Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 88 - 134, 27.01.2025


Bu çalışmanın amacı, manosferin bir kaynağı olarak Reddit'in cinsiyetçi ve anti-feminist söylemleri nasıl yapılandırdığını ve normalleştirdiğini incelemektir. Bu doğrultuda, manosferi beslediği düşünülen altı subredditin en yüksek etkileşim alan gönderileri, derlem (corpus) yöntemi olarak bilinen karma bir yaklaşımla analiz edilmiştir. İncelenen subredditler, başlıklarıyla uyumlu olarak belirgin farklılıklar gösterse de hepsinin bir tür cinsiyet hiyerarşisi içinde erkekliği hegemonik ve kadın karşıtı bir çerçevede yeniden inşa etme ortak amacını paylaştığı görülmektedir. Çalışmanın bulgularına göre Reddit, manosferin metapolitik bir strateji olarak toksik bir tekno-kültür yaratma sürecine küresel bir platform sağlayarak doğrudan katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu ortam, cinsiyet eşitsizliğini, kadına yönelik şiddeti ve mizojiniyi destekleyerek çevrimiçi ve çevrimdışı radikalleşmeyi artırma potansiyeline sahiptir.

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  • Aiston, J. (2023). ‘Vicious, vitriolic, hateful and hypocritical’: the representation of feminism within the manosphere. Critical Discourse Studies, 1-18.
  • Akalın, A. (2024). Red Pill Hareketi ile Woke Kültürü Arasında Bir Köprü Olarak ‘Oneitis’ Kavramı. Kültür ve İletişim, 27(53), 7-23.
  • Bazzano, M. (2022). Everybody wants to be a manager: On masculinity,microfascism and the manosphere. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 173-186.
  • Bell, D. P. (2023). “Pick-Me” Black women: tactical patriarchal femininity in the Black manosphere. Feminist Media Studies, 1-19.
  • Botto, M., & Gottzén, L. (2023). Swallowing and spitting out the red pill: young men, vulnerability, and radicalization pathways in the manosphere. Journal of Gender Studies, 1-13.
  • Bratich, J. Z. (2024). Patriarchal pacts in the neo-archaic manosphere: warband brotherhoods as fascist masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies, 1-15. doi:10.1080/09589236.2024.2349911
  • Bryan, E., & Warren, S. (2023). The manosphere under the microscope: a critical discourse analysis of the news media reporting of Rowan Baxter’s murder of Hannah Clarke and her family. Feminist Media Studies, 1-18.
  • Cambridge University Press & Assessment. (2024). Meaning of manosphere in English. Mayıs 15, 2024 tarihinde Cambridge Dictionary: adresinden alındı
  • Cannito, M., & Mercuri, E. (2021). Fatherhood and gender relations in the manosphere: Exploring an Italian non-resident fathers’ online forum. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 25(4), s. 1010-1029.
  • Ceci, L. (2024). Reddit digital advertising revenues worldwide from 2018 to 2026. Statista:,U.S.%20dollars%20in%20advertising%20revenue. adresinden alındı
  • Dafaure, M. (2022). Memes, trolls and the manosphere: mapping the manifold expressions of antifeminism and misogyny online. European Journal of English Studies, 236-254.
  • Dean, B. (2024). Reddit User and Growth Stats. Backlinko: adresinden alındı
  • Dickel, V., & Evolvi, G. (2023). “Victims of feminism”: exploring networked misogyny and #MeToo in the manosphere. Feminist Media Studies, 23(4), 1392-1408.
  • Elgün, A. (2020). Erkek Evreninde Erkeklik Biçimlerinin Temsili: Üzerine Nitel Bir Analiz. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 7(2), 871-894.
  • Faludi, S. (2006). Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. Three Rivers Press.
  • Farrell, T., Araque, O., Fernandez, M., & Alani, H. (2020). On the use of Jargon and Word Embeddings to Explore Subculture within the Reddit’s Manosphere. Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science, (s. 221-230).
  • Farrell, T., Fernandez, M., & Novotny, J. a. (2019). Exploring Misogyny across the Manosphere in Reddit. WebSci '19 Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, (s. 87-96).
  • Fontanella, L., Chulvi, B., Ignazz, E., Sara, A., & Tontodimamma, A. (2024). How do we study misogyny in the digital age? A systematic literature review using a computational linguistic approach. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 1-15.
  • GilPress. (2024). Reddit User Age, Gender, & Demographics Statistics (2024). adresinden alındı
  • Ging, D. (2017). Alphas, Betas, and Incels: Theorizing the Masculinities of the Manosphere. Men and Masculinities, 22(4), 638-657.
  • Ging, D. (2019). Bros v. Hos: Postfeminism, Anti-feminism and the Toxic Turn in Digital Gender Politics. D. Ging, & E. Siapera içinde, Gender Hate Online (s. 45-67). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Górska, A. M., Kulicka, K., & Jemielniak, D. (2023). Men not going their own way: a thick big data analysis of #MGTOW and #Feminism tweets. Feminist Media Studies, 23(8), 3774-3792.
  • Haberturk. (2024, 9 Ekim). "Manosfer": Çevrimiçi kadın düşmanlığı. Haberturk: adresinden alındı
  • Han, X., & Yin, C. (2023). Mapping the manosphere. Categorization of reactionary masculinity discourses in digital environment. Feminist Media Studies, 23(5), 1923-1940.
  • Hansson, K., Sveningsson, M., & Ganetz, H. (2024). #MeToo in the Manosphere: The Formation of a Counter Discourse on the Swedish Online Forum Flashback. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 1-15.
  • Hermansson, P., Lawrence, D., Mulhall, J., & Murdoch, S. (2020). The International Alt-Right : Fascism for the 21st Century? Routledge.
  • Hintz, E. A., & Betts, T. (2022). Reddit in communication research: current status, future directions and best practices. Annals of the International Communication Association, 46(2), 116-133.
  • Kadıoğlu, D. S. (2021). Türkiye’nin ‘Manosfer’i: Türkiye’de Erkek Hakları Tartışması ve Sosyal Medya. Yeni E Degisi. adresinden alındı
  • Kaz, W. (2024, Nisan 12). incel. Mayıs 15, 2024 tarihinde Encyclopedia Britannica: adresinden alındı
  • Krendel, A., McGlashan, M., & Koller, V. (2022). The representation of gendered social actors across five manosphere communities on Reddit. Corpora, 17(2), 291-321.
  • Lacalle, C., Gómez-Morales, B., Vicent-Ibáñez, M., & Narvaiza, S. (2024). ‘Seals’, ‘bitches’, ‘vixens’, and other zoomorphic insults: the animalisation of women as an expression of misogyny in the Spanish Manosphere. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 11(1), 1-13.
  • Marwick, A. E., & Caplan, R. (2018). Drinking male tears: language, the manosphere,and networked harassment. Feminist Media Studies, 543-559.
  • Massanari, A. (2017). Masculinities 22, no. 4 (2019): 638–39,; Adrienne Massanari, “#Gamergate and the Fappening: How Reddit’s Algorithm, Governance, and Culture Support Toxic Technocultures,” . New Media & Society, 19(3), 329-346.
  • McEnery, T., & Hardie, A. (2011). Corpus Linguistics: Method, Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press.
  • Messner, M. A. (1998). The Limits of "The Male Sex Role": An Analysis of the Men's Liberation and Men's Rights Movements' Discourse. Gender and Society, 12(3), 255-276.
  • Messner, M. A. (2016). Forks in the Road of Men’s Gender Politics: Men’s Rights vs Feminist Allies. International Journal for Crime, 5(2), 6-20.
  • Nguyen, C. T. (2020). Echo Chambers And Epıstemıc Bubbles. Episteme, 17(2), 141-161.
  • Norris, P. (2023). Cancel Culture: Myth or Reality? Political Studies, 71(1), 145-174.
  • Potter, M. (2021). Bad actors never sleep: content manipulation on Reddit. Continuum, 706-718.
  • Puente, S. N., Romero, D. F., & Maceiras, S. D. (2021). New Discourses of Masculinity in the Context of Online Misogyny in Spain: The Use of the “Feminazi” And “Gender Ideology” Concepts on Twitter. Social Studies.
  • Regan, M. (2022). Oneitis: The Reason Behind Your Obsession with Romance. Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp.
  • Rhodes, S. C. (2022). Filter Bubbles, Echo Chambers, and Fake News: How Social Media Conditions Individuals to Be Less Critical of Political Misinformation. Political Communication.
  • Ribeiro, M. H., Blackburn, J., Bradlyn, B., Cristofaro, E. D., Stringhini, G., Long, S., Zannettou, S. (2021). The Evolution of the Manosphere across the Web. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 15(1).
  • Rothermel, A.-K. (2020a). Global-local dynamics in anti-feminist discourses: an analysis of Indian, Russian and US online communities. International Affairs, 96(5).
  • Rothermel, A.-K. (2020b). "The other Side”: Assessing the polarization of gender knowledge through a feminist analysis of the affective-discursive in anti-feminist online communities. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 27(4), 718–741.
  • Rothermel, A.-K. (2023). The role of evidence-based misogyny in antifeminist online communities of the ‘manosphere’. Big Data & Society, 10(1), 1-6.
  • Rothermel, A.-K., Kelly, M., & Jasser, G. S. (2022). Of victims, mass murder and ‘real men’: The masculinities of the ‘manosphere’. E. K. Carian, A. DiBranco, & C. Ebin içinde, Male Supremacism in the United States: From Patriarchal Traditionalism to Misogynist Incels and the Alt-Right (s. 117-141). Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right.
  • Sugiura, L. (2021). The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere and the Virtual War Against Women. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • T24. (2024, 13 Eylül). İncel Sohbet Odası'ndaki canlı yayına tutuklanma: Jahrein ve Rockerpuck_Evil, "müstehcenlik" suçundan tutuklandı. T24:,1183975 adresinden alındı
  • Taylor, B. (2020). Alt-Right. Z. A. Casey içinde, Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education (s. 15-22). Brill.
  • Temelli, E. (2022). “Incel” Örneği Üzerinden Çevrim İçi Mizojinist Gruplar ve Şiddet Eylemleri. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, 6(1).
  • Thorburn, J. (2023). Exiting the Manosphere. A Gendered Analysis of Radicalization, Diversion and Deradicalization Narratives from r/IncelExit and r/ExRedPill. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-25. Wright, S., Trott, V., & Jones, C. (2020). ‘The pussy ain’t worth it, bro’: assessing the discourse and structure of MGTOW. Information, Communication & Society, 23(6), 908-925.
  • Zimmerman, S. (2023). Dangerous Misogyny of the Digital World: The Case. E. Kath, J. C. Lee, & A. Warren içinde, The Digital Global Condition (s. 107-132). Palgrave Macmillan,.
  • Zuckerberg, D. (2018). Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age. London: Harvard University Press.


Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 88 - 134, 27.01.2025


The aim of this study is to examine how Reddit, as a source of the manosphere, shapes and perpetuates sexist and anti-feminist narratives. To this end, the most highly interacted posts from six subreddits believed to feed the manosphere were analyzed using a mixed approach known as corpus methodology. Although the examined subreddits show distinct differences in line with their titles, it is observed that all share a common goal of reconstructing masculinity in a hegemonic and anti-woman framework within a gender hierarchy. According to the findings of the study, Reddit directly contributes to the creation of a toxic techno-culture as a metapolitical strategy by providing a global platform for the manosphere. This environment has the potential to increase both online and offline radicalization by supporting gender inequality, violence against women, and misogyny."


  • Aiston, J. (2023). ‘Vicious, vitriolic, hateful and hypocritical’: the representation of feminism within the manosphere. Critical Discourse Studies, 1-18.
  • Akalın, A. (2024). Red Pill Hareketi ile Woke Kültürü Arasında Bir Köprü Olarak ‘Oneitis’ Kavramı. Kültür ve İletişim, 27(53), 7-23.
  • Bazzano, M. (2022). Everybody wants to be a manager: On masculinity,microfascism and the manosphere. European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 173-186.
  • Bell, D. P. (2023). “Pick-Me” Black women: tactical patriarchal femininity in the Black manosphere. Feminist Media Studies, 1-19.
  • Botto, M., & Gottzén, L. (2023). Swallowing and spitting out the red pill: young men, vulnerability, and radicalization pathways in the manosphere. Journal of Gender Studies, 1-13.
  • Bratich, J. Z. (2024). Patriarchal pacts in the neo-archaic manosphere: warband brotherhoods as fascist masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies, 1-15. doi:10.1080/09589236.2024.2349911
  • Bryan, E., & Warren, S. (2023). The manosphere under the microscope: a critical discourse analysis of the news media reporting of Rowan Baxter’s murder of Hannah Clarke and her family. Feminist Media Studies, 1-18.
  • Cambridge University Press & Assessment. (2024). Meaning of manosphere in English. Mayıs 15, 2024 tarihinde Cambridge Dictionary: adresinden alındı
  • Cannito, M., & Mercuri, E. (2021). Fatherhood and gender relations in the manosphere: Exploring an Italian non-resident fathers’ online forum. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 25(4), s. 1010-1029.
  • Ceci, L. (2024). Reddit digital advertising revenues worldwide from 2018 to 2026. Statista:,U.S.%20dollars%20in%20advertising%20revenue. adresinden alındı
  • Dafaure, M. (2022). Memes, trolls and the manosphere: mapping the manifold expressions of antifeminism and misogyny online. European Journal of English Studies, 236-254.
  • Dean, B. (2024). Reddit User and Growth Stats. Backlinko: adresinden alındı
  • Dickel, V., & Evolvi, G. (2023). “Victims of feminism”: exploring networked misogyny and #MeToo in the manosphere. Feminist Media Studies, 23(4), 1392-1408.
  • Elgün, A. (2020). Erkek Evreninde Erkeklik Biçimlerinin Temsili: Üzerine Nitel Bir Analiz. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 7(2), 871-894.
  • Faludi, S. (2006). Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women. Three Rivers Press.
  • Farrell, T., Araque, O., Fernandez, M., & Alani, H. (2020). On the use of Jargon and Word Embeddings to Explore Subculture within the Reddit’s Manosphere. Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Web Science, (s. 221-230).
  • Farrell, T., Fernandez, M., & Novotny, J. a. (2019). Exploring Misogyny across the Manosphere in Reddit. WebSci '19 Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, (s. 87-96).
  • Fontanella, L., Chulvi, B., Ignazz, E., Sara, A., & Tontodimamma, A. (2024). How do we study misogyny in the digital age? A systematic literature review using a computational linguistic approach. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 1-15.
  • GilPress. (2024). Reddit User Age, Gender, & Demographics Statistics (2024). adresinden alındı
  • Ging, D. (2017). Alphas, Betas, and Incels: Theorizing the Masculinities of the Manosphere. Men and Masculinities, 22(4), 638-657.
  • Ging, D. (2019). Bros v. Hos: Postfeminism, Anti-feminism and the Toxic Turn in Digital Gender Politics. D. Ging, & E. Siapera içinde, Gender Hate Online (s. 45-67). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Górska, A. M., Kulicka, K., & Jemielniak, D. (2023). Men not going their own way: a thick big data analysis of #MGTOW and #Feminism tweets. Feminist Media Studies, 23(8), 3774-3792.
  • Haberturk. (2024, 9 Ekim). "Manosfer": Çevrimiçi kadın düşmanlığı. Haberturk: adresinden alındı
  • Han, X., & Yin, C. (2023). Mapping the manosphere. Categorization of reactionary masculinity discourses in digital environment. Feminist Media Studies, 23(5), 1923-1940.
  • Hansson, K., Sveningsson, M., & Ganetz, H. (2024). #MeToo in the Manosphere: The Formation of a Counter Discourse on the Swedish Online Forum Flashback. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 1-15.
  • Hermansson, P., Lawrence, D., Mulhall, J., & Murdoch, S. (2020). The International Alt-Right : Fascism for the 21st Century? Routledge.
  • Hintz, E. A., & Betts, T. (2022). Reddit in communication research: current status, future directions and best practices. Annals of the International Communication Association, 46(2), 116-133.
  • Kadıoğlu, D. S. (2021). Türkiye’nin ‘Manosfer’i: Türkiye’de Erkek Hakları Tartışması ve Sosyal Medya. Yeni E Degisi. adresinden alındı
  • Kaz, W. (2024, Nisan 12). incel. Mayıs 15, 2024 tarihinde Encyclopedia Britannica: adresinden alındı
  • Krendel, A., McGlashan, M., & Koller, V. (2022). The representation of gendered social actors across five manosphere communities on Reddit. Corpora, 17(2), 291-321.
  • Lacalle, C., Gómez-Morales, B., Vicent-Ibáñez, M., & Narvaiza, S. (2024). ‘Seals’, ‘bitches’, ‘vixens’, and other zoomorphic insults: the animalisation of women as an expression of misogyny in the Spanish Manosphere. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 11(1), 1-13.
  • Marwick, A. E., & Caplan, R. (2018). Drinking male tears: language, the manosphere,and networked harassment. Feminist Media Studies, 543-559.
  • Massanari, A. (2017). Masculinities 22, no. 4 (2019): 638–39,; Adrienne Massanari, “#Gamergate and the Fappening: How Reddit’s Algorithm, Governance, and Culture Support Toxic Technocultures,” . New Media & Society, 19(3), 329-346.
  • McEnery, T., & Hardie, A. (2011). Corpus Linguistics: Method, Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press.
  • Messner, M. A. (1998). The Limits of "The Male Sex Role": An Analysis of the Men's Liberation and Men's Rights Movements' Discourse. Gender and Society, 12(3), 255-276.
  • Messner, M. A. (2016). Forks in the Road of Men’s Gender Politics: Men’s Rights vs Feminist Allies. International Journal for Crime, 5(2), 6-20.
  • Nguyen, C. T. (2020). Echo Chambers And Epıstemıc Bubbles. Episteme, 17(2), 141-161.
  • Norris, P. (2023). Cancel Culture: Myth or Reality? Political Studies, 71(1), 145-174.
  • Potter, M. (2021). Bad actors never sleep: content manipulation on Reddit. Continuum, 706-718.
  • Puente, S. N., Romero, D. F., & Maceiras, S. D. (2021). New Discourses of Masculinity in the Context of Online Misogyny in Spain: The Use of the “Feminazi” And “Gender Ideology” Concepts on Twitter. Social Studies.
  • Regan, M. (2022). Oneitis: The Reason Behind Your Obsession with Romance. Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp.
  • Rhodes, S. C. (2022). Filter Bubbles, Echo Chambers, and Fake News: How Social Media Conditions Individuals to Be Less Critical of Political Misinformation. Political Communication.
  • Ribeiro, M. H., Blackburn, J., Bradlyn, B., Cristofaro, E. D., Stringhini, G., Long, S., Zannettou, S. (2021). The Evolution of the Manosphere across the Web. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 15(1).
  • Rothermel, A.-K. (2020a). Global-local dynamics in anti-feminist discourses: an analysis of Indian, Russian and US online communities. International Affairs, 96(5).
  • Rothermel, A.-K. (2020b). "The other Side”: Assessing the polarization of gender knowledge through a feminist analysis of the affective-discursive in anti-feminist online communities. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 27(4), 718–741.
  • Rothermel, A.-K. (2023). The role of evidence-based misogyny in antifeminist online communities of the ‘manosphere’. Big Data & Society, 10(1), 1-6.
  • Rothermel, A.-K., Kelly, M., & Jasser, G. S. (2022). Of victims, mass murder and ‘real men’: The masculinities of the ‘manosphere’. E. K. Carian, A. DiBranco, & C. Ebin içinde, Male Supremacism in the United States: From Patriarchal Traditionalism to Misogynist Incels and the Alt-Right (s. 117-141). Routledge Studies in Fascism and the Far Right.
  • Sugiura, L. (2021). The Incel Rebellion: The Rise of the Manosphere and the Virtual War Against Women. Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • T24. (2024, 13 Eylül). İncel Sohbet Odası'ndaki canlı yayına tutuklanma: Jahrein ve Rockerpuck_Evil, "müstehcenlik" suçundan tutuklandı. T24:,1183975 adresinden alındı
  • Taylor, B. (2020). Alt-Right. Z. A. Casey içinde, Encyclopedia of Critical Whiteness Studies in Education (s. 15-22). Brill.
  • Temelli, E. (2022). “Incel” Örneği Üzerinden Çevrim İçi Mizojinist Gruplar ve Şiddet Eylemleri. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, 6(1).
  • Thorburn, J. (2023). Exiting the Manosphere. A Gendered Analysis of Radicalization, Diversion and Deradicalization Narratives from r/IncelExit and r/ExRedPill. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-25. Wright, S., Trott, V., & Jones, C. (2020). ‘The pussy ain’t worth it, bro’: assessing the discourse and structure of MGTOW. Information, Communication & Society, 23(6), 908-925.
  • Zimmerman, S. (2023). Dangerous Misogyny of the Digital World: The Case. E. Kath, J. C. Lee, & A. Warren içinde, The Digital Global Condition (s. 107-132). Palgrave Macmillan,.
  • Zuckerberg, D. (2018). Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age. London: Harvard University Press.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Communication and Media Studies (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Nigar Değirmenci 0000-0002-6295-6265

İhsan Gurur İçirgen 0009-0001-1969-4239

Publication Date January 27, 2025
Submission Date December 20, 2024
Acceptance Date January 23, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1



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