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Antimikrobiyal Film ve Kaplamaların Kırmızı Et ve Köftelerin Mikrobiyal Kalitesine Etkisi

Year 2023, Issue: 46, 9 - 16, 31.01.2023


Ambalajlama, gıdaların raf ömrünü belirleyen önemli aşamalardandır. Kolay bozulan et ve et ürünlerinin kalitesini korumak ve raf ömrünü uzatmak için yeni paketleme yöntemleri geliştirilmiştir. Antimikrobiyal paketleme sistemleri et ve et ürünlerinde kalite ve güvenliğin sağlanmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. Amaç, mikroorganizmaların gelişimini belirli bir seviyede tutarak, yavaşlatarak veya durdurarak mikroorganizma gelişimini kontrol etmektir. Antimikrobiyal bileşiklerin gıdaya migrasyonu, çeşitli aktif bileşenlerin tek başına veya ambalaj malzemesine veya ortamına kombinasyon halinde eklenmesiyle sağlanır. Gıda güvenliğinin sağlanması, patojen veya bozulma nedeni olan mikroorganizmalar için bir engel mekanizması oluşturur. Bu çalışmada antimikrobiyal film ve kaplama uygulamalarının kırmızı et ve köftelerde mikrobiyal kaliteye etkileri tartışılacaktır.


  • Alam, J, HM Murshed, SME Rahman, and DH Oh. 2017. "Effect of chitosan on quality and shelf life of beef at refrigerated storage." Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 46(4):230-38.
  • Aleson-Carbonell, L, J Fernández-López, JA Pérez-Alvarez, and V Kuri. 2005. "Characteristics of beef burger as influenced by various types of lemon albedo." Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 6(2):247-55.
  • Alizadeh Behbahani, Behrooz, Fereshteh Falah, Alireza Vasiee, and Farideh Tabatabaee Yazdi. 2021. "Control of microbial growth and lipid oxidation in beef using a Lepidium perfoliatum seed mucilage edible coating incorporated with chicory essential oil." Food science & nutrition 9(5):2458-67.
  • Antoniadou, D, A Govaris, I Ambrosiadis, and D Sergelidis. 2019. "Effect of chitosan coating on the shelf life of ready-to-eat bovine meatballs and the control of Listeria monocytogenes growth on their surface during refrigeration storage." Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society 70(2):1495-502.
  • Arihara, Keizo. 2006. "Strategies for designing novel functional meat products." Meat science 74(1):219-29.
  • Arnim, Ferawati, and Yetti Marlida. 2012. "The effect of liquid smoke utilization as preservative for meatballs quality." Pak. J. Nutr 11(11):1078-80.
  • Arshad, Muhammad Sajid, and Syeda Ayesha Batool. 2017. "Natural antimicrobials, their sources and food safety." Food additives 87(1). Bassolé, Imaël Henri Nestor, and H Rodolfo Juliani. 2012. "Essential oils in combination and their antimicrobial properties." Molecules 17(4):3989-4006.
  • Behbahani, Behrooz Alizadeh, Fakhri Shahidi, Farideh Tabatabaei Yazdi, Seyed Ali Mortazavi, and Mohebbat Mohebbi. 2017. "Use of Plantago major seed mucilage as a novel edible coating incorporated with Anethum graveolens essential oil on shelf life extension of beef in refrigerated storage." International journal of biological macromolecules 94:515-26.
  • Bilek, A Elif, and Sadettin Turhan. 2009. "Enhancement of the nutritional status of beef patties by adding flaxseed flour." Meat science 82(4):472-77.
  • Bolumar, Tomas, Vibeke Orlien, Anita Sikes, Kemal Aganovic, Kathrine H Bak, Claire Guyon, Anna‐Sophie Stübler, Marie de Lamballerie, Christian Hertel, and Dagmar A Brüggemann. 2021. "High‐pressure processing of meat: Molecular impacts and industrial applications." Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 20(1):332-68.
  • Breukink, Eefjan. 2006. "A lesson in efficient killing from two‐component lantibiotics." Molecular Microbiology 61(2):271-73.
  • Brody, Aaron L, Betty Bugusu, Jung H Han, Claire Koelsch Sand, and Tara H McHugh. 2008. "Innovative food packaging solutions." Journal of food science 73(8):107-16.
  • Cagri, A, Z Ustunol, W Osburn, and ET Ryser. 2003. "Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes on hot dogs using antimicrobial whey protein‐based edible casings." Journal of food science 68(1):291-99.
  • Chatterjee, Champak, Moushumi Paul, Lili Xie, and Wilfred A Van Der Donk. 2005. "Biosynthesis and mode of action of lantibiotics." Chemical reviews 105(2):633-84.
  • Chauhan, Attar Singh, Pradeep Singh Negi, and Ramesh Shyam Ramteke. 2007. "Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of aqueous extract of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) seeds." Fitoterapia 78(7-8):590-92.
  • Choe, Ju-Hui, Hack-Youn Kim, Yun-Sang Choi, Doo-Jeong Han, Ji-Hun Choi, Yong-Jae Kim, and Cheon-Jei Kim. 2011. "Effects of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) leaf ethanolic extracts on lipid oxidation and microbial activity in refrigerated raw ground pork." Food Science of Animal Resources 31(6):865-71.
  • Davidson, P Michael, John N Sofos, and A Larry Branen. 2005. Antimicrobials in food: CRC press.
  • Diet, WHO. 2003. "nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases. Report of a joint WHO/FAO expert consultation." WHO Technical report series 916:34-38.
  • Dorman, HJ‒Deans, and Stanley G Deans. 2000. "Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils." Journal of applied microbiology 88(2):308-16.
  • Elgayyar, M, FA Draughon, DA Golden, and JR Mount. 2001. "Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from plants against selected pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms." Journal of food protection 64(7):1019-24.
  • Emam‐Djomeh, Zahra, Arezoo Moghaddam, and Seyed Ali Yasini Ardakani. 2015. "Antimicrobial activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel extract, physical, mechanical, barrier and antimicrobial properties of pomegranate peel extract‐incorporated sodium caseinate film and application in packaging for ground beef." Packaging Technology and Science 28(10):869-81.
  • Emiroğlu, Zehra Karagöz, Gökçe Polat Yemiş, Betül Kodal Coşkun, and Kezban Candoğan. 2010. "Antimicrobial activity of soy edible films incorporated with thyme and oregano essential oils on fresh ground beef patties." Meat science 86(2):283-88.
  • Fakhouri, Farayde Matta, Silvia Maria Martelli, Thiago Caon, José Ignacio Velasco, and Lucia Helena Innocentini Mei. 2015. "Edible films and coatings based on starch/gelatin: Film properties and effect of coatings on quality of refrigerated Red Crimson grapes." Postharvest Biology and Technology 109:57-64.
  • Ferawati, HP, YF Kurnia, and E Purwati. 2017. "Microbiological Quality and Safety of Meatball Sold in Payakumbuh City." West Sumatra, Indonesia. Fernandez-Lopez, J, N Zhi, L Aleson-Carbonell, JA and Pérez-Alvarez, and V Kuri. 2005. "Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of natural extracts: application in beef meatballs." Meat science 69(3):371-80.
  • Fernández‐Ginés, Jose M, Juana Fernández‐López, Estrella Sayas‐Barberá, and Jose A Pérez‐Alvarez. 2005. "Meat products as functional foods: A review." Journal of food science 70(2):R37-R43.
  • Genskowsky, E, LA Puente, JA Pérez-Álvarez, J Fernandez-Lopez, LA Muñoz, and M Viuda-Martos. 2015. "Assessment of antibacterial and antioxidant properties of chitosan edible films incorporated with maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis)." LWT-Food Science and Technology 64(2):1057-62.
  • Gonçalves, AA, and MDOC Rocha. 2017. "Safety and quality of antimicrobial packaging applied to seafood." MOJ Food Processing and Technology 4(1):00079.
  • Gutiérrez, Laura, Ramón Batlle, Sonia Andújar, Cristina Sánchez, and Cristina Nerín. 2011. "Evaluation of antimicrobial active packaging to increase shelf life of gluten‐free sliced bread." Packaging Technology and Science 24(8):485-94.
  • Gyawali, Rabin, and Salam A Ibrahim. 2014. "Natural products as antimicrobial agents." Food control 46:412-29.
  • Hamann, Daniele, Bruna Maria Saorin Puton, Rosicler Colet, Juliana Steffens, Giovana Cristina Ceni, Rogério Luis Cansian, and Geciane Toniazzo Backes. 2021. "Active edible films for application in meat products." Research, Society and Development 10(7):e13610716379-e79.
  • Hecer, Canan, and METİN Guldas. 2011. "Effects of lactic acid, fumaric acid and chlorine dioxide on shelf-life of broiler wings during storage." African Journal of Microbiology Research 5(23):3880-83.
  • Heinz, Gunter, and Peter Hautzinger. 2007. "Meat processing technology for small to medium scale producers." Hong, Y‐H, G‐O Lim, and KB Song. 2009. "Physical properties of Gelidium corneum–gelatin blend films containing grapefruit seed extract or green tea extract and its application in the packaging of pork loins." Journal of food science 74(1):C6-C10.
  • Huang, SC, CY Shiau, TE Liu, CL Chu, and Deng-Fwu Hwang. 2005. "Effects of rice bran on sensory and physico-chemical properties of emulsified pork meatballs." Meat science 70(4):613-19.
  • Hugas, M, M Garriga, M Pascual, MT Aymerich, and JM Monfort. 2002. "Enhancement of sakacin K activity against Listeria monocytogenes in fermented sausages with pepper or manganese as ingredients." Food Microbiology 19(5):519-28.
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The Effect Of Antimicrobial Films And Coatings On Microbial Quality Of Red Meat And Meatballs

Year 2023, Issue: 46, 9 - 16, 31.01.2023


Packaging is one of the important stages of the shelf life of foods. New packaging methods have been developed to preserve the quality of perishable meat and meat products and to extend their shelf life. Antimicrobial packaging systems play a role in ensuring quality and safety in meat and meat quality. The aim is to control the growth of microorganisms by keeping the growth of microorganisms at a certain level, slowing down or stopping them. Migration of antimicrobial compounds into food is achieved in a controlled manner by adding various active ingredients alone or in combination with packaging material or media. Ensuring food safety creates a barrier mechanism for pathogens or microorganisms that cause spoilage. In this study, antimicrobial film and coating applications on microbial quality in red meat and meatballs will be discussed.


  • Alam, J, HM Murshed, SME Rahman, and DH Oh. 2017. "Effect of chitosan on quality and shelf life of beef at refrigerated storage." Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science 46(4):230-38.
  • Aleson-Carbonell, L, J Fernández-López, JA Pérez-Alvarez, and V Kuri. 2005. "Characteristics of beef burger as influenced by various types of lemon albedo." Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 6(2):247-55.
  • Alizadeh Behbahani, Behrooz, Fereshteh Falah, Alireza Vasiee, and Farideh Tabatabaee Yazdi. 2021. "Control of microbial growth and lipid oxidation in beef using a Lepidium perfoliatum seed mucilage edible coating incorporated with chicory essential oil." Food science & nutrition 9(5):2458-67.
  • Antoniadou, D, A Govaris, I Ambrosiadis, and D Sergelidis. 2019. "Effect of chitosan coating on the shelf life of ready-to-eat bovine meatballs and the control of Listeria monocytogenes growth on their surface during refrigeration storage." Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society 70(2):1495-502.
  • Arihara, Keizo. 2006. "Strategies for designing novel functional meat products." Meat science 74(1):219-29.
  • Arnim, Ferawati, and Yetti Marlida. 2012. "The effect of liquid smoke utilization as preservative for meatballs quality." Pak. J. Nutr 11(11):1078-80.
  • Arshad, Muhammad Sajid, and Syeda Ayesha Batool. 2017. "Natural antimicrobials, their sources and food safety." Food additives 87(1). Bassolé, Imaël Henri Nestor, and H Rodolfo Juliani. 2012. "Essential oils in combination and their antimicrobial properties." Molecules 17(4):3989-4006.
  • Behbahani, Behrooz Alizadeh, Fakhri Shahidi, Farideh Tabatabaei Yazdi, Seyed Ali Mortazavi, and Mohebbat Mohebbi. 2017. "Use of Plantago major seed mucilage as a novel edible coating incorporated with Anethum graveolens essential oil on shelf life extension of beef in refrigerated storage." International journal of biological macromolecules 94:515-26.
  • Bilek, A Elif, and Sadettin Turhan. 2009. "Enhancement of the nutritional status of beef patties by adding flaxseed flour." Meat science 82(4):472-77.
  • Bolumar, Tomas, Vibeke Orlien, Anita Sikes, Kemal Aganovic, Kathrine H Bak, Claire Guyon, Anna‐Sophie Stübler, Marie de Lamballerie, Christian Hertel, and Dagmar A Brüggemann. 2021. "High‐pressure processing of meat: Molecular impacts and industrial applications." Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 20(1):332-68.
  • Breukink, Eefjan. 2006. "A lesson in efficient killing from two‐component lantibiotics." Molecular Microbiology 61(2):271-73.
  • Brody, Aaron L, Betty Bugusu, Jung H Han, Claire Koelsch Sand, and Tara H McHugh. 2008. "Innovative food packaging solutions." Journal of food science 73(8):107-16.
  • Cagri, A, Z Ustunol, W Osburn, and ET Ryser. 2003. "Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes on hot dogs using antimicrobial whey protein‐based edible casings." Journal of food science 68(1):291-99.
  • Chatterjee, Champak, Moushumi Paul, Lili Xie, and Wilfred A Van Der Donk. 2005. "Biosynthesis and mode of action of lantibiotics." Chemical reviews 105(2):633-84.
  • Chauhan, Attar Singh, Pradeep Singh Negi, and Ramesh Shyam Ramteke. 2007. "Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of aqueous extract of Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) seeds." Fitoterapia 78(7-8):590-92.
  • Choe, Ju-Hui, Hack-Youn Kim, Yun-Sang Choi, Doo-Jeong Han, Ji-Hun Choi, Yong-Jae Kim, and Cheon-Jei Kim. 2011. "Effects of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) leaf ethanolic extracts on lipid oxidation and microbial activity in refrigerated raw ground pork." Food Science of Animal Resources 31(6):865-71.
  • Davidson, P Michael, John N Sofos, and A Larry Branen. 2005. Antimicrobials in food: CRC press.
  • Diet, WHO. 2003. "nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases. Report of a joint WHO/FAO expert consultation." WHO Technical report series 916:34-38.
  • Dorman, HJ‒Deans, and Stanley G Deans. 2000. "Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils." Journal of applied microbiology 88(2):308-16.
  • Elgayyar, M, FA Draughon, DA Golden, and JR Mount. 2001. "Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from plants against selected pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms." Journal of food protection 64(7):1019-24.
  • Emam‐Djomeh, Zahra, Arezoo Moghaddam, and Seyed Ali Yasini Ardakani. 2015. "Antimicrobial activity of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel extract, physical, mechanical, barrier and antimicrobial properties of pomegranate peel extract‐incorporated sodium caseinate film and application in packaging for ground beef." Packaging Technology and Science 28(10):869-81.
  • Emiroğlu, Zehra Karagöz, Gökçe Polat Yemiş, Betül Kodal Coşkun, and Kezban Candoğan. 2010. "Antimicrobial activity of soy edible films incorporated with thyme and oregano essential oils on fresh ground beef patties." Meat science 86(2):283-88.
  • Fakhouri, Farayde Matta, Silvia Maria Martelli, Thiago Caon, José Ignacio Velasco, and Lucia Helena Innocentini Mei. 2015. "Edible films and coatings based on starch/gelatin: Film properties and effect of coatings on quality of refrigerated Red Crimson grapes." Postharvest Biology and Technology 109:57-64.
  • Ferawati, HP, YF Kurnia, and E Purwati. 2017. "Microbiological Quality and Safety of Meatball Sold in Payakumbuh City." West Sumatra, Indonesia. Fernandez-Lopez, J, N Zhi, L Aleson-Carbonell, JA and Pérez-Alvarez, and V Kuri. 2005. "Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of natural extracts: application in beef meatballs." Meat science 69(3):371-80.
  • Fernández‐Ginés, Jose M, Juana Fernández‐López, Estrella Sayas‐Barberá, and Jose A Pérez‐Alvarez. 2005. "Meat products as functional foods: A review." Journal of food science 70(2):R37-R43.
  • Genskowsky, E, LA Puente, JA Pérez-Álvarez, J Fernandez-Lopez, LA Muñoz, and M Viuda-Martos. 2015. "Assessment of antibacterial and antioxidant properties of chitosan edible films incorporated with maqui berry (Aristotelia chilensis)." LWT-Food Science and Technology 64(2):1057-62.
  • Gonçalves, AA, and MDOC Rocha. 2017. "Safety and quality of antimicrobial packaging applied to seafood." MOJ Food Processing and Technology 4(1):00079.
  • Gutiérrez, Laura, Ramón Batlle, Sonia Andújar, Cristina Sánchez, and Cristina Nerín. 2011. "Evaluation of antimicrobial active packaging to increase shelf life of gluten‐free sliced bread." Packaging Technology and Science 24(8):485-94.
  • Gyawali, Rabin, and Salam A Ibrahim. 2014. "Natural products as antimicrobial agents." Food control 46:412-29.
  • Hamann, Daniele, Bruna Maria Saorin Puton, Rosicler Colet, Juliana Steffens, Giovana Cristina Ceni, Rogério Luis Cansian, and Geciane Toniazzo Backes. 2021. "Active edible films for application in meat products." Research, Society and Development 10(7):e13610716379-e79.
  • Hecer, Canan, and METİN Guldas. 2011. "Effects of lactic acid, fumaric acid and chlorine dioxide on shelf-life of broiler wings during storage." African Journal of Microbiology Research 5(23):3880-83.
  • Heinz, Gunter, and Peter Hautzinger. 2007. "Meat processing technology for small to medium scale producers." Hong, Y‐H, G‐O Lim, and KB Song. 2009. "Physical properties of Gelidium corneum–gelatin blend films containing grapefruit seed extract or green tea extract and its application in the packaging of pork loins." Journal of food science 74(1):C6-C10.
  • Huang, SC, CY Shiau, TE Liu, CL Chu, and Deng-Fwu Hwang. 2005. "Effects of rice bran on sensory and physico-chemical properties of emulsified pork meatballs." Meat science 70(4):613-19.
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There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Aysel İçöz 0000-0003-1445-2908

Bülent Eker 0000-0002-3542-9531

Early Pub Date January 31, 2023
Publication Date January 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 46


APA İçöz, A., & Eker, B. (2023). Antimikrobiyal Film ve Kaplamaların Kırmızı Et ve Köftelerin Mikrobiyal Kalitesine Etkisi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(46), 9-16.