Year 2020,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 274 - 288, 30.12.2020
Ahmet Gündoğdu
Reşat Çelikel
Şehmus Fidan
- Miller, E. J., 1989. Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance motor Drivers, Oxford University Pres, Oxford.
- Natarajan, P., Kaliannan, P., 2017. A comprehensive review on reduced switch multilevel inverter topologies, modulation techniques and applications, Renew. and Sust. Energy Rev.,76, 1248–1282.
- Ozpineci, B., Tolbert, L.M., 1999. Cycloconverters, IEEE, Power Electronics Society Tutorials Webpage.
- Evans, P.D., Dodson, R.C., Eastham, J.F., et al., 1980. Delta inverter, Proceedings. IEE, vol. 127, No:6, 333-340.
- Trzynadlowski, A.M., Ji, S., Legowski, S., 1991. Random pulse width modulation of delta inverter for automotive applications, Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 826-833.
- Trzynadlowski, A.M., Legowski, S., 1992. Vector control of delta inverter, Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, vol.1, 1050-1057.
- Evans, P.D., Dodson, R.C., Eastham, J.F., 1984. Sinusoidal Pulsewidth Modulation Strategy for the Delta Inverter, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. IA-20, no.3, 651-655.
- Brooks, D.M., Fisher, G.A., Oates, C., et al. 1982. Discussion on ‘delta inverter, IEE Proc. B Electric Power Applications, 129(2), 177–179.
- Rhouma, A.B., Masmoudi, A., 2010. Torque and Speed Estimators to be Implemented in a Control Strategy Dedicated to TSTPI-Fed BDCM Drives, 2010 7th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices.
- Affene, A., Masmoudi, A., Rhouma, A.B., 2013. Investigation of the Performance of a Vector-Controlled Delta-Inverter Fed BACM Drive, Eighth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 1-4.
- Sandoval, J.J., Ramos.Ruiz, J., Daniel, M., et al. 2014. A new delta inverter system for grid integration of large scale photovoltaic power plants, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. Exposition – APEC 2014, 1255–1262.
- Ouarda, A., Nouira, I., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2014. DTC Strategies Dedicated to IM Drives Fed by Reduced- Structure Inverters Emulating the Conventional One: Application to Low-Cost Automotive Actuators, 2014 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 169-174.
- Alouane, A., Rhouma, A.B., Khedher, A., 2014. FPGA Implementation of a dedicated self-control strategy for a delta inverter fed BDCM Drive, International conference on science and electric technology in Magreb (CISTEM), Tunis, 1-8.
- Alouane, A., Rhouma, A.B., Kheder, A., 2014. FPGA implementation of a dtc strategy dedicated to three-switch three-phase inverter-fed induction motor drives, 15th Int. Conf. Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Eng., 202–208.
- Nouira, I., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2015. DTC of three-switch three-phase inverter fed induction motor drives, Tenth Intern. Conf. on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 1-8.
- Badsi, I.N.E., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2016. Space vector PWM techniques for B3-VSI fed three-phase IM drives, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., 1-6.
- Mahdhi, H., Rhouma, A.B., Hamouda, M., 2016. A New Space Vector Modulation Strategy for Three- Switch Three-Phase Delta Inverter, 7th Int. Conf. on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, 455-460.
- Alouane, A., Rhouma, A.B., Khedher, A., 2016. A self-control strategy for a delta inverter fed BDCM Drive using Xilinx system generator with fixed point/floating point mode, 17th int. conf. on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering-STA'2016, 468-474.
- Alouane, A., Rhouma, A.B., Hamouda, M., Khedher, A., 2018. Efficient FPGA-based real-time Implementation of an SVPWM Algorithm for a Delta Inverter, IET Power Electronics, Vol: 11 , No: 9, 1611–1619.
- Badsi, I.N.E., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2018. Carrier-Based and Space Vector PWM Techniques for Delta Inverter Fed IM Drive Operating in Linear and Overmodulation Ranges, 15th Int. Multi-Conf. on Systems, Signals & Devices, 1323-1328.
- Badsi, I.N.E., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2018. RFOC and DTC Strategies for Reduced Structure B3-Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drives, 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, 1317-1322.
- Badsi, B.E., 2013. Six-Switch Inverter Emulation Based DTC Strategy Dedicated to Three-Switch Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drives, Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 32, no. 1, 289-301.
- Badsi, I.N.E., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2018. DTC strategies for three-switch three-phase inverter-fed induction motor drives, COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering 37:6, 2176-2194.
- İnci, M., 2019. Performance Analysis of T-type Inverter Based on Improved Hysteresis Current Controller, Balkan Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering, vol. 7, no. 2, 149-155.
- Asker, M.E., Kılıc, H., 2017. Modulation Index And Switching Frequency Effect On Symmetric Regular Sampled SPWM, European Journal of Technic, vol. 7, no. 2, 102-109.
Year 2020,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 274 - 288, 30.12.2020
Ahmet Gündoğdu
Reşat Çelikel
Şehmus Fidan
In this study, analysis and simulation of the electrical and mathematical model of a 3-phase and 3-switch delta inverter that fed a three-phase RL load were performed. First, the Matlab/Simulink model of the inverter was created. In this model, an RL load of R=10Ω and L=0.005 H was fed and various simulations were made. The simulation results were obtained using 3 step switching technique for different conduction modes. The delta inverter that has a simpler structure and less switching elements than conventional inverter structures can be easily realized with low-cost microcontrollers.
- Miller, E. J., 1989. Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance motor Drivers, Oxford University Pres, Oxford.
- Natarajan, P., Kaliannan, P., 2017. A comprehensive review on reduced switch multilevel inverter topologies, modulation techniques and applications, Renew. and Sust. Energy Rev.,76, 1248–1282.
- Ozpineci, B., Tolbert, L.M., 1999. Cycloconverters, IEEE, Power Electronics Society Tutorials Webpage.
- Evans, P.D., Dodson, R.C., Eastham, J.F., et al., 1980. Delta inverter, Proceedings. IEE, vol. 127, No:6, 333-340.
- Trzynadlowski, A.M., Ji, S., Legowski, S., 1991. Random pulse width modulation of delta inverter for automotive applications, Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 826-833.
- Trzynadlowski, A.M., Legowski, S., 1992. Vector control of delta inverter, Conference Record of the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, vol.1, 1050-1057.
- Evans, P.D., Dodson, R.C., Eastham, J.F., 1984. Sinusoidal Pulsewidth Modulation Strategy for the Delta Inverter, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. IA-20, no.3, 651-655.
- Brooks, D.M., Fisher, G.A., Oates, C., et al. 1982. Discussion on ‘delta inverter, IEE Proc. B Electric Power Applications, 129(2), 177–179.
- Rhouma, A.B., Masmoudi, A., 2010. Torque and Speed Estimators to be Implemented in a Control Strategy Dedicated to TSTPI-Fed BDCM Drives, 2010 7th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices.
- Affene, A., Masmoudi, A., Rhouma, A.B., 2013. Investigation of the Performance of a Vector-Controlled Delta-Inverter Fed BACM Drive, Eighth International Conference and Exhibition on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 1-4.
- Sandoval, J.J., Ramos.Ruiz, J., Daniel, M., et al. 2014. A new delta inverter system for grid integration of large scale photovoltaic power plants, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. Exposition – APEC 2014, 1255–1262.
- Ouarda, A., Nouira, I., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2014. DTC Strategies Dedicated to IM Drives Fed by Reduced- Structure Inverters Emulating the Conventional One: Application to Low-Cost Automotive Actuators, 2014 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 169-174.
- Alouane, A., Rhouma, A.B., Khedher, A., 2014. FPGA Implementation of a dedicated self-control strategy for a delta inverter fed BDCM Drive, International conference on science and electric technology in Magreb (CISTEM), Tunis, 1-8.
- Alouane, A., Rhouma, A.B., Kheder, A., 2014. FPGA implementation of a dtc strategy dedicated to three-switch three-phase inverter-fed induction motor drives, 15th Int. Conf. Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Eng., 202–208.
- Nouira, I., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2015. DTC of three-switch three-phase inverter fed induction motor drives, Tenth Intern. Conf. on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 1-8.
- Badsi, I.N.E., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2016. Space vector PWM techniques for B3-VSI fed three-phase IM drives, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conf., 1-6.
- Mahdhi, H., Rhouma, A.B., Hamouda, M., 2016. A New Space Vector Modulation Strategy for Three- Switch Three-Phase Delta Inverter, 7th Int. Conf. on Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications, 455-460.
- Alouane, A., Rhouma, A.B., Khedher, A., 2016. A self-control strategy for a delta inverter fed BDCM Drive using Xilinx system generator with fixed point/floating point mode, 17th int. conf. on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering-STA'2016, 468-474.
- Alouane, A., Rhouma, A.B., Hamouda, M., Khedher, A., 2018. Efficient FPGA-based real-time Implementation of an SVPWM Algorithm for a Delta Inverter, IET Power Electronics, Vol: 11 , No: 9, 1611–1619.
- Badsi, I.N.E., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2018. Carrier-Based and Space Vector PWM Techniques for Delta Inverter Fed IM Drive Operating in Linear and Overmodulation Ranges, 15th Int. Multi-Conf. on Systems, Signals & Devices, 1323-1328.
- Badsi, I.N.E., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2018. RFOC and DTC Strategies for Reduced Structure B3-Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drives, 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, 1317-1322.
- Badsi, B.E., 2013. Six-Switch Inverter Emulation Based DTC Strategy Dedicated to Three-Switch Inverter-Fed Induction Motor Drives, Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 32, no. 1, 289-301.
- Badsi, I.N.E., Badsi, B.E., Masmoudi, A., 2018. DTC strategies for three-switch three-phase inverter-fed induction motor drives, COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering 37:6, 2176-2194.
- İnci, M., 2019. Performance Analysis of T-type Inverter Based on Improved Hysteresis Current Controller, Balkan Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering, vol. 7, no. 2, 149-155.
- Asker, M.E., Kılıc, H., 2017. Modulation Index And Switching Frequency Effect On Symmetric Regular Sampled SPWM, European Journal of Technic, vol. 7, no. 2, 102-109.