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Year 2020, , 101 - 117, 30.06.2020


Refah rejimi, bir ülkenin uyguladığı sosyal politikalara siyasi, sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel açıdan ışık tutması nedeniyle önemlidir. Esping-Andersen'in (1990) yaptığı refah rejimi sınıflandırmalarına yönelik çalışma, yaklaşık otuz yıldır sosyal politika araştırmalarının temel tartışma alanlarından birini oluşturmuştur. Esping-Andersen’in çalışması pek çok çalışmaya ilham kaynağı olmuş ve bu doğrultuda yeni araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmaların pek çoğu Esping-Andersen’in sınıflandırmasına hem kapsam hem de yöntem açısından eleştirel yaklaşmaktadır. Ancak, eleştirel yaklaşımların çoğunun Esping-Andersen’in çalışmasını doğruladığı veya katkıda bulunduğu görülmektedir. Bu makalede, refah devletinin gelişim sürecinde ortaya çıkan refah rejimi tartışmaları teorik çerçevede incelenmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, Esping-Andersen’in sınıflandırması ve bu sınıflandırmaya yönelik eleştiriler analiz edilmektedir. Refah rejimi ile ilgili 1990’lardan itibaren yürütülen tartışmaların Esping-Andersen’in çalışması çerçevesinde şekillendiği ve yapılan çalışmaların bunun bir devamı niteliğinde olduğu ortaya konulmaktadır.


  • Abrahamson, P. (1999). “The Welfare Modelling Business”, Social Policy & Administration, 33(4): 394-415.
  • Abrahamson, P. (2017). “Future Welfare: An Uneven Race to the Top and/or a Polarized World”, ed. Christian Aspalte, The Routledge International Handbook to Welfare State Systems, Routledge.
  • Arts, W. ve J. Gelissen. (2002). “Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism or More? A State-of-the-Art Report”, Journal of European Social Policy, 12(2): 137-158.
  • Aysan, M. F. (2012). “Pension Regimes, Gender and Generational Inequalities: The Persistence of Institutional Differences in Ageing Postindustrial Democracies,” Ageing Populations in Post-Industrial Democracies. Editörler P. Vanhuysse ve A. Goerres, London: Routledge, 106-126.
  • Bambra C. (2005b). “Cash Versus Services: ‘Worlds of Welfare’ and the Decommodification of Cash Benefits and Health Care Services”, Journal of Social Policy, 34(2): 195–213.
  • Bambra, C. (2005a). “Worlds of Welfare and the Health Care Discrepancy”, Social Policy Society, 4(1): 31-41.
  • Bambra, C. (2006). “Decommodification and the Worlds of Welfare Revisited”, Journal of European Social Policy, 16(1): 73-80.
  • Bambra, C. (2007). “Going Beyond the Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: Regime Theory and Public Health Research”, Journal of Epidemiol Community Health, 61: 1098-1102.
  • Boje, T. (1996). “Welfare State Models in Comparative Research: Do the Models Describe the Reality?”, B. Greve (Ed.). Comparative Welfare Systems: the Scandinavian Model in a Period of Change içinde. London: Macmillan Press, 13–27.
  • Bonoli, G. (1997). “Classifying Welfare States: A Two-dimension Approach”, Journal of Social Policy, 26(3): 351–372.
  • Castles, F. G. ve D. Mitchell. (1993). “Worlds of Welfare and Families of Nations”, F. G. Castles (Ed.). Families of Nations: Patterns of Public Policy in Western Democracies içinde. Aldershot: Dartmouth Chapman, 93–128.
  • Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, UK: Polity Press.
  • Esping-Andersen, G. (1999). Social Foundations of Post-Industrial Economies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ferrera, M. (1996). “The Southern Model of Welfare in Social Europe”. Journal of European Social Policy, 6(1): 17-37.
  • Goodman R. ve I. Peng. (1996). “The East Asian Welfare States: Peripatetic Learning, Adaptive Change, and Nation Building,” G. Esping-Andersen (Ed.). Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptations in Global Economies içinde. London: Sage Publications, 192-224.
  • Grossman, G. (2007). Towards a Typology of Welfare Regimes in the Arab World: The Middle East and North Africa in Histrorical and Comparative Perspective, New York: Colombia University Graduate Students Conference.
  • Hicks, A. ve Kenworthy, L. (2003), “Varities of Welfare Capitalism”, Socio-Economic Review, 1: 27-61.
  • Holden, C. (2003), “Decommodification and the Workfare State”, Political Studies Review, 1: 303-316.
  • Jones, C. (1990), “Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan: Oikonomic Welfare States”, Government and Opposition, 25: 446–462.
  • Kangas, O. (1994), “The Politics of Social Security: On Regressions, Qualitative Comparisons and Cluster Analysis”, T. Janoski ve A. M. Hicks (Ed.). The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State içinde. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 346–365.
  • Karshenas, M., ve Moghadam, V. M. (2006). “Social Policy in the Middle East: Introduction and Overview”. In: M. Karshenas, and V. M. Moghadam, eds. Social Policy in the Middle East: Economic, Political, and Gender Dynamics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-30.
  • Kautto, M. (2002), “Investing in Services in West European Welfare States”, Journal of European Social Policy, 12(1): 53–65.
  • Korpi, W. ve J. Palme, (1998), “The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality and Poverty in the Western Countries”, American Sociological Review, 63(5): 661–687.
  • Leibfried, S. (1992). “Towards a European Welfare State? On Integrating Poverty Regimes into the European Community”, Z. F. ve J. E. Kolberg (Ed.). Social Policy in a Changing Europe, Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
  • Leibfried, S. ve S. Mau (2008). “Introduction: Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction,” S. Leibfried ve S. Mau (Ed.). Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction Volume I, London: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1950). Citizenship and Social Class and other Essays, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1963). Sociology at the Crossroads and other Essays, London: Heinemann.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1965). Social Policy, London: Hutchinson.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1981). The Right to Welfare and other Essays, London: Heinemann.
  • Messner, S. F. ve R. Rosenfield (1997), “Political Restraint of the Market and Levels of Criminal Homocide: a Cross-National Application of Institutional-Anomie Theory”, Social Forces, 75(4): 1393–1416.
  • Navarro, V. ve L. Shi (2001), “The Political Context of Social Inequalities and Health”, International Journal of Health Service, 31(1): 1-21.
  • Obinger, H. ve U. Wagschal. (1998). “Das Stratifizierungskonzept in der Clusteranalytischen Überprüfung’, S. Lessenich ve I. Ostner (Ed.). Welten des Wohlfahrtskapitalismus: Der Sozialstaat in vergleichender Perspektive içinde. Frankfurt-Main: Campus Verlag, 109–35.
  • Pierson P. (2001). “Coping with Permanent Austerity: Welfare State Restructuring in Affluent Democracies”, P. Pierson (Ed.). The New Politics of the Welfare State içinde. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 410-456.
  • Pierson, C. (1998), “Contemporary Challenges to Welfare State Development”, Political Studies, 46: 777–794.
  • Pitruzello, S. (1999). Decommodification and the Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: A Cluster Analysis, Florence: European University Institute.
  • Polanyi, K. (1980). The Great Transformation, New York: Octagon.
  • Powell, M. ve Barrientos, A. (2004), “Welfare Regimes and Welfare Mix”, European Journal of Political Research, 43: 83-105.
  • Ragin, C. A. (1994). “Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Pension Systems”, T. Janoski ve A. M. Hicks (Ed.). The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 320–345.
  • Schustereder, I. J. (2010). Welfare State Change in Leading OECD Countries: The Influence of Post-Industrial and Global Economic Developments, Heidelberg: Gabler Research.
  • Sharkh, M. A. ve Gough, I. (2010).”” Global Welfare Regimes: A Cluster Analysis”. Global Social Policy, 10(1): 27-58.
  • Sinanoglu, S. (2013). “The Road not Taken: A Typology of the Welfare Regimes in the Middle East and North Africa”, Student Essay, (13.10.2019)
  • Titmuss, R. M. (1958). Essays on the Welfare State, London: Allen & Unwin.
  • Titmuss, R. M. (1974). Social Policy: An Introduction, Pantheon Books.
  • Wildeboer Schut, J.M., Vrooman, J.C. ve de Beer P. T. (2001). On Worlds of Welfare: Institutions and Their Effects in Eleven Welfare State, The Hague: Social and Cultural Planning Office.
  • Wilensky, H. ve C. Lebaux. (1958). Industrial Society and Social Welfare: The Impact of Industrialization on the Supply and Organization of Social Welfare Services in the United States, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Year 2020, , 101 - 117, 30.06.2020



  • Abrahamson, P. (1999). “The Welfare Modelling Business”, Social Policy & Administration, 33(4): 394-415.
  • Abrahamson, P. (2017). “Future Welfare: An Uneven Race to the Top and/or a Polarized World”, ed. Christian Aspalte, The Routledge International Handbook to Welfare State Systems, Routledge.
  • Arts, W. ve J. Gelissen. (2002). “Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism or More? A State-of-the-Art Report”, Journal of European Social Policy, 12(2): 137-158.
  • Aysan, M. F. (2012). “Pension Regimes, Gender and Generational Inequalities: The Persistence of Institutional Differences in Ageing Postindustrial Democracies,” Ageing Populations in Post-Industrial Democracies. Editörler P. Vanhuysse ve A. Goerres, London: Routledge, 106-126.
  • Bambra C. (2005b). “Cash Versus Services: ‘Worlds of Welfare’ and the Decommodification of Cash Benefits and Health Care Services”, Journal of Social Policy, 34(2): 195–213.
  • Bambra, C. (2005a). “Worlds of Welfare and the Health Care Discrepancy”, Social Policy Society, 4(1): 31-41.
  • Bambra, C. (2006). “Decommodification and the Worlds of Welfare Revisited”, Journal of European Social Policy, 16(1): 73-80.
  • Bambra, C. (2007). “Going Beyond the Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: Regime Theory and Public Health Research”, Journal of Epidemiol Community Health, 61: 1098-1102.
  • Boje, T. (1996). “Welfare State Models in Comparative Research: Do the Models Describe the Reality?”, B. Greve (Ed.). Comparative Welfare Systems: the Scandinavian Model in a Period of Change içinde. London: Macmillan Press, 13–27.
  • Bonoli, G. (1997). “Classifying Welfare States: A Two-dimension Approach”, Journal of Social Policy, 26(3): 351–372.
  • Castles, F. G. ve D. Mitchell. (1993). “Worlds of Welfare and Families of Nations”, F. G. Castles (Ed.). Families of Nations: Patterns of Public Policy in Western Democracies içinde. Aldershot: Dartmouth Chapman, 93–128.
  • Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, UK: Polity Press.
  • Esping-Andersen, G. (1999). Social Foundations of Post-Industrial Economies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ferrera, M. (1996). “The Southern Model of Welfare in Social Europe”. Journal of European Social Policy, 6(1): 17-37.
  • Goodman R. ve I. Peng. (1996). “The East Asian Welfare States: Peripatetic Learning, Adaptive Change, and Nation Building,” G. Esping-Andersen (Ed.). Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptations in Global Economies içinde. London: Sage Publications, 192-224.
  • Grossman, G. (2007). Towards a Typology of Welfare Regimes in the Arab World: The Middle East and North Africa in Histrorical and Comparative Perspective, New York: Colombia University Graduate Students Conference.
  • Hicks, A. ve Kenworthy, L. (2003), “Varities of Welfare Capitalism”, Socio-Economic Review, 1: 27-61.
  • Holden, C. (2003), “Decommodification and the Workfare State”, Political Studies Review, 1: 303-316.
  • Jones, C. (1990), “Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan: Oikonomic Welfare States”, Government and Opposition, 25: 446–462.
  • Kangas, O. (1994), “The Politics of Social Security: On Regressions, Qualitative Comparisons and Cluster Analysis”, T. Janoski ve A. M. Hicks (Ed.). The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State içinde. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 346–365.
  • Karshenas, M., ve Moghadam, V. M. (2006). “Social Policy in the Middle East: Introduction and Overview”. In: M. Karshenas, and V. M. Moghadam, eds. Social Policy in the Middle East: Economic, Political, and Gender Dynamics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 1-30.
  • Kautto, M. (2002), “Investing in Services in West European Welfare States”, Journal of European Social Policy, 12(1): 53–65.
  • Korpi, W. ve J. Palme, (1998), “The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality and Poverty in the Western Countries”, American Sociological Review, 63(5): 661–687.
  • Leibfried, S. (1992). “Towards a European Welfare State? On Integrating Poverty Regimes into the European Community”, Z. F. ve J. E. Kolberg (Ed.). Social Policy in a Changing Europe, Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
  • Leibfried, S. ve S. Mau (2008). “Introduction: Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction,” S. Leibfried ve S. Mau (Ed.). Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction Volume I, London: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1950). Citizenship and Social Class and other Essays, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1963). Sociology at the Crossroads and other Essays, London: Heinemann.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1965). Social Policy, London: Hutchinson.
  • Marshall, T. H. (1981). The Right to Welfare and other Essays, London: Heinemann.
  • Messner, S. F. ve R. Rosenfield (1997), “Political Restraint of the Market and Levels of Criminal Homocide: a Cross-National Application of Institutional-Anomie Theory”, Social Forces, 75(4): 1393–1416.
  • Navarro, V. ve L. Shi (2001), “The Political Context of Social Inequalities and Health”, International Journal of Health Service, 31(1): 1-21.
  • Obinger, H. ve U. Wagschal. (1998). “Das Stratifizierungskonzept in der Clusteranalytischen Überprüfung’, S. Lessenich ve I. Ostner (Ed.). Welten des Wohlfahrtskapitalismus: Der Sozialstaat in vergleichender Perspektive içinde. Frankfurt-Main: Campus Verlag, 109–35.
  • Pierson P. (2001). “Coping with Permanent Austerity: Welfare State Restructuring in Affluent Democracies”, P. Pierson (Ed.). The New Politics of the Welfare State içinde. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 410-456.
  • Pierson, C. (1998), “Contemporary Challenges to Welfare State Development”, Political Studies, 46: 777–794.
  • Pitruzello, S. (1999). Decommodification and the Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: A Cluster Analysis, Florence: European University Institute.
  • Polanyi, K. (1980). The Great Transformation, New York: Octagon.
  • Powell, M. ve Barrientos, A. (2004), “Welfare Regimes and Welfare Mix”, European Journal of Political Research, 43: 83-105.
  • Ragin, C. A. (1994). “Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Pension Systems”, T. Janoski ve A. M. Hicks (Ed.). The Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 320–345.
  • Schustereder, I. J. (2010). Welfare State Change in Leading OECD Countries: The Influence of Post-Industrial and Global Economic Developments, Heidelberg: Gabler Research.
  • Sharkh, M. A. ve Gough, I. (2010).”” Global Welfare Regimes: A Cluster Analysis”. Global Social Policy, 10(1): 27-58.
  • Sinanoglu, S. (2013). “The Road not Taken: A Typology of the Welfare Regimes in the Middle East and North Africa”, Student Essay, (13.10.2019)
  • Titmuss, R. M. (1958). Essays on the Welfare State, London: Allen & Unwin.
  • Titmuss, R. M. (1974). Social Policy: An Introduction, Pantheon Books.
  • Wildeboer Schut, J.M., Vrooman, J.C. ve de Beer P. T. (2001). On Worlds of Welfare: Institutions and Their Effects in Eleven Welfare State, The Hague: Social and Cultural Planning Office.
  • Wilensky, H. ve C. Lebaux. (1958). Industrial Society and Social Welfare: The Impact of Industrialization on the Supply and Organization of Social Welfare Services in the United States, New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

İskender Gümüş 0000-0002-1428-0512

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Gümüş, İ. (2020). ESPING-ANDERSEN VE REFAH REJİMİ TARTIŞMALARI: TEORİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, 3(1), 101-117.
AMA Gümüş İ. ESPING-ANDERSEN VE REFAH REJİMİ TARTIŞMALARI: TEORİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi. June 2020;3(1):101-117. doi:10.46737/emid.753591
Chicago Gümüş, İskender. “ESPING-ANDERSEN VE REFAH REJİMİ TARTIŞMALARI: TEORİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi 3, no. 1 (June 2020): 101-17.
EndNote Gümüş İ (June 1, 2020) ESPING-ANDERSEN VE REFAH REJİMİ TARTIŞMALARI: TEORİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi 3 1 101–117.
IEEE İ. Gümüş, “ESPING-ANDERSEN VE REFAH REJİMİ TARTIŞMALARI: TEORİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”, Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 101–117, 2020, doi: 10.46737/emid.753591.
ISNAD Gümüş, İskender. “ESPING-ANDERSEN VE REFAH REJİMİ TARTIŞMALARI: TEORİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi 3/1 (June 2020), 101-117.
MLA Gümüş, İskender. “ESPING-ANDERSEN VE REFAH REJİMİ TARTIŞMALARI: TEORİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME”. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, vol. 3, no. 1, 2020, pp. 101-17, doi:10.46737/emid.753591.
Vancouver Gümüş İ. ESPING-ANDERSEN VE REFAH REJİMİ TARTIŞMALARI: TEORİK BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi. 2020;3(1):101-17.

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