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Keçilerde Ultrasonografi ile Gebelik Teşhisi

Year 2014, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 121 - 126, 01.08.2014


Ultrasonografi veteriner reprodüksiyonunda keçileri de içeren türlerde sıklıkla kullanılan bir tekniktir. Transrektal yolla

keçilerde gebelik çiftleşmeden sonra en erken 16.günde saptanabilir. Ama keçilerde erken embriyonik ölümlerden transrektal

muayene için dolayı gebeliğin 32-34. günlerine kadar beklenilmesi önerilir. Keçilerde transabdominal ultrasonografi (TA) ile gebelik

teşhisi gebeliğin 2. yarısından sonra tercih edilebilir çünkü bu dönemden sonra gebe uterus kranio-ventrale doğru inmeye başlar

ve transrektal ultrasonografi bu dönemde yavru kısımlarının ayırt edilmesinde yetersiz kalırken gebelik yine bu yolla da teşhis

edilebilir. Keçilerde 3.5 mHz TA ultrasonografi ile içi sıvı dolu keseler yaklaşık 25 gün ve sonrasında rahatlıkla gözlemlenmiştir.

Transvaginal ultrasonografi taraması keçilerde çiftleşme sonrasında yaklaşık 7.haftada erken gebeliğin teşhisine izin verebilir.

Sonuç olarak, TR, TA’ya göre gebeliği 4-5 gün önceden teşhis etmeye izin verdiği için daha iyi olarak düşünülebilir. Gebelik,

TR muayenesinde de teşhis edilebilir fakat gebe uterus kranio-ventrale indiğinden fötusun kısımlarının ayırt edilmesi güçtür. Bu

derlemede, keçilerde gebeliğin saptanmasında ultrasonografinin yolları tartışıldı.


  • 1. Acharya G, Erkinaro T, Makikallio K, Lappalainen T, Rasanen J. Relationships among doppler-derived umbilical artery absolute velocities, cardiac function, and placental volume blood flow and resistance in fetal sheep. Am J Physiol-Heart C 2003; 286: 1266-72.
  • 2. Allen WE, Meredith MJ. Detection of proegnancy in the bitch: a study of abdominal palpation, A-Mode ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound techniques. J Small Anim Pract 1981; 22: 609-22.
  • 3. Amer HA. Determination of first pregnancy and foetal measurements in Egyptian Baladi goats (Capra hircus). Vet Ital 2008; 44 (2): 429-37.
  • 4. Amer HA. Ultrasonographic assessment of early pregnancy diagnosis, fetometry and sex determination in goats. Anim Reprod Sci 2010; 117: 226-31.
  • 5. Aria G, Shau Z, Botta R, Giuliotti L, Rota A. Transvaginal echographic approach to early pregnancy diagnosis in small ruminants. Ann Fac Med Vet Pisa 2004; 57: 99-105.
  • 6. Arthur GH, Noakes DE, Pearson H, Parkinson T. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. England: WB Saunders Company ltd, 1996.
  • 7. Atmaca NS. Diagnostik Ultrasonografi. İkinci Baskı. Ankara: 1989.
  • 8. Baronet D, Vaillancourt D. Pregnancy diagnosis in goats by echotomography. Med Vet Du Oueb 1989; 19 (2): 67-73.
  • 9. Bretzlaff K, Edwards J, Forrest D, Nuti L. Ultrasonographic determination of pregnancy in small ruminants. Vet Med 1993; 88: 12-24.
  • 10. Buckrell BC. Application of ultrasonography in reproduction in sheep and goats. Theriogenology 1988; 29: 71-84.
  • 11. Dawson LJ. Pregnancy diagnosis in goats. Fourteenth Annual Goat Field Day. 1999; Langston University-Langston.
  • 12. Dinç DA, Alaçam E. Evcil hayvanlarda ultrason ile gebelik teşhisi. Türk Vet Hek Bir Vak Derg 1990; 2 (5): 11-3.
  • 13. Doize F, Vaillancourt H, Carabin H, Belanger D. Determination of gestational age in sheep and goats transrectal ultrasonographic measurement of placentome. Theriogenology 1997; 48: 449-60.
  • 14. Enginler SÖ, Özdaş ÖB, Sandal Aİ, Arıcı R, Ertürk E, Mohammed IF, Çınar EM, Gündüz MC, Doğan N, Baran A. Accuracy of ultrasonographic diagnosis of sex and effect of sex and birth type on biparietal diameter of Saanen goat foetuses. SGRJ 2013; 28: 10-5.
  • 15. Erdogan G. Ultrasonic assessment during pregnancy in goats-a review. Reprod Domestic Anim 2012; 47: 157-63.
  • 16. Ford EJH. Pregnancy toxaemia. Martin WB. ed. In: Diseases of sheep. London: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1983; pp. 147-51.
  • 17. Garcia A, Neary MK, Kelly GR, Pierson RA. Accuracy of ultrasonography in early pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe. Theriogenology 1993; 39; 847- 61.
  • 18. Gonzales-Bulnes A, Pallares P, Vazquez MI. Ultrasonographic imaging in small ruminant reproduction. Reprod Domestic Anim 2010; 45: 9-20.
  • 19. Gürbulak K, Pancarcı ŞM, Güngör Ö, Cihan K, Oral H, Kırmızıgül AH, Kamiloğlu N, Karapehlivan M, Duygu K. Kış döneminde doğuran Tuj koyunlarında uterus involüsyon süresi ve subklinik hipokalseminin involüsyon süresi üzerine etkisi. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2005; 11(1): 55-9.
  • 20. Haibel GK. Real time ultrasonic fetal head measurement and gestational age in dairy goats. Theriogenology 1988; 30 (6): 1053-57.
  • 21. Haibel GK. Use of ultrasonography in reproductive management of sheep and goat herds. Vet Clin North Am 1990; 6: 597-613.
  • 22. Hesselink JW, Taverne MAM. Ultrasonography of the uterus of the goat. Vet Q 1994; 16 (1): 41-5.
  • 23. Ishwar AK. Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats. a review. Small Ruminant Res 1995; 17: 37-44.
  • 24. Kaspar B. Ultraschallunterschung bei ziegen: eine zuverlassige methode zur trachtigkeitsfeststellung. Der Ziegenzüchter 1989; 5: 8-12.
  • 25. Koker A, Ince D, Sezik M. The accuracy of transvaginal ultrasonography for early pregnancy diagnosis in Saanen goats: A pilot study. Small Ruminant Res 2012; 105: 277-81.
  • 26. Küplülü Ş, Vural R, Aslan S, Salmanoğlu R, Kılıçoğlu Ç, İzgür H. Saanen ırkı keçilerde erken gebeliğin B-mode real time ultrasonografi ile tanısı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg 1993; 40 (2): 220-30.
  • 27. Lavoir MC, Taverna MAM, eds. The diagnosis of pregnancy and pseudopregnancy and the determination of foetal numbers of goats by means of real time ultrasound scaning. In: Diagnostic ultrasound and animal reproduction. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989; pp. 89.
  • 28. Lindahl IL. Comparison of ultrasonic techniques for the detection of pregnancy in ewes. J Reprod Fertil 1969a; 18: 117-20.
  • 29. Lindahl IL. Pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats using ultrasonic Doppler instrument. J Dairy Sci 1969b; 52: 529-30.
  • 30. Lindahl IL. Pregnancy diagnosis in ewe by intrarectal Doppler. J Anim Sci 1971; 32: 922-5.
  • 31. Medan MS, Abd El-Aty AM. Advances in ultrasonography and its applications in domestic ruminants and other farm animals reproduction. JAR 2010; 1: 123-8.
  • 32. Padilla-Rivas GR, Sohnrey B, Holtz W. Early pregnancy detection by real-time ultrasonography in Boer goats. Small Ruminant Res 2005; 58: 87-92.
  • 33. Panarace M, Garnil C, Cane L, Rodriguez E, Medina M. Echo-Doppler ultrasonographic assessment of resistance and velocity of blood flow in the ductus venosus throughout gestation in fetal lambs. Theriogenology 2008; 70: 648-54.
  • 34. Pierson RA, Kastelic JP, Ginther OJ. Basic principles and techniques for transrectal ultrasonography in cattle and horses. Theriogenology 1988; 29: 3-20.
  • 35. Pieterse MC, Taverne MAM. Hydrometra in goats: Diagnosis with real time ultrasound and treatment with prostaglandins or oxytocin. Theriogenology 1986; 26: 813-21.
  • 36. Reed KL, Chaffin DG, Anderson CF. Umbilical venous doppler velocity pulsations and inferior vena cava pressure elevations in foetal lambs. Obstet Gynecol 1996; 87: 617-20.
  • 37. Reichle JK, Haibel GK. Ultrasonic biparietal diameter of second trimester pygmy goat fetuses. Theriogenology 1991; 35 (4): 689-94.
  • 38. Santiago-Moreno J, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Garcia-Lopez M, Lopez-Sebastian A. Diagnostico precoz de gestaion y determinacion del numero de embriones mediante ecografia transrectal en la cabra. ITEA 1995a; 91A: 37-43.
  • 39. Santiago-Moreno J, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Garcia-Lopez M, Lopez-Sebastian A. Valoracion de estadios precoces de gestacion en oveja y cabra mediante ecografia transrectal. Invest Agr 1995b; 10: 53-61.
  • 40. Serin G, Gokdal O, Tarimcilar T, Atay O. Umbilical artery doppler sonography in Saanen goat foetuses during singleton and multiple pregnancies. Theriogenology 2010; 74: 1082-87.
  • 41. Singh NS, Awande PG, Mishra OP, Nema RK, Mishra UK, Singh M. Accuracy of ultrasonography in early pregnancy diagnosis in Doe. Asian Aust J Anim Sci 2004; 17 (6): 760-68.
  • 42. Trapp MJ, Slyter AL. Pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe. J Anim Sci 1983; 57: 1-15.
  • 43. Wani GM. Ultrasonic pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats. World Rev Anim Prod 1981; 17 (4): 43-8.
  • 44. Watt BR, Anderson GA, Campell IP. A comparison of six methods used for detecting pregnancy in sheep. Aust Vet J 1984; 61: 377-81.

Pregnancy Diagnosis in Goats By Ultrasonography

Year 2014, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 121 - 126, 01.08.2014


Ultrasonography is a technique commonly used in veterinary reproduction in species including goats. Pregnancy in

goats can be detected as early as the 16th day post-breeding via transrectal way. However, because of the early embryonic losses,

it is recommended to delay the transrectal examination until days 32-34 of gestation. Transabdominal (TA) ultrasonography for

pregnancy diagnosis in goats can be preferred from the second trimester on because after this period the gravid uterus starts to

descend into the cranio-ventral direction. The transrectal (TR) ultrasonography in this period becomes inadequate to distinguish

the parts of the foetus. But it can still detect the pregnancy. By using the TA ultrasonography with 3.5mHz, fluid filled vesicles were

observed approximately from 25 day onwards in goats. Transvaginal ultrasound scanning can be an early pregnancy diagnosis

in goats approximately 7 weeks post mating. In conclusion, the TR can be considered superior to TA in small ruminants to detect

the pregnancy as it leads 4-5 days earlier diagnosis in the TR way than the TA way. Pregnancy can be detected, using the TR

ultrasonography after second trimester; but, as the gravid uterus descends cranio-ventral direction, it is difficult to distinguish the

parts of the foetus. In this review, the ways of ultrasonography for pregnancy determination in goats were discussed.


  • 1. Acharya G, Erkinaro T, Makikallio K, Lappalainen T, Rasanen J. Relationships among doppler-derived umbilical artery absolute velocities, cardiac function, and placental volume blood flow and resistance in fetal sheep. Am J Physiol-Heart C 2003; 286: 1266-72.
  • 2. Allen WE, Meredith MJ. Detection of proegnancy in the bitch: a study of abdominal palpation, A-Mode ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound techniques. J Small Anim Pract 1981; 22: 609-22.
  • 3. Amer HA. Determination of first pregnancy and foetal measurements in Egyptian Baladi goats (Capra hircus). Vet Ital 2008; 44 (2): 429-37.
  • 4. Amer HA. Ultrasonographic assessment of early pregnancy diagnosis, fetometry and sex determination in goats. Anim Reprod Sci 2010; 117: 226-31.
  • 5. Aria G, Shau Z, Botta R, Giuliotti L, Rota A. Transvaginal echographic approach to early pregnancy diagnosis in small ruminants. Ann Fac Med Vet Pisa 2004; 57: 99-105.
  • 6. Arthur GH, Noakes DE, Pearson H, Parkinson T. Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. England: WB Saunders Company ltd, 1996.
  • 7. Atmaca NS. Diagnostik Ultrasonografi. İkinci Baskı. Ankara: 1989.
  • 8. Baronet D, Vaillancourt D. Pregnancy diagnosis in goats by echotomography. Med Vet Du Oueb 1989; 19 (2): 67-73.
  • 9. Bretzlaff K, Edwards J, Forrest D, Nuti L. Ultrasonographic determination of pregnancy in small ruminants. Vet Med 1993; 88: 12-24.
  • 10. Buckrell BC. Application of ultrasonography in reproduction in sheep and goats. Theriogenology 1988; 29: 71-84.
  • 11. Dawson LJ. Pregnancy diagnosis in goats. Fourteenth Annual Goat Field Day. 1999; Langston University-Langston.
  • 12. Dinç DA, Alaçam E. Evcil hayvanlarda ultrason ile gebelik teşhisi. Türk Vet Hek Bir Vak Derg 1990; 2 (5): 11-3.
  • 13. Doize F, Vaillancourt H, Carabin H, Belanger D. Determination of gestational age in sheep and goats transrectal ultrasonographic measurement of placentome. Theriogenology 1997; 48: 449-60.
  • 14. Enginler SÖ, Özdaş ÖB, Sandal Aİ, Arıcı R, Ertürk E, Mohammed IF, Çınar EM, Gündüz MC, Doğan N, Baran A. Accuracy of ultrasonographic diagnosis of sex and effect of sex and birth type on biparietal diameter of Saanen goat foetuses. SGRJ 2013; 28: 10-5.
  • 15. Erdogan G. Ultrasonic assessment during pregnancy in goats-a review. Reprod Domestic Anim 2012; 47: 157-63.
  • 16. Ford EJH. Pregnancy toxaemia. Martin WB. ed. In: Diseases of sheep. London: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1983; pp. 147-51.
  • 17. Garcia A, Neary MK, Kelly GR, Pierson RA. Accuracy of ultrasonography in early pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe. Theriogenology 1993; 39; 847- 61.
  • 18. Gonzales-Bulnes A, Pallares P, Vazquez MI. Ultrasonographic imaging in small ruminant reproduction. Reprod Domestic Anim 2010; 45: 9-20.
  • 19. Gürbulak K, Pancarcı ŞM, Güngör Ö, Cihan K, Oral H, Kırmızıgül AH, Kamiloğlu N, Karapehlivan M, Duygu K. Kış döneminde doğuran Tuj koyunlarında uterus involüsyon süresi ve subklinik hipokalseminin involüsyon süresi üzerine etkisi. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 2005; 11(1): 55-9.
  • 20. Haibel GK. Real time ultrasonic fetal head measurement and gestational age in dairy goats. Theriogenology 1988; 30 (6): 1053-57.
  • 21. Haibel GK. Use of ultrasonography in reproductive management of sheep and goat herds. Vet Clin North Am 1990; 6: 597-613.
  • 22. Hesselink JW, Taverne MAM. Ultrasonography of the uterus of the goat. Vet Q 1994; 16 (1): 41-5.
  • 23. Ishwar AK. Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats. a review. Small Ruminant Res 1995; 17: 37-44.
  • 24. Kaspar B. Ultraschallunterschung bei ziegen: eine zuverlassige methode zur trachtigkeitsfeststellung. Der Ziegenzüchter 1989; 5: 8-12.
  • 25. Koker A, Ince D, Sezik M. The accuracy of transvaginal ultrasonography for early pregnancy diagnosis in Saanen goats: A pilot study. Small Ruminant Res 2012; 105: 277-81.
  • 26. Küplülü Ş, Vural R, Aslan S, Salmanoğlu R, Kılıçoğlu Ç, İzgür H. Saanen ırkı keçilerde erken gebeliğin B-mode real time ultrasonografi ile tanısı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg 1993; 40 (2): 220-30.
  • 27. Lavoir MC, Taverna MAM, eds. The diagnosis of pregnancy and pseudopregnancy and the determination of foetal numbers of goats by means of real time ultrasound scaning. In: Diagnostic ultrasound and animal reproduction. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989; pp. 89.
  • 28. Lindahl IL. Comparison of ultrasonic techniques for the detection of pregnancy in ewes. J Reprod Fertil 1969a; 18: 117-20.
  • 29. Lindahl IL. Pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats using ultrasonic Doppler instrument. J Dairy Sci 1969b; 52: 529-30.
  • 30. Lindahl IL. Pregnancy diagnosis in ewe by intrarectal Doppler. J Anim Sci 1971; 32: 922-5.
  • 31. Medan MS, Abd El-Aty AM. Advances in ultrasonography and its applications in domestic ruminants and other farm animals reproduction. JAR 2010; 1: 123-8.
  • 32. Padilla-Rivas GR, Sohnrey B, Holtz W. Early pregnancy detection by real-time ultrasonography in Boer goats. Small Ruminant Res 2005; 58: 87-92.
  • 33. Panarace M, Garnil C, Cane L, Rodriguez E, Medina M. Echo-Doppler ultrasonographic assessment of resistance and velocity of blood flow in the ductus venosus throughout gestation in fetal lambs. Theriogenology 2008; 70: 648-54.
  • 34. Pierson RA, Kastelic JP, Ginther OJ. Basic principles and techniques for transrectal ultrasonography in cattle and horses. Theriogenology 1988; 29: 3-20.
  • 35. Pieterse MC, Taverne MAM. Hydrometra in goats: Diagnosis with real time ultrasound and treatment with prostaglandins or oxytocin. Theriogenology 1986; 26: 813-21.
  • 36. Reed KL, Chaffin DG, Anderson CF. Umbilical venous doppler velocity pulsations and inferior vena cava pressure elevations in foetal lambs. Obstet Gynecol 1996; 87: 617-20.
  • 37. Reichle JK, Haibel GK. Ultrasonic biparietal diameter of second trimester pygmy goat fetuses. Theriogenology 1991; 35 (4): 689-94.
  • 38. Santiago-Moreno J, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Garcia-Lopez M, Lopez-Sebastian A. Diagnostico precoz de gestaion y determinacion del numero de embriones mediante ecografia transrectal en la cabra. ITEA 1995a; 91A: 37-43.
  • 39. Santiago-Moreno J, Gonzalez-Bulnes A, Garcia-Lopez M, Lopez-Sebastian A. Valoracion de estadios precoces de gestacion en oveja y cabra mediante ecografia transrectal. Invest Agr 1995b; 10: 53-61.
  • 40. Serin G, Gokdal O, Tarimcilar T, Atay O. Umbilical artery doppler sonography in Saanen goat foetuses during singleton and multiple pregnancies. Theriogenology 2010; 74: 1082-87.
  • 41. Singh NS, Awande PG, Mishra OP, Nema RK, Mishra UK, Singh M. Accuracy of ultrasonography in early pregnancy diagnosis in Doe. Asian Aust J Anim Sci 2004; 17 (6): 760-68.
  • 42. Trapp MJ, Slyter AL. Pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe. J Anim Sci 1983; 57: 1-15.
  • 43. Wani GM. Ultrasonic pregnancy diagnosis in sheep and goats. World Rev Anim Prod 1981; 17 (4): 43-8.
  • 44. Watt BR, Anderson GA, Campell IP. A comparison of six methods used for detecting pregnancy in sheep. Aust Vet J 1984; 61: 377-81.
There are 44 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Sinem Özlem Enginler

Kutlay Gürbulak

Publication Date August 1, 2014
Submission Date January 15, 2017
Acceptance Date July 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Enginler, S. Ö., & Gürbulak, K. (2014). Keçilerde Ultrasonografi ile Gebelik Teşhisi. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), 121-126.
AMA Enginler SÖ, Gürbulak K. Keçilerde Ultrasonografi ile Gebelik Teşhisi. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. August 2014;11(2):121-126.
Chicago Enginler, Sinem Özlem, and Kutlay Gürbulak. “Keçilerde Ultrasonografi Ile Gebelik Teşhisi”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 11, no. 2 (August 2014): 121-26.
EndNote Enginler SÖ, Gürbulak K (August 1, 2014) Keçilerde Ultrasonografi ile Gebelik Teşhisi. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 11 2 121–126.
IEEE S. Ö. Enginler and K. Gürbulak, “Keçilerde Ultrasonografi ile Gebelik Teşhisi”, Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 121–126, 2014.
ISNAD Enginler, Sinem Özlem - Gürbulak, Kutlay. “Keçilerde Ultrasonografi Ile Gebelik Teşhisi”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 11/2 (August 2014), 121-126.
JAMA Enginler SÖ, Gürbulak K. Keçilerde Ultrasonografi ile Gebelik Teşhisi. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2014;11:121–126.
MLA Enginler, Sinem Özlem and Kutlay Gürbulak. “Keçilerde Ultrasonografi Ile Gebelik Teşhisi”. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 2, 2014, pp. 121-6.
Vancouver Enginler SÖ, Gürbulak K. Keçilerde Ultrasonografi ile Gebelik Teşhisi. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2014;11(2):121-6.