Research Article
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Regional Inequalities in Greece During a Time of Flux

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 173 - 200, 01.12.2021


Following the 2008 global financial crisis Eurozone countries and specifically countries at the periphery suffer severely reminding the rise of depression economics among the region. Originating from its fiscal troubles Greece is one of the countries which has been heavily hit by the adverse effects of the crisis. Keeping discussions on the macroeconomic fundamentals of Greece on one side, this study diverts the attention towards the extent and path of regional inequalities with specific focus on the post 2000 turmoil period in Greece. Our findings indicate the existence of a long convergence episode in Greece from 1980s and onwards with no exception during the crisis. We also find strong evidence for the existence of spatial spillovers with some cyclical behaviour. However, our additional analyses identify that spatial dependence and heterogeneity works together for the Greek case, resulting in sizable spatial variability in the speed of convergence accelerating during the post crisis period. Moreover, we discuss that observed post crisis convergence is a downward one which shifts its geographic extent reminding the possibility of a reshuffling among the Greek regions.


Previous versions of this article are presented at the 44th Annual RSAI-BIS Conference of Regional Science Association International – British & Irish Section (2015), 81st International Atlantic Economic Congress (2016). Authors are grateful for the comments of the conference participants. B. C. Karahasan acknowledges the scientific research support of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Tübitak, 2014-2015). Some of the materials used in this publication are from Karahasan B.C. & Monastriotis V. Spatial Structure and Spatial Dynamics of Regional Incomes in Greece published in Political Economy Perspectives on the Greek Crisis edited by Bournakis I., Tsoukis C., Christopoulos D. K., Palivos T. (2017), Palgrave Macmillan and reproduced with the permission of Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Alexiadis S. and Tomkins J. (2004). Convergence clubs in the regions of Greece, Applied Economic Letters, 11(6), pp.387-391.
  • Anselin L. (1995). Local ındicators of Spatial Association – LISA, Geographical Analysis, 27(2), pp93-115.
  • Arbia G., Basile R. and Piras G. (2005). Using Spatial Panel Data in Modelling Regional Growth and Development, ISTITUTO DI STUDI E ANALISI ECONOMICA Working Papers, No.55.
  • Arbia G. and Piras G. (2005). Convergence in Per Capita GDP across European regions using panel data models extended to spatial autocorrelation effects, ISTITUTO DI STUDI E ANALISI ECONOMICA Working Papers, No.51.
  • Artelaris P. (2015). Local versus Regime convergence Models: a comparison of two approaches, GeoJournal, 80, pp. 263-277.
  • Barro R. J. and Sala-i Martin X. (1992). Convergence, Journal of Political Economy, 100(2), pp.223-251.
  • Bivand, R., & Brunstad, R. (2005). Further explorations of interactions between agricultural policy and regional growth in Western Europe, Approaches to nonstationarity in spatial econometrics, paper presented on the 45th congress of European regional science association, Amsterdam, 23–27 Aug 2005.
  • Benos N. and Karagiannis S. (2008). Convergence and economic Performance in Greece: Evidence at Regional and Prefecture Level, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 20(1), pp.52-69.
  • Bourguignon F. (1979). Decomposable Income Inequality Measures, Econometrica, 47(4), pp. 901-920.
  • Brunsdon C., Fotheringham A. and Charlton M. (1998). Geographically Weighted Regression-modelling spatial non-stationarity, The Statistician 47(3), 431-443.
  • Christopoulos D.K. and Tsionas E.G. (2004). Convergence and Regional Productivity Differences : Evidence from Greek prefectures, The Annals of Regional Science, 38, pp.387-396.
  • Combes P-P., Thiery M. and Thisse J-F. (2008). Economic Geography, The Integrations of Regions and Nations, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Eckey H-F., Kosfeld R. and Türck M. (2007). Regional Convergence in Germany: a Geographically Weighted Regression Approach, Spatial Economic Analysis, 2(1), pp. 45-64.
  • Fotheringham A. and Brunsdon C. (1999). Local Forms of Spatial Analysis, Geographical Analysis 31(4), 340-358.
  • Fotheringham A, Charlton M and Brunsdon C. (2002). Geographically Weighted Regression: The Analysis of Spatially Varying Relationships. Wiley, Chichester. Ioannides Y.M. and Petrokas G. (2000). Regional Disparities in Greece: The performance of Crete, Peloponnese and Thssaly, EIB Papers, 5(1), pp.30-58.
  • James, R., & Moeller, D. (2013). Income convergence, product cycles, and space: Exploring how wages influence growth in the spatial economy. The Industrial Geographer, 10(1),pp. 1–29.
  • Karahasan, B. C., & Monastiriotis, V. (2017). Spatial structure and spatial dynamics of regional incomes in Greece. In Political Economy Perspectives on the Greek Crisis (pp. 335-358). Palgrave Macmillan, Bournakis I., Tsoukis C., Christopoulos D. K., Palivos T. (Eds.)
  • Le Gallo J. (2004). Spce-Time Analysis of GDP Disparities amond European Regions: A Markov Chain Approach, International Regional Science Review, 27(2), pp.138-163.
  • Lolos S. (2009). The Effect of EU Structural Funds on regional growth: assessing the evidence from Greece, 1990-2005, Economic Change and Restructuring, 42(3), pp. 211-228.
  • Lopez-Bazo E., Vaya E., Mora A.J. and Surinach J. (1999). Regional economic dynamics and convergence in the European Union, The Annals of Regional Science, 33, pp.343-370.
  • Michelis L., Papadopoulos A.P. and Papanikos G.T. (2004). Regional Convergence in Greece in the 1980s: an Econometric investigation, Applied Economics¸36(8), pp. 881-888.
  • Monastiriotis V. (2011). Making geographical sense of the Greek austerity measures: compositional effects and long-run implications, Cambridge Journal of Society, Economy and Regions, 4 (3), pp.323-337.
  • Monastiriotis V. and Martelli A. (2013). Beyond Rising Unemployment: Unemployment risk, crisis and regional adjustment in Greece, Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, Paper No.80.
  • Monastiriotis V. (2014). Convergence through Crisis? The Impact of the Crisis on Wage Returns Across The Greek Regions, Region et Developpement, No.39, pp. 35-66.
  • Monfort P. (2008). Convergence of EU Regions Measures and Evolution, European Union Regional Policy Working Papers, No.01/2008.
  • Nakaya, T., Fotheringham, S., Brunsdon, C. and Charlton, M. (2005) Geographically weighted Poisson regression for disease associative mapping, Statistics in Medicine 24, 2695-2717.
  • Nakaya T. (2014) GWR4 Manual, GWR4 Windows Application to Geographically Weighted Regression Modelling < > accessed on 08.02.2016.
  • Paraguas F.J. and dey M. (2006). Aquaculture Productivity Convergence in India: A Spatial Econometric Perspective, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 19, pp.121-134.
  • Petrokas G. and Saratsis Y. (2000). Papers in Regional Science, 79, pp.57-74.
  • Ponzio S. and Di Gennaro L. (2004). Growth and Markov Chains: An application to Italian Provinces, 2nd PhD Conference in Economics, Research in Economics: Aims and Methodologies, University di Pavia, Italy.
  • Psycharis Y., Rovolis A., Tselios V. and Pantazis P. (2014a). Economic Crisis and Regional Development in Greece, Region et Developpement, no.39, pp. 67-85.
  • Psycharis Y., Kallioras D. and Pantazis P. (2014b). Economic crisis and regional resilience: detecting the ‘geographical footprint’ of economic crisis in Greece, Regional Science Policy & Practice doi:10.1111/rsp3.12032.
  • Quah D. (1993). Empirical cross-section dynamics in economic growth, European Economic Review, 37, pp.426-434.
  • Quah D. (1996). Empirics economic growth and convergence, European Economic Review, 40, pp.1353-1375.
  • Rey S. and Montouri B.D. (1999). US Regional Income Convergence: A Spatial Econometric Perspective. Regional Studies, 33(2), pp.143-156.
  • Rey S. (2001). Spatial Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence, Geographical Analysis, 33(3), pp. 195-214.
  • Siriopoulos C. and Asteriou D. (1998). Testing for convergence Across the Greek regions, Regional Studies, 32(6), pp.537-546.
  • Solow R. M. (1956). A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), pp.65-94.
  • Tsionas E. G. (2002). Another Look at Regional Convergence in Greece, Regional Studies, 36(6), pp.603-609.

Kriz Döneminde Yunanistan’da Bölgesel Eşitsizlikler

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 173 - 200, 01.12.2021


2008 küresel krizi sonrası Avrupa bölgesinde çevre ekonomileri olarak tanımlanan ülkelerin krizden daha fazla etkilenmiş olduğu görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte durgunluk ekonomisinin derin etkilerinin bölgede görülmeye başladığı tartışılmaktadır. Yunanistan’ın mali sorunları ile birlikte krizden en çok etkilenen Avrupa ülkelerinin başında geldiği de ayrıca bilinmektedir. Bu çalışma tüm bu tartışmalara ek olarak Yunanistan’da bölgesel eşitsizliklerin ilgili dönemde nasıl ilerlediğine odaklanmaktadır. Bulgular Yunanistan’da 1980’lerde başlayan ve 2000’li yıllarda hızlanan bir yakınsamanın varlığını göstermektedir. Ek olarak tüm dönem boyunca mekânsal dışsallıkların etkin olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak mekânsal bağlar ve heterojenlikler yakınsama hızında yüksek varyasyon oluşmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu yapı içinde yakınsamanın bir kulüp oluşumuna neden olduğu ve bölgelerin yakınsama patikaları ile mekânsal refahları arasında bir ilinti olduğu görülmektedir. Bu etkinin kriz sonrası dönemde daha da şiddetlendiği görülmekte ve yakınsamanın aşağı doğru bir yakınsama olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Alexiadis S. and Tomkins J. (2004). Convergence clubs in the regions of Greece, Applied Economic Letters, 11(6), pp.387-391.
  • Anselin L. (1995). Local ındicators of Spatial Association – LISA, Geographical Analysis, 27(2), pp93-115.
  • Arbia G., Basile R. and Piras G. (2005). Using Spatial Panel Data in Modelling Regional Growth and Development, ISTITUTO DI STUDI E ANALISI ECONOMICA Working Papers, No.55.
  • Arbia G. and Piras G. (2005). Convergence in Per Capita GDP across European regions using panel data models extended to spatial autocorrelation effects, ISTITUTO DI STUDI E ANALISI ECONOMICA Working Papers, No.51.
  • Artelaris P. (2015). Local versus Regime convergence Models: a comparison of two approaches, GeoJournal, 80, pp. 263-277.
  • Barro R. J. and Sala-i Martin X. (1992). Convergence, Journal of Political Economy, 100(2), pp.223-251.
  • Bivand, R., & Brunstad, R. (2005). Further explorations of interactions between agricultural policy and regional growth in Western Europe, Approaches to nonstationarity in spatial econometrics, paper presented on the 45th congress of European regional science association, Amsterdam, 23–27 Aug 2005.
  • Benos N. and Karagiannis S. (2008). Convergence and economic Performance in Greece: Evidence at Regional and Prefecture Level, Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies, 20(1), pp.52-69.
  • Bourguignon F. (1979). Decomposable Income Inequality Measures, Econometrica, 47(4), pp. 901-920.
  • Brunsdon C., Fotheringham A. and Charlton M. (1998). Geographically Weighted Regression-modelling spatial non-stationarity, The Statistician 47(3), 431-443.
  • Christopoulos D.K. and Tsionas E.G. (2004). Convergence and Regional Productivity Differences : Evidence from Greek prefectures, The Annals of Regional Science, 38, pp.387-396.
  • Combes P-P., Thiery M. and Thisse J-F. (2008). Economic Geography, The Integrations of Regions and Nations, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Eckey H-F., Kosfeld R. and Türck M. (2007). Regional Convergence in Germany: a Geographically Weighted Regression Approach, Spatial Economic Analysis, 2(1), pp. 45-64.
  • Fotheringham A. and Brunsdon C. (1999). Local Forms of Spatial Analysis, Geographical Analysis 31(4), 340-358.
  • Fotheringham A, Charlton M and Brunsdon C. (2002). Geographically Weighted Regression: The Analysis of Spatially Varying Relationships. Wiley, Chichester. Ioannides Y.M. and Petrokas G. (2000). Regional Disparities in Greece: The performance of Crete, Peloponnese and Thssaly, EIB Papers, 5(1), pp.30-58.
  • James, R., & Moeller, D. (2013). Income convergence, product cycles, and space: Exploring how wages influence growth in the spatial economy. The Industrial Geographer, 10(1),pp. 1–29.
  • Karahasan, B. C., & Monastiriotis, V. (2017). Spatial structure and spatial dynamics of regional incomes in Greece. In Political Economy Perspectives on the Greek Crisis (pp. 335-358). Palgrave Macmillan, Bournakis I., Tsoukis C., Christopoulos D. K., Palivos T. (Eds.)
  • Le Gallo J. (2004). Spce-Time Analysis of GDP Disparities amond European Regions: A Markov Chain Approach, International Regional Science Review, 27(2), pp.138-163.
  • Lolos S. (2009). The Effect of EU Structural Funds on regional growth: assessing the evidence from Greece, 1990-2005, Economic Change and Restructuring, 42(3), pp. 211-228.
  • Lopez-Bazo E., Vaya E., Mora A.J. and Surinach J. (1999). Regional economic dynamics and convergence in the European Union, The Annals of Regional Science, 33, pp.343-370.
  • Michelis L., Papadopoulos A.P. and Papanikos G.T. (2004). Regional Convergence in Greece in the 1980s: an Econometric investigation, Applied Economics¸36(8), pp. 881-888.
  • Monastiriotis V. (2011). Making geographical sense of the Greek austerity measures: compositional effects and long-run implications, Cambridge Journal of Society, Economy and Regions, 4 (3), pp.323-337.
  • Monastiriotis V. and Martelli A. (2013). Beyond Rising Unemployment: Unemployment risk, crisis and regional adjustment in Greece, Hellenic Observatory Papers on Greece and Southeast Europe, Paper No.80.
  • Monastiriotis V. (2014). Convergence through Crisis? The Impact of the Crisis on Wage Returns Across The Greek Regions, Region et Developpement, No.39, pp. 35-66.
  • Monfort P. (2008). Convergence of EU Regions Measures and Evolution, European Union Regional Policy Working Papers, No.01/2008.
  • Nakaya, T., Fotheringham, S., Brunsdon, C. and Charlton, M. (2005) Geographically weighted Poisson regression for disease associative mapping, Statistics in Medicine 24, 2695-2717.
  • Nakaya T. (2014) GWR4 Manual, GWR4 Windows Application to Geographically Weighted Regression Modelling < > accessed on 08.02.2016.
  • Paraguas F.J. and dey M. (2006). Aquaculture Productivity Convergence in India: A Spatial Econometric Perspective, Agricultural Economics Research Review, 19, pp.121-134.
  • Petrokas G. and Saratsis Y. (2000). Papers in Regional Science, 79, pp.57-74.
  • Ponzio S. and Di Gennaro L. (2004). Growth and Markov Chains: An application to Italian Provinces, 2nd PhD Conference in Economics, Research in Economics: Aims and Methodologies, University di Pavia, Italy.
  • Psycharis Y., Rovolis A., Tselios V. and Pantazis P. (2014a). Economic Crisis and Regional Development in Greece, Region et Developpement, no.39, pp. 67-85.
  • Psycharis Y., Kallioras D. and Pantazis P. (2014b). Economic crisis and regional resilience: detecting the ‘geographical footprint’ of economic crisis in Greece, Regional Science Policy & Practice doi:10.1111/rsp3.12032.
  • Quah D. (1993). Empirical cross-section dynamics in economic growth, European Economic Review, 37, pp.426-434.
  • Quah D. (1996). Empirics economic growth and convergence, European Economic Review, 40, pp.1353-1375.
  • Rey S. and Montouri B.D. (1999). US Regional Income Convergence: A Spatial Econometric Perspective. Regional Studies, 33(2), pp.143-156.
  • Rey S. (2001). Spatial Empirics for Economic Growth and Convergence, Geographical Analysis, 33(3), pp. 195-214.
  • Siriopoulos C. and Asteriou D. (1998). Testing for convergence Across the Greek regions, Regional Studies, 32(6), pp.537-546.
  • Solow R. M. (1956). A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), pp.65-94.
  • Tsionas E. G. (2002). Another Look at Regional Convergence in Greece, Regional Studies, 36(6), pp.603-609.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Research Articles

Burhan Can Karahasan 0000-0002-4624-9413

Vassilis Monastırıotıs This is me 0000-0003-3709-3119

Publication Date December 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Karahasan, B. C., & Monastırıotıs, V. (2021). Regional Inequalities in Greece During a Time of Flux. Ekonomi-Tek, 10(3), 173-200.