Et büyüme ve gelişmenin tamamlanabilmesi için gerekli temel protein kaynağıdır. Et türleri içinde sığır eti tüketimi ülkemizde
önemli bir yere sahiptir. Ette kalite standartlarından biri dişi ve erkek sığır etinin ayırımıdır. Erkek sığırlardan elde edilen
etler dişilerden elde edilenlere göre daha kaliteli ve satış fiyatları daha yüksektir. Bu da kasaplık olarak satışa sunulan etlerde
cinsiyet tayinini önemli kılmaktadır. Cinsiyetin belirlenebilmesi için farklı laboratuvar yöntemleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada
polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (PCR) ile Y kromozomuna özgü genleri ayırt eden iki farklı primer seti kullanılarak, kasaplık olarak
satışa sunulan sığır etlerinde cinsiyet tayininin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre
kullanılan 30 adet et örneğinden 15’inin dişi 15’inin erkek cinsiyete ait bant görüntüleri verdiği saptanmıştır
1. Appa Rao KBC, Kesava Rao V, Kowale BN, Totey SM. Sex-specific identification of raw meat from cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat. Meat Sci 1995; 39(1): 123-6.
2. Bai WL, Yin RH, Zhao SJ, Li C, Ma ZJ, Yin RL. A PCR assay for sex determination of yak (Bos grunniens) meat by amplification of the male specific SRY gene. Food Control 2010; 21(5): 726-31.
3. Ballin NZ, Madsen KG. Sex determination in beef by melting curve analysis of PCR amplicons from the amelogenin locus. Meat Sci 2007; 77(3): 384-8.
4. Checa ML, Dunner S, Canon J. Prediction of X and Y chromosome content in bovine sperm by using DNA pools through capillary electrophoresis. Theriogenology 2002; 58(8): 1579-86.
5. Curi A, Mota L, Amarante M, Lopes C. Bovine carcass sexing by PCR method. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci 2002; 39(3): 147-8.
6. Draisci R, Palleschi L, Ferretti E, Lucentini L, Cammarata P. Quantitation of anabolic hormones and their metabolites in serum and urine by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatog A 2000; 870(1-2): 511-2.
7. Et ve Süt Kurumu,; Erişim Tarihi: 03.03.2014.
8. Ennis S, Gallagher TF. A PCR-based sex determination assay in cattle based on the bovine amelogenin locus. Anim Genet 1994; 25(6): 425-7.
10. Fontanesi L, Scotti E, Russo V. Differences of the porcine amelogenin X and chromosome genes (AMELX and AMELY) and their application for sex determination in pigs. Mol Reprod Dev 2008; 75(11): 1662-8.
11. Gokulakrishnan P, Kumar RR, Sharma BD, Mendiratta SK, Sharma D. A duplex PCR assay for sex determination of cattle meat by simultaneous amplification of SRY, AMELX and AMELY genes. Food Biotechnol 2012; 26(1): 75-84.
12. Göğüş A K. Et Teknolojisi. Ankara: Ankara Üniv Zir Fak Yayınları, 1986; s. 291.
13. Gray JI, Gomaa EA, Buckley DJ. Oxidative quality and shelf life of mets. Meat Sci 1996; 43(1): 111-3.
14. Kamimura S, Nishiyama N, Ookutsu S, Goto K, Hamana K. Determination of bovine fetal sex by PCR using fetal fluid aspirated by transvaginal ultrasound-guided amniocentesis. Theriogenology 1997; 43(1): 1563-9.
15. Kirkpatrick BW, Monson RL. Sensitive sex determination assay applicable to bovine embryos derived from IVM and IVF. J Reprod Fertil 1993; 98(2): 335-40.
16. Lopes RF, Forell F, Oliveira AT, Rodrigues JL. Splitting and biopsy for bovine embryo sexing under field conditions. Theriogenology 2000; 56(9): 1383-92.
17. Parati K, Bongioni G, Aleandri R, Galli A. Sex ratio determination in bovine semen: A new approach by quantitative real time PCR. Theriogenology 2006; 66(9): 2202-9.
18. Robertson BC, Gemmell N J. PCR-based sexing in conservation biology: Wrong answers from an accurate methodology. Conserv Genet 2006; 7(2): 267-71.
19. Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T. Molecular cloning: A laboratory manual. Second Edition. New York: Cold-Spring Harbor, 1989.
20. Simontacchi C, Marinelli L, Gabai G, Bono G, Angeletti R. Accuracy in naturally occurring anabolic steroid assays in cattle and first approach to quality control in Italy. Analyst 1999; 124(3): 307-12.
21. Tagliavini J, Bolchi A, Bracchi P G, Ottonello S. Sex determination on samples of bovine meat by polymerase chain reaction. J Food Sci 1993; 58(2): 237-8.
22. TUİK, Hayvancılık İstatistikleri.; Erişim Tarihi: 03.03.2014
23. Zaujec K, Mojto J, Gondeková M. Comparison of meat quality in bulls and cows. J Microbiol Biotechn 2010; 43(3): 160-5.
24. Zeleny R, Schimmel H. Sexing of beef A survey of possible methods. Meat Sci 2002; 60(1): 69-75.
25. Zinovieva N, Palma G, Muller M, Brem G. A rapid sex determination test for bovine blastomeres using allele specific PCR primers and capillary PCR. Theriogenology 1995; 43(1): 365.
Determination of Gender by using PCR Method on Cattle Meats Sold in Butcher’s and Markets in Kayseri City Center
Year 2015,
Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 75 - 79, 01.07.2015
Meat is an essential protein source required by the body for growth and development. Cattle meat has an important
area in our country. Determination of gender is one of the quality standards for meat. The quality of meat obtained
from male cattles is hingher than that of female ones so the prices of male cattle meat is higher than female cattle meat. A
number of methods have been developed for gender determination on meat. In this study, Y chromosome-specific genes that
distinguish two different primer sets on the availability of gender determination in cattle meat was aimed to investigate with
the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR results were obtained on meat samples (30); 15 female, 15 male genders were
determined through gel-electrophoresis images.
1. Appa Rao KBC, Kesava Rao V, Kowale BN, Totey SM. Sex-specific identification of raw meat from cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat. Meat Sci 1995; 39(1): 123-6.
2. Bai WL, Yin RH, Zhao SJ, Li C, Ma ZJ, Yin RL. A PCR assay for sex determination of yak (Bos grunniens) meat by amplification of the male specific SRY gene. Food Control 2010; 21(5): 726-31.
3. Ballin NZ, Madsen KG. Sex determination in beef by melting curve analysis of PCR amplicons from the amelogenin locus. Meat Sci 2007; 77(3): 384-8.
4. Checa ML, Dunner S, Canon J. Prediction of X and Y chromosome content in bovine sperm by using DNA pools through capillary electrophoresis. Theriogenology 2002; 58(8): 1579-86.
5. Curi A, Mota L, Amarante M, Lopes C. Bovine carcass sexing by PCR method. Braz J Vet Res Anim Sci 2002; 39(3): 147-8.
6. Draisci R, Palleschi L, Ferretti E, Lucentini L, Cammarata P. Quantitation of anabolic hormones and their metabolites in serum and urine by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatog A 2000; 870(1-2): 511-2.
7. Et ve Süt Kurumu,; Erişim Tarihi: 03.03.2014.
8. Ennis S, Gallagher TF. A PCR-based sex determination assay in cattle based on the bovine amelogenin locus. Anim Genet 1994; 25(6): 425-7.
10. Fontanesi L, Scotti E, Russo V. Differences of the porcine amelogenin X and chromosome genes (AMELX and AMELY) and their application for sex determination in pigs. Mol Reprod Dev 2008; 75(11): 1662-8.
11. Gokulakrishnan P, Kumar RR, Sharma BD, Mendiratta SK, Sharma D. A duplex PCR assay for sex determination of cattle meat by simultaneous amplification of SRY, AMELX and AMELY genes. Food Biotechnol 2012; 26(1): 75-84.
12. Göğüş A K. Et Teknolojisi. Ankara: Ankara Üniv Zir Fak Yayınları, 1986; s. 291.
13. Gray JI, Gomaa EA, Buckley DJ. Oxidative quality and shelf life of mets. Meat Sci 1996; 43(1): 111-3.
14. Kamimura S, Nishiyama N, Ookutsu S, Goto K, Hamana K. Determination of bovine fetal sex by PCR using fetal fluid aspirated by transvaginal ultrasound-guided amniocentesis. Theriogenology 1997; 43(1): 1563-9.
15. Kirkpatrick BW, Monson RL. Sensitive sex determination assay applicable to bovine embryos derived from IVM and IVF. J Reprod Fertil 1993; 98(2): 335-40.
16. Lopes RF, Forell F, Oliveira AT, Rodrigues JL. Splitting and biopsy for bovine embryo sexing under field conditions. Theriogenology 2000; 56(9): 1383-92.
17. Parati K, Bongioni G, Aleandri R, Galli A. Sex ratio determination in bovine semen: A new approach by quantitative real time PCR. Theriogenology 2006; 66(9): 2202-9.
18. Robertson BC, Gemmell N J. PCR-based sexing in conservation biology: Wrong answers from an accurate methodology. Conserv Genet 2006; 7(2): 267-71.
19. Sambrook J, Fritsch EF, Maniatis T. Molecular cloning: A laboratory manual. Second Edition. New York: Cold-Spring Harbor, 1989.
20. Simontacchi C, Marinelli L, Gabai G, Bono G, Angeletti R. Accuracy in naturally occurring anabolic steroid assays in cattle and first approach to quality control in Italy. Analyst 1999; 124(3): 307-12.
21. Tagliavini J, Bolchi A, Bracchi P G, Ottonello S. Sex determination on samples of bovine meat by polymerase chain reaction. J Food Sci 1993; 58(2): 237-8.
22. TUİK, Hayvancılık İstatistikleri.; Erişim Tarihi: 03.03.2014
23. Zaujec K, Mojto J, Gondeková M. Comparison of meat quality in bulls and cows. J Microbiol Biotechn 2010; 43(3): 160-5.
24. Zeleny R, Schimmel H. Sexing of beef A survey of possible methods. Meat Sci 2002; 60(1): 69-75.
25. Zinovieva N, Palma G, Muller M, Brem G. A rapid sex determination test for bovine blastomeres using allele specific PCR primers and capillary PCR. Theriogenology 1995; 43(1): 365.
Arslan, K., Akyüz, B., & Aksel, E. G. (2015). Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi ile Cinsiyet Tayini*. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(2), 75-79.
Arslan K, Akyüz B, Aksel EG. Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi ile Cinsiyet Tayini*. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. July 2015;12(2):75-79.
Arslan, Korhan, Bilal Akyüz, and Esma Gamze Aksel. “Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap Ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi Ile Cinsiyet Tayini*”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12, no. 2 (July 2015): 75-79.
Arslan K, Akyüz B, Aksel EG (July 1, 2015) Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi ile Cinsiyet Tayini*. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12 2 75–79.
K. Arslan, B. Akyüz, and E. G. Aksel, “Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi ile Cinsiyet Tayini*”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 75–79, 2015.
Arslan, Korhan et al. “Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap Ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi Ile Cinsiyet Tayini*”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 12/2 (July 2015), 75-79.
Arslan K, Akyüz B, Aksel EG. Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi ile Cinsiyet Tayini*. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2015;12:75–79.
Arslan, Korhan et al. “Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap Ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi Ile Cinsiyet Tayini*”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, 2015, pp. 75-79.
Arslan K, Akyüz B, Aksel EG. Kayseri Şehir Merkezinde Kasap ve Marketlerde Satışa Sunulan Sığır Etlerinde PCR Yöntemi ile Cinsiyet Tayini*. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2015;12(2):75-9.