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Düşük Kaliteli Bentonitlerin Knelson Konsantratör ile Zenginleştirilmesi

Year 2020, , 1407 - 1416, 30.09.2020


Ülkemizdeki bazı bentonit yataklarının minör derecede safsızlık içermesi çoğu sektörlerde kullanımı için bir problem oluşturmuyorken özellikle ilaç, kozmetik, ağartma toprağı gibi alanlarda yüksek saflıkta bentonitler istenmektedir. Bunun yanında kaliteli bentonit yataklarımızın tükenmesi de gelecekte bentonit zenginleştirmenin önemini artacaktır. Bu çalışmada, Eskişehir/Sarıcakaya bentonitlerinin knelson konsantratör ile zenginleştirilerek minerolojik ve fizikokimyasal özelliklerinin değişimleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada knelson konsantratörün çalışma parametrelerinden santrifüj kuvvet, yıkama suyu basıncı ve besleme hızının etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu parametreler kullanılarak deneylerin gerçekleştirilmesi ve parametrelerin optimize edilmesi için deney tasarımı yöntemleri kullanılmış ve matematiksel modeller oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmalarda %55 smektit içeriği ve 10 mls/2g şişme indeksine, 57,10 meq/100g katyon değişim kapasitesine sahip bentonitler kullanılmış olup knelson konsantratör ile zenginleştirme sonrası sırasıyla %98 smektit içeriğine sahip şişme indeksi 33 mls/2g ve KDK 93,7 meq/100g olan temiz bentonitler elde edilmiştir.


  • Grim, R.E. and Güven, N., “Bentonites: geology, mineralogy, properties and uses. Developments in Sedimentology”, 24. Elsevier Publishing Company, New York, 1978, 256 pp. İpekoğlu, B., Kurşun, İ., Bilge, Y., Barut, A., “Türkiye Bentonit Potansiyeline Genel Bir Bakış”, 2. Endüstriyel Hammaddeler Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 1997, 51-57, İzmir. Luckham, P.F. and Rossi, S., “The colloidal and rheological properties of bentonite suspension. Advances in Colloid Interface Science, 1999, 82:43-92. Murray, H.H., “Traditional and new applications for kaolin, smectite and polygorskite: a general overview”, Applied Clay Sicence, 2000, 17:207-221. Önal, M., “Swelling and cation exchange capacity relationship for the samples obtained from a bentonite by acid activations and heat treatments”, Applied Clay Science, 2007, 37:74-80. Yıldız, A. and Kuşcu, M., “Mineralogy, chemistry and physical properties of bentonites from Başören, Kütahya, W-Anatolia”, Clay Minerals, 2007, 42:403-418. Özgen, S., Yıldız, A., Çalışkan, A. and Sabah, E., “Modeling and optimization of hydrocyclone processing of low grade bentonites”, Applied Clay Science, 2009, 46:305-316. Bain, J.A., Morgan, D.J., “Laboratory separation of clays by hydrocycloning. Clay Minerals, 1982, 18:33-47. Christidis, G. and Scott, P.W., “Laboratory evaluation of bentonites”, Industrial Minerals, 1993, 311:51-57. Allo, W.A. and Murray, H.H., “Mineralogy, chemistry and potential applications of a white bentonite in San Juan province”, Applied Clay Science, 2004, 25:237-243. Chipera, S.J., Guthrie Jr., G.D., and Bish, D.L, “Preparation and purification of mineral dusts”, Health Effects of Mineral Dusts (Jr., G.D. Guthrie, B.T. Mossman, editors). Chapter 6:28, 1993, USA. Ottner, F., Gier, S., Kuderna, M., and Schwaighofer, B., “Results of an inter-laboratory comparison of methods for quantitative clay analysis”, Applied Clay Science, 2000, 17:223-243. Ammann, L., “Cation exchange and adsorption on clays and clay minerals”, Ph.D thesis, Univ. Christian-Albrechts, Germany, 2003, 119 pp. Dontsova, K.M., Norton, L.D., Johnston, C.T., and Bigham, J.M., “Influence of Exchange cations on water adsorption by soil clays”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2004, 68: 1218-1227. Sato, H., “Effects of the orientation of smectite particles and ionic strength on diffusion and activation enthalpies of I− and Cs+ ions in compacted smectite”, Applied Clay Science, 2005, 29(3–4):267-281. Bloodworth, A.J., Morgan, D.J., Briggs, D.A., “Laboratory processing trials on kaolinbearing sandstones from Pugu, Tanzania, using conventional and new hydrocyclone bodies”, Clay Minerals, 1989, 24:539–548. Boylu, F., Çinku, K., Çetinel, T., Erkan, İ., and Demirer, N., “The separation effeciency of Reşadiye Na-Bentonite by hyrdrocyclone”, XIII. National Clay Symposium (M. Kuşçu, O. Cengiz and E. Şener, editors), 2007, Isparta, Turkey. Özgen, S., and Yıldız, A., “Application of Box–Behnken design to modeling the effect of smectite content on swelling to hydrocyclone processing of bentonites with various geologic properties”, Clays and Clay Minerals, 2010, 58:431–48. Özgen, S., “Purification with Falcon Gravity Concentrator Processing of Low Grade Bentonites and Modelling”, Particulate Science and Technology, 2016, 35(3), 346-354. Celep, O., Alp, İ., Deveci, H., Vıcıl, M. ve Yılmaz, T., “Knelson santrifüj gravite ayırıcısıyla Mastra (Gümüşhane) cevherinden altın kazanımı”, Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 2006, 19(2):175-182. Patchejieff, B., Gaidarjiev, S. ve Lazarov, D., “Opportunities for Fine Gold Recovery from a Copper Flotation Circuit using a Knelson Concentrator”, Minerals Engineering, 1995, 7(2/3): (405 - 409). Knelson, B. ve Jones, R., “A New Generation of Knelson Concetrators a Totally Secure System Goes on Line”, Mineral Engineering, 1993, 7:201-207. Huang, L., “Upgrading of Gold Gravity Concentrates: A Study of the Knelson Concentrator”, Doktora Tezi, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, 1996, McGill University, Montreal. Zhang, B., “Recovering Gold from High Density Gangues with Knelson Concentrator”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 1998, McGill Üniversitesi, Kanada. Yıldız, A., Kibici, Y., Çoban, F., Bağcı, M., Dumlupunar, İ., Kocabaş, C., Arıtan, E. and Bilge Y., “The investigation of the geological properties of Mihalgazi (Eskişehir) bentonite and evaluation of bentonite as industrial raw material”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Project No: 104Y160 Technical Report, 2008, Turkey. Gündoğdu, M.N., “Geological, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the Bigadiç Neogene volcana-sedimentary basin. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. Hacettepe, Ankara, 1982, Turkey, 386 pp. Biscaye, P.E., “Mineralogy and sedimentation of recent deep sea clay in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas and oceans”, The Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1965, 76:803-832. Johns, W.D., Grim, R.E. and Bradley, W.F., “Quantitative estimations of clay minerals by diffraction methods”, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 1954, 24:242-251. Özkan, T. Ö. ve Erkalfa, H., “Türkiye’deki ticari bentonit killerinin özellikleri ve kullanış alanlarının tespiti, TÜBİTAK Projesi No: 04–7652–1, 1977, Adapazarı. Zhao, J.L., Zhang, Y.Y., Chen, Q., and Fu, Q., “Study on Removal of Organic Sulfur from Coal by Glacial Acetic Acid–Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation Process”, Environ Prot Chem Ind., 2002, 22(5):249-253.
Year 2020, , 1407 - 1416, 30.09.2020



  • Grim, R.E. and Güven, N., “Bentonites: geology, mineralogy, properties and uses. Developments in Sedimentology”, 24. Elsevier Publishing Company, New York, 1978, 256 pp. İpekoğlu, B., Kurşun, İ., Bilge, Y., Barut, A., “Türkiye Bentonit Potansiyeline Genel Bir Bakış”, 2. Endüstriyel Hammaddeler Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 1997, 51-57, İzmir. Luckham, P.F. and Rossi, S., “The colloidal and rheological properties of bentonite suspension. Advances in Colloid Interface Science, 1999, 82:43-92. Murray, H.H., “Traditional and new applications for kaolin, smectite and polygorskite: a general overview”, Applied Clay Sicence, 2000, 17:207-221. Önal, M., “Swelling and cation exchange capacity relationship for the samples obtained from a bentonite by acid activations and heat treatments”, Applied Clay Science, 2007, 37:74-80. Yıldız, A. and Kuşcu, M., “Mineralogy, chemistry and physical properties of bentonites from Başören, Kütahya, W-Anatolia”, Clay Minerals, 2007, 42:403-418. Özgen, S., Yıldız, A., Çalışkan, A. and Sabah, E., “Modeling and optimization of hydrocyclone processing of low grade bentonites”, Applied Clay Science, 2009, 46:305-316. Bain, J.A., Morgan, D.J., “Laboratory separation of clays by hydrocycloning. Clay Minerals, 1982, 18:33-47. Christidis, G. and Scott, P.W., “Laboratory evaluation of bentonites”, Industrial Minerals, 1993, 311:51-57. Allo, W.A. and Murray, H.H., “Mineralogy, chemistry and potential applications of a white bentonite in San Juan province”, Applied Clay Science, 2004, 25:237-243. Chipera, S.J., Guthrie Jr., G.D., and Bish, D.L, “Preparation and purification of mineral dusts”, Health Effects of Mineral Dusts (Jr., G.D. Guthrie, B.T. Mossman, editors). Chapter 6:28, 1993, USA. Ottner, F., Gier, S., Kuderna, M., and Schwaighofer, B., “Results of an inter-laboratory comparison of methods for quantitative clay analysis”, Applied Clay Science, 2000, 17:223-243. Ammann, L., “Cation exchange and adsorption on clays and clay minerals”, Ph.D thesis, Univ. Christian-Albrechts, Germany, 2003, 119 pp. Dontsova, K.M., Norton, L.D., Johnston, C.T., and Bigham, J.M., “Influence of Exchange cations on water adsorption by soil clays”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2004, 68: 1218-1227. Sato, H., “Effects of the orientation of smectite particles and ionic strength on diffusion and activation enthalpies of I− and Cs+ ions in compacted smectite”, Applied Clay Science, 2005, 29(3–4):267-281. Bloodworth, A.J., Morgan, D.J., Briggs, D.A., “Laboratory processing trials on kaolinbearing sandstones from Pugu, Tanzania, using conventional and new hydrocyclone bodies”, Clay Minerals, 1989, 24:539–548. Boylu, F., Çinku, K., Çetinel, T., Erkan, İ., and Demirer, N., “The separation effeciency of Reşadiye Na-Bentonite by hyrdrocyclone”, XIII. National Clay Symposium (M. Kuşçu, O. Cengiz and E. Şener, editors), 2007, Isparta, Turkey. Özgen, S., and Yıldız, A., “Application of Box–Behnken design to modeling the effect of smectite content on swelling to hydrocyclone processing of bentonites with various geologic properties”, Clays and Clay Minerals, 2010, 58:431–48. Özgen, S., “Purification with Falcon Gravity Concentrator Processing of Low Grade Bentonites and Modelling”, Particulate Science and Technology, 2016, 35(3), 346-354. Celep, O., Alp, İ., Deveci, H., Vıcıl, M. ve Yılmaz, T., “Knelson santrifüj gravite ayırıcısıyla Mastra (Gümüşhane) cevherinden altın kazanımı”, Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 2006, 19(2):175-182. Patchejieff, B., Gaidarjiev, S. ve Lazarov, D., “Opportunities for Fine Gold Recovery from a Copper Flotation Circuit using a Knelson Concentrator”, Minerals Engineering, 1995, 7(2/3): (405 - 409). Knelson, B. ve Jones, R., “A New Generation of Knelson Concetrators a Totally Secure System Goes on Line”, Mineral Engineering, 1993, 7:201-207. Huang, L., “Upgrading of Gold Gravity Concentrates: A Study of the Knelson Concentrator”, Doktora Tezi, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, 1996, McGill University, Montreal. Zhang, B., “Recovering Gold from High Density Gangues with Knelson Concentrator”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 1998, McGill Üniversitesi, Kanada. Yıldız, A., Kibici, Y., Çoban, F., Bağcı, M., Dumlupunar, İ., Kocabaş, C., Arıtan, E. and Bilge Y., “The investigation of the geological properties of Mihalgazi (Eskişehir) bentonite and evaluation of bentonite as industrial raw material”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) Project No: 104Y160 Technical Report, 2008, Turkey. Gündoğdu, M.N., “Geological, mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the Bigadiç Neogene volcana-sedimentary basin. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. Hacettepe, Ankara, 1982, Turkey, 386 pp. Biscaye, P.E., “Mineralogy and sedimentation of recent deep sea clay in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas and oceans”, The Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1965, 76:803-832. Johns, W.D., Grim, R.E. and Bradley, W.F., “Quantitative estimations of clay minerals by diffraction methods”, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 1954, 24:242-251. Özkan, T. Ö. ve Erkalfa, H., “Türkiye’deki ticari bentonit killerinin özellikleri ve kullanış alanlarının tespiti, TÜBİTAK Projesi No: 04–7652–1, 1977, Adapazarı. Zhao, J.L., Zhang, Y.Y., Chen, Q., and Fu, Q., “Study on Removal of Organic Sulfur from Coal by Glacial Acetic Acid–Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation Process”, Environ Prot Chem Ind., 2002, 22(5):249-253.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Selçuk Özgen 0000-0002-2078-5349

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date June 10, 2020
Acceptance Date August 13, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


IEEE S. Özgen, “Düşük Kaliteli Bentonitlerin Knelson Konsantratör ile Zenginleştirilmesi”, ECJSE, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 1407–1416, 2020, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.750751.