Research Article
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The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 224 - 237, 30.09.2024


This study examined the effect of person-organization fit on organizational citizenship behavior in sports organizations. The data of the study was obtained from 192 employees working in various units of the Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate of Izmır, Turkey. Person-organization fit, and organizational citizenship behavior scales were used as data collection tools. The person-organization fit scale developed by Netemeyer, Boles, McKee, and McMurrian (1997) is one-dimensional and consists of 4 items. The organizational citizenship scale, developed by Podsakoff and MacKenzie (1997) and adapted into Turkish by Elçi (2005), consists of five dimensions and 20 items. The study’s findings showed that person-organization fit significantly and positively affected organizational citizenship behavior (β=0.258; p<0.01). Additionally, the findings showed that person-organization fit significantly and positively affected the dimensions of altruism, sportsmanship, conscientiousness, and civic virtue. On the other hand, it was observed that person-organization fit did not have any effect on the courtesy dimension of organizational citizenship behavior.


  • Abdalla, A., Elsetouhi, A., Negm, A., & Abdou, H. (2018). Perceived person-organization fit and turnover intention in medical centers: The mediating roles of person-group fit and person-job fit perceptions. Personnel Review, 47(4), 863-881.
  • Afsar, B., & Badir, Y. F. (2016). Person–organization fit, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of job embeddedness. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 15(3), 252-278.
  • Akbaş, T. T. (2011). Algılanan kişi-örgüt uyumunun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışları üzerindeki etkisi: Görgül bir araştırma. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1), 53-82.
  • Almatrooshi, B., Singh, S. K., & Farouk, S. (2016). Determinants of organizational performance: A proposed framework. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(6), 844-859.
  • Akın, M. B. (2024). Akademide örgütsel bağlılık, özdeşleşme, iş tatmini ve işten ayrılma (A. G. Göksel, Ed.) Akademisyen Kitabevi.
  • Alpar, R. (2001). Spor bilimlerinde uygulamali istatistik. Nobel Yayin Dagitim.
  • Bozdoğan, S. C. (2023). Birey-örgüt uyumunun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerindeki etkisinde işe yabancılaşmanın aracı rolü. Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi, 14(1), 169-187.
  • Brewer, G. A. (2008). Employee and organizational performance. In Motivation in public management: The Call of Public Service (J.L., Pery, & A., Hondeghem) (p.136-156). Oxford University Press
  • Büyüköztürk, G. (2011). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Pegem Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Can, A., & Kerse, G. (2020). Kişi-örgüt ve kişi-iş uyumunun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerine etkisi: bankacılık sektöründe bir uygulama. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(4), 2327-2336.
  • Caplan, R. D. (1987). Person-environment fit theory and organizations: Commensurate dimensions, time perspectives, and mechanisms. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 31(3), 248-267.
  • Duyan, M. (2021). The effect of internal marketing implementations on the organizational citizenship behaviors of youth and sports directorate employees. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, 6(1), 76-87.
  • Elçi, M. (2005). Örgütlerde etik iklimin personelin vatandaşlık davranışlarına etkisi [Doktora Tezi, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı, Gebze].
  • Farooqui, S., & Nagendra, A. (2014). The impact of person organization fit on job satisfaction and performance of the employees. Procedia Economics and Finance, 11, 122-129.
  • Karasar, N. (2007). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kristof‐Brown, A. L., Zimmerman, R. D., & Johnson, E. C. (2005). Consequences of individuals' fit at work: A meta‐analysis of person–job, person–organization, person–group, and person–supervisor fit. Personnel Psychology, 58(2), 281-342.
  • Kumari, P., & Thapliyal, S. (2017). Studying the impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational effectiveness. International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 4(1), 9-21.
  • Lauver, K. J., & Kristof-Brown, A. (2001). Distinguishing between employees' perceptions of person–job and person–organization fit. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(3), 454-470.
  • Mackenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2011). Challenge‐oriented organizational citizenship behaviors and organizational effectiveness: Do challenge‐oriented behaviors really have an impact on the organization's bottom line? Personnel Psychology, 64(3), 559-592.
  • Morley, M. J. (2007). Person‐organization fit. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(2), 109-117.
  • Netemeyer, R. G., Boles, J. S., McKee, D. O., & McMurrian, R. (1997). An investigation into the antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviors in a personal selling context. Journal of Marketing, 61(3), 85-98.
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexington Books/D. C. Heath and Com.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., & MacKenzie, S. B. (1997). Impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational performance: A review and suggestions for future research. Human Performance, 10(2), 133-151.
  • Polatcı, S., & Cindiloğlu, M. (2013). Kişi-örgüt uyumunun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışına etkisi: Duygusal bağlılığın aracılık rolü. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 18(3), 299-318
  • Rajper, Z. A., Ghumro, I. A., & Mangi, R. A. (2020). The Impact of person job fit and person organization fit on employee job performance: A Study among employee of services sector. Abasyn University Journal of Social Sciences, 13(1), 54-65.
  • Schneider, B. (1987). The people make the place. Personnel Psychology, 40(3), 437-453.
  • Schwepker Jr, C. H. (2015). Influencing the salesforce through perceived ethical leadership: the role of salesforce socialization and person–organization fit on salesperson ethics and performance. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 35(4), 292-313.
  • Silverthorne, C. (2004). The impact of organizational culture and person‐organization fit on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Taiwan. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 25(7), 592-599.
  • Sørlie, H. O., Hetland, J., Bakker, A. B., Espevik, R., & Olsen, O. K. (2022). Daily autonomy and job performance: Does person-organization fit act as a key resource? Journal of Vocational Behavior, 133, Article 103691.
  • Walz, S. M., & Niehoff, B. P. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: Their relationship to organizational effectiveness. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 24(3), 301-319.
  • Yildiz, S. M. (2011). The relationship between leader member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior in public organizations providing sports services. Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 13(3), 323- 329.
  • Yildiz, S. M. (2016). The effect of internal marketing on organizational citizenship behavior of academic staff in higher educational institutions. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(5), 1122-1128.
Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 224 - 237, 30.09.2024


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  • Abdalla, A., Elsetouhi, A., Negm, A., & Abdou, H. (2018). Perceived person-organization fit and turnover intention in medical centers: The mediating roles of person-group fit and person-job fit perceptions. Personnel Review, 47(4), 863-881.
  • Afsar, B., & Badir, Y. F. (2016). Person–organization fit, perceived organizational support, and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of job embeddedness. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 15(3), 252-278.
  • Akbaş, T. T. (2011). Algılanan kişi-örgüt uyumunun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışları üzerindeki etkisi: Görgül bir araştırma. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1), 53-82.
  • Almatrooshi, B., Singh, S. K., & Farouk, S. (2016). Determinants of organizational performance: A proposed framework. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(6), 844-859.
  • Akın, M. B. (2024). Akademide örgütsel bağlılık, özdeşleşme, iş tatmini ve işten ayrılma (A. G. Göksel, Ed.) Akademisyen Kitabevi.
  • Alpar, R. (2001). Spor bilimlerinde uygulamali istatistik. Nobel Yayin Dagitim.
  • Bozdoğan, S. C. (2023). Birey-örgüt uyumunun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerindeki etkisinde işe yabancılaşmanın aracı rolü. Akademik Yaklaşımlar Dergisi, 14(1), 169-187.
  • Brewer, G. A. (2008). Employee and organizational performance. In Motivation in public management: The Call of Public Service (J.L., Pery, & A., Hondeghem) (p.136-156). Oxford University Press
  • Büyüköztürk, G. (2011). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı. Pegem Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Can, A., & Kerse, G. (2020). Kişi-örgüt ve kişi-iş uyumunun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı üzerine etkisi: bankacılık sektöründe bir uygulama. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(4), 2327-2336.
  • Caplan, R. D. (1987). Person-environment fit theory and organizations: Commensurate dimensions, time perspectives, and mechanisms. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 31(3), 248-267.
  • Duyan, M. (2021). The effect of internal marketing implementations on the organizational citizenship behaviors of youth and sports directorate employees. Journal of Sport Sciences Research, 6(1), 76-87.
  • Elçi, M. (2005). Örgütlerde etik iklimin personelin vatandaşlık davranışlarına etkisi [Doktora Tezi, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı, Gebze].
  • Farooqui, S., & Nagendra, A. (2014). The impact of person organization fit on job satisfaction and performance of the employees. Procedia Economics and Finance, 11, 122-129.
  • Karasar, N. (2007). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kristof‐Brown, A. L., Zimmerman, R. D., & Johnson, E. C. (2005). Consequences of individuals' fit at work: A meta‐analysis of person–job, person–organization, person–group, and person–supervisor fit. Personnel Psychology, 58(2), 281-342.
  • Kumari, P., & Thapliyal, S. (2017). Studying the impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational effectiveness. International Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, 4(1), 9-21.
  • Lauver, K. J., & Kristof-Brown, A. (2001). Distinguishing between employees' perceptions of person–job and person–organization fit. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 59(3), 454-470.
  • Mackenzie, S. B., Podsakoff, P. M., & Podsakoff, N. P. (2011). Challenge‐oriented organizational citizenship behaviors and organizational effectiveness: Do challenge‐oriented behaviors really have an impact on the organization's bottom line? Personnel Psychology, 64(3), 559-592.
  • Morley, M. J. (2007). Person‐organization fit. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(2), 109-117.
  • Netemeyer, R. G., Boles, J. S., McKee, D. O., & McMurrian, R. (1997). An investigation into the antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviors in a personal selling context. Journal of Marketing, 61(3), 85-98.
  • Organ, D. W. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexington Books/D. C. Heath and Com.
  • Podsakoff, P. M., & MacKenzie, S. B. (1997). Impact of organizational citizenship behavior on organizational performance: A review and suggestions for future research. Human Performance, 10(2), 133-151.
  • Polatcı, S., & Cindiloğlu, M. (2013). Kişi-örgüt uyumunun örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışına etkisi: Duygusal bağlılığın aracılık rolü. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 18(3), 299-318
  • Rajper, Z. A., Ghumro, I. A., & Mangi, R. A. (2020). The Impact of person job fit and person organization fit on employee job performance: A Study among employee of services sector. Abasyn University Journal of Social Sciences, 13(1), 54-65.
  • Schneider, B. (1987). The people make the place. Personnel Psychology, 40(3), 437-453.
  • Schwepker Jr, C. H. (2015). Influencing the salesforce through perceived ethical leadership: the role of salesforce socialization and person–organization fit on salesperson ethics and performance. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 35(4), 292-313.
  • Silverthorne, C. (2004). The impact of organizational culture and person‐organization fit on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Taiwan. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 25(7), 592-599.
  • Sørlie, H. O., Hetland, J., Bakker, A. B., Espevik, R., & Olsen, O. K. (2022). Daily autonomy and job performance: Does person-organization fit act as a key resource? Journal of Vocational Behavior, 133, Article 103691.
  • Walz, S. M., & Niehoff, B. P. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: Their relationship to organizational effectiveness. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 24(3), 301-319.
  • Yildiz, S. M. (2011). The relationship between leader member exchange and organizational citizenship behavior in public organizations providing sports services. Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 13(3), 323- 329.
  • Yildiz, S. M. (2016). The effect of internal marketing on organizational citizenship behavior of academic staff in higher educational institutions. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(5), 1122-1128.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Activity Management
Journal Section Articles

Aynur Akgül 0000-0002-4135-2534

Süleyman Murat Yıldız 0000-0001-7622-9870

Early Pub Date September 7, 2024
Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date July 22, 2024
Acceptance Date August 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Akgül, A., & Yıldız, S. M. (2024). The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education, 6(2), 224-237.
AMA Akgül A, Yıldız SM. The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations. EJSSE. September 2024;6(2):224-237. doi:10.47778/ejsse.1520053
Chicago Akgül, Aynur, and Süleyman Murat Yıldız. “The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 6, no. 2 (September 2024): 224-37.
EndNote Akgül A, Yıldız SM (September 1, 2024) The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 6 2 224–237.
IEEE A. Akgül and S. M. Yıldız, “The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations”, EJSSE, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 224–237, 2024, doi: 10.47778/ejsse.1520053.
ISNAD Akgül, Aynur - Yıldız, Süleyman Murat. “The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 6/2 (September 2024), 224-237.
JAMA Akgül A, Yıldız SM. The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations. EJSSE. 2024;6:224–237.
MLA Akgül, Aynur and Süleyman Murat Yıldız. “The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education, vol. 6, no. 2, 2024, pp. 224-37, doi:10.47778/ejsse.1520053.
Vancouver Akgül A, Yıldız SM. The Effect of Person-Organization Fit on Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Sports Organizations. EJSSE. 2024;6(2):224-37.

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