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Investigation of the effects of lycorine and galanthamine extracted from Galanthus elwesii on viral and parasitic targets: An in-silico analysis and DFT Study

Year 2024, , 139 - 150, 31.12.2024


In this study, Density Functional Theory (DFT), ADME property analysis, and molecular docking simulations were employed to evaluate the electronic structure, antiviral potential, and antiparasitic effects of lycorine and galanthamine, two alkaloids extracted from Galanthus elwesii. We conducted a comprehensive study to assess the antiviral and antiparasitic potential of lycorine and galanthamine, two alkaloids whose biosynthetic production was significantly increased by zinc supplementation. DFT calculations revealed that lycorine has a lower Egap than galanthamine, suggesting higher reactivity and lower stability, enhancing its potential as a drug candidate. Pharmacokinetic profiling indicated that galanthamine (TPSA: 41.93 Ų, logP: 0.797) has a lower total polar surface area (TPSA) and higher lipophilicity (logP) compared to lycorine (TPSA: 62.16 Ų, logP: -0.268), indicating that galanthamine may possess superior absorption and permeability characteristics. ADME analysis also identified galanthamine with a lower AMES toxicity score, implying reduced mutagenic risk. A total of nine target proteins, representing viral and parasitic diseases Zika virus, malaria, leishmaniasis, and dengue, were chosen for molecular docking. Molecular docking studies demonstrated that lycorine exhibited superior binding interactions (-8.76 kcal/mol), particularly against Leishmania, and displayed stronger binding affinity across all selected target proteins. Despite galanthamine's lower toxicity profile, lycorine’s enhanced reactivity and stronger binding properties suggest its higher efficacy as a therapeutic candidate based on DFT and molecular docking results, while galanthamine shows potential based on its favorable ADME profile.


  • Anonim 2015. TUBİVES. (Erişim: April 20)
  • Ali SK, Hamed AR, Soltan MM, Hegazy UM, Elgorashi E, El-Garf IA, … Hussein AA. 2013. In-vitro evaluation of selected egyptian traditional herbal medicines for treatment of alzheimer disease. BMC Complement Altern Med. 13(1).
  • Arslan N, Sarıhan EO, İpek A. 2008. Farklı Soğan Kesme Yöntemlerinin Fritillaria persica L.’nın Bazı Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bil. 14(3): 246–250.
  • Ay EB, Gül M, Açıkgöz MA, Yarilgaç T, Kara SM. 2018. Assessment of antioxidant activity of giant snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii Hook) extracts with their total phenol and flavonoid contents. Indian J Pharm Educ Res. 52:128–132.
  • Baiocco P, Colotti G, Franceschini S, Ilari A. 2009. Molecular basis of antimony treatment in leishmaniasis. J Med Chem. 52(8): 2603-2612.
  • Batı Ay E. 2019. Farklı Fosfor ve Çinko Dozları Uygulanan Kardelende (Galanthus elwesii Hook.) Fenolik Bileşikler, Alkaloit İçeriği ve Antioksidan Aktivitenin Bitki Organlarına ve Gelişme Dönemlerine Göre Değişimi. Doktora Tezi. Ordu Üniversitesi, Ordu, Türkiye.
  • Becke AD. 1988. Density-functional exchange-energy approximation with correct asymptotic behavior. Phys Rev A. 38(6): 3098.
  • Boucher JI, Jacobowitz JR, Beckett BC, Classen S, Theobald DL. 2014. An atomic-resolution view of neofunctionalization in the evolution of apicomplexan lactate dehydrogenases. eLife. 3: e02304.
  • Bozkurt B, Kaya GI, Onur MA, Unver-Somer N. 2021. Chemo-profiling of some Turkish Galanthus L. (Amaryllidaceae) species and their anticholinesterase activity. S Afr J Bot. 136: 65–69.
  • Bui TQ, Hai NTT, Van Chen T, Quy PT, Du L NH, Cuong TD, … Nhung NTA. 2022. Theoretical study on inhibitability of some natural alkaloids against influenza virus hemagglutinin and sars‐cov‐2 main protease. Vietnam J of Chem. 60(4):502-517.
  • Cimmino A, Masi M, Evidente M, Superchi S, Evidente A. 2017. Amaryllidaceae alkaloids: absolute configuration and biological activity. Chirality. 29: 486–499.
  • D’Antonio EL, Ullman B, Roberts SC, Dixit UG, Wilson ME, Hai Y, Christianson DW. 2013. Crystal structure of arginase from Leishmania mexicana and implications for the inhibition of polyamine biosynthesis in parasitic infections. Arch Biochem Biophys. 535(2): 163-176.
  • Deng X, Zhao L, Fang T, Xiong Y, Ogutu C, Yang D, … Han Y. 2018. Investigation of benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthetic pathway and its transcriptional regulation in lotus. Horticulture Research, 5:(1).
  • Dennington R, Keith T, Millam J. 2009. GaussView, version 5.
  • Ekim T, Koyuncu M, Vural M, Duman H, Aytaç Z, Adıgüzel N. 2000. Türkiye Bitkileri Kırmızı Kitabı. Doğal Hayatı Koruma Derneği, Ankara.
  • Erbel P, Schiering N, D'Arcy A, Renatus M, Kroemer M, Lim S. P., ... Hommel U. 2006. Structural basis for the activation of flaviviral NS3 proteases from dengue and West Nile virus. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 13(4):372-373.
  • Fernando SD, Navaratne CJ, Galappaththy GNL, Abeyasinghe R, Silva N, Wickermasinghe R. 2013. The importance of accuracy in diagnosis of positive malaria cases in a country progressing towards malaria elimination. J Global Infect Dis. 5(4): 127.
  • Flores-Holgúın N, Frau J, Glossman‐Mitnik D. 2019. Chemical-reactivity properties, drug likeness, and bioactivity scores of seragamides a–f anticancer marine peptides: conceptual density functional theory viewpoint. Computation. 7(3): 52.
  • Frau J, Flores-Holgúın N. 2019. Chemical reactivity theory and empirical bioactivity scores as computational peptidology alternative tools for the study of two anticancer peptides of marine origin. Molecules. 24(6):1115.
  • Frisch MJ, Trucks, GWHB, Schlegel GE, Scuseria MA, Robb JR, Cheeseman G, Scalmani V, Barone GA, Petersson H, Nakatsuji X, Li M, Caricato A, Marenich J, Bloino BG, Janesko R, Gomperts B, Mennucci HP, Hratchian JV, Ortiz AF, Izmaylov JL, Sonnenberg D, Williams-Young F, Ding F, Lipparini F, Egidi J, Goings B, Peng A, Petrone T, Henderson D, Ranasinghe VG, Zakrzewski J, Gao N, Rega G, Zheng W, Liang M, Hada M, Ehara K, Toyota R, Fukuda J, Hasegawa M, Ishida T, Nakajima Y, Honda O, Kitao H, Nakai T, Vreven K, Throssell JA, Montgomery Jr JE, Peralta F, Ogliaro M, Bearpark JJ, Heyd E, Brothers KN, Kudin VN, Staroverov T, Keith R, Kobayashi J, Normand K, Raghavachari A, Rendell JC, Burant SS, Iyengar J, Tomasi M, Cossi JM, Millam M, Klene C, Adamo R, Cammi JW, Ochterski RL, Martin K, Morokuma O, Farkas JB, Foresman DJ, Fox Gaussian Inc, Wallingford CT, Revision C.01, 2009.
  • Girard M, Nelson CP, Picot V, Gubler DJ. 2020. Arboviruses: a global public health threat. Vaccine 38(24): 3989-3994.
  • Guca E, Nagy GN, Hajdú F, Marton L, Izrael R, Hoh F, ... Cerdan R. 2018. Structural determinants of the catalytic mechanism of Plasmodium CCT, a key enzyme of malaria lipid biosynthesis. Scientific Reports. 8(1): 11215.
  • Han S, Chin Y, Choi YH. 2013. A new approach for pharmacokinetic studies of natural products: measurement of isoliquiritigenin levels in mice plasma, urine and feces using modified automated dosing/blood sampling system. Biomed Chromatogr. 27(6): 741-749.
  • Helander M, Phillips T, Faeth S, Bush L, McCulley R, Saloniemi I, … Saikkonen K. 2016. Alkaloid quantities in endophyte-infected tall fescue are affected by the plant-fungus combination and environment. J Chem Ecol. 42(2): 118-126.
  • Jain P, Kumar A, Singh P, Kumari K, Bahadur I, Mohammad F, … & Kaushik NK. 2023. Eutectic mixtures to enhance the solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients: density functional theory and infrared spectroscopy approaches. ChemistrySelect. 8(25): 1-9.
  • Jin YH, Min JS, Jeon S, Lee J, Kim S, Park T, Park D, Jang MS, Park CM, Song JH, Kim HY, Kwon S. 2021. Lycorine, a non-nucleoside RNA dependent RNA polymerase inhibitor, as potential treatment for emerging coronavirus infections. Phytomedicine. 86: 153440.
  • Kamran S, Shahid I, Baig DN, Rizwan M, Malik KA, Mehnaz S. 2017. Contribution of zinc solubilizing bacteria in growth promotion and zinc content of wheat. Front. Microbiol. 8.
  • Kaur H, Chahal S, Jha P, Lekhak MM, Shekhawat MS, Naidoo D, Arencibia AD, Ochatt SJ, Kumar V. 2022. Harnessing plant biotechnology-based strategies for in vitro galanthamine (GAL) biosynthesis: a potent drug against Alzheimer’s disease. PCTOC. 149.1: 81-103.
  • Khaled D, Elshakre ME, Noamaan MA, Butt H, Fattah MM., Gaber DA. 2022. A computational qsar, molecular docking and in vitro cytotoxicity study of novel thiouracil-based drugs with anticancer activity against human-dna topoisomerase ii. Int J Mol Sci. 23(19): 11799.
  • Khelfaoui H, Harkati D, Saleh BA. 2020. Molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations and reactivity, studies on approved drugs library targeting ace2 and sars-cov-2 binding with ace2. JBSD. 39(18): 7246-7262.
  • Kong CK, Low LE, Siew WS, Yap WH, Khaw KY, Ming LC, Mocan A, Goh BH, Goh PH. 2021. Biological activities of snowdrop (Galanthus spp., Family Amaryllidaceae). Front Pharmacol. 11: 552453
  • Lee C, Yang W, Parr RG. 1988. Development of the Colle-Salvetti correlation-energy formula into a functional of the electron density. Phys Rev B. 37(2): 785.
  • Li Y, Zhang Z, Phoo WW, Loh YR, Wang W, Liu S, ... Kang C. 2017. Structural dynamics of Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease binding to dipeptide inhibitors. Structure. 25(8): 1242-1250.
  • Nguyen PTV, Nguyen GLT, Đinh OT, Duong CQ, Nguyen LH, Truong TN. 2022. In search of suitable protein targets for anti-malarial and anti-dengue drug discovery. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1256: 132520.
  • Onyeonagu, C. 2012. Anti-nutrient components of guinea grass (panicum maximum) under different nitrogen fertilizer application rates and cutting management. Afr J Biotechnol. 11(9):2236-2240.
  • Painter P P, Pemberton RP, Wong BM, Ho KC, Tantillo DJ. 2013. The viability of nitrone–alkene (3 + 2) cycloadditions in alkaloid biosynthesis. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 79(1): 432-435.
  • Pesaresi A, Lamba D, Vezenkov L, Tsekova D, Lozanov V. 2022. Kinetic and structural studies on the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase by a series of multitarget-directed galanthamine-peptide derivatives. Chem Biol Interact. 365: 110092
  • Ramirez-Jimenez R, Zarate-Nahon EA, Alvarado-Moreno MS, Sánchez‐Casas R, Laguna-Aguilar M, Sanchez-Rodriguez OS, … Fernández‐Salas I. 2013. Risks of dengue secondary infective biting associated withaedes aegyptiin home environments in monterrey, mexico. Southwestern Entomologist, 38(1): 99-108.
  • Ravilala VK, Ahmed S, Vanka MK, Rajesh S. 2018. Comparison of clinical profile between plasmodium vivax and plasmodium falciparum malaria in children in tertiary care hospital. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 5(4); 1294.
  • Sancha SAR, Szemerédi N, Spengler G, Ferreira MJU 2023. Lycorine carbamate derivatives for reversing p-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance in human colon adenocarcinoma cells. Int J Mol Sci. 24(3):2061.
  • Shahid M, Takamiya M, Stegmaier J, Middel V, Gradl M, Klüver N, … Strähle U. 2016. Zebrafish biosensor for toxicant induced muscle hyperactivity. Sci Rep. 6(1).
  • Subhadra S, Sabat J, Dwibedi B, Panda S, Mandal MC, Rath S, … Turuk J. 2021. Prevalence and trend of emerging and re-emerging arboviral infections in the state of odisha. VirusDisease, 32(3): 504-510.
  • Sun B, Tian Y, Zhang F, Chen Q, Zhang Y, Wang X, … Tang H. 2018. Variations of alkaloid accumulation and gene transcription in nicotiana tabacum. Biomolecules. 8(4): 114.
  • Semerdjieva I, Sidjimova B, Yankova-Tsvetkova E, Kostova M., Zheljazkov,VD. 2019. Study on Galanthus species in the Bulgarian flora. Heliyon. 5: e03021. https://
  • Şekeroğlu N, Aydın K, Gözüaçık HG, Kulak M. 2012. Kilis ilinde yetişen geofitler. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 6(1):199-201.
  • Upadhyay AK, Cyr M, Longenecker K, Tripathi R, Sun C, Kempf DJ. 2017. Crystal structure of full-length Zika virus NS5 protein reveals a conformation similar to Japanese encephalitis virus NS5. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 73(3): 116-122.
  • Wang SX, Pandey KC, Somoza JR, Sijwali PS, Kortemme T, Brinen LS, ... McKerrow JH. 2006. Structural basis for unique mechanisms of folding and hemoglobin binding by a malarial protease. PNAS. 103(31): 11503-11508.
  • Waggoner JJ, Gresh L, Vargas MJ, Ballesteros G, Téllez Y, Soda K., …Pinsky BA. 2016. Viremia and clinical presentation in nicaraguan patients infected with zika virus, chikungunya virus, and dengue virus. CID. 63(12): 1584-1590.
  • Xiong G, Wu Z, Yi J, Fu L, Yang Z, Hsieh C, ... Cao D. 2021. ADMETlab 2.0: an integrated online platform for accurate and comprehensive predictions of ADMET properties. Nucleic acids research. 49(W1): W5-W14.
  • Ying X, Huang A, Xing Y, Lan L, Yi Z, He P. 2017. Lycorine inhibits breast cancer growth and metastasis via inducing apoptosis and blocking Src/FAK-involved pathway. Sci. China Life Sci. 60: 417–428.
  • Yüzbaşıoğlu S. 2008. The development of non-detriment findings for Galanthus elwesii Hook. f., in Turkey. NDF Workshop Case Studies, Mexico, 1-13.
  • Yüzbaşıoğlu S. 2012. Morphological variations of Galanthus elwesii in Turkey and difficulties on identification. Bocconea 24: 335-339.
  • Yüzbașıoğlu E, Dalyan E. 2017. Effects of plant growth regulators and activated charcoal on in vitro formation of bulblet in snowdrop (Galanthus woronowii).
  • Zhang W, Yang J, Chen Y, Xue R, Mao Z, Lu W, … Jiang Y. 2021. Lycorine hydrochloride suppresses stress‐induced premature cellular senescence by stabilizing the genome of human cells. Aging Cell 20(2).
  • Zhang Y, KangY, Xie H, Wang Y, Li Y, Huang J. 2020. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals candidate genes involved in isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis in stephania tetrandra. Planta Med. 86(17): 1258-1268.
Year 2024, , 139 - 150, 31.12.2024



  • Anonim 2015. TUBİVES. (Erişim: April 20)
  • Ali SK, Hamed AR, Soltan MM, Hegazy UM, Elgorashi E, El-Garf IA, … Hussein AA. 2013. In-vitro evaluation of selected egyptian traditional herbal medicines for treatment of alzheimer disease. BMC Complement Altern Med. 13(1).
  • Arslan N, Sarıhan EO, İpek A. 2008. Farklı Soğan Kesme Yöntemlerinin Fritillaria persica L.’nın Bazı Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bil. 14(3): 246–250.
  • Ay EB, Gül M, Açıkgöz MA, Yarilgaç T, Kara SM. 2018. Assessment of antioxidant activity of giant snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii Hook) extracts with their total phenol and flavonoid contents. Indian J Pharm Educ Res. 52:128–132.
  • Baiocco P, Colotti G, Franceschini S, Ilari A. 2009. Molecular basis of antimony treatment in leishmaniasis. J Med Chem. 52(8): 2603-2612.
  • Batı Ay E. 2019. Farklı Fosfor ve Çinko Dozları Uygulanan Kardelende (Galanthus elwesii Hook.) Fenolik Bileşikler, Alkaloit İçeriği ve Antioksidan Aktivitenin Bitki Organlarına ve Gelişme Dönemlerine Göre Değişimi. Doktora Tezi. Ordu Üniversitesi, Ordu, Türkiye.
  • Becke AD. 1988. Density-functional exchange-energy approximation with correct asymptotic behavior. Phys Rev A. 38(6): 3098.
  • Boucher JI, Jacobowitz JR, Beckett BC, Classen S, Theobald DL. 2014. An atomic-resolution view of neofunctionalization in the evolution of apicomplexan lactate dehydrogenases. eLife. 3: e02304.
  • Bozkurt B, Kaya GI, Onur MA, Unver-Somer N. 2021. Chemo-profiling of some Turkish Galanthus L. (Amaryllidaceae) species and their anticholinesterase activity. S Afr J Bot. 136: 65–69.
  • Bui TQ, Hai NTT, Van Chen T, Quy PT, Du L NH, Cuong TD, … Nhung NTA. 2022. Theoretical study on inhibitability of some natural alkaloids against influenza virus hemagglutinin and sars‐cov‐2 main protease. Vietnam J of Chem. 60(4):502-517.
  • Cimmino A, Masi M, Evidente M, Superchi S, Evidente A. 2017. Amaryllidaceae alkaloids: absolute configuration and biological activity. Chirality. 29: 486–499.
  • D’Antonio EL, Ullman B, Roberts SC, Dixit UG, Wilson ME, Hai Y, Christianson DW. 2013. Crystal structure of arginase from Leishmania mexicana and implications for the inhibition of polyamine biosynthesis in parasitic infections. Arch Biochem Biophys. 535(2): 163-176.
  • Deng X, Zhao L, Fang T, Xiong Y, Ogutu C, Yang D, … Han Y. 2018. Investigation of benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthetic pathway and its transcriptional regulation in lotus. Horticulture Research, 5:(1).
  • Dennington R, Keith T, Millam J. 2009. GaussView, version 5.
  • Ekim T, Koyuncu M, Vural M, Duman H, Aytaç Z, Adıgüzel N. 2000. Türkiye Bitkileri Kırmızı Kitabı. Doğal Hayatı Koruma Derneği, Ankara.
  • Erbel P, Schiering N, D'Arcy A, Renatus M, Kroemer M, Lim S. P., ... Hommel U. 2006. Structural basis for the activation of flaviviral NS3 proteases from dengue and West Nile virus. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 13(4):372-373.
  • Fernando SD, Navaratne CJ, Galappaththy GNL, Abeyasinghe R, Silva N, Wickermasinghe R. 2013. The importance of accuracy in diagnosis of positive malaria cases in a country progressing towards malaria elimination. J Global Infect Dis. 5(4): 127.
  • Flores-Holgúın N, Frau J, Glossman‐Mitnik D. 2019. Chemical-reactivity properties, drug likeness, and bioactivity scores of seragamides a–f anticancer marine peptides: conceptual density functional theory viewpoint. Computation. 7(3): 52.
  • Frau J, Flores-Holgúın N. 2019. Chemical reactivity theory and empirical bioactivity scores as computational peptidology alternative tools for the study of two anticancer peptides of marine origin. Molecules. 24(6):1115.
  • Frisch MJ, Trucks, GWHB, Schlegel GE, Scuseria MA, Robb JR, Cheeseman G, Scalmani V, Barone GA, Petersson H, Nakatsuji X, Li M, Caricato A, Marenich J, Bloino BG, Janesko R, Gomperts B, Mennucci HP, Hratchian JV, Ortiz AF, Izmaylov JL, Sonnenberg D, Williams-Young F, Ding F, Lipparini F, Egidi J, Goings B, Peng A, Petrone T, Henderson D, Ranasinghe VG, Zakrzewski J, Gao N, Rega G, Zheng W, Liang M, Hada M, Ehara K, Toyota R, Fukuda J, Hasegawa M, Ishida T, Nakajima Y, Honda O, Kitao H, Nakai T, Vreven K, Throssell JA, Montgomery Jr JE, Peralta F, Ogliaro M, Bearpark JJ, Heyd E, Brothers KN, Kudin VN, Staroverov T, Keith R, Kobayashi J, Normand K, Raghavachari A, Rendell JC, Burant SS, Iyengar J, Tomasi M, Cossi JM, Millam M, Klene C, Adamo R, Cammi JW, Ochterski RL, Martin K, Morokuma O, Farkas JB, Foresman DJ, Fox Gaussian Inc, Wallingford CT, Revision C.01, 2009.
  • Girard M, Nelson CP, Picot V, Gubler DJ. 2020. Arboviruses: a global public health threat. Vaccine 38(24): 3989-3994.
  • Guca E, Nagy GN, Hajdú F, Marton L, Izrael R, Hoh F, ... Cerdan R. 2018. Structural determinants of the catalytic mechanism of Plasmodium CCT, a key enzyme of malaria lipid biosynthesis. Scientific Reports. 8(1): 11215.
  • Han S, Chin Y, Choi YH. 2013. A new approach for pharmacokinetic studies of natural products: measurement of isoliquiritigenin levels in mice plasma, urine and feces using modified automated dosing/blood sampling system. Biomed Chromatogr. 27(6): 741-749.
  • Helander M, Phillips T, Faeth S, Bush L, McCulley R, Saloniemi I, … Saikkonen K. 2016. Alkaloid quantities in endophyte-infected tall fescue are affected by the plant-fungus combination and environment. J Chem Ecol. 42(2): 118-126.
  • Jain P, Kumar A, Singh P, Kumari K, Bahadur I, Mohammad F, … & Kaushik NK. 2023. Eutectic mixtures to enhance the solubility of active pharmaceutical ingredients: density functional theory and infrared spectroscopy approaches. ChemistrySelect. 8(25): 1-9.
  • Jin YH, Min JS, Jeon S, Lee J, Kim S, Park T, Park D, Jang MS, Park CM, Song JH, Kim HY, Kwon S. 2021. Lycorine, a non-nucleoside RNA dependent RNA polymerase inhibitor, as potential treatment for emerging coronavirus infections. Phytomedicine. 86: 153440.
  • Kamran S, Shahid I, Baig DN, Rizwan M, Malik KA, Mehnaz S. 2017. Contribution of zinc solubilizing bacteria in growth promotion and zinc content of wheat. Front. Microbiol. 8.
  • Kaur H, Chahal S, Jha P, Lekhak MM, Shekhawat MS, Naidoo D, Arencibia AD, Ochatt SJ, Kumar V. 2022. Harnessing plant biotechnology-based strategies for in vitro galanthamine (GAL) biosynthesis: a potent drug against Alzheimer’s disease. PCTOC. 149.1: 81-103.
  • Khaled D, Elshakre ME, Noamaan MA, Butt H, Fattah MM., Gaber DA. 2022. A computational qsar, molecular docking and in vitro cytotoxicity study of novel thiouracil-based drugs with anticancer activity against human-dna topoisomerase ii. Int J Mol Sci. 23(19): 11799.
  • Khelfaoui H, Harkati D, Saleh BA. 2020. Molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations and reactivity, studies on approved drugs library targeting ace2 and sars-cov-2 binding with ace2. JBSD. 39(18): 7246-7262.
  • Kong CK, Low LE, Siew WS, Yap WH, Khaw KY, Ming LC, Mocan A, Goh BH, Goh PH. 2021. Biological activities of snowdrop (Galanthus spp., Family Amaryllidaceae). Front Pharmacol. 11: 552453
  • Lee C, Yang W, Parr RG. 1988. Development of the Colle-Salvetti correlation-energy formula into a functional of the electron density. Phys Rev B. 37(2): 785.
  • Li Y, Zhang Z, Phoo WW, Loh YR, Wang W, Liu S, ... Kang C. 2017. Structural dynamics of Zika virus NS2B-NS3 protease binding to dipeptide inhibitors. Structure. 25(8): 1242-1250.
  • Nguyen PTV, Nguyen GLT, Đinh OT, Duong CQ, Nguyen LH, Truong TN. 2022. In search of suitable protein targets for anti-malarial and anti-dengue drug discovery. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1256: 132520.
  • Onyeonagu, C. 2012. Anti-nutrient components of guinea grass (panicum maximum) under different nitrogen fertilizer application rates and cutting management. Afr J Biotechnol. 11(9):2236-2240.
  • Painter P P, Pemberton RP, Wong BM, Ho KC, Tantillo DJ. 2013. The viability of nitrone–alkene (3 + 2) cycloadditions in alkaloid biosynthesis. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 79(1): 432-435.
  • Pesaresi A, Lamba D, Vezenkov L, Tsekova D, Lozanov V. 2022. Kinetic and structural studies on the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase by a series of multitarget-directed galanthamine-peptide derivatives. Chem Biol Interact. 365: 110092
  • Ramirez-Jimenez R, Zarate-Nahon EA, Alvarado-Moreno MS, Sánchez‐Casas R, Laguna-Aguilar M, Sanchez-Rodriguez OS, … Fernández‐Salas I. 2013. Risks of dengue secondary infective biting associated withaedes aegyptiin home environments in monterrey, mexico. Southwestern Entomologist, 38(1): 99-108.
  • Ravilala VK, Ahmed S, Vanka MK, Rajesh S. 2018. Comparison of clinical profile between plasmodium vivax and plasmodium falciparum malaria in children in tertiary care hospital. Int J Contemp Pediatr. 5(4); 1294.
  • Sancha SAR, Szemerédi N, Spengler G, Ferreira MJU 2023. Lycorine carbamate derivatives for reversing p-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance in human colon adenocarcinoma cells. Int J Mol Sci. 24(3):2061.
  • Shahid M, Takamiya M, Stegmaier J, Middel V, Gradl M, Klüver N, … Strähle U. 2016. Zebrafish biosensor for toxicant induced muscle hyperactivity. Sci Rep. 6(1).
  • Subhadra S, Sabat J, Dwibedi B, Panda S, Mandal MC, Rath S, … Turuk J. 2021. Prevalence and trend of emerging and re-emerging arboviral infections in the state of odisha. VirusDisease, 32(3): 504-510.
  • Sun B, Tian Y, Zhang F, Chen Q, Zhang Y, Wang X, … Tang H. 2018. Variations of alkaloid accumulation and gene transcription in nicotiana tabacum. Biomolecules. 8(4): 114.
  • Semerdjieva I, Sidjimova B, Yankova-Tsvetkova E, Kostova M., Zheljazkov,VD. 2019. Study on Galanthus species in the Bulgarian flora. Heliyon. 5: e03021. https://
  • Şekeroğlu N, Aydın K, Gözüaçık HG, Kulak M. 2012. Kilis ilinde yetişen geofitler. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 6(1):199-201.
  • Upadhyay AK, Cyr M, Longenecker K, Tripathi R, Sun C, Kempf DJ. 2017. Crystal structure of full-length Zika virus NS5 protein reveals a conformation similar to Japanese encephalitis virus NS5. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 73(3): 116-122.
  • Wang SX, Pandey KC, Somoza JR, Sijwali PS, Kortemme T, Brinen LS, ... McKerrow JH. 2006. Structural basis for unique mechanisms of folding and hemoglobin binding by a malarial protease. PNAS. 103(31): 11503-11508.
  • Waggoner JJ, Gresh L, Vargas MJ, Ballesteros G, Téllez Y, Soda K., …Pinsky BA. 2016. Viremia and clinical presentation in nicaraguan patients infected with zika virus, chikungunya virus, and dengue virus. CID. 63(12): 1584-1590.
  • Xiong G, Wu Z, Yi J, Fu L, Yang Z, Hsieh C, ... Cao D. 2021. ADMETlab 2.0: an integrated online platform for accurate and comprehensive predictions of ADMET properties. Nucleic acids research. 49(W1): W5-W14.
  • Ying X, Huang A, Xing Y, Lan L, Yi Z, He P. 2017. Lycorine inhibits breast cancer growth and metastasis via inducing apoptosis and blocking Src/FAK-involved pathway. Sci. China Life Sci. 60: 417–428.
  • Yüzbaşıoğlu S. 2008. The development of non-detriment findings for Galanthus elwesii Hook. f., in Turkey. NDF Workshop Case Studies, Mexico, 1-13.
  • Yüzbaşıoğlu S. 2012. Morphological variations of Galanthus elwesii in Turkey and difficulties on identification. Bocconea 24: 335-339.
  • Yüzbașıoğlu E, Dalyan E. 2017. Effects of plant growth regulators and activated charcoal on in vitro formation of bulblet in snowdrop (Galanthus woronowii).
  • Zhang W, Yang J, Chen Y, Xue R, Mao Z, Lu W, … Jiang Y. 2021. Lycorine hydrochloride suppresses stress‐induced premature cellular senescence by stabilizing the genome of human cells. Aging Cell 20(2).
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There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Melek Gül 0000-0002-0037-1202

Ebru Batı Ay

Early Pub Date December 27, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 22, 2024
Acceptance Date November 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Gül, M., & Batı Ay, E. (2024). Investigation of the effects of lycorine and galanthamine extracted from Galanthus elwesii on viral and parasitic targets: An in-silico analysis and DFT Study. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 7(2), 139-150.
AMA Gül M, Batı Ay E. Investigation of the effects of lycorine and galanthamine extracted from Galanthus elwesii on viral and parasitic targets: An in-silico analysis and DFT Study. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. December 2024;7(2):139-150. doi:10.46239/ejbcs.1554370
Chicago Gül, Melek, and Ebru Batı Ay. “Investigation of the Effects of Lycorine and Galanthamine Extracted from Galanthus Elwesii on Viral and Parasitic Targets: An in-Silico Analysis and DFT Study”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 7, no. 2 (December 2024): 139-50.
EndNote Gül M, Batı Ay E (December 1, 2024) Investigation of the effects of lycorine and galanthamine extracted from Galanthus elwesii on viral and parasitic targets: An in-silico analysis and DFT Study. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 7 2 139–150.
IEEE M. Gül and E. Batı Ay, “Investigation of the effects of lycorine and galanthamine extracted from Galanthus elwesii on viral and parasitic targets: An in-silico analysis and DFT Study”, Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 139–150, 2024, doi: 10.46239/ejbcs.1554370.
ISNAD Gül, Melek - Batı Ay, Ebru. “Investigation of the Effects of Lycorine and Galanthamine Extracted from Galanthus Elwesii on Viral and Parasitic Targets: An in-Silico Analysis and DFT Study”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 7/2 (December 2024), 139-150.
JAMA Gül M, Batı Ay E. Investigation of the effects of lycorine and galanthamine extracted from Galanthus elwesii on viral and parasitic targets: An in-silico analysis and DFT Study. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. 2024;7:139–150.
MLA Gül, Melek and Ebru Batı Ay. “Investigation of the Effects of Lycorine and Galanthamine Extracted from Galanthus Elwesii on Viral and Parasitic Targets: An in-Silico Analysis and DFT Study”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 2, 2024, pp. 139-50, doi:10.46239/ejbcs.1554370.
Vancouver Gül M, Batı Ay E. Investigation of the effects of lycorine and galanthamine extracted from Galanthus elwesii on viral and parasitic targets: An in-silico analysis and DFT Study. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. 2024;7(2):139-50.