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Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme

Year 2021, , 25 - 28, 29.06.2021


Tilmikosin sadece veteriner hekimlik için geliştirilmiş makrolid grubu antibiyotiktir. Ürünün kullanımı sığır, koyun, domuz, hindi ve tavuklarda onaylanmıştır. Etkili olduğu mikroorganizmalarda protein sentezini engelleyerek bakteriostatik etki gösterir. Bu hayvanlarda özellikle solunum sistemi enfeksiyonlarının tedavisinde kullanılır. Makrolid grubu antibiyotiklerin yan etkileri arasında tanımlanan kardiyotoksisite ise tilmikosinde oldukça belirgindir. Etiket dışı kullanımda veya kullanımı önerilen hayvanlarda deri altı dışı uygulamalarda ölüme kadar gidebilen kardiyotoksisiteye neden olabilmektedir. İnsanlar ise genellikle tilmikosine kazara maruz kalırlar ve ölümler gözlenebilmektedir. Veteriner ilaçlar arasında en fazla yan etki bildirilen ilaçlardan birisidir. Bu derlemede tilmikosinin insan ve hayvanlarda neden olduğu toksisitesi, mekanizması ve tedavi seçenekleri hakkında bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • Abo-Kora S, El-Meleh A, Aboubakr, M 2016. Effect of tilmicosin on fetal developments in pregnant female albino rats. Pharmacol Pharm, 7:147-152.
  • Aboubakr M, Elsayd F, Soliman A, Fadl SE, El-Shafey A, Abdelhiee E.Y 2020. L-Carnitine and vitamin E ameliorate cardiotoxicity induced by tilmicosin in rats. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 27:23026-23034.
  • Altunok V, Yazar E, Elmas M, Tras B, Bas AL, Col R 2002. Investigation of haematological and biochemical side effects of tilmicosin in healthy New Zealand rabbits. J Vet Med B, 49:68-70.
  • Arunvikram K, Mohanty I, Sardar KK, Palai S, Sahoo G, Patra RC 2014. Adverse drug reaction and toxicity caused by commonly used antimicrobials in canine practice. Vet World, 7:299-305.
  • Besserer F, Chuang R, Mink M, Massey L, Cload B 2016. Tilmicosin toxicity: a case of accidental human tilmicosin injection managed with calcium, high-dose insulin and intravenous lipid emulsion therapy. Clin Toxicol, 54:812-813.
  • Cetin E 2019. Protective effect of ghrelin against tilmicosin-induced left ventricular dysfunction in rats. Can J Physiol Pharm, 97:407-412.
  • Cetin N, Boyraz U, Cetin E 2011. Ghrelin alleviates tilmikosin induced myocardial oxidative stress in rats. JAVA, 10:2038-2042
  • Christodoulopoulos G 2019. Adverse outcome of using tilmicosin in a lamb with multiple ventricular septal defects. Can Vet J, 50:61-63.
  • Coskun D, Yazar E 2020. Use of tildipirosin in ruminants. Eurasian J Bio Chem Sci, 3:70-73.
  • Coskun Y, Golen I, Ondes S, Erdogdu T 2012. Poisoning case caused by tilmicosin in goats. Bornova Vet Bil Derg, 34:39-42.
  • Elsayed M, Elkomy A, Aboubakr M, Morad M 2014. Tissue residues, hematological and biochemical effects of tilmicosin in broiler chicken. Vet Med Int, 502872.
  • EMA 2020a., erişim tarihi:07.08.2020
  • EMA 2020b., erişim tarihi:07.08.2020
  • Er A, Tras B, Cetin G, Dik B 2014. Amiodarone may prevent the tilmicosin-caused lethal toxicity. Acta Sci Vet, 42:1187.
  • Eraslan G 2007. Effects of different doses of tilmicosin on erythrocyte catalase activity and plasma malondialdehyde levels in chicks. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 51:145-147.
  • Forrester MB 2005. Human exposures to tilmicosin reported to poison centres, Texas, 1998-2003. Hum Exp Toxicol, 24:275-278.
  • Gheith I, El-Mahmoudy A, Elmajdoub A, Awidat S 2015. Pharmacovigilance of tilmicosin in mice. Acta Sci Vet, 43:1318.
  • Ibrahim A, Abdel-Daim MM 2015. Modulating effects of Spirulina platensis against tilmicosin-induced cardiotoxicity in mice. Cell J, 17:137-144.
  • Kart A, Yapar K, Karapehlivan M, Citil M 2007a. The possible protective effect of l-carnitine on tilmicosin-induced cardiotoxicity in mice. J Vet Med A, 54:144-146.
  • Kart A, Karapehlivan M, Yapar K, Citil M, Akpinar A 2007b. Protection through l-carnitine on tissue oxidant status and sialic acid content in tilmicosin-induced alterations in Balb/C mice. Acta Vet Brno, 76:203-207.
  • Lust EB, Barthold C, Malesker MA, Wichman TO 2011. Human health hazards of veterinary medications: Information for emergency departments. J Emerg Med, 40:198-207.
  • Main BW, Means JR, Rinkema LE, Smith WC, Sarazan RD 1996. Cardiovascular effects of the macrolide antibiotic tilmicosin, administered alone and in combination with propranolol or dobutamine, in conscious unrestrained dogs. J Vet Pharmacol Therap, 19:225-232.
  • Oakes JA, Seifert SA 2008. American association of poison control centers database characterization of human tilmicosin exposures, 2001-2005. J Med Toxicol, 4:225-231.
  • Oda SS, Derbalah AE 2018. Impact of diclofenac sodium on tilmicosin-induced acute cardiotoxicity in rats (tilmicosin and diclofenac cardiotoxicity). Cardiovasc Toxicol, 18:63-75.
  • Rasheed MA, Ashraf M, Javeed A, Anjum AA 2018. Toxicological evaluation of tilmicosin after intramuscular injection in broiler chicken. J Anim Plant Sci, 28:1678-1686.
  • Said, A.A., Abdel-Alim, F., El-Nabtity, S.M., Eldin, M.B., Fadel, M.A. 2016. Immunological and biochemical profiles of tilmicosin in rabbits. Zagazig Vet. J., 44, 48-55. Veenhuizen MF, Wright TJ, McManus RF, Owens JG 2006. Analysis of reports of human exposure to Micotil 300 (tilmicosin injection). JAVMA, 229:1737-1742.
  • Von Essen S, Spencer J, Hass B, List P, Seifert SA, 2003. Unintentional human exposure to tilmicosin (Micotilw300). J Toxicol, 41:229-233.
  • Yan Z, Huang X, Xie Y, Song M, Zhu K, Ding S 2019. Macrolides induce severe cardiotoxicity and developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos. Sci Total Environ, 649:1414-1421.
  • Yapar K, Kart A, Karapehlivan M 2006. Effects of different doses of tilmicosin on some biochemical parameters and antioxidant status in serum and cardiac tissues in mice. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 50:605-608
  • Yazar E 2018. Veteriner İlaç ve Aşı A’dan Z’ye, Nobel tıp yayınevi, Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Yazar E 2019. Kemoterapötikler, in: Veteriner İlaç Rehberi ve Tedavi El Kitabı, Ed: Yazar E, Nobel tıp kitabevi, Istanbul, Türkiye
  • Yazar E, Altunok V, Elmas M, Tras B, Bas AL, Ozdemir V 2001. Effect of tilmicosin on cardiac muscle and serum creatine kinases activities and serum total protein level in healthy male Balb/C mice. Revue Med Vet, 152:881-883.
  • Yazar E, Altunok V, Elmas M, Tras B, Bas AL, Ozdemir V 2002a. The effect of tilmicosin on cardiac superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities. J Vet Med B, 49:209-210.
  • Yazar E, Birdane YO, Elmas M, Tras B, Bas AL 2002b. Effect of tilmicosin on serum creatine kinase, creatine kinase-MB and troponin I levels in New Zealand White rabbits. Arch Geflugelk, 66:237-239.
  • Yazar E, Oztekin E, Sivrikaya A, Col R, Elmas M, Bas AL 2004. Effects of different doses of tilmicosin on malondialdehyde and glutathione concentrations in mice. Acta Vet Brno, 73:69-72.
  • Youssef MA, Ibrahim HM, Farag EM, El-Khodery SA 2016. Effects of tilmicosin phosphate administration on echocardiographic parameters in healthy donkeys (Equus asinus): an experimental study. J Equine Vet Sci, 38:24-29.
  • Zhang X, Pan J, Wu N, Tang S, Lei X, Sun Y, Hartung J, Bao E 2018. Investigation of the efficiency and safety of tilmicosin phosphate in treating experimental mycoplasmal infections in pigs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 42:571-580.

Tilmicosin Toxication: Mini Review

Year 2021, , 25 - 28, 29.06.2021


Tilmicosin is a macrolide group antibiotic developed only for veterinary medicine. The use of the product is approved in cattle, sheep, pigs, turkeys and chickens. It shows bacteriostatic effect by inhibiting protein synthesis in microorganisms. They are especially used in the treatment of respiratory system infections in these animals. Cardiotoxicity, which is defined among the side effects of macrolide group antibiotics, is quite prominent in tilmicosin. It can cause cardiotoxicity and death, when non-subcutaneous applications in recommended animals or extra-label use. Humans can often be accidentally exposed to tilmikosin, and deaths can be observed. Tilmicosin is one of the most reported side effects among veterinary drugs. In this review, it could be tried to give information about the toxicity, mechanism and treatment options of tilmicosin in humans and animals.


  • Abo-Kora S, El-Meleh A, Aboubakr, M 2016. Effect of tilmicosin on fetal developments in pregnant female albino rats. Pharmacol Pharm, 7:147-152.
  • Aboubakr M, Elsayd F, Soliman A, Fadl SE, El-Shafey A, Abdelhiee E.Y 2020. L-Carnitine and vitamin E ameliorate cardiotoxicity induced by tilmicosin in rats. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 27:23026-23034.
  • Altunok V, Yazar E, Elmas M, Tras B, Bas AL, Col R 2002. Investigation of haematological and biochemical side effects of tilmicosin in healthy New Zealand rabbits. J Vet Med B, 49:68-70.
  • Arunvikram K, Mohanty I, Sardar KK, Palai S, Sahoo G, Patra RC 2014. Adverse drug reaction and toxicity caused by commonly used antimicrobials in canine practice. Vet World, 7:299-305.
  • Besserer F, Chuang R, Mink M, Massey L, Cload B 2016. Tilmicosin toxicity: a case of accidental human tilmicosin injection managed with calcium, high-dose insulin and intravenous lipid emulsion therapy. Clin Toxicol, 54:812-813.
  • Cetin E 2019. Protective effect of ghrelin against tilmicosin-induced left ventricular dysfunction in rats. Can J Physiol Pharm, 97:407-412.
  • Cetin N, Boyraz U, Cetin E 2011. Ghrelin alleviates tilmikosin induced myocardial oxidative stress in rats. JAVA, 10:2038-2042
  • Christodoulopoulos G 2019. Adverse outcome of using tilmicosin in a lamb with multiple ventricular septal defects. Can Vet J, 50:61-63.
  • Coskun D, Yazar E 2020. Use of tildipirosin in ruminants. Eurasian J Bio Chem Sci, 3:70-73.
  • Coskun Y, Golen I, Ondes S, Erdogdu T 2012. Poisoning case caused by tilmicosin in goats. Bornova Vet Bil Derg, 34:39-42.
  • Elsayed M, Elkomy A, Aboubakr M, Morad M 2014. Tissue residues, hematological and biochemical effects of tilmicosin in broiler chicken. Vet Med Int, 502872.
  • EMA 2020a., erişim tarihi:07.08.2020
  • EMA 2020b., erişim tarihi:07.08.2020
  • Er A, Tras B, Cetin G, Dik B 2014. Amiodarone may prevent the tilmicosin-caused lethal toxicity. Acta Sci Vet, 42:1187.
  • Eraslan G 2007. Effects of different doses of tilmicosin on erythrocyte catalase activity and plasma malondialdehyde levels in chicks. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 51:145-147.
  • Forrester MB 2005. Human exposures to tilmicosin reported to poison centres, Texas, 1998-2003. Hum Exp Toxicol, 24:275-278.
  • Gheith I, El-Mahmoudy A, Elmajdoub A, Awidat S 2015. Pharmacovigilance of tilmicosin in mice. Acta Sci Vet, 43:1318.
  • Ibrahim A, Abdel-Daim MM 2015. Modulating effects of Spirulina platensis against tilmicosin-induced cardiotoxicity in mice. Cell J, 17:137-144.
  • Kart A, Yapar K, Karapehlivan M, Citil M 2007a. The possible protective effect of l-carnitine on tilmicosin-induced cardiotoxicity in mice. J Vet Med A, 54:144-146.
  • Kart A, Karapehlivan M, Yapar K, Citil M, Akpinar A 2007b. Protection through l-carnitine on tissue oxidant status and sialic acid content in tilmicosin-induced alterations in Balb/C mice. Acta Vet Brno, 76:203-207.
  • Lust EB, Barthold C, Malesker MA, Wichman TO 2011. Human health hazards of veterinary medications: Information for emergency departments. J Emerg Med, 40:198-207.
  • Main BW, Means JR, Rinkema LE, Smith WC, Sarazan RD 1996. Cardiovascular effects of the macrolide antibiotic tilmicosin, administered alone and in combination with propranolol or dobutamine, in conscious unrestrained dogs. J Vet Pharmacol Therap, 19:225-232.
  • Oakes JA, Seifert SA 2008. American association of poison control centers database characterization of human tilmicosin exposures, 2001-2005. J Med Toxicol, 4:225-231.
  • Oda SS, Derbalah AE 2018. Impact of diclofenac sodium on tilmicosin-induced acute cardiotoxicity in rats (tilmicosin and diclofenac cardiotoxicity). Cardiovasc Toxicol, 18:63-75.
  • Rasheed MA, Ashraf M, Javeed A, Anjum AA 2018. Toxicological evaluation of tilmicosin after intramuscular injection in broiler chicken. J Anim Plant Sci, 28:1678-1686.
  • Said, A.A., Abdel-Alim, F., El-Nabtity, S.M., Eldin, M.B., Fadel, M.A. 2016. Immunological and biochemical profiles of tilmicosin in rabbits. Zagazig Vet. J., 44, 48-55. Veenhuizen MF, Wright TJ, McManus RF, Owens JG 2006. Analysis of reports of human exposure to Micotil 300 (tilmicosin injection). JAVMA, 229:1737-1742.
  • Von Essen S, Spencer J, Hass B, List P, Seifert SA, 2003. Unintentional human exposure to tilmicosin (Micotilw300). J Toxicol, 41:229-233.
  • Yan Z, Huang X, Xie Y, Song M, Zhu K, Ding S 2019. Macrolides induce severe cardiotoxicity and developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos. Sci Total Environ, 649:1414-1421.
  • Yapar K, Kart A, Karapehlivan M 2006. Effects of different doses of tilmicosin on some biochemical parameters and antioxidant status in serum and cardiac tissues in mice. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy, 50:605-608
  • Yazar E 2018. Veteriner İlaç ve Aşı A’dan Z’ye, Nobel tıp yayınevi, Istanbul, Türkiye.
  • Yazar E 2019. Kemoterapötikler, in: Veteriner İlaç Rehberi ve Tedavi El Kitabı, Ed: Yazar E, Nobel tıp kitabevi, Istanbul, Türkiye
  • Yazar E, Altunok V, Elmas M, Tras B, Bas AL, Ozdemir V 2001. Effect of tilmicosin on cardiac muscle and serum creatine kinases activities and serum total protein level in healthy male Balb/C mice. Revue Med Vet, 152:881-883.
  • Yazar E, Altunok V, Elmas M, Tras B, Bas AL, Ozdemir V 2002a. The effect of tilmicosin on cardiac superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities. J Vet Med B, 49:209-210.
  • Yazar E, Birdane YO, Elmas M, Tras B, Bas AL 2002b. Effect of tilmicosin on serum creatine kinase, creatine kinase-MB and troponin I levels in New Zealand White rabbits. Arch Geflugelk, 66:237-239.
  • Yazar E, Oztekin E, Sivrikaya A, Col R, Elmas M, Bas AL 2004. Effects of different doses of tilmicosin on malondialdehyde and glutathione concentrations in mice. Acta Vet Brno, 73:69-72.
  • Youssef MA, Ibrahim HM, Farag EM, El-Khodery SA 2016. Effects of tilmicosin phosphate administration on echocardiographic parameters in healthy donkeys (Equus asinus): an experimental study. J Equine Vet Sci, 38:24-29.
  • Zhang X, Pan J, Wu N, Tang S, Lei X, Sun Y, Hartung J, Bao E 2018. Investigation of the efficiency and safety of tilmicosin phosphate in treating experimental mycoplasmal infections in pigs. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 42:571-580.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Review Articles

Rahmi Canbar

Enver Yazar 0000-0002-6508-7245

Publication Date June 29, 2021
Acceptance Date May 11, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Canbar, R., & Yazar, E. (2021). Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 4(1), 25-28.
AMA Canbar R, Yazar E. Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. June 2021;4(1):25-28. doi:10.46239/ejbcs.782004
Chicago Canbar, Rahmi, and Enver Yazar. “Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 4, no. 1 (June 2021): 25-28.
EndNote Canbar R, Yazar E (June 1, 2021) Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 4 1 25–28.
IEEE R. Canbar and E. Yazar, “Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme”, Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 25–28, 2021, doi: 10.46239/ejbcs.782004.
ISNAD Canbar, Rahmi - Yazar, Enver. “Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 4/1 (June 2021), 25-28.
JAMA Canbar R, Yazar E. Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. 2021;4:25–28.
MLA Canbar, Rahmi and Enver Yazar. “Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme”. Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, 2021, pp. 25-28, doi:10.46239/ejbcs.782004.
Vancouver Canbar R, Yazar E. Tilmikosin Zehirliliği: Mini Derleme. Eurasian J. Bio. Chem. Sci. 2021;4(1):25-8.