, 31.12.2024


This case report, presents the sustained effect of Neurocreative Music Therapy (NCMT) which a uniqe music therapy approach on the upper limb in an individual with cerebral palsy (CP). Our case is a 19-year-old individual with hemiparetic CP and she was included in the 8-week NCMT application program. Before the application, a phenomenological interview was conducted in accordance with the principle of the NCMT approach, which prioritizes the needs and pleasures of the individual. Before and immediately after the 8-week NCMT application, the patient's spasticity was assessed with the Modified Ashwort Scale, selective motor control with the Selective Control of the Upper Extremity Scale, upper limb abilities in daily activities with the ABILHAND-Kids, and quality of life with the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory CP Module 3.0. As a result of the assessments, an individual-specific music therapy program was planned and implemented. The outcome measurements made immediately after the NCMT application were repeated in the 4th and 8th weeks following the end of the application. According to the results of the scales, it was observed that spasticity decreased, selective motor control increased, upper limb abilities improved, and quality of life increased. The obtained improvements were generally maintained in the 4th week following the end of the therapy. It was observed that there was a decrease in the sustainability of the effect in the 8th week following the end of the therapy in other measurement parameters other than quality of life. As a result, we concluded that NCMT is an effective approach in the rehabilitation of individuals with CP and that its effects may be transferred to the post-rehabilitation period.


  • 1.Sadowska M, Sarecka-Hujar B, Kopyta I. Cerebral palsy: current opinions on definition, epidemiology, risk factors, classification and treatment options. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment. 2020:1505-18.
  • 2. Chin TY, Duncan JA, Johnstone BR, Graham HK. Management of the upper limb in cerebral palsy. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B. 2005;14(6):389-404.
  • 3. Sharma P, Gupta M, Kalra R. Recent advancements in interventions for cerebral palsy–A review. Journal of Neurorestoratology. 2023;11(3):100071.
  • 4. Alves-Pinto A, Turova V, Blumenstein T, Lampe R. The case for musical instrument training in cerebral palsy for neurorehabilitation. Neural plasticity. 2016;2016(1):1072301.
  • 5. Kim B, Yeo MS, Kim SJ. Patterned Sensory Enhancement (PSE) music for upper limb function changes in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Korean Journal of Physical, Multiple and Health Disabilities. 2019;62(4):257-74.
  • 6. Marrades-Caballero E, Santonja-Medina CS, Sanz-Mengibar JM, Santonja-Medina F. Neurologic music therapy in upper-limb rehabilitation in children with severe bilateral cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial. European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine. 2018;54(6):866-72.
  • 7. Torun Ş. Active Approaches in Music Therapy and Neurocreative Music Therapy. Torun Ş, Editor. Music Therapy, Music Medicine and Other Music-Based Applications. Ankara: Turkiye Clinics; 2020. pp.20-30.
  • 8. Şahin E, Dilek B, Karakaş A, Engin O, Gülbahar S, Dadaş ÖF, et al. Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the ABILHAND-kids survey in children with cerebral palsy. Turkish journal of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2020;66(4):444.
  • 9. Reid LB, Rose SE, Boyd RN. Rehabilitation and neuroplasticity in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Nature Reviews Neurology. 2015;11(7):390-400.
  • 10. Van Criekinge T, D’Aout K, O’Brien J, Coutinho E. Effect of music listening on hypertonia in neurologically impaired patients-systematic review. PeerJ, 7, e8228. 2019.
  • 11. Sukal-Moulton T, Fowler E. Selective voluntary motor control in children and youth with spastic cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy. 2020:2587-610.
  • 12. Sakzewski L, Ziviani J, Abbott DF, Macdonell RA, Jackson GD, Boyd RN. Equivalent retention of gains at 1 year after training with constraint-induced or bimanual therapy in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2011;25(7):664-71.
  • 13. Charles JR, Wolf SL, Schneider JA, Gordon AM. Efficacy of a child-friendly form of constraint-induced movement therapy in hemiplegic cerebral palsy: a randomized control trial. Developmental medicine and child neurology. 2006;48(8):635-42.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases
Journal Section Case Report

Sena Çarıkcı 0000-0003-0660-377X

Nezehat Özgül Ünlüer 0000-0003-2314-0738

Şükrü Torun 0000-0002-4351-578X

Early Pub Date January 17, 2025
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date November 10, 2024
Acceptance Date November 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 5


Vancouver Çarıkcı S, Ünlüer NÖ, Torun Ş. Sustained Effect Of Neurocreative Music Therapy On Upper Limb Abilities, Spasticity, Selective Control And Quality Of Life In Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report. Exp Appl Med Sci. 2024;5(5):242-8.

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