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Perkütan Nefrolitotomide Supin ve Pron Pozisyonlarının Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması

Year 2024, , 84 - 90, 29.09.2024


Çalışmada supin ve pron olarak iki farklı perkütan nefrolitotomi pozisyonunun ameliyat öncesi demografik veriler, perioperatif bulgular ve cerrahi sonuçlar açısından karşılaştırılması amaçlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntem
Ocak 2019 ile Aralık 2023 arasında perkütan nefrolitotomi yapılan 18 yaş ve üzeri 2-4 cm arası renal taşları olan hastalar çalışmaya dahil edildi. Operasyon notlarından elde edilen veriler ile hastalar supin ve pron grup olmak üzere ikiye ayrıldı. Yaş, cinsiyet, vücut kitle indeksi, kronik hastalıklar gibi demografik veriler her iki grup arasında karşılaştırıldı. Taş hacmi, çapı ve hounsfield ünitesi gibi karakteristikler preoperatif olarak çekilen kontrastsız alt üst batın tomografisinden elde edildi. Operasyon süresi, perioperatif komplikasyonlar ve postoperatif takip verileri toplanarak her iki grup arasında karşılaştırıldı. Taşsızlık, postoperatif 1. ay da uygulanan kontrastsız alt üst batın tomografisinde 4 mm altında rezidüel fragman kalması veya hiç kalmaması olarak tanımlandı.
Çalışmaya 56’sı (53%) supin grupta, 49’u (47%) pron grupta olmak üzere 105 hasta alındı. Yaş, cinsiyet, VKİ, taş lokalizasyonu, taş boyutu, Hounsfield ünitesi gibi demografik ve preoperatif veriler benzerdi. Perioperatif bulgular karşılaştırıldığında, cerrahi süre supin grupta daha kısaydı (100,8 ± 10,3 dakika - 135,6 ± 13,6 dakika, p<0,001). Hemoglobin seviyesindeki ortalama düşüş her iki grupta benzerdi (1,2 ± 0,8 - 1,2 ± 0,7, p=0,867). Gözlenen baskın postoperatif komplikasyon, 14 hastada (%13,3) ortaya çıkan ateşti. Taşsızlık oranı supin grupta %83,9, pron grupta ise %83,6 idi (p=0,914).
Perkütan nefrolitotomi de pozisyon seçimi cerrahın tecrübesine göre farklılıklar gösterebilmektedir. Supin ve pron pozisyonlar sonuçlar açısından benzer olmakla birlikte supin pozisyon daha kısa operasyon süresi ile ilişkilidir.


  • 1. EAU Guidelines. Edn. presented at the EAU Annual Congress Milan 2023. ISBN 978-94-92671-19-6.
  • 2. Mak DK, Smith Y, Buchholz N, El-Husseiny T. What is better in percutaneous nephrolithotomy - Prone or supine? A systematic review. Arab journal of urology. 2016;14(2):101-7.
  • 3. Fernström I, Johansson B. Percutaneous Pyelolithotomy. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. 1976;10(3):257-9.
  • 4. Lim KY, Liew AN, Ling Z, Ranasinghe W, McCahy P. Modified Supine Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in the Elderly: Outcomes and Safety. Journal of clinical medicine. 2023;12(14).
  • 5. Li J, Gao L, Li Q, Zhang Y, Jiang Q. Supine versus prone position for percutaneous nephrolithotripsy: A metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. International journal of surgery (London, England). 2019;66:62-71.
  • 6. Yuan D, Liu Y, Rao H, Cheng T, Sun Z, Wang Y, et al. Supine Versus Prone Position in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Kidney Calculi: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of endourology. 2016;30(7):754-63.
  • 7. Mitropoulos D, Artibani W, Graefen M, Remzi M, Rouprêt M, Truss M. Reporting and grading of complications after urologic surgical procedures: an ad hoc EAU guidelines panel assessment and recommendations. Eur Urol. 2012;61(2):341-9.
  • 8. Ibarluzea G, Scoffone CM, Cracco CM, Poggio M, Porpiglia F, Terrone C, et al. Supine Valdivia and modified lithotomy position for simultaneous anterograde and retrograde endourological access. BJU international. 2007;100(1):233-6.
  • 9. Dalkilinc Hokenek U, Arslan G, Ozcan T, Sayin Kart J, Dogu Geyik F, Eryildirim B, et al. Comparison of hemodynamic and respiratory outcomes between two surgical positions for percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a prospective, randomized clinical trial. Actas urologicas espanolas. 2023;47(8):509-16.
  • 10. Kucukyangoz M, Gucuk A. Which position is more advantageous for percutaneous nephrolithotomy: supine or prone? Urolithiasis. 2023;51(1):102.
  • 11. Tokatlı Z, Gokce MI, Süer E, Sağlam R. Supine or prone position for mini-PNL procedure: does it matter. Urolithiasis. 2015;43(3):261-4. Abdullatif VA, Sur RL, Abdullatif ZA, Szabo SR, Abbott JE. The Safety and Efficacy of Endoscopic Combined Intrarenal Surgery (ECIRS) versus Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Advances in urology. 2022;2022:1716554.
  • 13. Keller EX, V DEC, Proietti S, Talso M, Emiliani E, Ploumidis A, et al. Prone versus supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of current literature. Minerva urology and nephrology. 2021;73(1):50-8.
  • 14. Desai AC, Jain S, Benway BM, Grubb III RL, Picus D, Figenshau RSJJoe. Splenic injury during percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a case report with novel management technique. 2010;24(4):541-5.
  • 15. Wollin DA, Preminger GM. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: complications and how to deal with them. Urolithiasis. 2018;46(1):87-97.
  • 16. 1Zhou G, Zhou Y, Chen R, Wang D, Zhou S, Zhong J, et al. The influencing factors of infectious complications after percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Urolithiasis. 2022;51(1):17.
  • 17. Chen L, Xu QQ, Li JX, Xiong LL, Wang XF, Huang XBJIjou. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome after percutaneous nephrolithotomy: an assessment of risk factors. 2008;15(12):1025-8. j.1442-2042.2008.02170.x
  • 18. Öztürk H. Gastrointestinal system complications in percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review. Journal of endourology. 2014;28(11):1256-67.
  • 19. Wu P, Wang L, Wang KJIu, nephrology. Supine versus prone position in percutaneous nephrolithotomy for kidney calculi: a meta-analysis. 2011;43:67-77.

Comparison of Supine and Prone Positions’ Outcomes in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

Year 2024, , 84 - 90, 29.09.2024



  • 1. EAU Guidelines. Edn. presented at the EAU Annual Congress Milan 2023. ISBN 978-94-92671-19-6.
  • 2. Mak DK, Smith Y, Buchholz N, El-Husseiny T. What is better in percutaneous nephrolithotomy - Prone or supine? A systematic review. Arab journal of urology. 2016;14(2):101-7.
  • 3. Fernström I, Johansson B. Percutaneous Pyelolithotomy. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. 1976;10(3):257-9.
  • 4. Lim KY, Liew AN, Ling Z, Ranasinghe W, McCahy P. Modified Supine Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in the Elderly: Outcomes and Safety. Journal of clinical medicine. 2023;12(14).
  • 5. Li J, Gao L, Li Q, Zhang Y, Jiang Q. Supine versus prone position for percutaneous nephrolithotripsy: A metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. International journal of surgery (London, England). 2019;66:62-71.
  • 6. Yuan D, Liu Y, Rao H, Cheng T, Sun Z, Wang Y, et al. Supine Versus Prone Position in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy for Kidney Calculi: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of endourology. 2016;30(7):754-63.
  • 7. Mitropoulos D, Artibani W, Graefen M, Remzi M, Rouprêt M, Truss M. Reporting and grading of complications after urologic surgical procedures: an ad hoc EAU guidelines panel assessment and recommendations. Eur Urol. 2012;61(2):341-9.
  • 8. Ibarluzea G, Scoffone CM, Cracco CM, Poggio M, Porpiglia F, Terrone C, et al. Supine Valdivia and modified lithotomy position for simultaneous anterograde and retrograde endourological access. BJU international. 2007;100(1):233-6.
  • 9. Dalkilinc Hokenek U, Arslan G, Ozcan T, Sayin Kart J, Dogu Geyik F, Eryildirim B, et al. Comparison of hemodynamic and respiratory outcomes between two surgical positions for percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a prospective, randomized clinical trial. Actas urologicas espanolas. 2023;47(8):509-16.
  • 10. Kucukyangoz M, Gucuk A. Which position is more advantageous for percutaneous nephrolithotomy: supine or prone? Urolithiasis. 2023;51(1):102.
  • 11. Tokatlı Z, Gokce MI, Süer E, Sağlam R. Supine or prone position for mini-PNL procedure: does it matter. Urolithiasis. 2015;43(3):261-4. Abdullatif VA, Sur RL, Abdullatif ZA, Szabo SR, Abbott JE. The Safety and Efficacy of Endoscopic Combined Intrarenal Surgery (ECIRS) versus Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Advances in urology. 2022;2022:1716554.
  • 13. Keller EX, V DEC, Proietti S, Talso M, Emiliani E, Ploumidis A, et al. Prone versus supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of current literature. Minerva urology and nephrology. 2021;73(1):50-8.
  • 14. Desai AC, Jain S, Benway BM, Grubb III RL, Picus D, Figenshau RSJJoe. Splenic injury during percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a case report with novel management technique. 2010;24(4):541-5.
  • 15. Wollin DA, Preminger GM. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: complications and how to deal with them. Urolithiasis. 2018;46(1):87-97.
  • 16. 1Zhou G, Zhou Y, Chen R, Wang D, Zhou S, Zhong J, et al. The influencing factors of infectious complications after percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Urolithiasis. 2022;51(1):17.
  • 17. Chen L, Xu QQ, Li JX, Xiong LL, Wang XF, Huang XBJIjou. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome after percutaneous nephrolithotomy: an assessment of risk factors. 2008;15(12):1025-8. j.1442-2042.2008.02170.x
  • 18. Öztürk H. Gastrointestinal system complications in percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review. Journal of endourology. 2014;28(11):1256-67.
  • 19. Wu P, Wang L, Wang KJIu, nephrology. Supine versus prone position in percutaneous nephrolithotomy for kidney calculi: a meta-analysis. 2011;43:67-77.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Urology
Journal Section Research Articles

Tugay Aksakalli 0000-0001-6781-738X

Adem Utlu 0000-0002-6381-025X

Şaban Oğuz Demirdöğen 0000-0002-8697-8995

Ahmet Cinislioğlu 0000-0002-1037-815X

Feyzullah Çelik 0000-0003-4564-7417

İbrahim Karabulut 0000-0001-6766-0191

Publication Date September 29, 2024
Submission Date June 20, 2024
Acceptance Date September 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Vancouver Aksakalli T, Utlu A, Demirdöğen ŞO, Cinislioğlu A, Çelik F, Karabulut İ. Perkütan Nefrolitotomide Supin ve Pron Pozisyonlarının Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması. Endourol Bull. 2024;16(3):84-90.