Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 75 - 84, 15.12.2019



  • Arnold, J. & Brown, D. (1999). A map of the terrain. In J. Arnold, (Ed.), Affect in Language Learning (pp. 1-24). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Aydın, B. (2001). Konuşma ve Yazma Derslerinde Yabancı Dil Öğrenimindeki Kaygı Nedenleri. Phd Thesis, Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publishing.Aydın, S. & Zengin, B. (2008). Yabancı dil öğreniminde kaygı: bir literatür özeti. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4(1), 81-94.Batumlu, D. Z. & Erden, M. (2007). The relationship between foreign language anxiety and English achievement of Yıldız Technical University School of Foreign Languages preparatory students. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 3 (1), 24-38.Büyüköztürk, Ş. (1997). Araştırmaya yönelik kaygı ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Education Management, 3(4), 453-464.Cebeci Bilgin, F. (2006). Mesleki ve teknik lise öğrencilerinin İngilizce derslerine yönelik tutumları. Unpublished master's thesis, Bursa: Uludağ University Institute of Social Sciences.Çakıcı, D. (2007). The attitudes of university students towards English within the scope of common compulsory courses. Gazi University Gazi Education Faculty Journal, 27 (3), 21-35.Dalkılıç, N. (2001). An investigation into the role of anxiety in second language learning. Retrieved from http://www.sosyalbilimler.cukurovaom/p/articles/mi_mOFCR/is_4 (20.11.2018).Ellis, R. (1994). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Ganschow, L. & Sparks, R. (1996). Anxiety about foreign language learning among high school women. The Modern Language Journal, 80,2, pp199-212.Gardner, R. C. (1985). Social Psychology and Second Language Learning. The Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold.Gardner, R. C., Moorcroft, R. & MacIntyre, P.D. (1987). The role of anxiety in second language performance of language dropouts (Research Bulletin No. 657) London: University of Western Ontario.Gardner, R.C., Tremblay, P.F. & Masgoret, A. (1997). Towards a full model of second language learning: An empirical investigation. Modern Language Journal, 81, 344-362.Genç, G. & Aksu, M. B. (2004). Malatya İnönü üniversitesi öğrencilerinin İngilizce derslerine ilişkin tutumları. Paper presented at the XIII. National Congress of Educational Sciences. İnönü University Faculty of Education, Malatya, Turkey, 06-09 July.Güler, G. (2000). Deutsch als Zweite Fremdsprache im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Türkei: Perspektiven für die Didaktik und Methodik des Deutschen als Zweite Fremdsprache in der Deutschlehrerausbildung. Zeitschrifft für die interkulturellen Fremsdsprachenunterricht. Retrieved 20.10.2018 from http:/// germain/e journal/gueler 1.htmHanbay, O. (2009). 10. sınıf öğrencilerinin farklı değişkenlere göre ikinci yabancı dil olarak Almancaya yönelik tutumları. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(30), 79-91.Horwitz, E.K., Horwitz, M.B. & Cope A.J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. Modern Language Journal, 70, 125-132.Horwitz, E.K., Horwitz, M.B. & Cope, J. A. (1991). Foreign language classroom anxiety. In E. K. Horwitz & D. J. Young (Eds.), Language anxiety: From theory and research to classroom implications (pp. 27-36). New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs.Hufeisen, B. (2000). Deutsch als Tertiärsprache. German Language Journal. Retrieved 20.10.2018 from the http:///, T. J. (2008). Motivation and Attitudes Towards English as Second LanguageAmong Learners in Rural Kwazulu-Natal High Schools. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Michigan University: USAKapıkıran, N. (2006). Okul öncesi çocuklarında sosyal beceri: durum saptaması. Pamukkale University Faculty of Education Journal, 19(1), 20-28.Karahan, F. (2007). Language attitudes of Turkish students towards the English language and ıts use in Turkish context. Journal of Arts and Sciences, 7, 73–87.Kazazoğlu, S. (2013). The effect of attitudes towards Turkish and English courses on academic achievement. Education and Science, 38(170), 294-307.Keskin, A. (2003). İlköğretim II. kademe öğrencilerinin İngilizce’ ye yönelik tutumları ile akademik başarıları arasındaki ilişkiler. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Dokuz Eylül University, Educational Sciences Institute, İzmir. Kiernan, P.J. & Aizawa, K. (2004). Cell phones in task based learning: Are cell phones useful language learning tools? ReCALL, 16(1), 71-84.Krashen, S. D. (1981). Second language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamon Press.Krech, D., R., Crutchfield, E. Ballachey. (1962). The Individual in Society, New York Lambert, W. and Lambert. W. (1964), Social Psychology, NJ: Englewood Cliffs.Lett, J. (1977). Assessing attudinal outcomes, (Ed. Philips, J. In), The Language Connection: From Classroom to The World, Skokie, III, 267-302.MacIntyre, P. D. & Gardner, R. C. (1989). Anxiety and Second Language Learning: Toward a Theoretical Clarification. Language Learning, 39, 251-275. MacIntyre, P. D. & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44, 283-305. Mitchell, R. & F. Myles. (1998). Second Language Learning Theories. London: Edward Arnold.Morgan, C. T. (1995). Psikolojiye Giriş. Trans: Sirel Karatas, 11th Issue, Ankara: Meteksan A.Ş.Neuner, G. (2003). Mehrsprachigkeit und Tertiaersprachendidaktik.Mehrsprachigkeitskonzep t Tertiärsprachenlernen-Deutsch nach Englisch. Hufeisen/Neuner. Retrieved March 23. 2004 from the World Wide Web: http:/// pdfÖner, N & Kaymak, D. A. (1986). The Transliteral Equivalence and The Reliability of The Turkish TAI. In R. Schwarzer, H.M. Vander Ploeg, C.D. Spielberger (Eds.) Advances in Test Anxiety Research, V:5. Lise: Swets en Zeitlinger, ve Hillsdale. NJ; Erlbaum, pp.227- 239.Richards, J. C. & Platt, J., Platt. C. (1992). Dictionary of Longman Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2nd Issue.Sapir, S. & Aronson, A.E. (1990). The relationship between psychopathology and speech and language disorder in neurological patients. Journal of Speech Hearing Disorders, 55, 503-509.Sarıgül, H. (2000). Trait Anxiety and Foreign Language Anxietyand their effects on learners’ Foreign Language Proficiency and Achievment. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Boğaziçi University Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul:.Savignon, S. J. (1983). Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice. Reading, USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.Selçuk, E. (1997). İngilizce Dersine Tutum ile bu Dersteki Akademik Başarı Arasındaki İlişki. Unpublished master's thesis. Abant İzzet Baysal University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages.Senemoğlu, N. (2006). İlköğretimin İlk Yıllarında Eğitim Durumlarının Betimlenmesine İlişkin Bir Çalışma, The report of project 04A704003, Ankara: Hacettepe University Scientific Research Unit.Shaw, M. L. & Wright, J. (1967). Scales for the Measurement of Attitudes, MacGraw Hill, Toronto.Sturgeon, C, M. (2006). Aptitude, attitude and motivation as predictors in Foreign language learning, Language Learning, 27, 263-78.Üldaş, İ. (2005), Öğretmen ve Öğretmen Adaylarına Yönelik Matematik Kaygı Ölçeği (MKÖ-Ö)’nın Geliştirilmesi ve Matematik Kaygısına İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, İstanbul.Vergili, A. (1993). Özel ortaöğretim kurumlarında yabancı dil öğretiminde benimsenen ilkeler ile uygulama teknik ve yöntemlerin bazı değişiklikler açısından karşılaştırılması, [A comparıson of accepted prıncıples methods and technıques on foreıgn language teachıng at prıvate secondary schools on some changes] Turkey, Elazığ: Unpublished PhD Thesis, Fırat University Institute of Social Sciences, Elazığ. Young, D. J. (1991). Creating a low-anxiety classroom environment: What does language anxiety research suggest? The Modern Language Journal, 75, 426-439.

Examination of Anxiety and Attitude Towards English Course

Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 75 - 84, 15.12.2019


The general aim of this study is to examine
anxiety and attitude towards foreign language course. The sample of the
research carried out according to the screening model within the scope of the
descriptive research constitutes a total 10, 11, and 12 grade 594 students
studying in state high schools in Elazığ province in the 2018-2019 academic
year. In the study, quantitative data were obtained by using two different
scales. The first one is foreign language anxiety scale. The other scale is
attitudes towards English lesson scale. Frequency, percentage and t test, ANOVA
and eta-square tests were used to analyze the quantitative data. The
relationship between the sub-dimensions of the scales was determined by Pearson
Correlation Test, the results obtained from the analysis of the data in the
research can be summarized as follows: In the context of anxiety which is the
first dependent variable of the study, there is a significant difference in
terms of gender in favor of male students. In the study, a positive relation
was found between anxiety and success, and it was concluded that anxiety was a
factor that increases success. When it comes to attitude which is another
dependent variable of the study, it has been determined that the male students
have higher attitude scores and finally there is a positive correlation between
achievement and attitude


  • Arnold, J. & Brown, D. (1999). A map of the terrain. In J. Arnold, (Ed.), Affect in Language Learning (pp. 1-24). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Aydın, B. (2001). Konuşma ve Yazma Derslerinde Yabancı Dil Öğrenimindeki Kaygı Nedenleri. Phd Thesis, Eskişehir: Anadolu University Publishing.Aydın, S. & Zengin, B. (2008). Yabancı dil öğreniminde kaygı: bir literatür özeti. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 4(1), 81-94.Batumlu, D. Z. & Erden, M. (2007). The relationship between foreign language anxiety and English achievement of Yıldız Technical University School of Foreign Languages preparatory students. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 3 (1), 24-38.Büyüköztürk, Ş. (1997). Araştırmaya yönelik kaygı ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi. Education Management, 3(4), 453-464.Cebeci Bilgin, F. (2006). Mesleki ve teknik lise öğrencilerinin İngilizce derslerine yönelik tutumları. Unpublished master's thesis, Bursa: Uludağ University Institute of Social Sciences.Çakıcı, D. (2007). The attitudes of university students towards English within the scope of common compulsory courses. Gazi University Gazi Education Faculty Journal, 27 (3), 21-35.Dalkılıç, N. (2001). An investigation into the role of anxiety in second language learning. Retrieved from http://www.sosyalbilimler.cukurovaom/p/articles/mi_mOFCR/is_4 (20.11.2018).Ellis, R. (1994). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Ganschow, L. & Sparks, R. (1996). Anxiety about foreign language learning among high school women. The Modern Language Journal, 80,2, pp199-212.Gardner, R. C. (1985). Social Psychology and Second Language Learning. The Role of Attitudes and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold.Gardner, R. C., Moorcroft, R. & MacIntyre, P.D. (1987). The role of anxiety in second language performance of language dropouts (Research Bulletin No. 657) London: University of Western Ontario.Gardner, R.C., Tremblay, P.F. & Masgoret, A. (1997). Towards a full model of second language learning: An empirical investigation. Modern Language Journal, 81, 344-362.Genç, G. & Aksu, M. B. (2004). Malatya İnönü üniversitesi öğrencilerinin İngilizce derslerine ilişkin tutumları. Paper presented at the XIII. National Congress of Educational Sciences. İnönü University Faculty of Education, Malatya, Turkey, 06-09 July.Güler, G. (2000). Deutsch als Zweite Fremdsprache im schulischen Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Türkei: Perspektiven für die Didaktik und Methodik des Deutschen als Zweite Fremdsprache in der Deutschlehrerausbildung. Zeitschrifft für die interkulturellen Fremsdsprachenunterricht. Retrieved 20.10.2018 from http:/// germain/e journal/gueler 1.htmHanbay, O. (2009). 10. sınıf öğrencilerinin farklı değişkenlere göre ikinci yabancı dil olarak Almancaya yönelik tutumları. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(30), 79-91.Horwitz, E.K., Horwitz, M.B. & Cope A.J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. Modern Language Journal, 70, 125-132.Horwitz, E.K., Horwitz, M.B. & Cope, J. A. (1991). Foreign language classroom anxiety. In E. K. Horwitz & D. J. Young (Eds.), Language anxiety: From theory and research to classroom implications (pp. 27-36). New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs.Hufeisen, B. (2000). Deutsch als Tertiärsprache. German Language Journal. Retrieved 20.10.2018 from the http:///, T. J. (2008). Motivation and Attitudes Towards English as Second LanguageAmong Learners in Rural Kwazulu-Natal High Schools. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Michigan University: USAKapıkıran, N. (2006). Okul öncesi çocuklarında sosyal beceri: durum saptaması. Pamukkale University Faculty of Education Journal, 19(1), 20-28.Karahan, F. (2007). Language attitudes of Turkish students towards the English language and ıts use in Turkish context. Journal of Arts and Sciences, 7, 73–87.Kazazoğlu, S. (2013). The effect of attitudes towards Turkish and English courses on academic achievement. Education and Science, 38(170), 294-307.Keskin, A. (2003). İlköğretim II. kademe öğrencilerinin İngilizce’ ye yönelik tutumları ile akademik başarıları arasındaki ilişkiler. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Dokuz Eylül University, Educational Sciences Institute, İzmir. Kiernan, P.J. & Aizawa, K. (2004). Cell phones in task based learning: Are cell phones useful language learning tools? ReCALL, 16(1), 71-84.Krashen, S. D. (1981). Second language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamon Press.Krech, D., R., Crutchfield, E. Ballachey. (1962). The Individual in Society, New York Lambert, W. and Lambert. W. (1964), Social Psychology, NJ: Englewood Cliffs.Lett, J. (1977). Assessing attudinal outcomes, (Ed. Philips, J. In), The Language Connection: From Classroom to The World, Skokie, III, 267-302.MacIntyre, P. D. & Gardner, R. C. (1989). Anxiety and Second Language Learning: Toward a Theoretical Clarification. Language Learning, 39, 251-275. MacIntyre, P. D. & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44, 283-305. Mitchell, R. & F. Myles. (1998). Second Language Learning Theories. London: Edward Arnold.Morgan, C. T. (1995). Psikolojiye Giriş. Trans: Sirel Karatas, 11th Issue, Ankara: Meteksan A.Ş.Neuner, G. (2003). Mehrsprachigkeit und Tertiaersprachendidaktik.Mehrsprachigkeitskonzep t Tertiärsprachenlernen-Deutsch nach Englisch. Hufeisen/Neuner. Retrieved March 23. 2004 from the World Wide Web: http:/// pdfÖner, N & Kaymak, D. A. (1986). The Transliteral Equivalence and The Reliability of The Turkish TAI. In R. Schwarzer, H.M. Vander Ploeg, C.D. Spielberger (Eds.) Advances in Test Anxiety Research, V:5. Lise: Swets en Zeitlinger, ve Hillsdale. NJ; Erlbaum, pp.227- 239.Richards, J. C. & Platt, J., Platt. C. (1992). Dictionary of Longman Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2nd Issue.Sapir, S. & Aronson, A.E. (1990). The relationship between psychopathology and speech and language disorder in neurological patients. Journal of Speech Hearing Disorders, 55, 503-509.Sarıgül, H. (2000). Trait Anxiety and Foreign Language Anxietyand their effects on learners’ Foreign Language Proficiency and Achievment. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Boğaziçi University Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul:.Savignon, S. J. (1983). Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice. Reading, USA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.Selçuk, E. (1997). İngilizce Dersine Tutum ile bu Dersteki Akademik Başarı Arasındaki İlişki. Unpublished master's thesis. Abant İzzet Baysal University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Foreign Languages.Senemoğlu, N. (2006). İlköğretimin İlk Yıllarında Eğitim Durumlarının Betimlenmesine İlişkin Bir Çalışma, The report of project 04A704003, Ankara: Hacettepe University Scientific Research Unit.Shaw, M. L. & Wright, J. (1967). Scales for the Measurement of Attitudes, MacGraw Hill, Toronto.Sturgeon, C, M. (2006). Aptitude, attitude and motivation as predictors in Foreign language learning, Language Learning, 27, 263-78.Üldaş, İ. (2005), Öğretmen ve Öğretmen Adaylarına Yönelik Matematik Kaygı Ölçeği (MKÖ-Ö)’nın Geliştirilmesi ve Matematik Kaygısına İlişkin Bir Değerlendirme, Unpublished Master's Thesis, Marmara University Institute of Educational Sciences, İstanbul.Vergili, A. (1993). Özel ortaöğretim kurumlarında yabancı dil öğretiminde benimsenen ilkeler ile uygulama teknik ve yöntemlerin bazı değişiklikler açısından karşılaştırılması, [A comparıson of accepted prıncıples methods and technıques on foreıgn language teachıng at prıvate secondary schools on some changes] Turkey, Elazığ: Unpublished PhD Thesis, Fırat University Institute of Social Sciences, Elazığ. Young, D. J. (1991). Creating a low-anxiety classroom environment: What does language anxiety research suggest? The Modern Language Journal, 75, 426-439.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Murat Tuncer 0000-0001-9136-6355

Ahmet Egemen Akmençe 0000-0001-7523-4061

Publication Date December 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Tuncer, M., & Akmençe, A. E. (2019). Examination of Anxiety and Attitude Towards English Course. Eğitim Yansımaları, 3(2), 75-84.